Complaining and praise about VALVe goes here

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Oct 13, 2003
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I, for one, am tired of the incredible amount of threads complaining about VALVe. Seems that the majority of users on this forum agree with me. So you know what? I'm giving you your own thread to complain as much as you want. Just stop cluttering up this board with the same topic done agian every five minutes.
I'll take the bait.

Valve rules. They're working very very very hard to give us the best fps ever. They must be unbelievably dedicated, and self-sacrificing. Here's to Valve!

Here's my ungrateful complaint: Why oh why do Gabe and Doug have to keep giving out release dates for EVERYTHING? For videos and sdk's and benchmarks and preloads and cs: source and HL2 and RC's and gold status and bug free days...

I mean, they haven't hit a release date for anything.. ever! Stop the insanity, and do what other devs like them do, when they care more about quality, then rushing out the door. "When it's done". amen.
some are ungrateful. others are like me are simply not valve brown nosers
I am ungrateful that its so hard to tell paying customers what the hell is up with my game , release dates for anything remotely relating to the game are also really really difficult, are you supposed to like MEET them or something?

*EDIT* It should be noted I dont really give a sht anymore , that stopped in like May.
CreedoG said:
I'll take the bait.

Valve rules. They're working very very very hard to give us the best fps ever. They must be unbelievably dedicated, and self-sacrificing. Here's to Valve!

Here's my ungrateful complaint: Why oh why do Gabe and Doug have to keep giving out release dates for EVERYTHING? For videos and sdk's and benchmarks and preloads and cs: source and HL2 and RC's and gold status and bug free days...

I mean, they haven't hit a release date for anything.. ever! Stop the insanity, and do what other devs like them do, when they care more about quality, then rushing out the door. "When it's done". amen.
what he said ^
Whoa, wait, who is Valve again...? Oh yeah that is right, a business, and wait, I think I am on to something, wait, yes I can see it now, they are out to make... m... money. Yes! That's it! But wait, while just typing that I realized something, if Valve was just in it to make money, they would have just been like, "Alright, this is good enough, release it," they would have made their bucks and we would have had a "nice" game. But you know what, THEY AREN'T DOING THAT. NO! They are saying to us, THE FANBASE, "Whoa guys, we need to take a little more time, that way we can make sure this game is PERFECT for you!" So yay, Valve rocks, HL2 rocks, and any little whiners about HL2 delayed, Valve lies/sux, or Valve owes us this or that, well, THEY DON'T, but they ARE working their behinds off to make a game to end all games. Peace.
rofl this is great, i have the upmost respect for Valve and their products, i think they are absolutely awesome.

But does anybody remember back in January when they said the SDK was suppose to be out in a couple of weeks? lol eheh
Icarus said:
I, for one, am tired of the incredible amount of threads complaining about VALVe. Seems that the majority of users on this forum agree with me. So you know what? I'm giving you your own thread to complain as much as you want. Just stop cluttering up this board with new topics every five minutes about how much you think Vavle "sucks".

I just have one thing to say to all of you that complain, and I hope you see it every time you click this thread.
You are ungrateful


webster said:
Main Entry: com·plain
Pronunciation: k&m-'plAn
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: Middle English compleynen, from Middle French complaindre, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin complangere, from Latin com- + plangere to lament -- more at PLAINT
1 : to express grief, pain, or discontent
2 : to make a formal accusation or charge
- com·plain·er noun
- com·plain·ing·ly /-'plA-ni[ng]-lE/ adverb

id just like to address icarus' wrongful accusation that anyone who complains is ungrateful.

in defintion 2, i like many have made a formal charge that valve sucks at planning. am i ungrateful? no, pointing out a fact and it is a dissapointing, as im sure its the same with valve. and valve have even made the formal charge to themselves that they are bad at planning and can't hit dates. thus according to the dictionary they have complained about their abilities. and so according to icarus they are ungrateful.

and in the same way you said that statement that we are ungrateful(which is not interepreted as a flame). im saying to you that you are complacent and a valve brown noser(which is also not to be interpreted as a flame). :thumbs:
I won't pretend that I am not going to buy the game (people who say that are the kids who say, after an argument, "I hate you and am neverg going to talk to you again.." only to be acting normally 5 minutes later).

That being said, Valve has lost a lot of respect among the 'hard-core' gamer scene (how important is that...I dunno) who are sick and tired of being led along the soap opera that is HL2's release schedule.
DimitriPopov said:
I am ungrateful that its so hard to tell paying customers what the hell is up with my game,

You haven't paid a dime for HL2 yet; quit bitching like Valve owes you something. And it's not, nor will it EVER be "your game" either, it's Valve's.

Jeremy Dunn
UndeadScottsman said:
You haven't paid a dime for HL2 yet; quit bitching like Valve owes you something. And it's not "you're game" either, it's Valve's.

Jeremy Dunn

hey go make a thread entitled 'bitching about people who aren't valve brown nosers', this is the complaining thread.
TheWart said:
That being said, Valve has lost a lot of respect among the 'hard-core' gamer scene (how important is that...I dunno) who are sick and tired of being led along the soap opera that is HL2's release schedule.

Ummm, I wouldn't exactly say that, considering the founders/mods of this forum are "hardcore" fans of gaming and HL2. And I for one am also, and yet we all seem to stick by Valve, WHICH I SHALL DO TO THE DEATH! ;) Go Gabe! Go Doug! Go Greg! Go Cliffe! Go Eric! Go any other employee of Valve I did not mention! Go HL2!
I'm complaining; and the complaint is related to Valve. (Specificly, the people who bitch at Valve for asnine reasons)

Seems topical to me. :D

Jeremy Dunn
we should be happy that they are still working on HL2 to make it best fps game ever
UndeadScottsman said:
You haven't paid a dime for HL2 yet; quit bitching like Valve owes you something. And it's not, nor will it EVER be "your game" either, it's Valve's.

Jeremy Dunn

hehehe my game hehe good eye...wanna join a clan?
:bounce: :bounce: :thumbs: LMAO
Navy Man said:
rofl this is great, i have the upmost respect for Valve and their products, i think they are absolutely awesome.

But does anybody remember back in January when they said the SDK was suppose to be out in a couple of weeks? lol eheh

Actually, they said the SDK would be released in "the coming weeks." There is a big difference. After that, they said they HOPE to release it before E3. They never said anything concrete. And they don't have to; I don't expect Tupperware to give me a concrete release date is for their latest food containers, nor would I expect that from any other company. Valve is simply a company working on a product, so they can release it anytime they fecking want. We should consider ourselves lucky we are privy to as much information as we are. Gabe started Valve to fulfill his desire to make great games, not to make gamers happy- that's just a perk.
Excellent! I love a good complaint thread!! So much more exciting and interesting that "What's in the collectors edition", "Will you buy HL on steam on in store?" etc type threads.

It all started last year. Half-Life 2 wowed the world at E3 2003. Those were innocent and fun times for all involved. Coupled with our amazement of the game was the knoweldge that it would be released September 30th 2003. As the months rolled on and the Half-Life 2 media increased excitement grew and grew. The release of the game was virtually assured!!! Constantly Doug Lombardi would mention "September 30th" in interview after interview. Clearly judging by the bink videos the game looked basically complete and ready to ship. Only later did we find out all that they had shown us was fully scripted and faked.

The great September 30th deception was far more elaborate than any of us could have imagined.

It's amazing to think a company could miss their deadline by the amount they did. It's amazing they could be so stupendously wrong when it came to September 30th. I ponder how things could have gone so horribly awry every day. Only conspiracy theories can give you reasonable answers. Incentive to sell ATI's cards bundled with vouchers comes to mind.

So after the mass disappointment of that September 30th deception came testicular kick 2. The hacking incident, which was NO FAULT OF VALVE's.. GABEN GABEN GABEN.

So after months of random bs from Valve, anger and annoyance is evidently overflowing on these forums.

Let it bleed for Valve are now reaping all that they have sewn (amoung a very small percentage of fans

"get over it"
"get a life" (from guy with 1000 posts)
"valve owes you nothing"
"you suck"
"you haven't payed for half-life 2"

My opinion is only my opinion. I represent a VERY VERY tiny teeny percentage of people who'll buy Half-Life 2. With that knowledge you can relax.
Valve could postpone HL2 for another year and I wouldn't care as long as they release modding tools. If the code is still being modified then the full sdk can't be released, but we could at least get the new Hammer and tools for creating VMTs. The mapping tools have existed probably for 2 years and now only a couple months from release we still don't get them. I just hope that it's as easy as Valve says to convert Hammer 3.5 maps to the HL2 version.
In light of the responses in this thread, feel free to praise VALVEe as well.
Hoju said:
Valve could postpone HL2 for another year and I wouldn't care as long as they release modding tools. If the code is still being modified then the full sdk can't be released, but we could at least get the new Hammer and tools for creating VMTs. The mapping tools have existed probably for 2 years and now only a couple months from release we still don't get them. I just hope that it's as easy as Valve says to convert Hammer 3.5 maps to the HL2 version.

Yes, I'm dying to get my hands on that new Hammer
Icarus said:
In light of the responses in this thread, feel free to praise VALVEe as well.
That would be off-topic!! This is thread it to complain!!
Ill go out on all HATERS MUhahahhaahha ALl haters are mean mean mean :flame: I love steam there ncie no CS without steam but they have problems all hosts do. :naughty:
Homie said:
Ill go out on all HATERS MUhahahhaahha ALl haters are mean mean mean :flame: I love steam there ncie no CS without steam but they have problems all hosts do. :naughty:

The only thing i understood there was "I love steam"

Amen, I dont get why some people hate it, it's great.

"content delivery system"
Icarus said:
I, for one, am tired of the incredible amount of threads complaining about VALVe. Seems that the majority of users on this forum agree with me. So you know what? I'm giving you your own thread to complain as much as you want. Just stop cluttering up this board with new topics every five minutes about how much you think Vavle "sucks".

I just have one thing to say to all of you that complain about Valve, and I hope you see it every time you click this thread.
You are ungrateful

In light of the responses in this thread, feel free to praise VALVEe as well.

You know, can we put any insult to Valve regardless of severity in here?
If I preordered HL2, does that count as "paying a dime" for it...
The way this thread has turned out is just indicative of the mindless fanboy behavior so prevelant around here. Why must you insist on inserting your Gabe worship here? This was supposed to be a thread about bitching and instead it's a big, sloppy kiss. And Icarus, why create this thread if your just going to allow it to be hijacked by these antitrolls? People need to vent sometimes, even if it's just about a dumb video game, because it's never about just a dumb video game. If Valve is the great company that you say it is then can't they withstand some valid, and sometimes angry, criticism? Right?
Ah ha, but the names been changed now. It should just be called "Regarding Valve"
You guys are just plain ungrateful. Honestly, what the hell gives us the right to complain?
The missed September 30th deadline? The missed April release? The missed Summer release? The several missed SDK releases? The delayed pre-load dates? The ridiculously weak security on Valve's systems and subsequent spoilers? The way ATi customers have been royally screwed?

But elephant! They gave us fun tests and they respond to our emails and they're porting over our favorite 4 year old free games for a nominal charge! They are letting us waste valuable hard disk space for a game that isn't coming out for weeks, even months.

Okay my bullshit, unstructured rant is over. I would like to finish it off by saying I f*cking hate the fanboys that can't see past the fun binks and colorful screenshots to see Valve are messing around with their community. And for f*cks sake don't start with that "they don't owe you anything bullshit because it IS BULLSHIT.

I payed damn good money for my video card with a promise of a game. They owe it to me and that's all there is to it. Valve fanboys, piss off I'm sick of reading your crap.

And don't f*cking bitch about this post either because this is why we have this thread. Piss off.
lol frustration is a fun thing.. i went thru it this morning in multiple threads..

the average pattern:

valve kicks ass cause they make a killer game
valve sucks they don't release it
valve kicks ass cause they make me drool
valve sucks cause i m not drooling with the game in my hands
valve kicks ass cause they may have a secret revolutionary MP
aaahhhhhhh its alll so confusing. i like them. i like them not. i like them i like them not.

'blows brains off'
'picks up the pieces to put back together'
note to self. gotta play half life 2 first..

elephent the issue is YOU WILL GET YOUR GAME. Thats the issue here. not one of you is a developer to understand what goes on. Not one of you can admit your ungrateful to think they owe you the game more than they owe everyone the BEST GAME they can create. I don't care if you call em a fanboy brown noser.

When valve stopped supporting TF and moved onto CS I quit. Walked away from competition 100%. Absolutly disgusted at valve for what they did.
But guess what? That has NOTHING to do with this. Did i come to a forum and flame valve no. Because its THEIR game not MINE. You don't own them, this community does NOT need the likes of fence hoppers jumping from side to side the moment any news comes along. Bad or good.
So I'm not allowed to express my disgust for Valve, just because the game isn't out yet? Your logic is backwards killahsin. And I specifically said don't bitch about my post. This is the one thread where I can be a true asshole without the mods whining at me. I'm sick of Valve, I'm sick of their bullshit. I'm sick of the way they pretend to be a community-oriented developer, then go and shit on the community so f*cking often.
killahsin-[CE] said:
When valve stopped supporting TF and moved onto CS I quit. Walked away from competition 100%. Absolutly disgusted at valve for what they did.
But guess what? That has NOTHING to do with this. Did i come to a forum and flame valve no. Because its THEIR game not MINE. You don't own them, this community does NOT need the likes of fence hoppers jumping from side to side the moment any news comes along. Bad or good.
I read a buglist thread on for TFC and it was phenomonally huge ( If i was a TFC fan i'd be extremely annoyed at that and actively voice my disgust.
They pretend to be a community orientated developer? Pretend?

They spent ALMOST 6 YEARS updating their engine for their community for FREE.

Just to clairify to you killahsin...elephant can bitch as much as elephant wants...this is a thread for bitching...So you can bitch as much as you want...
Yes and you paid what 49.99 to play for 5 years while they SPENT money consistantly? They ahve spent 50 million on HL2, and you think they owe you?

You do realize if not for what valve has done to hl over these past eyars 3/4 the mods out there wouldnt even be able to be made on the engine?

Yes I understand that icarus, but a argument always needs both sides =)
I bet that this thread will hit 5000 replies by the end of the day :LOL:
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