Complaining and praise about VALVe goes here

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Well since this is all I have to say VALVE, YOU SUCK AT DATES! STOP!... STOP IT! ARGGG!

This concludes my complaint. :O
CR0M said:
As for boxing up threads you don't like, isn't that somewhat prejudiced on a public forum?

Unless I'm mistaken, this forum is very much privately owned.

Jeremy Dunn
UndeadScottsman said:
Unless I'm mistaken, this forum is very much privately owned.
That would be correct

CR0M said:
Conversely, how can anyone BE grateful when nothing has been released yet?
I don't really give a rats ass about valve, they're making a good game and they finish it whenever they feel the time is right.
Naft said:
Complaints have been made about how they have been developing for over half a decade, and that they shouldnt have to delay ANOTHER year. Remember this: they havent just made HL2, they have made Source. The Source engine itselft will make them easily more money than HL2 and its mods/expansions, I guarantee it. They will never ever have to make an entire new engine(Until games have reached a virtual reality stage, Source's physics and complete real-world simulation will be able to recreate anything that has even a remote possibility(like anti-matter, dark matter, etc, not like instantaneous teleportation or impossible things) of existing in this world or any other), anything they dont have now could be added. this means that they can base every single other game they make off the Source engine, with little to no added work necessary, and will make money by licensing Source to other developers, and im quite sure an engine like Source could potentially have many non-gaming uses. (They really should get a patent on the concept/technology behind Source, if they havent yet.(although im not sure if that is entirely possible, im not a patent guru)).

I would say the people at VALVe spent about 3 months drinking champagne and smoking stogies, 1 month conceptualizing a new engine, 4 months building it, 1 month realizing that it wasn't gonna cut it, 2-3 months conceptualizing Source, and at least 2 1/2 years creating, recreating, and rerecreating Source, with some HL2 planning, so they could know exactallly what they would need for Source. Then they started actually making HL2. time rolls along until August 2003.

Here it is(just to clarify, this is no longer aimed at one specific person):

Everything is looking good, they are targeting a September end-of-the-month release, they are working out the kinks on their final area, having debugged most of the rest of the game. Then, WHAMMO, they realize that their final area, their magnificent ending, the climax of all FPS gaming, sucks. Maybe they missed something, maybe they changed their minds about something, maybe they just ****ed up somewhere, god only knows. Denial set in, they rushed and hurried, trying to salvage a september release. Gabe, in his heart, knows the date will be pushed, and he is ready to do anything for his masterpiece. Doug, PR that he is, is not the most updated of the development team, and yet goes around telling the press about it. by mid september, when the whole valve team knows they will have to wait, Doug is clueless. When he does find out for sure, his only option is to pull some marketing strategies, whatever they may have been. now the game gets postponed, and due to complications including hacker attacks, leaks, Doug being an embarrasment as a PR, etc, the community is left in the dark. What has VALVe spent the last 7 months doing? NOT being assholes and holding the game, NOT covering up for complete lies from September 2003, NOT creating long, in-depth, drawn out explanations of what really happened, and most of all, NOT remaking the entire game. They have been completing a remake of some vital portion of the game(Most likely the ending) so that the game doesn't suck, so the community doesn't buy a 3/4 finished game, so the community doesnt have an incomplete experience, so every individual member of the community gets what they seem to ferverently believe they deserve, THE BEST DAMN GAME EVER, PART TWO.

If Gabe and the folks at VALVe wanted to make money, they wouldnt have delayed HL2, they wouldnt have poured hundreds of thousands more dollars into its development, they wouldnt have rehashed an entire portion of the game, they wouldn't have given a shit about what the community thought about their ending(which probably would have been more of a "buy the sequel" ending), and most importantly, they would be currently releasing their ending of the B-grade shooter trilogy, half-life, after rushing the original, giving Source the finger, rushing the sequel, turning around and giving Source two fingers, and rushing the ending. So quit whining, quit complaining, quit imagining hoaxes, and SHUT THE **** UP, VALVe doesn't owe you shit, you owe VALVe your souls for the extra year, the extra millions, the extra dedication, the new engine, the revolutionary content delivory system, they second extra year, the extra millions more, the extra dedication that has engulfed their very lives, and your complete heartlessness and utter disregard for the sacrifices they have made for the games, for the genre, for gaming as a whole, for the internet and its future as a whole, and for YOUR SORRY ASSES.

I am done. I'm not saying I'm right, I'm not saying I'm God, I'm not even saying you are wrong. I'M SAYING YOU'RE UNGRATEFUL BITCHES.

Icarus said:
That would be correct

Thanks Mr Dunn, but a forum is public by it's very nature, so unless you just want to be another nazi on a power trip why bother opening it to the public at all?

Icarus said:

You're saying I'm supposed to be grateful to Valve because they released a game we payed for and played years ago. I have nothing against the company, they are designers like me and I respect that, but like I've already said, valve owes us as much as we owe them, 'grateful' doesn't even come into it.

Icarus, either a)your logic is a little ****ed up here or b)you have an ego the size of Nebraska to post a dictatorial thread such as this, deliberately creating a concentrated 'them and us' conflict knowing damn well it's going to stir the shit.
This isn't the first game forum i've seen where some of the moderators are total fanatics, intent on nothing but getting their own opinions across while trampling down others who disagree. Again I wonder about your motivation in creating a PUBLIC forum where free speech is ok as long as it fits in with your opinions.

and oh yeah, I like your avatar
according to icarus, valve is ungrateful since they complained about their own lack of planning abilities.
What are you talking about? He's given us this thread to say what the hell we like, pro Valve or anti Valve. It's kind of ironic that you seem to be the person who has a problem dealing with other peoples opinions.

An judging by the fact that participation in this thread has dropped off rapidly, I think he made the right decision.
90+% of what HL2 has to offer has been done now. Physics, shaders, vehicles, graphics in general. Only major things I see revolutionary in Half Life now is the AI and how it interacts with the physics, modding abilities, and hopefully a good story (but that don't count as revolutionary). This game was ground breaking when it was due to be released a year ago, now... not so much. BUT that doesn't mean it's not going to be a damn good game.
CR0M said:
Icarus, either a)your logic is a little ****ed up here or b)you have an ego the size of Nebraska to post a dictatorial thread such as this, deliberately creating a concentrated 'them and us' conflict knowing damn well it's going to stir the shit.
This isn't the first game forum i've seen where some of the moderators are total fanatics, intent on nothing but getting their own opinions across while trampling down others who disagree. Again I wonder about your motivation in creating a PUBLIC forum where free speech is ok as long as it fits in with your opinions.

The idea behind this thread was to reduce the amount of similar threads, as PvtRyan so eloquently put it: the "Valve raped my mom and killed my dog and now I hate them" threads. :LOL:
CR0M said:
Thanks Mr Dunn, but a forum is public by it's very nature, so unless you just want to be another nazi on a power trip why bother opening it to the public at all?
and oh yeah, I like your avatar

Well, I think you're getting confused on who owns this forum.. Notice there's no "Site Staff" next to my name? :) I think you're getting me mixed up with Icarus.

And I think the real question is; if you don't like how things are done here, why come here at all?

Jeremy Dunn
UndeadScottsman said:
Well, I think you're getting confused on who owns this forum.. Notice there's no "Site Staff" next to my name? :) I think you're getting me mixed up with Icarus.

Not at all, Jeremy - I was talking to Icarus about his reply to your input. Maybe I should have worded it differently.

UndeadScottsman said:
And I think the real question is; if you don't like how things are done here, why come here at all?
Jeremy Dunn

That may be a genuine question, in which case I apologise and answer below, but I suspect there's a jab in there and that's exactly the type of attitude I'm talking about. Basically anyone who isn't a fanboy is wrong, persecuted for it, and alienated. Ungrateful? what the fcuk are you lot on?
This forum isn't what it used to be and isn't a place I want to waste my time anymore. I'm sure HL2 will be a great game, but I won't be involved in yet another forum witch hunt as these things tend to become when frustration sets in, especially one fuelled by forum staff.

c ya
CROM said:
This forum isn't what it used to be and isn't a place I want to waste my time anymore. I'm sure HL2 will be a great game, but I won't be involved in yet another forum witch hunt as these things tend to become when frustration sets in, especially one fuelled by forum staff.

c ya

Indeed, this forum has changed quite a bit in a very short amount of time...but I'm willing to bet that when HL2 comes out, everything will be all "fun 'n' games" again--until someone says or does something stupid, then the lot of you jump on his back for "such stupidity." (If you don't get that, don't bother trying :)).

You can't stop a tidal wave, and if that wave happens to bring an influx of forum revolutionists then so be it, we'll learn to deal with 'em; I'd like to think, at least...
Icarus said:

A post that majors on passing off personal conjecture as fact, ending in an all-caps flame and one of the moderators endorses it with the highest praise he or she can muster?

Is this the hallucinatory sideresult of the cold I'm currently sitting out or has this forum just entered the twilight zone?
If anyone else made a thread like this that organizes all the similar topics into one thread they'd be banned.
Wow. Need I say anything? Thank you CROM, you've said it all. This forum has changed. Maybe it's time to leave....
It's amazing the fact that you will complain about me giving you a medium to discuss this in without worry over threads being closed becasue of similarities, and letting each person have equal right to tell us about their displeasure with Valve. And I voice my own opinion in the thread and you assume that I am somehow censoring your ability to voice your complaints? If anything a thread this large will get more views than any of the smaller threads on their own.

Another thing is that if you notice, this is a HL2 Discussion forum, not a Valve discussion forum, although you may be unhappy with Valve over not releasing HL2 per your idea of when it should be, it does not, in fact, have anything to do with HL2 the game...But yet this thread is still here, and you are free to put what you want in here, I don't see how this is censorship....

And one other thing, this thread that was created for you to complain about Valve in, doesn't seem like you can ever keep on topic without starting to get on me for the creation of it...
I think this thread demonstrates the remarkable ability human beings have to complain about absolutely anything. Humans - 1, Utopia - 0. ;)
I looked at a screenshot today, and I noticed that the pixel at 689,234 was the wrong colour! It was supposed to be 255, 67, 98 but it was 255, 67, 99!!! Clearly, it is a bug that will prevent HL2 from being released. Valve is teh gay.
The forum hasn't changed. The people using it have. Don't like it anymore? Leave.
Pi Mu Rho said:
The forum hasn't changed. The people using it have. Don't like it anymore? Leave.

Sad, but true. All forums tend to go this way when they get into the "hundreds of users" stage. It's just human nature. People can, and do, hide behind the anonymity of the internet.

I guess I'm kind of the opposite of a lot of people here. I've never really been flamed, but if I was.... who cares? Why the hell would I care what some nameless, faceless entity I will likely never meet, thinks of me?

On topic... I respect VALVe for making a game that has amused me for so long. (and still does) I think they are in serious need of some pointers on making projected completion dates, :thumbs: but other than that I think it's all good. They're doing their job... making a game. You're all doing your job.... going insane waiting for it. What's all the commotion about? :E
Icarus said:
It's amazing the fact that you will complain about me giving you a medium to discuss this in without worry over threads being closed becasue of similarities, and letting each person have equal right to tell us about their displeasure with Valve. And I voice my own opinion in the thread and you assume that I am somehow censoring your ability to voice your complaints? If anything a thread this large will get more views than any of the smaller threads on their own.

Another thing is that if you notice, this is a HL2 Discussion forum, not a Valve discussion forum, although you may be unhappy with Valve over not releasing HL2 per your idea of when it should be, it does not, in fact, have anything to do with HL2 the game...But yet this thread is still here, and you are free to put what you want in here, I don't see how this is censorship....

And one other thing, this thread that was created for you to complain about Valve in, doesn't seem like you can ever keep on topic without starting to get on me for the creation of it...

you as a moderator inserted your insults to those who complain and automatically passed ALL of them off as ungrateful people(bitches) as if it was a negative thing, in the generation of this 'official' complaining/praise thread.

this thread was tainted to begin with by that comment. how can you expect people to not come back at you when you laced the first post with a negative stereotype?

if you are going to make an 'official' anything thread that has 2 opposing sides, as a moderator, don't put bias in the generation of it, or it will lose its purpose and you will lose the title of a fair moderator.
or just quit whining and get a grip, no one cares about people's little tirades, they provide any with enough maturity to rise above it some fleeting amusement and that is about it. I say close this thread it's pointless and doesn't help anyone.
There, I removed bias from the initial post.
Revert to bitching about Valve
Well this more seems like a personal argument between two parties now and nothing in particular to do with the original topic.

I'll leave it open for a bit longer to see if it can be steered the right way, if not then I suggest that poseyjmac and Icarus should take it up with each other in PMs, e-mails or IRC query.
Or, in a big spiked arena with an array of melee weapons.
Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots?

Duelling with used dental floss?

Beehive dodgeball?

Okay.... I'm done.
So's this thread!

Gone incredibly off topic and any debates seem to be suitable for a more personal discussion now.

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