Complete Study

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I'm sure you could. You spend your days in and out on this website wondering were your life went. In 8th grade you asked a fat chick out and she responded "ew no". You have a steady job, at the dollar store. Sound familiar? I know all about your type.
What the ****?

Forgive me if I dont understand how you could make that whole assumption based on one post of mine. Is this still part of your test? Are you flinging baseless insults around just to get a rise out of me?

All I said was that I think you are wrong, and that I think i could prove it. And the first thing you say back to me is that im a loser with a shit job and who cant get a date? Whos the ****ing asshat here? And get better insults please. The "Get a girlfriend!" insult is way overused on the internet. Didnt your research reveal that?
What the ****?

Forgive me if I dont understand how you could make that whole assumption based on one post of mine. Is this still part of your test? Are you flinging baseless insults around just to get a rise out of me?

All I said was that I think you are wrong, and that I think i could prove it. And the first thing you say back to me is that im a loser with a shit job and who cant get a date? Whos the ****ing asshat here? And get better insults please. The "Get a girlfriend!" insult is way overused on the internet. Didnt your research reveal that?

Hide behind your Monitor and fling insults at me. The internet is a shield, an Iron Curtain, that protects you from, dare I say, "social encounters". You yell at whoever you please due to the pure protection of the internet. Now, enough, do not follow up, rise above, this is your chance at redemption.
It's not the fact that they are mods, it's the fact that they are people who feed of negativity as a source of pleasure. These people would like nothing more than to become cops so they could push people around even more. Because they are social rejects and losers, they enjoy being mean and annoying people in every way they can.
EDIT: Were you saying I'm nice or an asshat?

Your email wasn't clear.
Dude, relax..

It's the ****ing INTERNET.

EDIT: For that matter, they're not like they are in normal, real, life.
The internet is a place to be funny at the cost of being nice.

How is it that you, of all people, say that we're the ones being Asshats? You were the one doing some sort of experiment, which I, by the way, have no recollection of doing, in my entire life. I need concrete proof that I was in it, because I didn't see my name in either of the two threads you posted. Now, I may have not read the thread enough, but I didn't really figure anyone was being too asshatish, and that resident evil one, you were the one being an annoying little brat. Now gtfo, and don't bother coming back, if you're expecting a good welcome party.
Hide behind your Monitor and fling insults at me. The internet is a shield, an Iron Curtain, that protects you from, dare I say, "social encounters". You yell at whoever you please due to the pure protection of the internet.

I'm sure you could. You spend your days in and out on this website wondering were your life went. In 8th grade you asked a fat chick out and she responded "ew no". You have a steady job, at the dollar store. Sound familiar? I know all about your type.

A hypocrite? Oh Shi!

Sorry if I dont happily accept being insulted :|

I love it how you know me so well already. Thats a pretty amazing talent, to be able to learn everything about someone's life when your only interaction with them has been 2 posts on a internet forum. Please tell me more about myself!

EDIT: Haha. Nice ninja edit. Now I look like a jerk (asshat?) for responding huh?
Actually, my edit was before this post, it was to give you a chance at non impending doom.
When was the experiment?

EDIT: By the way, try doing this experiment in the OUTSIDE world, and you'll get a much, much different reaction. We here on the internets don't take much seriously.
It was a while back, and if you care to read the post, I was giving you praise and saying that you, and others, are a good person.

EDIT: did you even read the goddamn post!?! It clearly says that it was intended to be conducted on the internet, and it clearly is a praise to you.
Well I didn't read the post.


(Too long, didn't read)

But I DID read bits of it, and can you give me a specific link to where I played in the test?
But after I quoted it. Is that what you did to ennui in that other thread?
I shan't.

Im sick of working on my project, and need a break. This rather amuses me.

And btw, telling someone not to reply != you winning argument
This isn't an argument. This is mindless self indulgence, just as the band name implies. Stop your rambling. If I was face to face with you it would be an argument.
Well if you would step up to some of the accusations we could have an argument. Instead of changing the subject every time I point something out that threatens your credibility, you could try and defend it. Then things will get fun.

Pretty please?
You are amusing. Go to the nearest bar and pick a fight with the biggest guy there. You will get much more pleasure there. Stop fighting on the internet. You are annoying and invalid. I am done reading your posts.
Ok, Ive just completed my study. It appears you are an insecure person, someone who has little human interaction. You make posts on the internet with the intention of making people angry at you, and when they do, you just fall back from the discussion, hiding behind insults, attention diverting, and other such low handed tactics. Yet, amazingly, despite having been thoroughly proven wrong in multiple areas, and having been unable to provide any coherent or substantiated rebuttal, you still feel accomplished and proud of yourself. It appears that your life is so unfulfillilng that your mood is elevated by any sort of response to your actions. Even if that response happens to point out multiple insecurities and flaws in your online persona. What a sad life it must be to enjoy such things.

Oh and btw, show that your a bigger man than I am, and dont reply to this. Even if you do, I am done reading your posts.

(see what I did there?)
I'm tempted to believe that this is a continuation of the experiment. But this seems too honest for that.

Ken, I'm sorry, but you're absolutely retarded. It's almost as if you've been cryogenically frozen for a decade - believing everyone on the internet is a social reject (except for you, conveniently), throwing the "get a life/girlfriend" insults like there's no tomorrow - and it's pretty infuriating, albeit humorous.

The only reason I was nice to you is because I'm a wholly non-confrontational person. But you know what? I'm a little tired of that. So to counter your general douchebaggery, I'll tell you something: Knowing you has made my Internet experience noticeably worse. Your opinions, your mannerisms, your jokes, your attitude, your holier-than-thou mindset - you're like half of a forty-page forum flame war all rolled into one person.

Furthermore, you joined the forum to, for all intents and purposes, be a digital Santa Claus. Figuring out who is "good" and who is "bad", all set to some arbitrary and, given your explanations so far, pretty heavily flawed standard. The bulk of this research apparently comes from attempting to get a rise out of people. I can't help but wonder what's going on inside your head. Do you think that anyone who gets irritated by someone is an asshat? Do you really believe that you're the only one here who has a life?

I would have been fine if you had sent that PM, posted the thread, and just moved on, leaving us to our own devices. But you had to go ahead and prove that Rude Ken is not an imaginary, irritating figure created to test human interaction. Rude Ken is you. And Rude Ken is not a very nice person.
I inherently distrust anyone who would come into a community under a false identity and then proceed to judge the people there =/
Urgh, this is the second one of these lists that I've shown up on as "good". And this one is even based on the quality of one's hat.

Seriously, people, LOOK AT THE NAME.

... I am the one truly laughing, because I am not a 30 year old who has no education and lives off welfare.
I dropped out of high school and am living on the benefit, does that make me bad yet? Pretty please?
He[Ken] is continually successful at pissing you off with the same insult. Pretty terse stuff.
Right-o, I can smell some serious bullshit here, so the Llama-mallet is coming out.

They can do what they must, Stigmata, but I am the one truly laughing, because I am not a 30 year old who has no education and lives off welfare. Thank you though, for being a good person, it will come in handy in the future.

Hm, nice presumption. It's an utter shame none of those 'true asshats' are unemployed, or thirty. I would have thought that for a doctorate level degree in law that kind of generalization wouldn't be called expectable. Mainly due to all this, ya'know, 'rising above' crap you've given the people here.

It's not the fact that they are mods, it's the fact that they are people who feed of negativity as a source of pleasure. These people would like nothing more than to become cops so they could push people around even more. Because they are social rejects and losers, they enjoy being mean and annoying people in every way they can.

Wow, again with the baseless comments. This sort of stuff wouldn't hold up in court, (Which I would know, having performed and mock mock trial competitions despite being only 15) so why are you even saying it? How would you know these people are social rejects? I've talked to several of them, and I can tell you they aren't who I'd call losers. Hell, ComradeBadger is probably the most famously 'sociable' person here (:p). So, do you want to back up these statements, or are you going to devalue your thesis by including them?

I'm surprised, I was expecting some half-witted remark from the asshats. Just wait, it will be here soon. Unless they prefer to hide behind moderation.

This remark really fills me with pride. I can't tell whether it's because I'm telling you you're a disgrace to the modern educational system, or because I'm doing with without making the 'asshat' list, which then again invalidates your claim, doesn't it?
I'd have thought you'd know better, since you are so clearly superior.

Raped is hardly the word. I am going to be trash talked by a bunch of hypocritical people who still live with there mother and have no job. I can thank these people for my Doctorate.

I will give you ?5000 if you can point out the oh-so-evident hypocrisy. Oh, just to make something clear, I have no job. The reason being, I'm 15 (As I've already said). I'm also a prefect with an all A/A* record in my GCSE's before hand. Keep this in mind before replying to me, I'd rather not be called an idiot.
I find it highly amusing you speak so highly due to your Doctorate. It's not that impressive, we have several people with similar qualifications teaching at my school (Have, we have a Doctor of Laws teaching us)
Most people on this forum who are old enough either are studying at University, or will be shortly. Get off that high horse of yours.

I'm sure you could. You spend your days in and out on this website wondering were your life went. In 8th grade you asked a fat chick out and she responded "ew no". You have a steady job, at the dollar store. Sound familiar? I know all about your type.

I love baseless generalizations. They make me feel better about myself.

Hide behind your Monitor and fling insults at me. The internet is a shield, an Iron Curtain, that protects you from, dare I say, "social encounters". You yell at whoever you please due to the pure protection of the internet. Now, enough, do not follow up, rise above, this is your chance at redemption.

Yeah, total protection unless (god forbid) you talk to someone to can actually use a computer well enough to find out where you live. I've seen it happen before, It's not that hard. Why would we rise above you? I'm already so far above you my head is sticking out the clouds. Stooping back down to respond to you is of no problem to me.

You are amusing. Go to the nearest bar and pick a fight with the biggest guy there. You will get much more pleasure there. Stop fighting on the internet. You are annoying and invalid. I am done reading your posts.

Heh, so you're backing out because you've been thoroughly trounced by someone you previously denounced as a loser? You are truly pathetic.
Meh. The guy is an idiot, and just trolling. Llama and Stigmata have basically covered the details, so there's no need to re-hash, but it was pretty obvious right from the start. There IS NO "study" this guy is doing - at least for his sake I hope not, as it would be a monumental failure. Going to a forum and starting an argument by trolling is NOT a "study".

So that just leaves the fact that he is full of crap and trolling.

It's not even worth refuting his comments (as Krynn tried to) because he only said things that he thought might get a response, and getting into an argument is just what he wants. Also, his comments are baseless and in most cases ridiculous, so you just look like an idiot for believing them / taking them seriously and arguing about them with him.
Oh my, I forgot to close the thread.

But anyway, good luck on that thesis paper of yours. :)
/me puts on his Ass Hat

I'm going to go ahead and say that anyone who actually believed him about the thesis paper thing needs to probably look at the ceiling. Because 'gullible' is written there, right next to 'there's no way a person getting their law degree would write a paper on this, and if they were, they certainly wouldn't be this unprofessional about it'.

He types something like KngHenry; he's certainly of his ilk, particularly in the sense that he's a bonafide troll. Which, by the way, is a certain portion of the internet population that I will continue to be a jackass to and ban. Some of you like me and some of you don't... but there's no reason anyone should listen to this kid, merely on his own lack of merit.
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