completed new models

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who says i had no idea about using half life skeletons? personally i only model for half life 1 and i dont know what hl2 models look like. and with the similarity in the face and body those models look like exact copies of source models with a few adjustments, i was pointing out the fact that you had to have decompiled a hl model in order to get that, making it seem very very suspicious. i mean cmon, a model that looks like a source model and fully rigged with the valve biped rig looks a bit suspicious to me.

and just in case you havent noticed i am not a noob at modeling, however i do admit that i have never seen a wire of a hl2 model so i probably shouldve looked at one before making that post. i didnt mean to be hostile but you pissed me off (its funny how in the gaming world calling someone a noob is such an insult >.<)
just lie down and stay down already, wow man. do I need to direct you to your own post where you dont even know what files you got?
o i know what you mean, that was my lack of knowledge in xsi combined with the fact that i had not found an smd importer for 3ds

edit- as in i had no idea if i was hiding the mesh or if that was bones or something
knightmare said:
o i know what you mean, that was my lack of knowledge in xsi combined with the fact that i had not found an smd importer for 3ds

edit- as in i had no idea if i was hiding the mesh or if that was bones or something
heh, well im sorry for not knowing how to use xsi because i had never used it before.
knightmare said:
ok so i downloaded xsi mod tool and installed valve source plugin. then i decompiled an mdl file into a bunch of smds. but when i go into xsi and load the smds all i get is a bunch of green crosshairs. how do i actually edit the model and texture?

edit- ok so i got this working in 3dsmax (i know how to use 3ds) but i can still only load animation files. are there any smd files that contain the mesh for the file?

aha i have found the file. it was a custom made model which was why it was so confusing, there was no _refrence after the model name. now i just need to bring it into zbrush change the texture and give him a hat .

this from someone who is a "pro" at hl modeling. I'm telling you, lay down and stay down
i never clainmed to be a pro, i just said i made a few models before. i have never had experience with putting them together with a game. i have only created and rigged models

also that was a custom model made by someone else and it was not clear which one was the mesh smd. i was wondering if there was a way to tell the model apart from the animation files
knightmare said:
who says i had no idea about using half life skeletons? personally i only model for half life 1 and i dont know what hl2 models look like. and with the similarity in the face and body those models look like exact copies of source models with a few adjustments, i was pointing out the fact that you had to have decompiled a hl model in order to get that, making it seem very very suspicious. i mean cmon, a model that looks like a source model and fully rigged with the valve biped rig looks a bit suspicious to me.

and just in case you havent noticed i am not a noob at modeling, however i do admit that i have never seen a wire of a hl2 model so i probably shouldve looked at one before making that post. i didnt mean to be hostile but you pissed me off (its funny how in the gaming world calling someone a noob is such an insult >.<)
this is so much fun, you just dont get it, do you?:bounce:
where did i say i was a pro modeler? i said i wasnt a noob as in i know the basics of it. but i do not know how everything works, nor have i ever edited an already existing model. i just managed to decompile an existing custom model (non valve). ok i admit i did post some bullshit, but have made models, i didnt mean i made an animation set and compiled it, i just meant that i made models.
crackhead, I think I love you

oh dear am i giving off some kind of homosexual vibe tonight? retrocide just told me he loved me too!

knightmare you keep saying about your lack of knowledge about xsi. the screenshot was from max.

and about you only knowing abou hl1 the skeletons are the same so that bs.
crackhead said:
knightmare you keep saying about your lack of knowledge about xsi. the screenshot was from max.

i know, but he was quoting my post asking for help on xsi, after i managed to find the model importer for 3dsmax i found which one was the actual model and that was that.
knightmare said:
where did i say i was a pro modeler? i said i wasnt a noob as in i know the basics of it. but i do not know how everything works, nor have i ever edited an already existing model. i just managed to decompile an existing custom model (non valve). ok i admit i did post some bullshit, but have made models, i didnt mean i made an animation set and compiled it, i just meant that i made models.
I can just quote you and not add anything:imu: except maybe these:dork:

anyone want to take over for a while? I'm dying for a ciggy
ok whatever, i dont feel like arguing over this right now. you have support and will never agree to what im saying. if you feel like coming back and saying something like "haha i proved you wrong, u lose noob!" i really wont care because this is america, so your opinion doesnt matter
knightmare said:
ok whatever, i dont feel like arguing over this right now. you have support and will never agree to what im saying. if you feel like coming back and saying something like "haha i proved you wrong, u lose noob!" i really wont care because this is america, so your opinion doesnt matter

no, that is America, this is a pickled fish and peanut butter sandwich with a warm tuna milkshake:eek: :imu: :dork: damn, wheres that bouncy one

you going now knightmare? nevermind, just remember "dont go away angry, just go away"

atha atha athats all folks
anyways the models look good untextured lol your texturing abilities are horrid but with some sweat and tears you'll get to the point where your awesome at it.
Angry Lawyer said:
...I fail to see a problem with reusing components provided in HL2 to make models for HL2 mods.

Texturing needs a little work, but I like what you've done. And it's good to see people actually posting something other than a super-high poly AK47 over and over.

-Angry Lawyer
The problem with it is that he rips a whole bunch of models and says he made them. Then, he does it 3 more times and shows everyone his works of art! Other than that, I really don't give two shits.

FYI, you should be bitch slapped a couple of times. :| How do you sleep at night?
WaterMelon34 said:
The problem with it is that he rips a whole bunch of models and says he made them. Then, he does it 3 more times and shows everyone his works of art! Other than that, I really don't give two shits.

FYI, you should be bitch slapped a couple of times. :| How do you sleep at night?

here we go again. "The problem with it is that he rips a whole bunch of models and says he made them" list them please.

"FYI, you should be bitch slapped a couple of times." prepare for a slapping, bitch.

"How do you sleep at night?" very well, thanks for asking.
naaier i think it would be in your best interest to stop posting in this thread and cool down all your doing is provoking a flame war . just take any constructive criticism you got from here and proceed to further developing your work . then post another thread. this is really getting out of hand ever second post is a quote followed by some kind of insult.
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