Completely Useless Body Abnormality!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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Ok, so I was just laying on the couch minding my own buisness when my nose started bleeding violently (no I was NOT picking it.). So I got kleenex and sat with the kleenex on my nose for about 10 minutes. My eye was watery and blurry, but I figured maybe I poked myself when I got off the couch really quick and ran to the kleenex box. I rub it away, and it comes back. Wtf. So I look in the mirror and there is blood on my bottom eyelashes. So I thought maybe I got up so fast I got blood in my eye.

I wipe it all away, then my eyes start "watering", turns out I'm holding my nose, which is blocking the blood, and the blood needs somewhere to go, out my eye! Crazy! I was crying blood! It was actually pretty cool, then then I thought of something.

If blood from my nose can go out my eye, doesn't that mean any liquid can? I remember seeing on Guiness World Records the TV show that a guy got a record for shooting milk out his eye like this, and I remebered how he did it, so I got a relativly warm glass of water, sucked it into my nose (not all of it), closed both nostrils with my fingers (pinched my nose), closed my right eye (my left eye was the one bleeding), pulled down the skin below my eye, forced air out of my nose (which is blocked), and out came the shooting water! Out of my eye! I've always been able to use this technique to blow AIR out of my eye, but I never even thought about water! It's pretty neet, and completely useless.

Just thought I'd tell you this story.

dam I cant,but it feels like air come out of my ears
so what's the point ;)

that's just normal, the connection between your eye and your nose. if you cry, you get a snivel(?).
Did you also know that there's nothing between your eye and your brain? That's how labotomies are performed - by poking a needle underneath your eyelid, between your eye and socket. It goes straight to your brain, with nothing to guard it.
Does anyone have that story about the guy who shaved his ass to show akira?
so you can do the same with snot? or brain substance? nice shave your ass and in 2 weeks your gonna have a beard on your backside LMAO!
Did you also know that there's nothing between your eye and your brain? That's how labotomies are performed - by poking a needle underneath your eyelid, between your eye and socket. It goes straight to your brain, with nothing to guard it.

Thats why I'm doing it with water, and not milk like the guy on Guiness World Records.
I have a trick where I can move my hair without touching it. You may think I do something like blow at it, move it woth another object, or something tricky like that. Sorry to dissapoint you all, but it's actually so much simpler than that. You have to keep in mind that my hair is currently this short (pic below) & I can still do the trick.

It's not a mind game with an answer like "someone else moves my hair." Anyone have any guesses?

I can clench the muscles at the back of my head and my scalp moves. I can do the same thing with my ears, too. Is that what you do?
what do you mean move your individually? or do you just raise your eye brows which makes the skin around your head move making it seem like your hair is moving or the same thing except moving your ears...

lol im confuzzzed.
I can clench the muscles at the back of my head and my scalp moves. I can do the same thing with my ears, too. Is that what you do?

lol, when my hair is short I can move back about 2 inches... It's wierd.
I can clench the muscles at the back of my head and my scalp moves. I can do the same thing with my ears, too. Is that what you do?

I can do that too. It makes people cackle with laughter. So I don't do it.
Haha! Nice shit. Im always interested in talents/abilities like this.
I have a shortened muscle in my left pinky finger. I can't extend it when the rest are folded, stymieing my attempts at doing the rock horns with both hands.

-Angry Lawyer
I've had a cough for the last month, its just getting worse :(
I can shoot lasers from my earlobes.
/me lobe-otomises Solaris