
Good idea logic... btw, cool about the theremin. my friend made one too. those things are fun. sorta the old sci-fi movie sounds. lol try running one thru an fx processor with rotary. fun stuff.


-got a small casio single octave keyboard (worth $5) and plunked around on that when i was 5
-Forced to sing in elementary school chior (bad idea, i feel sorry for the audience)
-Played french horn for 4 1/2 years, quit, forgot how to play, and is currently rusted. :(
-when I was 12, I got my first music program. Acid Pro bundled with Sound Forge.
-Found Acid not as cool as sound forge. Sound editing and creation became life.
-Got position in a gaming company as lead soundfx designer, later to become a multimedia lead and back down to sound lead. :p
-Got internship with a very good professional musician and audio engineer. thats where my "professional" training comes in
-Started my own label. See below: Gremlin Audio. Have been recording local bands ever since.
-Currently 19, looking into sound schools such as Full Sail and Vancouver Film School.

Ok, that being said...

I already listed my equipment in another thread. I don't feel like listing it again. I did build my own pc btw and am also pc repair guy.

Currently working on:
-Expanding my studio
-Getting a website up
-looking for a few more hands to help when i record
-finding a small steady part-time job on the side

-Tubes rock. In the musical world, I go with the belief of old schoolers. Solid state is too cold. Tubes are what to use for good, warm, big sound.
-A boom in hand is worth two in the bush
-Insults suck
-chocolate and coffee are awesome in the morning
Heh. too bad the only thing that i own with a tube is my TUBEMP mic pre. Gotta love those 12AX7's. yummm. Oooh...i have a joke for ya..

Joke: Why shouldn't you replace two 12AX7's at the same time?

Corny answer: They might go out together!

lol. ok i'm not funny
Originally posted by jonnyjay
I dont undertand. You sit there and say how i dont compose music cause its drum and bass. You expect that not to offend me when its clear you have no proffesional musical backround. Then everyone jumps on my back when i react. Im not trting to impress anyone on here, thats why in my original reply i just stated that i make drum and bass music. Thats all i said. I didnt say anything about my professional involvment in music until someone said something "stupid". I may not write music in score format but that doesnt mean i dont compose my own music.

I can see why your upset....thats fine. He insulted your music.

But you start talking about being a professional and make comments like....

"Ive worked with warner brothers, Universal, Telstar. I class myself as a musician. I think you spend too much time on the net. I use logic. Let me see your releases in the real world. Not or a website. Or are you just a "bedroom" "composer". Stop chatting crap."

and you insult most of the people here. ......How can we not see that as bragging?

I could care less if you are a "professional" musician...that doesnt make you any better than Logic, Agent4054 or anyone else here.
I totally understand what your saying crabcakes66. I was not trying to brag at al. I did not mention what i did in my original post. I only mentioned that other stuff to illuststrate the if i dealing with professional companies then i must be composing professional music. I also did not mean to say anything bad about bedroom producers. I started of in a bedroom and have made most of my music in my bedroom. I was just trying to say that obviously Agent has no concept of music which is why he would say the comment he did. I also NEVER said i was better than them. I never said that at all. I have never heard thier stuff so i cant say. Im just saying that what i do is make music for a living and no little boy on a half-life 2 forum can tell me otherwise.
Well, music is music, I don't think being a 'bedroom' composer or being a 'professional' composer really matters, when I think about it.

It's not a matter of your status, it's how good your music is. :p
You had better stop insulting me, jonny jay. Do you see me calling you stupid, or a piece of crap?! NO! Shut the hell up!

PS: I didn't say you don't make music. I said i didn't think that qualifies as composing. Seems to me like you didn't understand or even READ my other posts!
Chill out agent, he'll just try and get to you if not, that's what most people are like. Just drop it, it's not really something of great importance.
hey jonnyjay, try and see what the guy says.. oh you didnt quite understand it? ok let me tell you.

he doesnt approve the use of samples... yay, you understood :)
If you want to end this really fast, you could apologize. I don't stand for direct insulting whatsoever. And I feel that in all of your posts in this thread, except the first, qualifies. Just because i'm not a musician doesn't mean i don't know anything. You know, this is getting extremely redundant. I get the feeling like you haven't read one thing i've said here.

Ok, I apologize if i insulted your music or the way you made music in any way. I did not intend to. That was not the point. I was just stating my opinion. Bash my opinion. Not me.
Ok. I appologize too. Your right, i should directly insult anyone and i appologize for that but i still disagree with what your saying. Drum and bass is not just using samples, although alot have them. But using samples dow not mean that your not composing music. Hip-Hop is one of the biggest forms of music out there and they use samples just as much. The fact the you see people who make drum and bass as people who just sample loops and mix them together is what offends. You do not have to be a trained classical musician, who reads from score sheets and makes tunes using the score editor to be composing music. Give someone a few metal cans and they could compose music from just that.
*shrugs* I use samples a lot, but I don't claffiy myself as a MC. I classify myself as something else, ME! :D
I would have to agree with your last statement. I guess the only thing that i don't like about the samples is that it puts me out of business. Ok, joking. But truly, I realize i shouldn't bash the samples as much as i have. After all, i did start that way. I feel like i've had this exact conversation when my musically inclined friends told me why not to use samples when creating music. Hmm. I was too angry to make any rational statements.

Ok, you are now free to bash me. i feel moronic.

"Arguing on the internet is just like winning the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still a retard." --Don't know who said it. Buts very true. Prolly the worst way to hold a conversation is thru the internet (text).
I use fruityloops, but I never make loops with it. It has to be the easiest program to arrange notes via a piano roll i've ever seen.

Its learning curve is low, and when you spend a decent amount to get some good plugins you can start making some good music.

Any program can make any song...its just gotta go from your head to the other person's ears...nearly any program can do it, it just takes time and talent.
Fruityloops 4? Kickass program. Piano roll and peak controller are my two most favorite features. Oh, if you use soundfonts with fruityloops, it can sound as good as reason. BTW, Anybody know any good sites that have soundfonts you can download?
Pity I didn't see this thread earlier.

I'm Tokartta, 16, and I'm a die hard (As in, I've been using it for a few years now and am more than advanced) user of FL Studio (Its not called Fruityloops anymore :p) and it combined with a formidible collection of VST Instruments and Effects, aids me in making Trance music. Don't all moan at once. I know that its a cliché; FLS + Trance, but after using this combination for about two years results in my ability to make trance that doesn't sound characteristicly FLSish - Unlike the 'Trance' that other FLS users emit, complete with awful 3xOSC patches, sinful mastering, and the extensively horrid default samples (C_Kick.wav, or DNC_Kick.wav as its now known, should be violently trampled upon by a horde of disgruntled Krygyzstani children). Although I have used Cubase (VST 5.1, and SX), Logic Platinum (Win 5.51), and Reason 2.5 (Very extensively), I have consistently reverted back to FLS due to its ease of use, my familiarity with it, and its reasonable stability.

My gear list isn't particularly impressive on first glance, but I can get a hell of a lot out of what I have.

Background: When I was 9 I was given Dance eJay 1 to play about with. I then progressed through the eJay series until I came across Acid Pro 2. Then I used that for a while, before discovering Fruityloops 3.0 which I got to know quite quickly. Other than a minor excursion to Reason 2 for a while, I've stuck with it (I upgraded to the Producer Edition shortly after release) and have developed my skills to an advanced level.

Gear: PC is a PIII 933mhz (Its not much, I know, but survives well when pushed to the limit. I've run a surprisingly large number of plugins simultaniously without a hitch), 512MB SDRAM (Due to old mobo), SB Audigy1 Platinum Ex ,etc. I've got a Evolution MK-249C on keys and knobs duty, and my brother's Korg Triton comes into use sometimes as a sound source. I work almost entirely in the software domain when it comes to synths, and my VSTPlugins directory includes all sorts of stuff. I'm on the road to getting an Access Virus KC some time next year, with some luck.

Tubes do, indeed, rock.
EQ is your *friend*. So many people I know fail to realise that for some odd reason.
Go easy on the reverb.

Future: I'm hoping to go to Northbrook College in Worthing to do a Music Tech course of some sort in a few years time, but thats quite far into the future at the moment. I'm currently directing 110% of my focus to my AS Levels.

Anyway, once I've finished my latest production I'll post it up here for you to criticise. Perhaps we'll be working together in future.

EDIT - On the subject of soundfont sites, the two *really* good ones are and, but they both seem to be experiencing problems at time of writing.
Thnx. I knew about hammersound but the other is new to me. Hey, I'll send you a song of mine using FS4 (in zipped fl format) if you want to hear it. about the only good thing in music i've ever done. It's melodic trance, but its still alright. 13 minutes long. hehehe
Tokartta, I was with you up to 'see this thread earlier.' ;D
Recomendation to all music makers. Get a UAD-1 Powered plugins card.
Its bad ass and pisses on Pro-tools plugins.
this is almost off topic of this forum, but I just finished "x" and I thought id post it here :cheers:
Tokartta: hehe, you know, I could have copy/paste your post to tell about me :)
It is exaclty the same way I got into music making with Fruityloops, now called FL Studio 4.
I really don't consider me as a great artist, I can even say I'm making BAD music :)
Plus it's electro-ambient experimental IDM, so not many people will like my music....

About FL Studio: it can look crappy for a Reason or Cubase user, because of its organisation, but when you get used to it, you can do anything you want. The VST and DXi plugins adds really great free generators, and commercials plugs are awesome ! Its price also make the difference with the others programs.
It's always the same discussion between "classic" composers and "computerized" composers.

Both are valid and both can do very bad,but also very good.

My music-Background is not as fast as the one of some of you, but anyway:

- learned the violin in the age from 9 to 15
- got a Yamaha PSR 620 in the age of 12
- sometime then I plugged it into my father's computer and started my MIDI experience ;)
- later, bought a Quasimidi Sirius and Logic Audio Silver 4.81
- Nowadays, I use Reason 2 and the Sirius and Logic are getting dusty in the cellar ;)

And using Reason 2, I not only create Eletronic music (Techno and Trance), but also Orchestral soundtrack for a small graphical MORPG in development.

Check my Techno stuff at
and my Orchestral stuff:, load the game, load the music, start the game.
I've been composing for almost two years. Started with Reason, now using mainly it, plus Orion & Renoise. At the moment I'm in a "music class", so we have more music lessons than other school classes. I'm also a dedicated bassist. ;)
Originally posted by PrivatePanic
It's always the same discussion between "classic" composers and "computerized" composers.
I'm right in the middle :) I've had traditional training, but I use computers. I think the combination of the two is far better than either one on it's own. If you are a 100% traditional composer, you can't get recordings of any of your music without finding people to perform it (can be difficult and\or expensive), but if you are a 100% computer composer, you don't benefit from classical training, and therefore will most likely be either limited to modern music, or more simplified music in traditional styles. A balance of both is just right :)
Originally posted by zibo
I've been composing for almost two years. Started with Reason, now using mainly it, plus Orion & Renoise. At the moment I'm in a "music class", so we have more music lessons than other school classes. I'm also a dedicated bassist. ;)

We have a bass player! YAY! Heh. I've been told most bassists are a little off center. Hey zibo, if you were an animal, what would you be? o_O
Originally posted by Agent4054
I've been told most bassists are a little off center.
When will the discriminating end.. *sob*
Hey zibo, if you were an animal, what would you be? o_O
Hmm. An onion, perhaps? :D
Originally posted by Logic
Not the most successful thread, is it? :cheese:

Hmmm, always wait a few days. :D
Successful? Maybe...
Intense and a bit crazy? Yeah.
Firstly, I would like to say that even using samples can be considered an artform.
As photek and many other artists in the electronic scene demonstrated in the 90's.
Using the sampler creatively became an artform in itself.

It depends on the 'genre' you're in of course, if bach started using samples.. it wouldn't look too good :)
But anyway, I've played piano from when I was 6 years old to I was 10.
Then I quite for various reasons.
In 2000 I became very interested again as I got a demo for ejay.
Now however, I use reason 2, and am happy with that.
I've had to relearn everything I once knew about scales, notes, pulse and rhythm for the last 3 years.

I create everything myself, all drum patterns/notes/general songwriting and recording by me.

You can take a listen at
Note, some are older tracks, some are newer, but none are current.
You can probably here my experimentation/learning period in there, and although many might argue that one is always learning, I'm past my "newbie" phase now.

I can create any type of music really, except maybe a realistic rock song. :) So if you're interested, PM me or something.
"Firstly, I would like to say that even using samples can be considered an artform."

/me hugs coax :)
Ok, i'll agree with that, but its still not your own music. You didn't actually compose it. Its someone elses that you just happen to put together in some musical fashion.

Bah, no one shares my opinion, so i'll shut up now.
Sampling has nothing to do with composing. I can sample a synth sound and then compose a riff using that sample.
Incorrect, JJ - composing is putting a series of notes in a order to produce music. Sample work is putting a series of samples in a order to produce music.

Seems pretty damn similar to me ^_^

It's not exactly the same, I'll take that - but not as far to say it has nothing to do with it. You need to be just as creative with samples as you need to be with notes, if you wish to produce something decent.

Both are art forms, in my opinion.
Sorry Sniper but im afraid you are the one that is incorrect. If you sample a bass and put it across the keyboard then you can put a series of notes to create music. People seem to not trully understand what sampling is. It is not a proccess of copying a loop and lopping it in order to create a song.
Originally posted by Sniper
Incorrect, JJ - composing is putting a series of notes in a order to produce music. Sample work is putting a series of samples in a order to produce music.

Seems pretty damn similar to me ^_^

Errr, well when you use a singular sample like say, a snare hit or a something like the bass that jj describes, it would be composing. What i was saying is that if you use premade loops, ie riffs and beats that someone else put together and loop them to create something you could call "your own", i wouldn't see it as composing. Sorry sniper. i believe jj is right here.
Now that I agree with, Agent. Although whenever i sample beats i always chop them up into individual kick,snare etc and then rearrange to suit and mix with others.
*continues ranting*

I stand my ground.

From what I've heard and read in the past, I belive I am correct.

You don't make the sound the keyboard makes, do you? The keyboard does. Think of it like that, and you'll see my point (well, another point, not my original point) - that's just another way of looking at what I mean.

*sees if coax will back him up*
Originally posted by Sniper
*continues ranting*

I stand my ground.

From what I've heard and read in the past, I belive I am correct.

You don't make the sound the keyboard makes, do you? The keyboard does. Think of it like that, and you'll see my point (well, another point, not my original point) - that's just another way of looking at what I mean.

*sees if coax will back him up*

Ok, then look at a piano. It's an analog instrument, not sampled. Even still, the piano makes the sound, not you (technically). You simply hit the key. So you are saying that Bach wasn't a composer? o_O If this isn't what you mean, please, clarify.