Computer Games Are Too Addictive

Teta_Bonita said:
Trust me, sooner or later you'll burn out and get bored of these games. Well, at least that's what happenned to me....

Same. Games just don't do it for me like they used too. Now I'm into guitars, right after I spend $1500 on a computer. And I want a new guitar. lol.
Oddly enough, the source of my disease is also my cure. I have ADD, so I'm incapable of doing anything productive (at least on the weekends, when I'm not medicated). Hence, I play games. But, as I have a short attention span, I'll always go off after an hour or two to find something else to do. It's a wonderfully unhealthy cycle, but it works.
The games are not to addictive, you are to easily addicted
I recently have posted stuff on an addiction to games forum and this thread is much similer. Addiction is an unavoidable thing in life. If there wasnt any addiction, people would be dull and bored, not doing anything but sitting. Just stop when you want to. Remember, you are the intelligent being in control, not the lifeless object. So there will always be addiction. Oh and please dont say something about smoking.
video games aren't too addicting, people are too damn prone to addiction.

learn some moderation....

Says the man who drinks caffeine drinks like if they were water...
It's been 5 months since I made this post.

I've been away on my submarine. I've travelled all over the world, been operational in the Middle East. Visited different ports around the world, done whores in 3 different continents...

The first thing I did when I got back?

Booted up counter-strike. :sniper:

You know the best thing? I'm still 733t.

I play games instead of watching tv, or just being bored. So whenever I am home, I play games. Otherwise I am working, doin stuff with the amigos, or going to school. I put everything else above pc games, and I still find it is enough time for my gaming addiction.
citizen krank said:
how hard can it be? just find another addiction. start smoking, for example, although it is a great addidition to playing counter-strike. you'll probably burn your fingers a lot.

Consider yourself reported to the IMDb admins for encouraging bad things... Oh, wait.
article about scientific research being done about game addiction

Coincidentally, an article has been posted on NEW SCIENTIST (on the 16th of November) about scientific research being done about video games addiction.

Here is an excerpt:

Excessive computer gaming has the hallmarks of addiction, suggests new experiments on "drug memory". The researchers argue it should be classified as such, enabling “addicts” to start seeking help.

“We have the patients and we have the parents and family members calling us for help,” says Sabine Grüsser of the Charité University Medicine Berlin, in Germany.

Learning is recognised as an important underlying mechanism of addiction. In becoming addicted, people start to associate cues that are normally neutral with the object of their craving. To a crack addict, for instance, a building in which they have used the drug is more than just a place they have been – it becomes a trigger for craving and can, on its own, reignite a need to use the drug again after months of abstinence.

I am not sure if this already has been brought to your attention, so in the case you already know about it, just ignore this message. It is an interesting read though.

A long time ago I once played Super Mario 64 for approximately 13 hours straight. Luckily I survived the incident :) . Now due to circumstances I only play video games for like 2 to 3 hours at a time. I consider myself a non-addict, now.
The most addicting games I've played are Worms, Sensible Soccer, Sonic The Hedgehog series, Red Alert and HL2DM. Never have I played any of them straight for more than about 10 hours :angel:
Starcraft pretty much spelled the end of fresh air for about a week when it first came out. That was the most addictive game I have ever played. Half-Life/HL2 are close seconds.
Think about why they are addictive to you.

Take some time to think about why you are so addicted to video games for your own wellbeing. What do you get out of the game that keeps you playing? Will it ever be enough? Is it ever going to the most satisfying experience you have ever had? You're not alone for sure. Because it's not just video games. All people are addicted to something to some extent. Think about it. Sex, TV, Internet, Food, Work, etc. The fact is if you look around you everything you own might be very hard to get rid of or do without. I'm not saying to resist the urge for the things in life that are addicting, just loosen the control over it. There is nothing wrong with the need to be the best Halflife player in the World. Millions however, already are.
I don't see why its wrong to be addicted to video games, can some one explain it to me? I'm really addicted and I don't have any probs in my life.
lastHOPE_lambda said:
I don't see why its wrong to be addicted to video games, can some one explain it to me? I'm really addicted and I don't have any probs in my life.
Burn out

Very serious problem, some people simply turn emo over time.
Sechs is the best remedy, as I have recently discovered.
I get headace at sitting to long at the computer. Thats often my wakeup call.
Beerdude26 said:
Burn out

Very serious problem, some people simply turn emo over time.
Sechs is the best remedy, as I have recently discovered.
Is sechs worth it though? How much did you pay for yours? I heard it was REALLY expensive :x
StAtiC said:
Starcraft pretty much spelled the end of fresh air for about a week when it first came out. That was the most addictive game I have ever played. Half-Life/HL2 are close seconds.
Yeah, I lost years to starcraft. Wait, I never get fresh air anyways.
I don't find games addicting, its just that they are more fun then most other things I can do here. If there was Ninjitsu I'd take it though.
You see, people today don't have the time to be bothered by things like supervising their kids and teaching them right from wrong, or limiting the time they play video games in their pathetic lives, so what we as a society need to do is ban everything objectionable, because we're too much of a bunch of lazy sods to actually to be bothered with trying to do something about it when a problem ( and I use the term 'problem' loosley as it implies that humans do not find it nesscary to whinge & complain about just about everything we find irksome) so I'd say it's more fitting to say that we should pretty much ban anything & everything.

HOLY HELL! that fly just landed on my back & now it's itchy! BAN THE FLY! bu that would make problems in the Ecosystem. BAN THE ECOSYSTEM!

Humans are a pathetic species. I find it incredibly dangerous to give a mind to a species so stupid they can't actually understand it. The sooner a meteor crashes into the planet & wipes us out the better

End rant :dork:
you guys all crazy! games are good but ya gotta find an alternative, something completely opposite to sitting around in front of a glareing screen fry'n your brains out. I personally love to skate(board), fortuantly for me I started skateing long befor i fell in love with PC gameing. Its just something that you can switch to when you butt starts to feel numb... besides, i got all that extra flab to work off.
Nowadays, I get bored too easily. My addictions are with Photoshop CS currently, its always something new and different to work on. Art is a great alternative to video games, it stimulates your imagination and is good for a break from the norm. Even if you suck at art, just sit around and doodle for a little while on a notebook paper, you might get hooked on it!

Videogames are only addicting when I have something new to play. After a week or two I get bored. FEAR was a good few weeks of gameplay value. Not to mention the MP. Its multiplayer games that are particularlly addictive, which is why I have been cutting down lately.
lastHOPE_lambda said:
I don't see why its wrong to be addicted to video games, can some one explain it to me? I'm really addicted and I don't have any probs in my life.
Because at the end of your life you'll look back on these wasted years and sigh
PC Games are addictive? No shit! I didn't know that!

But seriously, you need to be able to draw the line. I couldn't for about one and a half years; I was insanely addicted to System Shock 2 and Deus Ex.

Then one day I stepped out on a glorious spring afternoon. And I realized that computer game universes are fine and all, but the world outside is no crappy Diakatana either.

A sport you like can be allot more fun than a videogame.
I share your addiction, friend
on average these days i spend 4-6 hours a day playing games
but like many gamers, i have somewhat of a life
i have a part time job and goto college 4 days a week
but im always thinking about gaming
ive also found that during the winter months, my addiction flares up due to bad weather.... in the summer im very active outdoors..
anyways, i can say from experience that finding yourself a gf will really help control the number of hours you spend on your comp
i recall going 5-6 months(with gf) when i could go days without playing any pc games.... mainly because i was too busy spending time with my gf
so basically what im saying is, find yourself a girl... you're in the navy.. shouldnt be too hard
find the balance
I play alot of video games but I wouldn't say it ruins my social life. I'm happy with what I do. Playing with other people is cool on comms' and stuff, who I've been playing with for over 2 years now, sort of makes it social.

Although I never play more than 3 hours a night. I think that is the line.

One guy though, who I feel real sorry for does have a problem in our clan, he became unemployed and literally plays Everquest from 9am to 2am in the morning again! Hes always been like that and punishes himself from doing it. It must be so hard to stop. Sometimes he disappears for a whole month because he deliberatly sabotages his PC to stop.

Another thing is, I see no problem in playing games if you enjoy it and have fun but to play them just because they are there and available to you is wrong, that is addiction. Go watch TV or something.
StAtiC said:
Nowadays, I get bored too easily. My addictions are with Photoshop CS currently, its always something new and different to work on. Art is a great alternative to video games, it stimulates your imagination and is good for a break from the norm. Even if you suck at art, just sit around and doodle for a little while on a notebook paper, you might get hooked on it!

Oh, damnit. I'm addicted to Videogames AND art AND writing. It's one hell of a habit, I'll tell you that.
I heard theres a new place in New York City where you can go play World of Warcraft using VR goggles, sitting in a huge plush chair, and you get hooked into a nutrition stimulant drip. This way those 20 hour sessions don't have to get broken up by sleep or food breaks (unless you want). Of course, if you do want to sleep, you can just sleep right in your chair and wake up in Azeroth. I think that the 'deepest' anyone has gone is so far 17 days or something.
NJspeed said:
I heard theres a new place in New York City where you can go play World of Warcraft using VR goggles, sitting in a huge plush chair, and you get hooked into a nutrition stimulant drip. This way those 20 hour sessions don't have to get broken up by sleep or food breaks (unless you want). Of course, if you do want to sleep, you can just sleep right in your chair and wake up in Azeroth. I think that the 'deepest' anyone has gone is so far 17 days or something.
omfg :O
Could you get some pics?
NJspeed said:
I heard theres a new place in New York City where you can go play World of Warcraft using VR goggles, sitting in a huge plush chair, and you get hooked into a nutrition stimulant drip. This way those 20 hour sessions don't have to get broken up by sleep or food breaks (unless you want). Of course, if you do want to sleep, you can just sleep right in your chair and wake up in Azeroth. I think that the 'deepest' anyone has gone is so far 17 days or something.

WOah. Thats something that we haven't even dreamed of.
But at least you are not the only one facing this problem. Look at me, i should concentrate on my law studies but my day looks like this: Playing computer from 20:00 until 7:00 -> sleep until 20:00, wake up and same shit, different day. Just sick but thats my life, i am on the dark side of the force :borg:
I've never actually been to that place, although everyone knows it exists.

The thing is, even the most addictive games eventually get old. I had about 150 DAYS in a text based mud (Sojourn) back in 96-98. I think I had 50-75 days in Socom 2 on PS2, probably a bunch on Doom, HL 1&2 etc, etc. Just play through it :)

Seriously tho, I have a real busy career and a fiance I live with and it's not a problem because I just play every game as much as I want, and I eventually get bored with everything. Presently I'm playing WC3 for the zillionth time and half thru Quake 4 again. It's easy to leave these games to do other stuff cuz I already played them.. just waiting for something fresh. The key is to find a job where you surf the internet about games all day while getting paid a salary, and then go home to play them. I do that while simultaneously processing all my tps reports.
Play Silent Hunter III with time compression off.

It can take a week of real time just to get to the patrol zone.
NJspeed said:
I've never actually been to that place, although everyone knows it exists.

The thing is, even the most addictive games eventually get old. I had about 150 DAYS in a text based mud (Sojourn) back in 96-98. I think I had 50-75 days in Socom 2 on PS2, probably a bunch on Doom, HL 1&2 etc, etc. Just play through it :)

No worries... I was playing the Discworld MUD for about 2 years, constantly. Amazing fun.
I suggest picking a profession that keeps you so busy you don't have time to even eat dinner, let alone play a computer game. Worked for me. :borg:
I find some of you guys pathetic. Love, school, and work is much more important than gaming. YEs, I am addicted to. But I organize everything in my live so that if I have some free time, I play games. And if I got a whole day free, I spend almost half day gaming :D
School...homework...occasional times with friends if I care enough (we're cool like that anyways) anime...just waiting to goto college :cheers: :thumbs: