Computer Games Are Too Addictive



They are ruining my life.

I came back on christmas leave from the Navy, and finally got the chance to sink my teeth into Half Life 2, played it completed it and moved straight on to CS: Source.

And now all I want to do is play CS, I play until the early hours every time I get a chance, never being able to drag myself away from it. (Always just 'one more round'.)

When I finally went back to work after Christmas it was incredibly depressing, I hated my job because I didn't get to sit and play computer games all day, looking forward longingly to the weekend when I can get back to my computer and play again.

It's destroying my life.

Computer games are great, but they will unwittingly become the death of productive society.

As our genereation and further generations grow up, playing better and better games, the alternate reality presented by these games will be far more attractive than the depressing reality that most of us face in our daily lives. I have already seen it happening with MMORPG's. I've experienced shades of it playing CS.

What can be done to halt the decline?

The only solution I can see will be to ban all computer games.

No, build the world around them..
Fighting a war? Play a war game controlling robots
Space exploration? flight sim
Delivering a baby? er...
wait.. maybe thats a bad idea.
Why not just sell your computer?
Got a girlfriend?

she can spend all your money for you, then you'll have to sell it! :D
I've been addicted to games for about 4 years now. Ever since I built my first P3 system back in 2002 I've been gaming everyday since then. My life is destroyed because I spend nearly 18+ hours a day playing, I cant stop and never will :cheese:
thescotster19 said:
No time for a girlfriend. Alyx is my substitute.

So, why are you complaining then? you've got everything you want right in front of you :)
Lol, well, it seems the prob. is he is away from his computer, no?
they should start a pc games anonymous to help people with there addictions, lol
sup2069 said:
I've been addicted to games for about 4 years now. Ever since I built my first P3 system back in 2002 I've been gaming everyday since then. My life is destroyed because I spend nearly 18+ hours a day playing, I cant stop and never will :cheese:
18 hours? Is that... possible?
Trust me, sooner or later you'll burn out and get bored of these games. Well, at least that's what happenned to me....
I was playing videogames since like 6 years and I get addict to them but they are not ruining my life, anyway I am controled and not like you that you say you dont want stop to play
I've been playing video games since I got my first Nintendo in 89. Actually I didn't get it then, my dad took me to work at his construction place...and he sat me in front of Burger Time, and I was stuck on games since. Then game the old DOS game "Mars" ohhh man. But yeah, it's his fault for me being addicted :p

Back on track. I hold a full time job, friends, and a life. I have a "girlfriend"..more like a **** buddy, but yeah, video games don't ruin your life, just what you do with the time givin is what's ruining it ;) Just unplug your internet and computer for 5 days, and find a balance. I know you can do it. I BELIEVE IN YOU!! <3
Here's a soultion if you want to halt your addiction to video games.

Go to a computer store and ask for their oldest video card. Buy the ancient video card and go home. Open up your computer and take out your current card. Snap it in half, if it is too painful to bear watching get a blindfold. Install your "newly" purchased video card.
Try playing Half Life 2 now with a 32 or preferrably 16MB video card.

NOTE: I am not resposible for loss or damage to a loved video card.

Honestly, if you cant handel the games, delete them from your computer and hide or destroy the CD's.
you need more things to do, did you try shooting cans, exploding stuff, breaking stuff, or making explosives and exploding them?

thats what I do.
Computer games are a way of life! I've had the best times playing computer games, and I don't intend to stop in quite some time. :D
thescotster19 said:
The only solution I can see will be to ban all computer games.

Hey, while your at banning PC Games let's ban movies, books, sports, comics and all other forms of entertainment because anything that causes pleasure can also be abused and become addicting. If you really are addicted to video games it probably means you have bigger problems in your life causing you to flock to computer games to escape them. I suggest therapy instead of blaming your problems on entertainment for your weak willpower.
"while your at banning PC Games let's ban movies, books, sports, comics and all other forms of entertainment"

I made that statement to incite a response! I'm glad it did.
The fundamental difference between Computer Games and all other forms of audio visual entertainment is that they are so much better, due to the interactivity, and the fact that they getter better every year. This is unique. I shouldn't even have to explain WHY they are so good, you've all played games, you know what they're like.

As for it being a personal problem rather than the games fault yeah it is, but it's still a problem, that a lot of people have to face. However much someone professes to 'not mind' playing for 18+ hours a day, internally they are surely aware of the damage.

Thanks for the moral support guys. I think I may be able to handle the addiction for now, and keep games playing to a manageable part of my life.

But what really worries me is when I have kids! I have always sworn to myself that I would be the best father I possibly can, spending all the time I can with them and bringing them up properly.

Two problems however:

Instead of taking them out to play football on a saturday afternoon, or going to watch the nativity play, I'll be bagging T's on CS. I'm going to miss most of my childrens childhoods because of Gabe Newell and his cronies.

As I know the destructive influence of computer games, how in my right mind can I allow my children to play them. I may be forced to create a facade for as long as possible that computer games simply do not exist.

Please realise the distinction however that I would stop them playing games not because of the violence, but because they are TOO good.
the only solution i can see is for people to try live a more fulfilling life. i know its difficult and im not trying to say "ahahaha get a life" etc. Dunno if anyone saw the Red Dwarf episode where it was as if they had been playing a game for 4 years of their life. I wonder if we'll ever get that advanced immersion wise. Who knows.

also in my opinion you shouldnt introduce your kids to games or get a computer till they're in their early teens or until they find out about them elsewhere and beg you to death. The reason is that playing outdoors with other kids is such an important part of childhood and i see this activity decreasing more and more with computer games.
I see im not the only game-addicted guy here. lol. whenever i feel it is too much, without thinking twice i hit save, press the i/o switch and i quickly push the keyboard slider inside, stand up and turn around.

U have to fight it sometimes eventhough ur heart still longs that u keep on playing.

I agree wid ya all that PC games destroy our social lives that's y u have to be responsible as well. Sounds easy but kinda difficult to do at times. The best thing is to divide time. Hell, I even play games after getting drunk with my buddies! Imagine that.
Narcolepsy said:
18 hours? Is that... possible?

Yes, if you factor in sleeping around 5-6 hours a day it will be estimated around there. Of course some days I sleep in, but the majority is gaming. My family thinks that computers to me are like drugs on the streets. But a computer to me is mere entertainment; my sister on the other hand watches 10 or more hours of tv a day. But yet my parents look at it as normal. Normal? we both spend our time doing whats entertaining, so what difference would it make if I should Tv instead of the computer? Nothing

So if someone tells you to go get a life, tell them your computer is it :thumbs:
Excersize instead of kneeding your brain...I love games but the endorphin rush from a cross country run, nature's interactive entertainment baby...
yes you're right... computer games is one of the reason why I locked myself in my own room for 4 years now.
Get a job with demanding hours.

Don't get fired.

Problem solved.
sfc_hoot said:
Say...... a playtester? ;)
I'm Going to be doing Maths, English, and French at AS/A level to hopefully get a decent computer-orientated job. That way I can be infront of a computer all day and get paid for it.

how cool is that!?
Hmm... wat about being involve in a Computer Magazine Business(PCGamer, CGW, etc) you have to play games for a living. well, aint that cool?
TheAmazingRando said:
Hey, while your at banning PC Games ... all other forms of entertainment because anything that causes pleasure can also be abused and become addicting.
Did anyone else quickly snicker and then dismiss the thought?

I have no reason to not play games 24/7 - HL2 just gave me water thats *near eough* to real life.
For so long I've left games to go look at some water.. now I just fire up HL2 and stay right where I am. :(

Say...... a playtester?
Dispite how rosy people can make the job sound there are the downsides. Testers have to test games and find bugs.. then they have to write reports on it.. then they have to test any fixes for them. And again. And again. For two years on the same game?

It's pretty scary when you walk into a dev and see a list on the wall/whiteboard:
28 showstoppers
100 something else
400 blah
700 blah2...etc
eventually you see the bottom line: 1500 total.

Not saying I wouldn't do it but you probably wouldn't get a box copy of the game and play it - which would be sad for HL3 or whaatever :)
few years back i was addicted too.
i`m just not anymore. can`t play no matter how i try. its just got boring cause games look all the same now to me. I consider only 2-3 games/year good so they are the only ones I play.
FragBait0 said:
Dispite how rosy people can make the job sound there are the downsides. Testers have to test games and find bugs.. then they have to write reports on it.. then they have to test any fixes for them. And again. And again. For two years on the same game?

It's pretty scary when you walk into a dev and see a list on the wall/whiteboard:
28 showstoppers
100 something else
400 blah
700 blah2...etc
eventually you see the bottom line: 1500 total.

Not saying I wouldn't do it but you probably wouldn't get a box copy of the game and play it - which would be sad for HL3 or whaatever :)
wait, so THEY have to find fixes?
damn, haha i thought they told the programmers...
well, there goes one of my future job ideas
thescotster19 said:
They are ruining my life.

Computer games are great, but they will unwittingly become the death of productive society.

As our genereation and further generations grow up, playing better and better games, the alternate reality presented by these games will be far more attractive than the depressing reality that most of us face in our daily lives. I have already seen it happening with MMORPG's. I've experienced shades of it playing CS.

What can be done to halt the decline?

The only solution I can see will be to ban all computer games.


I actually think about this quite a bit. I mean, why do we play video games? To experience things we can't experience in real life. The adrenaline from a firefight, for example... because face it, modern living is not exactly an action packed adventure. At this point, the only thing that really keeps us in the real world is a desire for sex, and the human interaction that goes along with it. Once we get tactile cyber sex with realistic feedback and all that, it'll be close to over, lol. Once we have true virtual reality, it will be the end. ANything that can be done irl will be done better in VR. As a species, we'll just waste away into a happy oblivion. And I don't see any way to stop it without gov't becoming really totalitarian and controlling, which is not a viable solution.
I think the addictive aspect of computer games is being a little overestimated here. Let's face it: everyone here is a gamer of one sort or another. Most people just play a game. Not that many actually go to a message board and talk about it afterward. Everyone here likes computer games more than the average person. And some people like them a lot more.

People get just as addicted to chess, believe it or not. I've met a couple.

So while you might want to worry about yourself or people like you, it probably isn't going to destroy the culture or civilization any more than television.
Arathiel said:
I actually think about this quite a bit. I mean, why do we play video games? To experience things we can't experience in real life. The adrenaline from a firefight, for example... because face it, modern living is not exactly an action packed adventure. At this point, the only thing that really keeps us in the real world is a desire for sex, and the human interaction that goes along with it. Once we get tactile cyber sex with realistic feedback and all that, it'll be close to over, lol. Once we have true virtual reality, it will be the end. ANything that can be done irl will be done better in VR. As a species, we'll just waste away into a happy oblivion. And I don't see any way to stop it without gov't becoming really totalitarian and controlling, which is not a viable solution.
You're forgetting about the drive for hunger and sleep. There are others as well, but taking time to enumerate them would stop me from playing Morrowind some more.
I think the addictive aspect of computer games is being a little overestimated here. Let's face it: everyone here is a gamer of one sort or another. Most people just play a game. Not that many actually go to a message board and talk about it afterward. Everyone here likes computer games more than the average person. And some people like them a lot more.

People get just as addicted to chess, believe it or not. I've met a couple.

So while you might want to worry about yourself or people like you, it probably isn't going to destroy the culture or civilization any more than television.
Exactly. Everyone is addicted to something.
My names Atari and i'm an addict. Been playing online games since a couple of months after HL1. I want to quit, I just......can't.
i could stop gaming, if i wanted to.

TV is worse for you then gaming, with gaming you train your reflexes and they have proven that who plays games can better aim with real weapons then someone who doesn't (not that it mathers for most, but for me it does since I am almost 18 and want to get my permit and a weapon to go to the shooting range (wich means less game time)).

Gaming is just entertainment, internet cant compete with real life imo. It's just something you do in your spare time and you enjoy.

Yes I make time for it sometimes, but other people make time to play soccer or something, its just entertainment.

If you think your really addicted please get profesionnal help.
Im not addicted to games... Problary because my computer runs HL2 like shit... Maybe thats a good thing?