Computer Pranks for All

Jabberwock, are there any tutorials for this kind of stuff? I looked for VB tutorials, but I got some weird ones. :O
jabberwock95 said:
'wankergayinsultiassg crapwords' = 'instulting words'

Oh the irony that all those words appeared rigt in that phrase :laugh:

Anyway, lots of awesome info here, jabber. Sweet :)
LittleB said:
Oh the irony that all those words appeared rigt in that phrase :laugh:
I find it fun when they actually make readable words. I think 'underwankerstandable' is my word for today. :E

ray_MAN said:
Jabberwock, are there any tutorials for this kind of stuff? I looked for VB tutorials, but I got some weird ones.
What i've been using is actually visual basic script (vbs). Visual Basic is a programming language that has to be written and compiled with Microsoft VB Editor or something similar, VBS is a kind of dumbed down version that is just commands in a .vbs file.

I learned most of what I know either from googling specific things (eg. vbs script copy file) or over at , as they have some interesting stuff under their 'computer pranks' section.

I hardly know what half of the stuff I write does, so I mainly just copy chunks of code and change the relevent parts. I put some comments in my code so just look at which bits do what and you can edit them to do completely different things (be sure to post your efforts here!) Sorry I cant be of more help.
I thought i'd break down the code i've used so you can all edit it for your own situation. Remember, quotes and brackets are important whenever I use them in code.

File Manipulation

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
This code loads basic file manipulation commands. All commands below rely on this line being in the program above them.

fso.CopyFile "C:\Originalfile.vbs", "C:\Windows\NewFile.vbs"
This copies a file from one place to another, and can also rename it and change the file type (by changing the extension). The path of the original file must be correct and the folder to copy into must exist.

If you want to copy the script that is running (useful to hide it in the windows folder) use this:

fso.CopyFile WScript.ScriptFullName, "C:\Windows\NewFile.vbs"
This uses 'WScript.ScriptFullName' in place of the path, so it will work no matter where the file originates.

fso.deletefile ("C:\FileToDelete.vbs")
Handy for uninstalling and getting rid of evidence, this bit of code simply removes the file you put inside the quotes.

Set.oText = fso.CreateTextFile("C:\NewTextFile.vbs", TRUE)
This line creates a blank .txt file wherever you specify, and sets the command 'oText' that lets you stick a bit of text in the empty files with this line:

oText.WriteLine "This text goes in the created file."
A simple command that can make people think their computer is sending them satanic messages. If you want a blank line just dont put anything between the quotes.

Thats it for file manipulation commands. Our next set of code deals with:

Basic Commands

Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Once again, put this line at the top and it will allow you to use the following commands.
WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\whatever", "C:\Windows\YourFile.vbs"
A complicated command that adds a note to the registry to run a file on startup. Keep the registry path the same but change the 'whatever' on the end to something official-looking (I chose SysMyn). Then change the file path after the comma to point to the file you want to run. It will then run whenever the computer starts.

WshShell.RegDelete "HKLM\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\whatever"
This will remove the registry value created before. Once again change the 'whatever' to the name of the value you want to delete.

wscript.sleep 1000
This line just makes your program pause for a specified length of time. The delay is measured in milliseconds so 1000 = 1 second.

wshshell.sendkeys "hi there"

This line sends whatever you put in the quotes just as if it had been typed on the keyboard. Remember that it sends the text all at once. Special keys include {SPACE}, {CAPSLOCK}, {ENTER} and so on (quotemarks still needed).

Other Useful Code

Dim number
For number = 1 to 50


This code simple repeats the code you put between it a set number of times. The variable 'number' increases by one each time, and the loop ends when it reaches the number you specify. This particular code would repeat 50 times.



This creates an infinate loop that repeats the code inside it until the process is ended.

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
strQuery = "Select * from Win32_Process where Name=PROCESSHERE.exe"
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(strQuery,,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
I dont know how it works, I just know it works. This code will kill whatever process you name where it says PROCESSHERE.exe . Kill explorer, notepad, iexplore, whatever. Put this code in a 'do loop' section to ensure your victim never opens the specified process again.

And there you have it. A simple tutorial for making .vbs files. If you have any questions just ask me, I hope it proves helpful. And dont forget to post your code!
Lol, sig'd

Any way to put these pranks on a disc, i.e copied music disc that when played starts the program?
Evo said:
Any way to put these pranks on a disc, i.e copied music disc that when played starts the program?
1. Open Notepad
2. Type:
3. Save as autorun.inf
4. Burn .vbs file to CD along with autorun.inf
5. .vbs file will autorun when CD is inserted.

6. Leave CD in computer lab with 'Master Passwords' written on it :E
Cool and cheers mate, will try this lot out when someone asks for a copy sometime!
Evo said:
Cool and cheers mate, will try this lot out when someone asks for a copy sometime!
Remember, all of the stuff I have written is easily modified to 'install' itself to make it more insidious and annoying. I encorage anyone to make thier own programs, but I will gladly help anyone looking for something specific.

Someone said this is like a course in virus writing. I suppose the stuff I write could be used as a virus, but by definition it would need a way to spread (by email I suppose) which is scripting way beyond me. Still fun though. :cheers:
I know this isn't really the thread for it, but I don't suppose you'd know how to change from 800 x 600 with school restrictions in place?

You can run programs within C: with a shortcut, I managed to remember the file paths for Minesweeper and Telnet... But I don't know what program controls the Display Properties.
I assume you mean you have access to the dos prompt.

Try the command 'control desktop'. That should open the desktop properties panel, unless they have disabled it in the control panel too. Otherwise there is a small utility called SCRNMODE that might do the trick. Good luck!

Why do you want to change the resolution? If I had access to the command prompt, id be much worse... :E
Heh, tried command prompt, its the one program that's blocked. Oh and editing the registry. SCRNMODE might be worth a shot though.

I did once find my way to the teacher's program (which none of them used before I found it, after I did they started using it :laugh:) where you could watch people's screens, send them messages, log them off, all kinds of stuff. Alas, I was young and naive, someone found out and told on me. :(

Only got a bit of a slapped wrist really, threatened more than anything heh.

And I'm just sick of 800x600 at 60hz.
Ah. Try navigating to 'Control Panel' from internet explorer.

When you said you could run programs from C: I mistakenly thought you meant the prompt. Have you tried .bat files?
Ah I mean, you can't normally look through C: to run programs from there, but if you make a shortcut to C:\WINDOWS\system32\telnet.exe it'll work. Haven't tried .bat files, don't have a clue what are they are or what to do with them. :laugh:
Sorry it took me so long to reply.

.bat files are files containing dos commands. Basically, if you open notepad, type a dos command (something like 'net send * You Suck!'), and save with a .bat file extension, then when you open it it will execute the commands.

Try it, sometimes .bat files work even when they've disabled the command prompt.