Concept Art

It looks very generic, right down to the forearm blade. There's already a game coming out for Source that has a similar weapon. I forget the name; it's being developed by Arkane, I think.

You might want to move away from the "skintight bodysuit" style of futuristic armor, or differentiate yours somehow. These types all tend to run together and are, aesthetically, unappealing.
not bad, but generic, do more concept designs, try to branch away from the typical
I drew this before Crysis and all those similar games even came out, I just found the picture again and got a bunch of ideas and thought me and some of my friends could make a mod. But ya I'm gonna start drawing some more concepts, what did you have in mind.
skin tight muscle suits are cliche, and not very interesting as far as body armor is concerned. Crysis pulls it off because thay are making it look like the exterior of the suit is comprised of artificial muscle groups instead of just a skin tight suit.

Start looking at reference images of modern armor, exosuit prototypes, ballistic face masks, gas masks, tac vests, and the sort of gear you'd expect someone to carry into combat.

Reference is you biggest friend. And try to steer away from the huge superhero muscles, they've been done to death.
Looks like a cross between a Combine soldier and a Protoss Zealot to me.
Strogg, imho. Looks like strogg.
I guess not bad but extremely generic.