Concept artist

stuff i havent put on the site:





that odd people alway ask for a concept artist on there team maybe you should go down to and see if you can get your self a job
All your stuff seems to have an overly simplified toony style. If you want a concept art job you need to show an ability to work in many different styles. A simplified toon style is not really what people lood for with concept art.
most of them where made for a mod wich isent out yet and they wanted cartoony stuff but yeah i know where your coming from:)
I think major mods need them because the modellers need something to work from and the texture artists need a feel for the thing they are 'colouring'.

As for your work, its not educational standeds, but it can be good for concept to show the ideas.

You also need to think about detail, and also make the objects from 2 or 3 different angles so that the Modellers have a better picture of things.

One more thing, I couldnt help but thing that your work was too 'dead', the expressions, the way the figure is posing... it seems too lifeless. A book like 'Dynamic Figure Drawing' can really help u understand these poses... aswell as the 'Drawing Expressions' book.

I have not gone through a degree in art yet, but I have gone through 2 years of National Diploma in Fine Art, which counts for alittle (just incase someone questions me on why I criticized).

I would also show my work but:

1. This is your topic.
2. I dont scan my work in much because I usually draw in sketch books. The work that is scanned in is the basics of line drwing and I havent finished any Photoshop pieces yet.
Do you like to draw creatures that havent existed yet? I can give you a description.

Go here: http:\\
Huge tusks, with hairy head running down the back to the waist. With sharply slanted red bloodshot eyes and bat-like ears for the deep dark corners of the underground systems. Taloned hands and feet, with cut off wings from child birth for religous reasons...

Or, a rat man.... :D