Concept Artists: for Wretched Abandon


Jun 26, 2004
Reaction score
Wretched Abandon is looking for concept artists. In order to give some light on what artists are looking at, here’s a wonderful mini FAQ.

What is Wretched Abandon?
Wretched Abandon (temporary title) is a Single Player and Multiplayer Total Conversion for Half-Life 2.

What is Wretched Abandon’s setting?
Wretched Abandon is set in approximately the year 3050. Earth has become one giant city (due to the population increase) full of anarchy, crime, and no order. The Moon has had an Atmospheric Processor give the planet an atmosphere similar to Earth, causing the growth of lush forests, rivers, as well as the production of a giant city. Mars has a malfunctioned Atmospheric Processor, providing one third of the planet with breathable oxygen and a sky, but the soil remains poor and the weather is chaotic.

What’s the gameplay like?
When Wretch Abandon is entirely complete three single player campaigns will have been finished as well as a multiplayer. Each campaign features a different character, and each has its own style of gameplay. Each character will visit all three planets during the course of their story, each planet also containing its own style of play. All three character stories will take place at almost exactly the same time.

What’s the story behind Wretched Abandon?
Each character will have its own part to play in the story, and each character’s goal is not entirely related to the other two. The story is being kept under raps for the time being, but it contains political corruption, scientific disasters, and violent twists.

Why are artists needed?
Wretched Abandon is the project being undertaken by my team after the cancellation of Dark Conflict (a remake of Perfect Dark). With Dark Conflict all reference material was provided from the original game, however with this new project the reference material will need to be supplied by concept artists. Concept artists are basically needed to bring this world alive.

What references are concept artists going to have available?
Concept artists will have massive amounts of descriptions and other text, based off the game world and its locations, in order to create designs. Artists will also be given material in which the concept is similar to.

What already created material could artists use as references?
Well, for planets:
Earth – Films such as Blade Runner would provide good reference.
Moon – Halo, to a point, for the open regions, and for the city areas Naboo (StarWars) would be a good reference.
Mars – Tatooine (StarWars) would be a good reference.
Of course, the locations of these references are quite different in many ways from our locations, so they will not be “carbon copies”.
For characters in the game nearly any sci-fi movie out there would provide suitable reference material. Earth is full of gangs (face paint?) and rough urban lifestyle, the Moon is full of high-class civilians and armed forces, and Mars is brimming with the poor and raggered.
For weapons the same design style is applied. Weapons will reflect the world, as well as a few special ones, so all world detail provided would be suitable.
Above all we require artists to be creative and able to absorb themselves in the world they are designing for.

What areas are open, and what requirements are there?
We’re looking for concept artists in all areas, but here are some better details.
- Black & White sketches, as well as colour.
- Detail.
- Larger, landscape style designs.
- Different drawing skills (Isometric, Planometric, etc)
- Annotations (to explain location detail).

- Detail
- Profile drawings
- B&W Sketches, as well as colour.
- Close up detail (eg: zoom-ins on specific parts).
- Annotations (to explain character detail).

- Detail.
- Profile shots.
- B&W Sketches, sometimes colour.
- Annotations (to explain character detail).

If you don’t fit the bill in some area’s that doesn’t mean you can’t apply, as we’re open to all good talent.

Your material has to be clear, and it has to be useable by modelers. Above all, it has to be creative, letting yourself go.

If anybody is interested you can either PM or send me an email to:
[email protected]

Also, feel free to email or PM if you’ve got questions.

Jarrod, Team Lead.

EDIT: Whoops, wrong section. Could MODs kindly move it to the Help Wanted part.
let me be the first to say....

wrong forum
Character Info:
Goretext : Goretext is a brutal murderer and part of the gang Doomfriend, who own Grid Section 159A/88B, also known as Doom Palace. With no love for human life, he serves as the gangs "Debt Collector", and gets the job done in any way he can. Unfortunately his latest debt collection goes horribly wrong and another gang is found working within his own territory. The plot doesn’t end there. Deals with high ranking officials, interplanetary shipments, and countless lies.
Michelle : Isolated and dangerous, Michelle is a lone hunter on Mars living the life of an assassin. She long dreams to gaze upon the surface of the Moon and see if it really is the utopia it’s made out to be. The trouble the atmospheric processor on her planet causes leads her to a new goal. Again, to see the surface of the moon, but remove those responsible for the damage to her life.

Marc Garret : Marc is a soldier in the Moon's special Search & Destroy unit, designed to clear out enemies and civilians in "Restricted Areas". Marc's team begins being sent into missions no-one can understand, fighting fights that just don’t add up. The plot thickens when Marc’s team is sent to a nearby satellite to investigate shipment disturbances.
I would work with you if I had more time. But just for your own benefit, I'm going to ask this question.

What is it that should make me or any other artist believe that this project will follow through to completion?

Don't take that the wrong way. It's just that mods that sound as ambitious as this one (single and multiplay, with 3 seperate campaigns) don't usually get finished. It would help a lot if you linked to a website, or showed some kind of evidence that your team has what it takes to finish something like this.
Cyanide said:
I would work with you if I had more time. But just for your own benefit, I'm going to ask this question.

What is it that should make me or any other artist believe that this project will follow through to completion?

Don't take that the wrong way. It's just that mods that sound as ambitious as this one (single and multiplay, with 3 seperate campaigns) don't usually get finished. It would help a lot if you linked to a website, or showed some kind of evidence that your team has what it takes to finish something like this.

A website has not been put up due to a lack of solid content to be released, or content we dont want released. Once some artwork is done a website will be put up. Without it, there would be no visual representation of project.

The team is keen to work on and complete this project, and the design is a vision we all believe will work out very well.

Theres nothing better than a team who enjoys the design.