CONFIRMED (again): Internet needed for RETAIL HL2.

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If you have a PC capable of running HL2 you will have some kind of internet connection.

Heck just bring your freinds 56k over and let them connect to the internet for 5 seconds :|
Biozeminade said:
This is perfectly reasonable. Anyone buying a brand new game in the year 2004 should have an internet connection just like they have a mouse, a keyboard, speakers or a monitor.

im a poor college student. i dont piss money like you people do.

this sucks
#1 I'm sure the number of users without internet connection that have a computer capable of playing HL2 will be >>1% more like .001%. And probably an equal number of people would have had issues becuse the copy protection on the CD didn't like their computer. So on loss there. Oh and you ever cracked a game before? You do realize that cracked games run a lot better than the uncracked versions. I once had a game that was unplayable due to computer lag (Need for Speed some random version I don't remember). Well one day couldn't find the I made a run over to your friendly neighborhood gamecopywold and found the no cd crack for the latest release fired up the game...and magically the game recieved a 30fps boost. So I personally appreciate the way valve is doing it.
Dirtball said:
#1 I'm sure the number of users without internet connection that have a computer capable of playing HL2 will be >>1% more like .001%.

You are most definitely wrong on that. It's hard to show, as you won't hear from these people on the Internet, but people in rural areas, people without a landline even, people in less developed countries (not everyone is in the USA), people in the military without net access. Also, possibly, people behind college firewalls or such...

So it won't be just 1%. And as it was pointed out, even if it was only 1%, that would be 10 000 people if you estimate a million copies sold. My estimate for the percentage who'd have trouble with authorizing is higher than that.
^Ben said:
If you have a PC capable of running HL2 you will have some kind of internet connection.

Heck just bring your freinds 56k over and let them connect to the internet for 5 seconds :|

Tha simple statement has been quoted more than a few times in this thread. Don't forget about people in Dorms or in Campus that have the Internet, but can't connect with Steam. Don't forget about people who's parents won't let them surf the net (but will let them play violent video games).

It can be harder to install a modem and set up an internet connection than your 5 seconds estimate makes it seem.

If connecting to the Internet in order to experience the game were necessary, there would be much less bitching. The fact is that it does nothing to enhance the experience other than to allow Steam to automatically update your software (I'd prefer it not to). Rather it serves as one more inconvenience to some people. It would be nice, at least to have an alternative method for those who don't want to install Steam.

I seem to remember the guys at Valve saying last year that you could either authenticate with Steam, or you could put the CD in the computer. Seems like they've changed their minds on the CD version.
Solver said:
You are most definitely wrong on that. It's hard to show, as you won't hear from these people on the Internet, but people in rural areas, people without a landline even, people in less developed countries (not everyone is in the USA), people in the military without net access. Also, possibly, people behind college firewalls or such...

So it won't be just 1%. And as it was pointed out, even if it was only 1%, that would be 10 000 people if you estimate a million copies sold. My estimate for the percentage who'd have trouble with authorizing is higher than that.

Combine the people that have trouble authing and the people that don't have internet and it'll still be less than the number that would have stuggled with safe disk. And quite simply put, people who don't have the internet aren't going to have the computer to run it. But, yes a lot of people out there don't have the internet... but those people also don't have computers capable of playing HL2...and if they did have the hardware, they'd still have outdated drivers so the game wouldn't run. Oh and has been said all it takes from the people is a trip to a library or school or some place like that for a temporary hook up and then run steam in offline mode. Might be a pain, but I'm selfish and steam makes my life easier.
otomo said:
Just get a crack if you dont want to use it on steam. Yes it will be cracked just like CS was. Forcing the internet connection just makes it more of a pain for those who actually do buy the game.
what if steams needs to send unique data to unlock each unique installation?
Dirtball said:
And quite simply put, people who don't have the internet aren't going to have the computer to run it. But, yes a lot of people out there don't have the internet... but those people also don't have computers capable of playing HL2....

That is the single most ridiculous statement I've read in this thread. Personally, I know 3 people with faster machines than mine, who haven't got internet. One lives in a shared house, with only a pay phone in the hall. One is my nephew, who's mum can't afford the monthly installments of an ISP just so he can play games. And the other is a work colleague who spends all his wages on somewhere to live, taxes and bills. I know this because I built the machines for them. Maybe I should subsidise their internet too to maintain your little fantasy?
Ask anyone on this forum if they know somebody else with a reasonable spec machine without a net connection and you'll get a list as long as an elephants todger.

Funny how it's only the fans of this auth method who are making all the sweeping generalisations with no facts to back them up.
Yeah, I also know people with good specs and no net access. Another thing is that I care for everyone. I don't consider it normal if someonewho buys the game is then forced to go to a friend/netcafe or whatever to activate his copy (will it even activate from a comp that doesn't have the game installed, hopefully yes). It's not right to customers.
I'll just be especially interested to see how clearly this requirement appears alongside more well known specifications like CPU and RAM.

"Requires internet connection to play online" might put one or two people off, and "Requires internet connection for single verification download" would be pretty wordy for the back of a box.
Yep... I'm indeed curious to see just what is said on the box and where. My boxes typically say "Internet connection required to play online" or in case of newer games "An internet connection, ISDN or faster, required to play online" or something along those lines. Well, that should be obvious. I am sure though that there are going to be many people who are buying HL2 for SP only knowing they won't play online as they don't have a connection.

Now, the question... even if the box says "Internet connection required to activate the game" plainly, how many people will notice it? I know that I'd just pick up a box of the game I want without reading it thorougly... knowing HL2, supposedly, such a person won't be reading the box right away or paying proper attention. Of course, people with no net access won't have read that it requires activation on sites such as this either.

I can guess that game stores will be getting MANY angry calls in the last two weeks of November.
i actually used to have a job before i went to college and was able to afford a kickin rad computer.

but funds are dwindling and the need for a higher education is more important the the internet.

so i happen to be one of those with a computer more than capable of running it (3ghz, 9800pro, gig o ram) that won't have an internet connection (in the not so distant future).
That will keep people from cheating, and letting 10,000 other people download HL2, and then use the CD key to use it. Its like STYLE XP, it goes online when your online, checks for updates, and to see if your registered or not, and if it finds 2 cd keys, the newest user is shut down for that service.
Solver said:
Yep... I'm indeed curious to see just what is said on the box and where. My boxes typically say "Internet connection required to play online" or in case of newer games "An internet connection, ISDN or faster, required to play online" or something along those lines. Well, that should be obvious. I am sure though that there are going to be many people who are buying HL2 for SP only knowing they won't play online as they don't have a connection.

Now, the question... even if the box says "Internet connection required to activate the game" plainly, how many people will notice it? I know that I'd just pick up a box of the game I want without reading it thorougly... knowing HL2, supposedly, such a person won't be reading the box right away or paying proper attention. Of course, people with no net access won't have read that it requires activation on sites such as this either.

I can guess that game stores will be getting MANY angry calls in the last two weeks of November.

That's pretty much what I said earlier - my guess is they will stick it with the minimum system requirements, something like 'internet required' where nobody will read it until they've handed over their cash.
An internet connection should not be required for an offline game. I don't care about copy protection or any other excuse all of you will throw at me. When I pay $50 for a game, I DO NOT want to be hasseled by copy protection and inconveniences!

When the hurricane hit, I was out of internet for weeks. What if HL2 had come out during that time? Heck, what if another hurricane hits? Best Buy will be open, but Cox Communications will be in shambles.
I'm glad we never have hurricanes in Holland :), but Valve doesn't do anything that's not allowed. It's clearly stated in the requirements so they don't do anything wrong. And I think the money Valve doesn't get because of people who don't buy it because of lacking internet isn't as much as the money they will don't lose because of decreased piracy. And and the option that saves the most cash is usually the best option if a company wants to survive.
otomo said:
Just get a crack if you dont want to use it on steam. Yes it will be cracked just like CS was. Forcing the internet connection just makes it more of a pain for those who actually do buy the game.

That made my day.

"Get a crack to fix it."

its at least one solution for university students who have the internet but cant use steam i guess.
I think the point of the matter is:
Pirates (avast ye matey!) will have internet connections and will be able to download cracks/warez

It'll be legitamate customers left in the cold
Yip, a nice pain in the ass Valve are forcing upon us. My computer that I will be playing it on has no net connection so im gonna have to lug my computer upstairs to the phone line that is signed on just to validate.

Not a big problem just an inconvenience, lots more people have much worse situations which leads to many many complaints. I wouldn't be surprised to see the idea scrapped.
alehm said:
That made my day.

"Get a crack to fix it."


floppy disks my friend... And there really arent that many people without internet connections these days.
jaguar_987 said:
I wouldn't be surprised to see the idea scrapped.

I can only hope. But I imagine no, it'll stay. The game has gone gold and is being reproduced. So it's unlikely anything will change.

But I can dream can't I?
Well, I don't have an internet connection because I'm a graduate student (which I means I make about just enough money to pay rent and other ESSENTIAL bills, plus I'm just about to get married so I have to save for the honeymoon). I don't have enough money to afford internet other than dial-up and frankly, that's not even worth it. And on top of that I don't have a landline phone, only a cell phone. I'll just download a cracked version at school and not buy the game if it requires an internet connection for the singleplayer game. LAME
Valve_Assassin said:
I think the point of the matter is:
Pirates (avast ye matey!) will have internet connections and will be able to download cracks/warez

It'll be legitamate customers left in the cold

Exactly, they're idiots.
You only have to be online for 5 seconds to authenitcate and that's it.
Tzarius said:
Ok then, here's an analogy:

CAR SALESMAN: Ok then, so you're paying cash for the beige VW van?

HIPPIE: Sure am, got all the money right here.

SALESMAN: Excellent. You can take the car now, we've got all the paperwork sorted, but... we'll need to call you at your house phone before we can give you the keys.

HIPPIE: What?! I ain't got no "Phone", man! Livin' outside the system, man!

SALESMAN: Well, I'm sorry, but that's the way it is, orders from the Boss. You can still have the car, of course.

HIPPIE: What good is a car if I can't drive it, man?

HIPPIE'S BRAIN: Hah! just take the car dude, we can hotwire it later!

So there you have it.
PS: The car salesman would have delivered the van to the hippie, I used poetic license :P

I grabbed this from the steam forums, I thought it was quite clever
That's pretty much it, Tiddalick ;)

StAtiC said:
And there really arent that many people without internet connections these days.

oh good grief. Do you lot read this line from the same book? :|
If an internet connection is required to activate the game, I will not be buying Half-Life 2.
alehm said:
That made my day.

"Get a crack to fix it."


Let me invite you to any Eastern European country. You will find that games are sold in warez shops, 5 USD a game, approximately, already cracked, etc. That is how most games are obtained in Eastern Europe - few people have good enough connections to download them, most buy them from pirates for 10% of the original's price. You don't really need Internet to get a warez version...
From VALVe:

From: Matt Bamberger
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 10:45 AM

There won’t be any other options—every user will need to log on to Steam over the Internet to get started. Once they’ve done that, they won’t need a net connection every time they want to play, though.


bad decision i think, i hope they alter it as people are going to be pretty mad that have already ordered the game yet live in college dorms or military barracks.
if you are stuck and in this situation, i would suggest you complain directly to valve and email them. Its the only way they will reconsider or change anything.
FthrJACK said:
From VALVe:

bad decision i think, i hope they alter it as people are going to be pretty mad that have already ordered the game yet live in college dorms or military barracks.
if you are stuck and in this situation, i would suggest you complain directly to valve and email them. Its the only way they will reconsider or change anything.

And so it officially sucks. Bad decision indeed, I must say I'm surprised to see something like that from Valve. However, I am afraid, they can't reconsider. The game is gold. Currently, disks with it are being copied, the ready ones bundled with the manuals and put in boxes, etc. If they were to change the game not to require authorization over Steam, they'd have to restart the process again. That is impossible, as it would cost a lot.
the main reason for hl2 activation via internet is to f*ck all those gamers that'll get it trough warez. and this way Valve will optimize their profits. i think they earn this is a way, and come on! everyone got an internet connection , you dont? too bad.

VALVe shouldnt pay attention to the minority. the minority should pay attention to us. upgrading their systems.
CloSe2InSaNitY said:
the main reason for hl2 activation via internet is to f*ck all those gamers that'll get it trough warez. and this way Valve will optimize their profits. i think they earn this is a way, and come on! everyone got an internet connection , you dont? too bad.

VALVe shouldnt pay attention to the minority. the minority should pay attention to us. upgrading their systems.

its being able to afford it :P. But in a more PC way, people who dont have net connections normally have crap computers anyway (i know, not all). If they get desperate they'll borrow a mates dialup connection. People find ways.
CloSe2InSaNitY said:
the main reason for hl2 activation via internet is to f*ck all those gamers that'll get it trough warez. and this way Valve will optimize their profits. i think they earn this is a way, and come on! everyone got an internet connection , you dont? too bad.

VALVe shouldnt pay attention to the minority. the minority should pay attention to us. upgrading their systems.

Read the thread... there is no way it will harm warez people. I can hand you in a report on status of pirated copies of HL2 on Nov 20, if you want.

As it has been stated very well here, people who don't have internet connections aren't such a small minority as some believe. Next, guess what, there are more casual gamers who buy HL2 for one playthrough or something than there are hardcore fans who visit HL2 websites every day, etc. And there are far more people who will be playing it on average comps than on good comps. So I think they should ignore the minority who bothers to upgrade their system and tone down graphics to 2002 level :rolleyes:.
It would be short sighted of them not to have a system that you can call up to activate the game, however given it's relativly cheap cost compared to say MS Office I can understand if they don't support such a system.
Ok guys.

Lets work on solving the problem....

Step1. Go here: , press buy wait a couple of days

Step2. Pick up a PC Gamer or wait for the junk mail in the post and get your free AOL CD

Step3. Sign up, for free

Step4. Register Halflife2

P.S. I think VALVe's view on it is that if you don't have an internet connection, you don't have steam.... They probably have about 2million folk on steam. I think they think thats enough
CloSe2InSaNitY said:
the main reason for hl2 activation via internet is to f*ck all those gamers that'll get it trough warez. and this way Valve will optimize their profits. i think they earn this is a way, and come on! everyone got an internet connection , you dont? too bad.

VALVe shouldnt pay attention to the minority. the minority should pay attention to us. upgrading their systems.

I find this all incredibly confusing. Surely they would make more money if they tried selling the games to the people that actually want to buy them. Shutting-out loyal sections of your fan base in an attempt to force less-willing people to buy your game is absurd. Choosing to make a few extra dollars at the expense of a minority fan group basically says to me "We'd rather have the low-life warezers play our game; the type of people with no moral fibre that stole our source code. We don't care about the genuine fans that can't play now; we can make more money this way." I'm sorry, but am i the only one who finds that completely immoral?

I can count myself lucky i'm not in that minority group, but I could just as easily be. So now I'm left wondering why the hell should I buy the game? I'm a fairly moral guy, a firm believer in paying respect where it's due. But how can I feel morally obligated to buy a game from a company that has no morals itself?

So what about piracy? Well, perhaps I shall sympathize when they start doing the "right thing" themselves. In the meantime I have a decision to make: Do I buy this game or not? Well, as luck would have it I got a free one with my graphics card.

Lucky for them that is, because I'm not sure that I would have.
i dont see that theres even an arguement here
i mean, people without internet are getting screwed,
it doesnt matter what you say
*pointing* yes that includes YOU
they ARE getting screwed
whether you care or not is simply a matter of opinion, but noone is saying you should care, we are saying that valve should be nice enough to NOT screw people without internet
Well said, MrD. I know that I'll find it very hard to condemn pirates on this particular case. And while I know that I am lucky to be in the group of people with broadband and a computer good enough to play HL2 very well, I know that many people are in the same position. And I can't, unlike some, care about myself only and ignore those less lucky.
Those of you that just reply saying "haha! buy a modem nubs!" need a reality check.

See, people live in college dorms, they have very limited access to the internet as their colleges network blocks ports for things like IRC, messenger clients, you name it. Depends which colleges network you are on of course. Steam will not run for a lot of these people, its blocked by the damned routers.

Its the same as people who live in military bases. what... you think that on the 16th Nov theres going to be a que of folks leaving Sandhurst and Fort Brag with their laptops and desktop machines under their arms? "we are all just off to bobs house sarge to use his cable modem for a bit"

Im sure theres other people in the same situation unable to register the game, who have ALREADY PAID FOR IT. They will get their CD delivered on the 16th and it will be of no use other than as a coaster. And if they return it or chancel their order (if they can) they are more likley than not going to get charged a restocking fee or loose their deposit or whatever.

If i was one of the people in this situation i would return the game to the store and get someone to download me the warez version and mail me the disc or buy it at a carboot sale or something.