ConFurvatives for America!!!

Do furries contradict or confirm the idea that this world was created for humans?

Furthermore, what kind of cruel god would place an animal soul in a human body?
Right-wing? I thought featheries were different from furries.
ffs why do I search words that I'm not familiar with? I really didnt need to know what yiffing is
that's ok ...could you put more accent into your responses please?

"I didnae know you didnae know that word you cheese eating surrender monkey ACH!!!"

please forgive my retarded attempt at an accent
Just when you thought stupid people can't be more stupid...

What. The. ****.
that's ok ...could you put more accent into your responses please?

"I didnae know you didnae know that word you cheese eating surrender monkey ACH!!!"

please forgive my retarded attempt at an accent
eh smore like ekyna rollen die logg ykno? s'vera treckie t'ackcherlie siet. coss, am fraeersher n e acsksenm mos familiar withsy glasgy or theraboots. swa ken a cuid be gen'ralisen boot shet a mebbe shouldnae be tokknaboot.
eh smore like ekyna rollen die logg ykno? s'vera treckie t'ackcherlie siet. coss, am fraeersher n e acsksenm mos familiar withsy glasgy or theraboots. swa ken a cuid be gen'ralisen boot shet a mebbe shouldnae be tokknaboot.

ummm take it down a notch or two there sparky ..I said use an accent not make stern feel retarded ;)

but yes maybe you shouldnt be talking about it since you're only familiar with the accent around glasgow

Glasgow accents are generally atrocious... said the man from norn irn....
Yiff in hell. [Yiff - Definition]

Yiffing is the consenual or non-consensual act of sex that is commited between two of age males that are apart of the, "fur" or "weres" community. Yiffing is the word for sexual contact, which is derivative more of the sound some animals make while mating, such as Foxes. It is similiar or paradoxally the same as, "Yaoi", which implies homosexual contact displayed in artwork from or produced by Japanese Film Makers, Animators, Comic Strip Producers, Artists, etc. The word also has varying uses for tense, where: (1.) Yiff is the act of sexual contact or forboding of future sexual activity, (2.) yiffing is the process of that act occuring, and (3.) yiffed is of course, the act already having been completed.

- K e r b e r o s Definition

... because the one on wikipedia sucks and isn't very informative.

Yiff in Hell [Analyzed Statement]

The statement or phrase, "Yiff in Hell" actually came from a community that isn't exactly the polar opposite of the furs in both erractic sexual behavior and penitient for dressing up. Since the groups carry people with similiar interests, where the mainstay of artists bounce between the two mini-societies, Elitist in the anime sub-culture tagged the phrase, "Yiff in Hell" as sort of online battle cry for they're ironic rejection. That community is largely, "the Anime Community"; a group of people who are far more bizarre and erractic then the furs themselves. (I know, because I've gone to the conventions and smelt nothing but ass because anime nerds can't bathe for shit.)

Mainly, this phrase became popular in online websites, such as 4chan, which is dedicated to the anime community at large.

The complete phrase is however, "Yiff in Hell, Furfag", which implies sexual derogatorism.
if you want the proper information on furries, you don't go to wikipedia. The furries have got their articles on 24/7 watch to make sure no one takes paint thinner to their white wash.

if you want an article that tells it like it is in all of its gruesome truth, you go here, and no, its not work safe, not in the least bit.
British Isles accents are generally hard for me to understand at times unless I'm really focused. Scottis, Irish, most of the other accents.

But I watched a movie that had authentic Glasgow accents...

Couldn't understand a damned thing. Maybe 1 in 25 words.
British Isles accents are generally hard for me to understand at times unless I'm really focused. Scottis, Irish, most of the other accents.

But I watched a movie that had authentic Glasgow accents...

Couldn't understand a damned thing. Maybe 1 in 25 words.

The sad part is, the glasgow people probably think the same thing about us texans.
Furry Republic Christians.

Jesus Christ, that's 2/3 things that everyone hates.
The sad part is, the glasgow people probably think the same thing about us texans.

Actually they can usually understand, mainly due to constantly being exposed to american accents via films and TV.

What people find really funny is a lot of Californians thinking that they have no accent.
What people find really funny is a lot of Californians thinking that they have no accent.

:E I've live in California all my life and I don't have an accent...

to other Californians. But anywhere else and it shows, makes me wonder how I sound to others!

I know if I stayed overseas for a while I'd catch an inflection... :upstare:
1. scroll up
2. click the link i posted a few replies ago
3. ???
4. *Profit

*By profit, i mean weep for humanity
Furries aren't bad people.

You might find that they're artwork or role playing is different,
but they're human nonetheless and are deserving of you're respect.
And the bulk majority of furries aren't conservatives either -- most of them represent
a broad swath of diverse political and ethnic backgrounds, a majority, maintaining largely
liberal idea's and consensus.

So, was this the perogative?
"Let's just chastise the least socially understood group before we're next!" /IED's the Bandwagon
Furries aren't bad people.

You might find that they're artwork or role playing is different,
but they're human nonetheless and are deserving of you're respect.
And the bulk majority of furries aren't conservatives either -- most of them represent
a broad swath of diverse political and ethnic backgrounds, a majority, maintaining largely
liberal idea's and consensus.

So, was this the perogative?
"Let's just chastise the least socially understood group before we're next!" /IED's the Bandwagon

respect is not given, its earned. And we are well aware most of them are liberal, the aforementioned confurvative website is more a fluke fringe.

If only it were as simple as not liking something thats just different. There's more to it than that. Now granted, not all of them are deserving of ridicule, but speaking from years of experience on the matters of "internets," a lot of them are. Furries started off as a loose collection of people that REALLY liked looney toons back in the 70s i believe. Prior to the internet they kept their fetish to themselves and there was really no issue at hand. Following the internet, however, furries were not only able to communicate to each other more easily, but started to attract social rejects from all over. The larger the group grew, the more self reinforcing it became, the more polarized elements began to emerge within it. So you end up with these polarized sub communities within the subculture. Many of which are all waving their freak flag feverishly, but can't stand the heat of the inevitable criticism. This is where you get the people making images of polar bears eating smaller animals by way of urethra, masterbating into plush toys (that have custom made orifices built in), wearing fursuits, or actually sexing their pets.

Its gotten to the point where they are an everpresent white noise on the internet. Just another group of people trying to be different, but somehow ending up all the same. Its just that this group happens to be one of the biggest, obnoxious, and constantly growing communities out there by way of catching lonely maladjusted nerds with some of the more tame porn they produce, or through sonic the hedgehog or starfox fan groups, before corrupting them into neckbeards that can only get off when there are more penises, tails, and fluid types, in an image than there are characters.

I think another large part of it is that you've got a group that tries to pride itself in being different, but still comes across a mass of like thinking sheeple, much like goths, emos, or fratboys. But this group happens to have very nasty elements, is known for their general inability to distinguish their fetish from the rest of their life, and have a significant holier than thou complex.

So because of all this, hell yes I'm going to make fun of them. Just because someone "can" salivate at the sight of dog penis, doesn't mean they should. And I sure as hell should not have to respect them for it.

Granted some furries are all right, they are capable of actually socializing in real life and keep their fetish to themselves or at least seperate from their regular day to day. Unfortunately it would seem these are either very silent, or a minority. I got no beef with these people.
Furries aren't bad people.

You might find that they're artwork or role playing is different,
but they're human nonetheless and are deserving of you're respect.
And the bulk majority of furries aren't conservatives either -- most of them represent
a broad swath of diverse political and ethnic backgrounds, a majority, maintaining largely
liberal idea's and consensus.

So, was this the perogative?
"Let's just chastise the least socially understood group before we're next!" /IED's the Bandwagon

he's a furry!!! lets rush him!
Yeah, I figure that for most people in the furry community just treat it as a fetish, and keep it to themselves. So I don't have any problem with them, in the same way I don't have a problem with people who are really into leather, or any other bizarre fetish. Obviously it wouldn't really effect their political ideology either.

Its when somehow a fetish starts interacting with other parts of your life, such as forming a political action gets weird. It's not as if anything they do needs to be protected legally, so whats the point?
Yeah, I figure that for most people in the furry community just treat it as a fetish, and keep it to themselves. So I don't have any problem with them, in the same way I don't have a problem with people who are really into leather, or any other bizarre fetish. Obviously it wouldn't really effect their political ideology either.

Its when somehow a fetish starts interacting with other parts of your life, such as forming a political action gets weird. It's not as if anything they do needs to be protected legally, so whats the point?

yup, this is their leader:

wikiFur said:
Sema JayHawk (born February 27, 1986), better known as SemJay, is an American Pit Bull Terrier/Siberian Husky mix originally from the Chicagoland area, now living in Tempe, Arizona with her boyfriend Taren Nauxen.

that's taking it too far
respect is not given, its earned. And we are well aware most of them are liberal, the aforementioned confurvative website is more a fluke fringe.

If only it were as simple as not liking something thats just different. There's more to it than that. Now granted, not all of them are deserving of ridicule, but speaking from years of experience on the matters of "internets," a lot of them are. Furries started off as a loose collection of people that REALLY liked looney toons back in the 70s i believe. Prior to the internet they kept their fetish to themselves and there was really no issue at hand. Following the internet, however, furries were not only able to communicate to each other more easily, but started to attract social rejects from all over. The larger the group grew, the more self reinforcing it became, the more polarized elements began to emerge within it. So you end up with these polarized sub communities within the subculture. Many of which are all waving their freak flag feverishly, but can't stand the heat of the inevitable criticism. This is where you get the people making images of polar bears eating smaller animals by way of urethra, masterbating into plush toys (that have custom made orifices built in), wearing fursuits, or actually sexing their pets.

Its gotten to the point where they are an everpresent white noise on the internet. Just another group of people trying to be different, but somehow ending up all the same. Its just that this group happens to be one of the biggest, obnoxious, and constantly growing communities out there by way of catching lonely maladjusted nerds with some of the more tame porn they produce, or through sonic the hedgehog or starfox fan groups, before corrupting them into neckbeards that can only get off when there are more penises, tails, and fluid types, in an image than there are characters.

I think another large part of it is that you've got a group that tries to pride itself in being different, but still comes across a mass of like thinking sheeple, much like goths, emos, or fratboys. But this group happens to have very nasty elements, is known for their general inability to distinguish their fetish from the rest of their life, and have a significant holier than thou complex.

So because of all this, hell yes I'm going to make fun of them. Just because someone "can" salivate at the sight of dog penis, doesn't mean they should. And I sure as hell should not have to respect them for it.

Granted some furries are all right, they are capable of actually socializing in real life and keep their fetish to themselves or at least seperate from their regular day to day. Unfortunately it would seem these are either very silent, or a minority. I got no beef with these people.

tl;rp (Too Long, Read Partially)

The point is, there are a lot of furries who are eccentric intellectuals who like to have sex and drink a lot, and I hazard a guess that they are a majority. The problem is, the stupid minority is also the most vocal part, leading to excessive lulz.

Then again, this is how things generally are in Europe, I can't say how it is in North America.
tl;rp (Too Long, Read Partially)

The point is, there are a lot of furries who are eccentric intellectuals who like to have sex and drink a lot, and I hazard a guess that they are a majority. The problem is, the stupid minority is also the most vocal part, leading to excessive lulz.

Then again, this is how things generally are in Europe, I can't say how it is in North America.

Wait, you think that the majority of furries are probably intellectuals?
Uh, why?
Wait, you think that the majority of furries are probably intellectuals?
Uh, why?

Because there is a really vocal stupid minority and a more intelligent silent majority.
Even on the internet, which requires a certain amount of technological literacy to use, the idea of an 'intelligent majority' tends to be an oxymoron.

On the one hand I'm given to lol uproariously at Flyingdebris' shameless appropriation of US neo-victorian sexual discourses. "They'll corrupt our kids and lure them into strange fetishes and that will affect us all!" On the other hand, it's certainly true that furries often tend to take a kind of nationalist pride in their sexual kinks, construct an identity for themselves that is based on that orientation. It's not the desire to be different but the desire to be in company which unites furries, and unites them to the absurd extent that they form 'furs for christ' groups or whatever. And, following this, I have encountered groups on the interent which cause harm to people by encouraging them to join sexual-identity groups into which they may not, in fact, have been suited to join see here.
well, they do carry on like greasy katamari damacy balls of grossness, but i'm not so much concerned about them corrupting anyone worthwhile, people are free to do as they please. But I'm am arguing for my right to ridicule them. I'd hate to see a day where we cannot ridicule each other because somehow everythign is suddenly equally legitimate. Though to a certain extent, yeah i am concerned about their growing numbers. I'd hate to see them spill full on into the mainstream. Its harder and more hazardous to make fun of them then.