Control problems???


Oct 10, 2003
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Does anyone else have this problem with their controls?

I'm not sure if its a bug or my wireless keyboard acting up.

Basically when I hold down foward it goes for a certain period of time, but then suddenly stops (like I've taken my finger off which I haven't) but when I take my finger off and press it down again it keeps going until a little while later.

Same type of thing happening for a period in office, whenever I stopped shooting it would randomly reload even though I didn't even press anything.

Because there doesn't seem to be anyone else complaining I'm guessing its my keyboard, but its throwing me off because I'm not having any trouble with it when I type and I tried replacing the batteries.

Any ideas?
Have you tried holding down the same key for a long period in a text editor? That would show you whether it's you keyboard or not.

I don't have the problem, and haven't heard anyone else with it. I think you are right... prime suspect is the keyboard.
I would have to concur, Keyboard does indeed sound suspect.
make sure you haven't perhaps knocked the wire loose, check your connections... although I doubt that a loose connection would cause that.. maybe a loose pin.

you haven't spilled anything on your keyboard lately have you? (heh)
but yeah, as JBrown03 suggested, open up a text editor and try holding down the key in there.

by the way Welcome to the forums JBrown03 (well perhaps the join date is not new, but I have not seen you around), so perhaps I should say.. Welcome back.
Yeah that was actually the first thing I did, tried holding it down no problems at all (for a page at least :| )
uninstall the intellitype drivers if u have them...they're known to cause this kind of thing with the keyboard and mouse oddly enough.