Controller vs. Mouse

Which would win?

  • Controller

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • Mouse

    Votes: 57 93.4%

  • Total voters
im use to a mouse now that i have been playing computer for 2 years now.. so thats the winner!!
Mouse would win in some cases, but still more ppl are used to it soooo... it would win. :thumbs:
Mouse all the way.

I mean come on, the mouse would just kill the Controller with its cuteness!

Rofl @ the confused people above D:

Mouse for shooting, Controller for driving/flying.

When I used to play bf1942 I would always switch back and forth. Used the mouse for when I was on foot and a controller when I was in a plane or jeep.
Mouse < Controller...Mouse+Keyboard FAR > Controller.
the mouse looks a lot bigger tbh

actually is that even a mouse in the picure???
Exclamatio said:
the mouse looks a lot bigger tbh

actually is that even a mouse in the picure???

It's a gerbil. :O

Optical Mouse = Precision you just cant argue with

thats some rofl stuff.... i think my flat mate heard me laughing... :dork:

And again rofl @ all the people who still havent caught on!! :p


The mouse would eat the controller, then poop it out, eat it again.. then poop it out.. again....

theres already two threads?

this one is better because of poll :D
lolz at the people who haven't realised what the thread is about ;)

Wub you guys :D
HAHAHA! very nicely done, The controller should win really, although you got me an all. :p
Well since the controller is half-life related, and the mouse not, controller all the way!
Mouse to the max. :thumbs:

Controllers would just get owned to death.
on a good racing game, nothing beats a momo
on a good flying game, nothing beats a joystick
on a good computer game, nothing beats a mouse.
pfft, the mouse has secret magic powers

after all, it is a superintelligent being
Not superintelligent being...

Three-dimensional profiles of a pan-dimensional, hyper-intelligent race of beings.
