converting .mov to windows media player


Apr 26, 2004
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hi, I have a video that can only run in internet explorer, im not sure if that means it's .mov, or whatever. But i just wnated to know if there's anyway that i can convert it so i can watch it in windows media player or realplayer or something. If i have to download something , tell me what I have to download.


edit: sry wrong section.
I assume you are wanting this so you can view it at a bigger size.

If so, the easiest way without worrying about conversion is to find the .mov in your temporary internet folder (will be something like C:\Documents and Settings\<accountname>\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files for winXP) then just launch it in quicktime which you can size bigger, fullscreen is only for the bought version I think but there are alternative programs out that will play .mov's fullscreen.

edit: I think you can play quicktime files fullscreen with this: QuicktimeAlternative
no, i want it into another format anything other than .mov because i wanna edit it in windows movie maker, does anyone know how to make it work?!
I think you can use windows media encoder.

I'm not sure though.