Cool animations


Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
HAve a few questions.

1.)How would you make a side scroller, ie: its a rectangle that has words scrolling along it repeatedly.. like in 1.6's de_vegas.

2.)How do you make walls breakable, ie: i walk upto a wooded wall, and shoot it repeateldly and it will break into chunks.

3.)Does anyone have a good tutorial on how vtex works.. valves is a bit too mild. (would like to convert my jpgs into vtf's for cs:s)

Thanks in advance
#1 im not sure about #2 you gotta tie it to the entity "func_breakable" and then for how much damage it can take, use the "strength" property. now #3 i dont think its possible to convert JPGs to vtfs post the pic and ill make ur tag for ya ^_^
BTW about the tag please Include a lil info about what exactly you want i can make certain parts clear and stuff...
no no, not a tag, i want to make custom textures for my map.. so its a jpeg now. and i thought the file i want them to turn into is a vtf? to use it in the sdk..

and about the breakable wall, i didnt think it was that easy.. i knew about func_breakable.. thanks!

About sidescroller, anyone know how?
okay i havent yet figure out custom textures but im still sure that you cant convert jpgs only TGAs with an alpha channel....
On another note, if anyone can answer those thanks..

here is something i dont get, i just did a bsp compile and i got this.. it didnt cause any problems but id like to fix it..

this is what it sais "Brush 175086: bounds out of range"

-how would i go about finding this brush.. there are no leaks.
Turns out there is a thread here at about vtex

The Brush <whatever>: bounds out of range error means you got a freakin huge brush in your map and its, guess what, out of bounds. go to view>go to brush number put in the number and hammer will move the camera there and select the brush for you, resize it after that.

Can't find anything about #1 in your first post
go to view>go to brush number put in the number and hammer will move the camera there and select the brush for you

I knew there was something in hammer for that! .. thanks limpet.

thanks for the vtex link..

I dont think anyone but the pro's will get the sidescrollin question.. been foolin around with some things.. still cant figure it.
In order to get scrolling textures to work you will need to define custom parameters in the .vmt file for your texture. I created a sample map which I will include a link to at the end of my post (I didn't bother to compile the textures into the bsp so you will have to unzip the file and place the "xene" folder in your materials folder and the .bsp in your maps folder) that displays a scrolling texture. The format of your .vmt file should look like this:

	"$baseTexture" "xene/scrolling"

		"texturescrollvar" "$baseTextureTransform"
		"texturescrollrate" .1
		"texturescrollangle" 0.00

Now, of course you will want to replace the texture name defined in the $baseTexture parameter to comply with one of your choosing. Furthermore, make sure you restart Hammer everytime you edit a .vmt file to be sure that it will use the most recent version when it compiles your map.

All source files are included in this zip file as well as the finished .bsp:

The map was created for HL2DM but can just as easily be applied to other games on the Source engine (such as Counter Strike: Source). Hopefully this helps you out.
by the way, ctrl+shift+g lets u find the brush given by the compiletools.
Xene, thank you very much.. It helped alot!

Another slash nubbish question is.. how do you get physics picture hanging to stick to the wall? Do you use the func hinge?

Also i am unable to use my custom textures for cs:s, it was the 2000 pack dl'd off this site, which is located in my cs:s/materials folder, am i missing something?

Also i tried using that custom scroller..

"materials/Now serving Number 23.vtf": cached version doesn't exist

and that happened, i put the files in the propper places, and changed the name.. but compile said that?.. as well your bsp "doesnt exist" when i try to run it.
If you want a physics prop to stay in place, but still able to get picked up, check the different flags, you'd probably put a check by "motion diabled" and the other one dealing with enabling motion with the physgun, I don't remember the exact wording, and maybe the "dont enable motion on player bump"

If you wanted it to always stay in place you would uses a hinge. This way would make it so it will never come off the wall unless you tell the hinge how much force is need to let go of the object.

for the textures try placing them in the sourcesdk_content\cstrike\materialsrc folder.

dunno about the rest
If my map isn't loading for you then you do not have the files in their proper directories. The .vmf file must be placed in the directory where you are loading your other maps from (or any folder really, as long as you navigate to the folder through Hammer), the .bsp file must be placed in the maps folder, and the "xene" folder must be placed in your materials folder. Furthermore you may encounter problems if you try to load this in Counter Strike: Source as it was designed for Half-Life 2.
Strike: Source as it was designed for Half-Life 2.

There was the problem, how would i go around this ? to make it work for counterstrike :source?

And limpet i got the pics to hang thanks.

Also xen, it works like a charm in hl2dm.. thanks.. i just gotta find a way to get it workin in cs:s. How exactly do you change the words that come across the scroller? what parameters must i change?
I think you would just have to copy over the stuff into your CS:S map, but I don't map for CS:S
Yeah you just need to create the map while you're running Hammer in Counter Strike: Source mode. Everything is basically the same in terms of creation. When you load Hammer make sure the drop down box in the SDK window says that you are editing for Counter Strike: Source. Then in Hammer just apply your scrolling texture to the brush of your choice and it will scroll when you load the game. Also make sure you have the scrolling texture and script file (the .vtf and .vmt files) in your materials directory.

In order to change the words that appear you would need to create a new texture. There are most definately ways to create dynamic scrolling text where you just save the scrolling text to a .txt file or something similar, but I imagine that such a feature would require some editing of the source code. Right now the easiest way to display scrolling text is to create a texture and apply it to your brush with the script I posted earlier in this thread. When creating your texture just make sure you make a 32-Bit TGA file and then convert it to a .vtf through the use of vtex.exe.

If you have any other questions let me know.
Could you do a detailed explanation with some steps on how to create a scroller saying "now serving #23".. I understand what your saying but im not sure how to use vtex, and or how many files in total are needed to create the scroller. and where i type to create the words that i would like to appear ie: now serving #23"

If you could do a step by step i would be HIGHLY greatful.

Thanks for all the help!
From what I've read you really only need 2 files, the image that you wish to use. Feed it into vtex and you'll get your .vtf. After that make your .vmt

I think I'll try making this just to get the experience. If nobody beats me to it I'll post a little tut on how I did it.
For counter strike source?.. i partially get it.. but i seem never to get an end result, thats why i asked for a step by step.. so i know what im missing.

Thanks limp if you get it :P
Ok well I did it and it work, I've only tested and mapped it in HL2DM(sorry CSers).

and my little tut:
1) Fire up your image editor of choice (PS or PSP preferable)
2) Make your image with the dimensions of a power of two. Like 128x256, 256x512, 512x32, 512x512, ect.
3) Save your image as a 32-bit tga
4) Open up two exporer windows (If your in Windows) and point one to your image (tga) and the other to \sourcesdk\bin
5) Drag and drop your tga onto vtex.exe in the bin folder
6) A window pops up showing you some directories. The top one is where the tga came from and the bottom one is where the .vtf is going. Remember the bottom directory becuase you're going there next step
7) Goto to the directory that he .vtf was put in
8) Make a new txt file and name it the same thing as your .vtf
9) Open it up and in this case where we want to make a scrolling texture put in this code:

	"$baseTexture" "xene/scrolling"

		"texturescrollvar" "$baseTextureTransform"
		"texturescrollrate" .1
		"texturescrollangle" 0.00

Brought to you by Xenethyl :cheers:

Now your going to have to change the value in double quotes next to "$baseTexture". If your using the included texture I made it'll be "scrolltest". You do not need to change anything else at this time.

In my version of the .vmt I've added an extra line that will effect the in game properties.

	"$basetexture" "scrolltest"
	"$surfaceprop" "glass"
	"%keywords" "scrolling"

		"texturescrollvar" "$baseTextureTransform"
		"texturescrollrate" .1
		"texturescrollangle" 0.00

You'll notice the line "$surfaceprop" "glass"
This, as you might assume, is telling the engine to make it behave as a glass texture. So when you shoot at it you'll get the glass sfx and bullethole. The line below it is included in other .vmt's so I put in this one too. :rolleyes:

10) When your done with that, change the extension to .vmt You need this because Hammer and Source look at this file to find the picture (for Hammer) but to define properties (in game).

So thats it, it should now be fully usable next time you start up Hammer.

The dimensions of the texture in Hammer are 8x128 units (HxW)

Hoped it helped anyone who came across this. Good luck
Open up two exporer windows (If your in Windows) and point one to your image (tga) and the other to \sourcesdk\bin

I dont get that part?

"%keywords" "scrolling"
And is that what you want the texture to say?
When you double click my computer and then go to another folder and so on that window is the explorer window. You can also right click on my computer and then click explore, you''ll see a window similar to that of just double clicking my computer.

In short the explorer window is the window you use to view folders and such.

"%keywords" is not used by the source engine at all. Its for Hammer, I think its supposed to help you in searching for the texture but when I tried it did nothing.
I don't know how to create the dynamic pictures that Xenethyl said could be possible. So right now the only way I know of making a scrolling texture is what I did above.
I just want scrolling words, and i am totally confused when i read that.. thats what im saying.. and when you say explorer window i think of an internet window lol.. but yeah, i did everything you said.. didnt work for cs:s..
So you put the vtf and vtm in the "materials" folder in the cs:s folder?

Also I'm saying right now the only way to get words to scroll is to make an image.
Ill try again, but all the steps you laid out , i think if i screw up on one .. it all goes to hell.
I get confused around the part of the "basetexture" and scrolltest.. what are the actual words you will see scrolling in yours?..
I have my 32bit tga ready.. but how do i "point" where it goes? im lost.
This method that I have explained _will_not_ show you how to make source write whatever you want dynamically to a texture. It is only showing you how to take a picture, and in this case a picture of text, and make it move. So if you were to open the zip that I uploaded with the tut you'd see scrolltest.vtf and scrolltest.vmt in the materials folder. Move those textures to you materials folder in the game that your mapping for. I think your doing a CS map right? Well then, for example, the .vtf and .vmt will go in counter-strike source\cstrike\materials
After that, you can load up hammer, go to your texture selection window, and type in "scrolltest", and you get the texture that you just copied into the materials folder. If its a hl2dm map then copy the .vtf and .vmt to the materials folder in half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp

Now when I say point I mean go to. So go to where the image is stored, and have the other window go to \sourcesdk\bin

Got it now?
Yeah, basically you should follow Limpet's tutorial (a very nice one at that). I assume you had trouble getting the texture to scroll but did not have trouble getting a map loaded for Counter Strike: Source. If that's the case, then you just didn't have the material files in your Counter Strike: Source materials folder and following Limpet's instructions in his most recent post will fix that for you.

If you have any further questions don't be afraid to ask, that's what this forum is for. ;)
Im having trouble with the tga, i drag it into vtex.. and nothing happens.. where is the converted file supposed to appear?>

Im sure once i understand it will click.. but right now im confused between the steps after i make the tga.. how vtex converts it, which line is the line for the name of my texture "serving" ..

to cut down on confusion, give me the rest of the steps in detail after ive created the tga.. so i can see what im not understanding..

Thanks guys!
The easiest way to create a .vtf file from your .tga file is to create a folder named materialsrc in your Counter Strike: Source folder. Place the .tga file in there and then navigate to the folder with vtex.exe in it. Next, drag your .tga file on to the vtex.exe file and a command prompt window will open and it should display a few lines of text. The last line should instruct you to press a key to continue. Just close the window and go to your materials folder in your Counter Strike: Source directory. You should now have your .vtf file in that folder. I think the problem you were having is that vtex.exe was unsure of where to place the .vtf file. If you place the original .tga in a folder titled materialsrc it will understand that the folder is the source material folder (.tga files) and will place your .vtf files in the main materials folder (where the .vtf files go). That should fix that problem.

In terms of the line that defines the image used to scroll, it is the line with the "$baseTexture" parameter in it. Once again, you cannot edit the .vmt file to produce different text. The only way to display different text on your scrolling texture is to edit the original .tga file (or create a new one) and run that through vtex.exe again. This is what defines the path to your scrolling texture (it should be the texture for which the .vmt file matches):

[b]	"$baseTexture" "xene/scrolling"[/b]

		"texturescrollvar" "$baseTextureTransform"
		"texturescrollrate" .1
		"texturescrollangle" 0.00

The line in bold is what defines the image used to scroll. In this case, the file materials/xene/scrolling.vtf is the texture that will scroll (file extensions such as .vtf are not necessary in the .vmt file). Hopefully this clears some things up for you. Once you have your .vtf file just go back and follow Limpet's tutorial.
Thanks for the help explaining.
I wish I could go back and edit my post to include that little bit about the materialsrc folder :x

You also might want to read through the thread named "Tutorial addressing custom texturing" if you haven't already.
I have my tga in cs:s/materialssrc.. i drag and drop the file into vtex, it creates the vtf file in materials and makes a readme in the src folder, both of these end up in the materials folder, and thats it? with the coded lines that is.

edit: i got it all done but still doesnt work.. all the files are in there place.. :(
go to the folder that the .vtf is in. It should be in your counter-strike source\cstrike\materials folder. Now create a new text document, open it up and copy everything that I wrote in the tutorial, thats in the top code box.

	"$baseTexture" "xene/scrolling"

		"texturescrollvar" "$baseTextureTransform"
		"texturescrollrate" .1
		"texturescrollangle" 0.00

ok so after you've got that in your document change "xene/scrolling" to whatever the name of your texture is with double quotes around it and without the .vtf extension. Save the document, and then rename it to the same thing as your vtf but with a .vmt extension. Like scrolling.vmt if your vtf was scrolling.vtf
Close hammer if its open and then start it again. Otherwise known as restarting i guess :laugh:

does it work? Ill try getting in touch with you via AIM if its not
So in total there is only 2 files? i have the VTF files in the cstrike materials folder, as well as the VMT readme file with coding..

And its all up to snuff with the texture name being "serving"

edit: i got it to show up in the texture browser.. just deleted one of the readme's and remade it.. worked out. but now the texture is purple and black checkered?
Well then, I don't really know. Are you on aim now? I could help you faster that way.
Check my edit above, i got it to show up, but its black and purple checkered in my texture browser.
I don't think you have it spelled right or something in the .vmt
I have msn msnger... and yeah i have them both spelled "Serving" and they are both in the cstrike materials folder...

I just tested in a test map, and the "image" scrolls.. but the image is just purple and black checkers..
is it just vmt file and vtf file.. thats all i need?