Cool weapons you'd like to see in HL2 mods

i want to do something similar just with a remote camera. you can plant it on a wall, and look at the monitor in your hand. it would be cool to plant a remote explosive, setup a camera, sit far away and wait for someone to go past it. boom.
I don't know if this really classifies as a single gun, but... I've love to see the entire range of weapons in Raven Shield transfered over, maybe in an entire transfer of the entire game.
Couple of ideas here that are very similar to what I was thinking of doing in EoJ... 'specially that laser one...

A Singularity Grenade. Throw it, and it sucks every loose object in the vicinity towards it for a few seconds. Then it explodes :naughty:.

Nobody steal! 's for EoJ, that is.
Nobody got into the Armed and Dangerous stuff yet? Here goes:

Landshark gun: fires sharks which burrow along uder the ground to chase your enemies. When it catches up you see it rise Jaws-style to swallow them.

Topsy Turvey Grenade: Basically a huge corkscrew that you dig into the ground and then activate. Everyone in a certain radius then suffers from a reverse gravity effect, falling up into the sky. You're ok because you hold onto the corkscrew bit. When the grenades effect wears off after a few seconds they all get noticed by the law of gravity again... "Hey you! Get down from there..."


Blamethrower: from Mystery Men. Fire it at your enemies and they start blaming/then abusing/then fighting each other. Barney would love this one.

Snark mortar: fires out snarks which explode if you hit directly, but chase/bite your targets (as usual) if you miss. Probably the only weapon nobody would actually bother aiming with. Secondary fire emits a laser targetting beam which the snarks chase (pinched from UT2K4's spider-mine gun).

HK G11: anyone who's played Fallout2 or the Wasteland HL1 mod knows the G11 rules.
Adding on to the Manipulator capability to conrtrol NPCs and such, I would like to see a new manipulator skin...

Your own Giant fist reach out and be able to hurl things. The shooting mechanism could be accomplished with a punch.

Other than that i want to see the entire Worms arsenal. Imagine calling in napalm strikes!
Hmm... You know the Rail gun in Red Faction (I know its a crap game), but that was cool, cos you could shoot through walls... maybe something like that could be included here...
Definately a handheld junkyard-class electromagnet, that somehow has a repel effect.
Plus some kind of shockwave gun/bomb that knocks everyone in a 5 km radius down (ala LotR 1).
I particularly like the singularity grenade idea. Could use the warping effect that the strider blast uses. Also things that were too small/too close could be sucked away and destroyed completely - the larger things are, the slower they would accelerate towards the singularity due to friction, although that should already be handled by the source engine.

I would also like to see a proper sniper rifle this time, not that stupid crossbow. And detpacks to return, they're useful, and there are other games where you think "if I had a detpack, this would be -so- much easier".

Some sort of shrapnel grenade/pipe bomb would probably be useful too - one that shot out bits of metal (not a huge number, but some), so enemies a distance away would still be hurt, if not initially hurt by the blast.

As for future-tech type of things, what about a grenade that slowed down time within a certain area? Throw it, lands, 2-3 seconds later it explodes with a wave of bright light washing outwards and enveloping everything, and time slows down and slowly speeds back up again. What would this be useful for? I guess if you caught the enemy in the shock wave, but you missed it, you could kick their asses. Note that bullets flying in their direction would be affected also, so you'd have to wait for the blast to clear (pretty quick) before you could shoot, and the slowed-down time effect would only last 2-3 seconds. So a small window of opportunity, but hopefully not too exploitative. Can already see that they've got some sort of time-altering effect in the game when the strider blasts show the guys dying in the 2004 E3 vid - unless that is just the general "you've just died so now we're going to show you what killed you" sort of thing.
A shockwave gun that throws everybody around...
A Giant foot weapon from Monty Pyton.
The Holy Hand grenade also from Monty Python
The "Ms. Wilson would you please stand up." BOOM "Ms. Wilson forgot the first rule of not being seen,not to stand up" Mod.(Bit of a long name but people must stay crouched and not be seen by an NPC behind a desk or BOOM) Also from Monthy Pyton.

The Barney Cloner:Fire a blast onto an NPC to morph them into a very low resolution clone of Barney the Security Guard.Similar to Smiths "Hand in Chest" bit from the Matrix

Of course the Snark.
A piece of paper....

You will bow down to the painfull papercut of doooom!!
id like to see a shrink ray. and be able to step on little g-man
You guys should play Rocket Crowbar =p.

Rocket Crowbar

It has so many weapon attacks.

Take a gun from Half-Life, give it a new quirky attack...4 times. Each gun has 4 different new attacks. Some are REALLY funny. The primary Shotgun fires exploding scientists. You can quickly catch them with the "manipulator" like gun and throw them at your friends.

Great stuff.
Baseballbat, Hammer & Nails, Nailgun (that nails people to walls)


2x Crowbar

Anything Silenced :P
and Laser Sight stuff :D
A really amazing gun that can manipulate things that are physically simulated but only under a certain weight for it to be realistic.

A SAW would as others have awesome.
Flamer...old school pump action shotgun cause they look awesome. or a twin barrel
Laser sword. Jedi mod...
twin pistols,
A BFG, or something along the lines of that. I just want to see a hell of a big explosion on the Source engine.
a gun that spawns a penny coin at an amazing height, and accelerates to an amazing speed as it falls and hits people on the head...
A Big Fat Bast*rd

"Bellies goin' to get'ya, Bellies goin' to get'ya!!"
I want the Ultramegavaplasmaporiz0rkiller, it will look something like this:

/""""""""""""""\ |§§§§§|-\
| |=======================|=|====|=|
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|---| |---|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[]
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I need some sleep.
The railgun from the movie Eraser.

magical spells cast from a staff. I would love to see a Heretic-like mod for the source, anyone remember that game?

not to mention katanas/shuriken for a ninja mod...