Could You Kill Someone?

Whats with all the wannabe-mercs?

I wouldnt for any amount of money idt. Self defense definate yes, or helping others (only if i knew them + understood the situation).

Or if someone mocked family guy.
If it were a murderer I could be paid to do it.
If it would save a better person's life I would do it.
If it were self defense I would do it.
If I was in a bad mood... well... I have done it.
Never undar any circumstance, except self-defense or defense of an innocent or beloved person.
No. But there aren't many situations that would demand it. Even in emergency, knocking someone out would usually suffice.
if you have a knife and you're drunk and then comes some idiot trying to smack you... i can get up to 30 years... if they prove it :P
Self-defense & Revenge --> Yes. I'd shoot him in the head so his mother couldn't give him an open casket funeral. If someone hurt my family, I'd definitely see to it they paid. Some asshole can put your mother in a wheelchair for life and get 2-3 months probation. The only justice is vigilante justice to be honest.

Money --> Maybe. It's not too hard to get away with murder. If you hang outside barber shops, you can easily grab 2 or 3 different strands of hair to use later. Once you kill someone, you plant the hairs on the body so you create reasonable doubt. Within 2 hours of the hit, disassemble the gun, destroy the barrel, destroy your clothes, and there you have it, you just got away with murder.
No. But there aren't many situations that would demand it. Even in emergency, knocking someone out would usually suffice.

Yea, but if you were going to knock them out, chances are your going to hit them really hard in the head, you don't know where/how hard to hit them, you'll most likely kill them by hitting them as hard as you can with a blunt object, it's not like the movies (sleeper pinch works, though, I havn't seen it, but I know there is a pressure point on the neck that knocks you out)
I couldn't kill anyone.

Unless... well, unless it was really extreme circomstances.
If you attack me and I feel you're trying to use deadly force, expect it back, in full, x10.
You don't sound tough, you just sound like a tool.


It doesn't make you "tough" or whatever nor is it in anyway a good thing, I'm just saying that whatever emphasis you put on it NOW is how you'll feel about it later. If you doubt it'll bother you then it probably won't. If you can't imagine it now you'll probably have deep remorse.

I'm not trying to sound tough or anything. If someone was shooting at me I'd run like a bitch. I'm just being honest about the idea of remorse regarding killing a person you have no empathy for. Killing someone I really hated wouldn't cause me mental anguish in the least. It wouldn't give me elation either in the least I'm just saying it's not going to make me SAD from THEM being dead.

Accidently killing someone else WOULD, however, without a doubt.
There's no way for you to know that short of killing someone, so stop pretending like you know how you'd react.

Also, this entire thread is pointless. You really can't know if you'd actually be able to kill someone or not unless you were put into a position where you had to make the decision for real.

Thread over.
Under the proper circumstances, I could.

But I think that even if it was "Kill this person you've never met before, or you will die a horrible death," I don't think I could do it. HOWEVER, if I were in effect putting someone out of their misery, I might be able to.

If it was more like "Kill this person you've never met who is also dying of some kind of cancer that causes extreme pain throughout their entire body constantly and there is no cure and the cancer will not kill them for another two years, or you will die a horrible death," then maybe.
I could play with Tr0n's blood and laugh in sunny delight. Anyone with even a hint of humanity (you know, child molestors, rapists, furries, anyone else not Tr0n), probably not.
Been there done that. Now, come with the next hard question to answer.
Self-defense & Revenge --> Yes. I'd shoot him in the head so his mother couldn't give him an open casket funeral. If someone hurt my family, I'd definitely see to it they paid. Some asshole can put your mother in a wheelchair for life and get 2-3 months probation. The only justice is vigilante justice to be honest.

Money --> Maybe. It's not too hard to get away with murder. If you hang outside barber shops, you can easily grab 2 or 3 different strands of hair to use later. Once you kill someone, you plant the hairs on the body so you create reasonable doubt. Within 2 hours of the hit, disassemble the gun, destroy the barrel, destroy your clothes, and there you have it, you just got away with murder.

saved for future reference (see avatar smiley)

and anyways, if the situation ever called for it, I would do it in a heartbeat. Anyone I would do that to would have to have been a piece of shit anyways, no remorse and no regret later :)
Do kittens count? I've heard everytime you masturbate you kill a kitten. Poor bastards.