Countdown to Episode 1!

Heh I was actually just thinking about making one of these topics today, but was going to put it off until 10 days left. I'm all preloaded and prepurchased, I can't wait! I'm going to have another go through of HL2 to get my mind in gear and ready for it.
What calendar are you on Megalomaniac? Today is the 21st... :rolling:
Certainly will be interesting to see how this pans out. Half life 2 is one of the greatest games ever. This first release for episodic content is huge for valve. I am interested to see what has been the result of the long development time. Is it merely an extension of the game with similar assets and a short game time? Or is it a worthy followup to the game with significant improvements and an impact that will have people preordering episode 2 immediately after playing. Critical reception is big too. Wonder what ratings it will receive.

In an ideal scenario the game will be 5-7 hours long and be a rollercoaster thrill ride improving on the action seen in the original game and furthering the story in interesting directions.
I wouldn't complain if there was less action, just give me more information about whats going on and who this gman is...(Gayman maybe? might explain his interest in Gordon over Alex...)
People are saying it might be delayed cause the second preload hasnt happened yet and it will be big. If the 2nd preload hasnt happened then the game isnt gold and the retail version wont ship on time. They probably wont release the steam one before retail.
Huzzah! Some. Questions. Will. Be. Answerd!!!11
Can't ban him on a silly comment. If people want to be douches, people will be douches :p
I cant believe we are going to be playing a Valve Half-Life game so soon. I remember when HL2 1st came out all i thought was man...How will Valve beat this man oh man i cant wait for the next one. Cant believe we are so close once again.
Episode 1 is going to be so much better than HL2. It's a lot more story driven and the gameplay is far more intense.
Oh yeah, I'm hyped. I even started taking time out of my busy World of Warcraft scheduly to start playing through all the previous HLs to get my trigger fingers/story something-or-others primed. :D
Im calm.

Games to buy:

Episode 1
Hitman blood money.
So does anyone know the time it will be released yet. Im dieing here.
4am right here...sick day for me(since i can't rely on snow days with global warming)...I'll be up before the sun ready to pwn combine ass!
I'm trying to stay unhyped, or I'm gonna start getting obsessive and counting the days and generally acting like a kid before Christmas.
Epsi said:
I'm trying to stay unhyped, or I'm gonna start getting obsessive and counting the days and generally acting like a kid before Christmas.

You cannot resist the hype:borg: