Countdown to Episode 1!

I wonder if it will even be on retail shelves on June 1st, where I live :'(
They are always a day or 2 after release at least here they are. Btw there is a new article in PC GAMER on HL2: EP1 it only has 1 bit of new info tho with new screens. Its how you and alyx survive the end of HL2. They also say they have the review in the next issue.

Cant wait man...its getting pretty damn hard counting the hours and min already.
99.vikram said:
I'm gonna get me the retail pack. Boxes rulz.

Steam to play the sec it comes out - Retail for collection. FTW :smoking:
It's gonna be out June 2nd, 6 a.m. in where I live.

EDIT: Assuming that Valve releases it at 3 p.m. sharp (their usual time to release stuff).
And i fully prepaid it, so i just go "GIMME EPISODE ONE!!" *Shows Receit*
(i'm gonna have to buy it after school, bleh)
We will all sit like :O all those 6-7 hours in front of our computers at June 1st, I promise
Stupid EB clerks, they say July 13th D:
My hype is over. It could take 2 weeks or 2 days. Im actually looking more forward for hitman bloody money.
CAN'T WAIT ANYMORE! *hyperventilates* and after this there is another 3 episodes! :)
Yeah, well. Nr 4 is somewhat of a spin off i guess.
Hmm, here's a dilemma. I could play Ep1 somewhere around the time it comes out, but then it will be on my current PC. Or I can wait until I upgrade in some two months or a bit sooner, and play then for uber-graphical-sweetness.

On the one hand, I care about the gameplay and the story far more than about the graphics. On the other hand, I'm just not hyped at the moment, so it's not like it would be too hard to wait, for now.
Wow, I never thought the retail version would be noticably cheaper than Steam version! I was expecting it to be much more expensive in Poland, but it's ~16$! And the release date is 30/05/2006, according to the shop. I think they'll have the boxes ahead of 1st June.

Well, have to cancel the preload ;)
I was downloading the free preload and planned buying the game later.
Since the game is available at retail and it's considerably cheaper, I see no reason in downloading it. It's six bucks less, multiply it by three (based on the current exchange) and you'll see how big is the difference in polish currency ;)

ps - and I get teh box ;)
But you can play immediately after you verify your bought copy if you preload. If you don't, you'll have to install it.
Yeah, if preload now, you wont have to install it if you buy it retail, just insert the CD key and play
Yawn only getting it on the 7th of June :angry: Ah well guess i can wait for it anyway, then the shop will sell it with HL and Cs source and Aftermath together for mabye $80s*
Singapore Dollars
Good point guys, especialy since my old DVD-Rom works in PIO mode only - I'm shocked it still works at all ;)

edit - how big are the downloaded GCFs for Episode One?
Not for me ;( I have to wait for retail to come to a neaby store, and then convince my parents that it is worth buying. Could take a few days.
Hopefully a new one will come out soon. I want to see the other characters (Dog).
Wait, zombies don't really upset her?
What could she hate more than zombies?
Why June 1st, 11:43am CST? Isn't that a strange time? My clock is synced.