countdown to preload phase 4


Aug 11, 2004
Reaction score
T-twentyfour and counting i would say :E
The lines on the status page are very straight and the used bandwith is very good conditions for preload within the next 24 hours... :thumbs:
what ya think ? :rolling:
yep what preload do u think we will get next, probably maps i think
Guus345 said:
yep what preload do u think we will get next, probably maps i think
yeah that could be...what software are maps made with? are they taking much space ?
heh..all that preloading every week makes me think of it like this christmas calendars we have here in germany..don't know if the santa claus folks in the us have that too...where you count down the last 4 weeks till christmas..and open a little door for every day..with toys or chocolate inside... :thumbs:
i hope there is another preload cause he gets me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Navy Man said:
i hope there is another preload cause he gets me all warm and fuzzy inside.
surely there will.
They can count on VU to accept the RC every day now...
Segobi are you talkin about Advent Calendars? If so yes we have those and I know my family has a couple every year. Maps are made with the new Hammer btw and yes they will take up a bunch of space.

DweezilX said:
Segobi are you talkin about Advent Calendars? If so yes we have those and I know my family has a couple every year. Maps are made with the new Hammer btw and yes they will take up a bunch of space.


yup advent calendars they are called here,too...didn't know you were using the same words :thumbs:
advent is part of the christian calender. hence the calendar, which counts down the days until the the birth of ya wondered.
segobi said:
heh..all that preloading every week makes me think of it like this christmas calendars we have here in germany..don't know if the santa claus folks in the us have that too...where you count down the last 4 weeks till christmas..and open a little door for every day..with toys or chocolate inside... :thumbs:

Yes we have them in the US, they are also quite popular.

And I personally love the preloads, they make me giggle like a school girl and run around screaming, "Half-Life 2 time! Half-Life 2 time!" But then I take my meds and go sleepy-poo.
I reformatted my PC and forgot to backup the gcfs.......gutted

I have decided to do my cap a favor and wait for HL2 to come out instead of preloading it.
segobi said:
heh..all that preloading every week makes me think of it like this christmas calendars we have here in germany..don't know if the santa claus folks in the us have that too...where you count down the last 4 weeks till christmas..and open a little door for every day..with toys or chocolate inside... :thumbs:

Man those things kick ass, except the chocolate always tastes like shit. I think it's usually really old chocolate that's been melted into half assed Santa moulds. For some reason I still look forward to opening the damn things.
I think they'll release weapons, or physics or some complicated shit in the next few days. Anyway if i get HL2 on preload and buy it from a shop is it a waste of preloading?
iamaelephant said:
Man those things kick ass, except the chocolate always tastes like shit. I think it's usually really old chocolate that's been melted into half assed Santa moulds. For some reason I still look forward to opening the damn things.
yeah they are cool.

Mine have acid and cocaine in them... but I guess that is what I get for buying them from bums...



We should have a collective prayer for the HL2 RC's...
*Joins hands with mirageacg* let the prayers commence!

BTW, advent calendars are so cool, it's like a test to see if you can resist opening the doors early and stealing the chocolate.
BLABLALLLALAlALALAALBLARGHBLALLALA.... OH! Excuse me! I got a little carried away! HAHA! Boot yeeys! I believe that the 4th preload will begin within da next 24 hours!! XDXDXDXD
They might hold off on the next group of preloads until game goes gold. I can't imagine why, but who knows : )
Your avatar looks like a dressed up potato. Yeah I agree, I bet they will wait untill VU is done with the RC to do any preloads.
MetEoRA said:
Your avatar looks like a dressed up potato. Yeah I agree, I bet they will wait untill VU is done with the RC to do any preloads.

Lol. I agree they probably won't preload any more until it's gold if at all. We've already got 2.5 gigs (compressed) on our HD's.

Uncompressed that's probably close to 4 gigs of data. That's 5 CD's worth of data. I think we've got everything except for maps and complete engine code. We've got all the textures already, so that shouldn't be too big of a d/l anyway.

Either way the end of the road is near.
MetEoRA said:
*Joins hands with mirageacg* let the prayers commence!

BTW, advent calendars are so cool, it's like a test to see if you can resist opening the doors early and stealing the chocolate.
I always did that when I was little, and closed the windows back after eating them :farmer:
RhapSidious said:
Lol. I agree they probably won't preload any more until it's gold if at all. We've already got 2.5 gigs (compressed) on our HD's.

Uncompressed that's probably close to 4 gigs of data. That's 5 CD's worth of data. I think we've got everything except for maps and complete engine code. We've got all the textures already, so that shouldn't be too big of a d/l anyway.

Either way the end of the road is near.

Not necessarily. I believe someone here extracted all the files from the first preload (1 gig) and it "uncompressed" to 800 meg. There may be a lot of empty space in there.
segobi said:
heh..all that preloading every week makes me think of it like this christmas calendars we have here in germany..don't know if the santa claus folks in the us have that too...where you count down the last 4 weeks till christmas..and open a little door for every day..with toys or chocolate inside... :thumbs:

Lol, my family does that. :thumbs:

Let's see, last preload was on a friday, and the one before that was on thursday (if i recall correctly). So maybe it'll be Saturday for all we know. Sorry, I just like to find patterns. In.... anything.
Ragnarokk said:
Not necessarily. I believe someone here extracted all the files from the first preload (1 gig) and it "uncompressed" to 800 meg. There may be a lot of empty space in there.

While I agree that uncompressed the files could possibly be less than 3 gigs worth of data. Why would Valve make the files bigger than necessary? They wouldn't want to waste the bandwidth.

The only thing I can even begin to reason for that is maybe the encryption has someting to do with it... but 200mb worth of extraneous encryption seems unlikely as well.

I just hope they release the Steam version quicker than the retail version... even if it's only by a couple of days.

RhapSidious said:
I just hope they release the Steam version quicker than the retail version... even if it's only by a couple of days.


Me too...I would think you probably be able to get it on steam maybe a few days before in stores, as you don't have to wait for the game to 'flow' through the shops distribution network.

I would say they will release it on Steam the same time Vivendi start sending the Boxes out of their warehouse. Most software is bought from big chain stores (eg Game, EB, Walmart, Tescos), so the game is sent first to the chains warehouse, and from there shipped to the stores....that'll take a couple of days at least. The shop then has to inventory the delivery, and then get someone to put the stuff on the shelves....that'll take another day I would think (also most shops only get deliveries once a week from there supplier so if they get deliveries on a Thursday & the game ships Friday, it wont turn up on the shelves for at least a week) Amazon will probably get it within a day or so, but you then have to wait a couple of days for the post to arrive.

Of Course, Vivendi could ship it first (2-3 weeks before) and tell all stores to release it on date xxxx. In that scenario we would get it on Steam the same day as the stores. :cry:
shade70 said:
The shop then has to inventory the delivery, and then get someone to put the stuff on the shelves....that'll take another day I would think

It would take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the number of copies and the number of people working on it. I've done it. Scanners are wonderful things. This is also usually done before the store opens.
segobi said:
heh..all that preloading every week makes me think of it like this christmas calendars we have here in germany..don't know if the santa claus folks in the us have that too...where you count down the last 4 weeks till christmas..and open a little door for every day..with toys or chocolate inside... :thumbs:
OMG. I did that every year as a child. Blame my mother.
Yeah no offense Shade70 but your time estimates are so off it almost hurts.

Here in little old New Zealand, our largest retail store (well, largest NZ owned at least, but prbly still bigger than the international farmers / k mart etc) receives shipments daily (one large shipment) to each store.

If one wanted to put stock on the shelf immediately it would take about an hour I would say, and only if they wanted to prepare a display for said stock. Otherwise I would say 10 minutes at the quickest?

And one more thing guys, it is possible to receive a shipment before the release date, I assume your chains received the software sometime before official release date? One of our chains received it on the eve of release date, and the publisher here received the copies around 2 or 3 days before release.
Cabb said:
And one more thing guys, it is possible to receive a shipment before the release date, I assume your chains received the software sometime before official release date? One of our chains received it on the eve of release date, and the publisher here received the copies around 2 or 3 days before release.

Am I missing something, but isn't that pretty obvious. I mean, they HAVE TO receive the shipments before the actual release date, otherwise they couldn't have the product on their shelves on the release day.
Retailers aren't allowed to sell any SKUs prior to the release date. In the UK, that's always a Friday. I believe it's a Wednesday in the US. Of course, some of the less scrupulous retailers might do under-the-counter transactions, and some online retailers (gameplay springs to mind) often get their orders to you the day before release.
hahf leif tu is kamming *freu* ^^

did you know that santa claus in it's todays look was invented by coca-cola?
even if the retailer sold it early, couldnt valve just not allow it to be played? since you need to play it thru steam even offline, couldnt they just lock it?