Counter Strike Cheating



OK, here's the deal. I was playing Counter Strike yesterday and having a lot of fun. My Kills to death seemed to be good and all was great in life.

Well, that didn't last long. Somebody joined the game and I think he was cheating. I unloaded 2 clips from the M-4 on him and nothing, he shot at me a few times and killed me with a head shot.

I though OK, maybe I was missing, seemed odd because I was hitting everyone else I played. I ran across him again and he killed me with a head shot. After about 5 more times of this I figured something was up.

My question since I am new to the world of counter strike is; are there a lot of cheaters and hacking going on in these games?

Thank you for your time.


Ya I use to be realy good like that so chances are he is....

but yersterday i shot a guy 18 times with a glock and he didnt die.... then he killed me...
Ya I use to be realy good like that so chances are he is....

but yersterday i shot a guy 18 times with a glock and he didnt die.... then he killed me...
Sorry to say this, but it's really stupid assuming, just because you have the sh*ttest aim EVER, that they have somehow gained some sort of invincibility hack (Those don't exist by the way, seriously). Just aim better, or play more, and you'll become as good as those guys. As for the headshot, if he was getting headshots on everyone else, then he could have been aimbotting - But there's a TINY possilibity that actually happened. Believe it or not, the amount of Hackers in CSS is minute, so basically if you see a hacker on a server, then quit and join another. There's a 1 in 100 chance you'll find a real hacker... Or just play Clan public servers - There's almost always an admin on there...

I've been playing source since well before half life 2 came out, and yes, there are hackers, and no, there is nothing you can do about it. It's just a sad fact of life that there are people who find satisfaction cheating in a virtual game, I generally pity them. Generally it's hard to prove someone is hacking even to an admin, unless they are blatantly speed or wall hacking. Until Valve corrects the problem (VAC2) if they ever do, we just have to deal with it. Finding a new server, or reporting cheaters to the servers forums, eventually they will grow out of it.
dekstar said:
Sorry to say this, but it's really stupid assuming, just because you have the sh*ttest aim EVER, that they have somehow gained some sort of invincibility hack (Those don't exist by the way, seriously). Just aim better, or play more, and you'll become as good as those guys. As for the headshot, if he was getting headshots on everyone else, then he could have been aimbotting - But there's a TINY possilibity that actually happened. Believe it or not, the amount of Hackers in CSS is minute, so basically if you see a hacker on a server, then quit and join another. There's a 1 in 100 chance you'll find a real hacker... Or just play Clan public servers - There's almost always an admin on there...


I bet you believe in Father Christmas too.
As far as i know, there IS a cheat for AIMBOT, and speeding, but they are far more obvious than you think. Just after the beta, i used to play CSS ALOT. I mean, i got a kill ratio in a room of 110 - 18 before, and i got accused of cheating all the time - i even suprised myself. Some people are really good, and naturally aim at the head with blindingly good shots.

HOWEVER, aimbots are far more obvious (not as obvious as speedhacks) since the person shoots you the moment your head actually comes visible. It only takes one shot every time, and what makes it MORE obvious, is that if there is about 5 of you, he will take you ALL down quicker than a mouse can possibly move from one to another without losing accuracy due to over-sensitivity.

You can tell if someone is cheating if their playing style seems artifcial. If they are using natural skills, they would not know you run around the corner, rounds would be wasted on some unaccurate shots next to you, and they may show panic when they see you.
Source has a problem with bullet reg though...

somebody can be right up close and you can hold fire whilst the xhair is right on thier chest.

ok the gun recoils so bullets arnt as accurate but you can see blood off the bullets which do hit, and they dont register, console will still say 2 hits or whatever... but from the distance, and from keeping xhair on the still model, its impossible that only 2 bullets of the 30 hit. totally impossible when the barrel is near in his back and there are pelnty of blood dollops.

i unloaded a round of bullets into a T from a deagle, i was totally sure i hit him in the head,, checked my console.. nothing.. specced him, with hims till having 100health... wallah, he has a massive dollop of blood in his face...

happesn so often..
Xune said:
I bet you believe in Father Christmas too.
Damn, you found out my secret.... Secret...?

Anyway, it's true. If you find a decent server where there are admins on, then you're alright. Our clan server has been up for months and we haven't even seen a single hacker (Except YaWn, but he's harmless enough.. For now...)

And there is not such thing as an invincibility hack, and also half the idiots who DO hack are too sh*t anyway that it balances out and they're just bordering average.

If I were you I wouldn't go on stupid servers where there's never an admin and find a good one that's clean. I actually recommend the X51 servers for this - They're a really great community and there's always at least one admin on every minute of the day.
Thanks everyone for your replies.

As I have said, I am new to Counter Strike. How do I know if there is an administrator on a server I select?

Additionally, the X51 server you are talking about, how do I connect to that server?

Thanks again for your help.


You don't know if there is an admin til you get it, then you can ask, check the intro message for names of admins and see if they are there, or if the server has a title, look for players with the title in their name.
The fact alot of people think theres some "Godmode" or invincible cheat is worrying. I know theres aimbots, speedhacks, wallhacks, exploits, no recoil and such, but no "Godmode" as far as I know. Blame it on hitboxes, lag and bullet reg like everyone else. ;)
Some servers are just silly and have sv_cheats on, which makes it hard to resist :p
SimonomiS said:
The fact alot of people think theres some "Godmode" or invincible cheat is worrying. I know theres aimbots, speedhacks, wallhacks, exploits, no recoil and such, but no "Godmode" as far as I know. Blame it on hitboxes, lag and bullet reg like everyone else. ;)

If you are no-clipping, can bullets still hit you? I don't believe that they can.
James Isaac said:
Some servers are just silly and have sv_cheats on, which makes it hard to resist :p
Hmmm. that's funny. I'm admin on our clan server (|Clan Server - I.P. : along with the rest of our clan, and whenever during practice (Especially when training to determine wall hackers using certain r_drawsky commands), god never works for me or anyone else in our clan :S.

Anyway, the X51 server I.P. address is either: for their first one, or

To be able to see these, you must open your server list from either steam or CSS, and then click the favourites tab at the top of the window, and then click the "Add Server" button and copy and paste that IP address :)


Kmack said:
If you are no-clipping, can bullets still hit you? I don't believe that they can.
But you can only do that on servers that are stupid enough to have it on, and I wouldn't be hanging around on servers like that, to be honest. They usually suck and hackers are attracted to them like... Magnets...?
dekstar said:
Hmmm. that's funny. I'm admin on our clan server (|Clan Server - I.P. : along with the rest of our clan, and whenever during practice (Especially when training to determine wall hackers using certain r_drawsky commands), god never works for me or anyone else in our clan :S.

Try 'buddha'
I played against ["fag"0t]oC a couple of days ago. Wallhack and aimbot. I recorded a demo, took his steamID and am going to send an e-mail to VALVe. And ffs!!! how long are they going to work on vac2? quit the development on everything else and focus on this. It's getting important
It's so upsetting when people cheat. It really ruins the game and I don't know what they get out of it?? I hate cheaters in anything in life.

How do you record a demo of someone?

Thank you for your time.


always keep in mind before accusing someone from cheating, that counterstrike already exists more then 5 years. Which means there people out there that have been playing it for more then 5 years and therefore are extremely good at it.

just saying
he was cheating,no doubt ;)
To record a demo, write record nameofdemo.dem in console (you dno't need the dem)

I know that he may not have been cheating but after reading about all the people here who have seen cheaters makes me mad. It would just be fun to get online and have a nice match with others. How can anyone feel any accomplishment when they achieve something by cheating?

Thanks again for your time.


jefflesh said:

I know that he may not have been cheating but after reading about all the people here who have seen cheaters makes me mad. It would just be fun to get online and have a nice match with others. How can anyone feel any accomplishment when they achieve something by cheating?
Oh ok, so basically you're saying that you would like to find a server which has people of your skill level? Well, there are plenty of newb-only admined servers around, maybe you should try one of them. I mean come on! If they weren't cheating (Not the g0t player, obviously) but just really good, then you shouldn't just give up and acuse the of cheating - Try and get as good as them, so other newbs will start going "Damnit, f*cking wall hacker!". don't just be a whining b*tch and complain - that'll get you nowhere.

And that goes for everyone else who's a newbie too!

EDIT: But if they are cheating, and you know for certain (Something like an incredibly obvious speed hack, or where they take out a full team with headshots instantly for 5 rounds in a row), then open your console (` or ~ key, with developers console enabled in Keyboard -> advanced) and type demostart (Or something like that) and then it'll say "started recording". So there you go. Steam ID's are in the "player list" in the ESC menu.
you have to be careful when you suspect cheating. you need proof and not just a suspicion, as they may actually naturally get a hs due to where they place the cursor...its pretty easy really.

even ive been asked by my clan mates if they could borrow my aimbot...lmao i dont even truly know how to use the console properly (and thats NOT what all cheats say - stop laughing at the back, i cant hear you :E).
dekstar said:
Believe it or not, the amount of Hackers in CSS is minute, so basically if you see a hacker on a server, then quit and join another. There's a 1 in 100 chance you'll find a real hacker... Or just play Clan public servers - There's almost always an admin on there...


Please, don't make me laugh. 1 in 100 chance of finding a COUNTER STRIKE? ROFL

I saw a speedhacker and a wallhacker yesterday while playing and I only played for 1 and a half hours.
Met a wallhacker the other day...And one of the other players had played him before and knew he hacked. Extremely obvious because when in death mode - i went to FP view on that player and he tracked players through walls!!!

Not even guessing where they could be! Amazing but im wondering, how can he feel he actually did well and it wrecks the game for all!!!

Although one guy from a major clan did it recently too in a tourny -> are there goin to be mandatory checks now like in sports?
Zeus said:
Please, don't make me laugh. 1 in 100 chance of finding a COUNTER STRIKE? ROFL

I saw a speedhacker and a wallhacker yesterday while playing and I only played for 1 and a half hours.
Sorry, I should have added "On non-weak-ass-stupid-f*cking-servers-where-you-shouldn't-be-on-anyway" Kinda thing. Seriously, why would you go on servers that are unadmined if you have such a thing about hackers? It's just stupid :p. find servers which are regularily admined, and just play them. Become a regular - hell, if you get good enough, you could join their clan.

EDIT: Sabre0001, yeah there will be regular checks along with VAC. I'm sure there were anyway in the big ladders (They have videos of these massive tournies, and how many people get chucked out when they're found cheating) so yeah, hacking is stupid

Also, people thing it's funny to hack (Go on the g0t website, they have these things, called Rages). All the g0t players are incredible chavs anyway, that no one likes in real life. Best thing ot do is be on an admined server, and then laugh at their tiny e-penises just before they get banned.
There was this guy who kept getting headshots on people even though his back was turned to them! Twice I snuck up behind him and within a split second his body was spun round, i was dead, and he was back again, without even a turning motion. I watched him in first person, and his crosshair switched between player's heads, even if they were behind walls.

I take it personal when you call me a b*itch, I have been playing FPS games online for a long time mostly, unreal tournament (all the releases) and quake I, II and III. And I even stated in my last post that he may not have been cheating. All I am saying is that the more I read about the hackers it makes me angry for everyone, not just me.

Thanks for your time.


you have to be careful when you suspect cheating. you need proof and not just a suspicion, as they may actually naturally get a hs due to where they place the cursor...its pretty easy really.

True enough, and I'm usually the first to decry stupid accusations of hacking. Heck, I've been accused of hacking a couple times myself after pulling off some crazy ass lucky stunts (just like any non-n00bish player). Sometimes, though, you spec them and you can just tell that they're hacking. Human reflexes are only so fast and so accurate. There are incredibly fast people, but I've seen hackers surpass that speed by far.
I just yell out "Hurry up VAC2!!!" when someone is pulling a horseshoe out of their a**. They usually laugh, which is my intent. Serious speed hackers and aimbotters are easy to see. Others who are just owning are likely good.

I admit I get pissed off sometimes because I do pretty good most of the time (top 1-2 for my team usually) and them someone will come on and just own me. I will get the drop on them... take about half their damage and then they headshot me. It's frustrating and I will even say something sometimes after the 5th time (and I wish I didn't) but it just seems like such BS sometimes and I am competetive. I really can't wait for VAC2.

dekstar said:
Sorry to say this, but it's really stupid assuming, just because you have the sh*ttest aim EVER, that they have somehow gained some sort of invincibility hack (Those don't exist by the way, seriously). Just aim better, or play more, and you'll become as good as those guys. As for the headshot, if he was getting headshots on everyone else, then he could have been aimbotting - But there's a TINY possilibity that actually happened. Believe it or not, the amount of Hackers in CSS is minute, so basically if you see a hacker on a server, then quit and join another. There's a 1 in 100 chance you'll find a real hacker... Or just play Clan public servers - There's almost always an admin on there...


Quoted for truth. People are retarded when it comes to hackers, the only common hacks ppl have ever really used are either aimbots, wallhacks, or speedhacks. Besides source aint got shit on 1.6, im not surprised u unloaded 2 full clips and hit nothing.

Edit: VAC2 is the anti cheat system for source that valve STILL have not implemented like the useless twats they are.
Yeah, they are useless. I mean they did create this wonderful engine that supports mods so well, made a great single-player and 2 multiplayer components to it, not only that, but they answer our emails a lot of the time and generally are really nice people. Yeah they are twats because they are still working on making the system so great that hackers will have no chance to catch up. Yep, useless indeed. <Sarcasm>
whats the point in recording demos cause maybe if you dont know or realize Valve could care less what you recorded and they'll send you an email regarding "We will watch this steam account in the future..." GJ. Don't waste hardrive space or time trying to find hackers or get them banned. Server admins care but 1 server out of 50,000+. Who cares
Source has a very bad issue with hitboxes. If you strafe across someones field of view, and they try shooting you, even if they land perfect shots on your body, they still completely miss your hitboxes. The hitboxes actually move at a different speed to your player model (there is lag between the two) ... It's absolutely stupid I know, but either Valve don't know about it, or they just can't be arsed to sort it out.

You can enable the visible hitboxes mode and see for youself (create a server with sv_cheats enabled).
deecrypt said:
Its eazy to head shot i do it all the time :thumbs:
haha cool, is that actually you? and if so, could you do a FRAPS recording of what hacking looks like (maybe palying for a while with them on) and send me it in an email? I have never seen what hacks (Except speed hacks) are like.


EDIT: Oh, I like VALVe - they're cool.
deecrypt said:
Its eazy to head shot i do it all the time :thumbs:

I seriously hope that isn't how you play the game :hmph:

If it is then make sure you comeback after your steam account gets banned so I can laugh at you :stare: