Counter Strike Source?


Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
What makes Counter Strike Source so much different from Counter Strike and Condition Zero... New maps, weapons, models?????????
Please respond.
Much better graphics and physics. However, right now it only has 1 model for each team. There will be more content comming soon.

However, the gameplay pales in comparison with CS 1.6
So basically, what your saying is they did the exact same thing as they did with CS CZ just reskined everything and put in the Source engine?
Yea I knew it came with it, I just wanted to know if they pulled a cs cz on us again
The reason I got CS CZ was because I love the CS MP and I got really pissed when they just reskinned it.
No worries, it's a complete overhaul. And CZ was mainly made for people who wanted SP in CS. meh...
However, like I said, the gameplay is terrible compared to 1.6
Now i keep hearing banter about how cs:s pales in comparison to 1.6 gameplay wise. Can you give me some reasons why? It seems identical from what i can remember.

I stopped playing cs when everything was switched to steam because i lost my cd key and didn't know how to get it back.
Physics oddities
Seemingly complete randomness with hit-detection (eg: hmmm, when I try to get a HS I never do, but when I always get them when I'm not trying)
Weapon imbalance
ahh, so these ARE fixable plauses. Yeah i do hope they change the 'bouncing' off physics objects. I don't see why the hell they did that.
Haven't really noticed any obvious weapon imbalances though.
exmodel said:
ahh, so these ARE fixable plauses.
Oh yes, of course. And I hope that they do someday.
Untill then, good ol' 1.6 will do just fine. :imu:
So, is the regular 1.6 better than Counter Strike: Source? Or am I just getting confused because isn't the regular Counter Strike 1.6 or is Counter Strike: Source also referred to as 1.6?
Maelstrom116 said:
So, is the regular 1.6 better than Counter Strike: Source? Or am I just getting confused because isn't the regular Counter Strike 1.6 or is Counter Strike: Source also referred to as 1.6?
SHUT UP!! CS:S is counter strike with the source engine (as the name indicates)
CS 1.6 is the latest version of counter strike with Hl1's engine...

so there..

plus, i don't agree on the gameplay being worse in CS:S than in CS 1.6...although those constant head shots can get pretty irritating.
CSS owns 1.6 hands down. Can't touch the old stuff anymore :p
me either which sucks because i used to love Day of Defeat
omg, cs:S is exellent, much better gameplay and all that. and is much better than crappy 1.6(riot sheild, crap effects, hackers, weirdos)
dj v said:
omg, cs:S is exellent, much better gameplay and all that. and is much better than crappy 1.6(riot sheild, crap effects, hackers, weirdos)
Last time I checked CS:S has hackers too. :rolling:
i havnt came across one yet, but they are introducing a new thing that stops hackers. (a bit like punk buster)
Ummm... you mean VAC? VAC can't even stop current CS hackers.
Punkbuster, Cheating-Death, and Paladin all don't really work all that well.

Unfortunetly theres always a way around anti-cheat and every FPS will always have hax.

And of cource your going to come accross more hackers in 1.6, mainly because 4x more people play original CS than CS:S.
i like css.. the gameplay isn't worse.. it's quite compareable to 1.6 in my opinion.. only thing that bothers me is the bouncing-off-phys-objects problem.. but the maps look so amazing and the ragdolls kick a*s.
WhiteZero said:
Last time I checked CS:S has hackers too. :rolling:
In the last 2 or so months of playing, I ran into one hacker, a lone speed hacker who we insulted so much that he cried and left the game. :)
Milkman said:
In the last 2 or so months of playing, I ran into one hacker, a lone speed hacker who we insulted so much that he cried and left the game. :)

LOL, thats awesome. Glad to hear Counter Strike: Source is worth it. I've been hearing alot of crap about it saying they gameplay is bad and it just doesn't feel like good ol' Counter Strike anymore. Can't wait till I get Half Life 2 and Counter Strike: Source.
Maelstrom116 said:
I've been hearing alot of crap about it saying they gameplay is bad and it just doesn't feel like good ol' Counter Strike anymore.

bah.. i am playing cs since beta times.. but i don't have to show it off by telling someone that all was better in the old days.. those people can't stand, that some "n00bs" are "taking their game".. sheesh.. grow up! cs got better and better.. they don't make it worse, just to please you old cats.
(this is not directed to you, maelstrom! just quoted to emphasize.. hehe.. don't get me wrong. by the way: maelstrom kind of reminds me of malstroem (graintable synth in reason).. any connection?)
Not showing off... just saying that it dosent feel like it plays the same at all.
Personal opinion.
those people can't stand, that some "n00bs" are "taking their game"
Yes, those people arent too bright.
exmodel said:
ahh, so these ARE fixable plauses. Yeah i do hope they change the 'bouncing' off physics objects. I don't see why the hell they did that.
Haven't really noticed any obvious weapon imbalances though.

They did it for bandwidth issues, is what I heard. They did it so that when someone jumps on said barrel, the whole server won't lag to a crash.

Zento said:
CSS owns 1.6 hands down. Can't touch the old stuff anymore :p

I tried to play 1.6...Can't do it...Looks HORRIBLE now..

WhiteZero said:
Last time I checked CS:S has hackers too. :rolling:

Since when? I don't know where YOU play, but I haven't seen ONE hacker, in the SAME server I was in...

georgeblunt said:
bah.. i am playing cs since beta times.. but i don't have to show it off by telling someone that all was better in the old days.. those people can't stand, that some "n00bs" are "taking their game".. sheesh.. grow up! cs got better and better.. they don't make it worse, just to please you old cats.
(this is not directed to you, maelstrom! just quoted to emphasize.. hehe.. don't get me wrong. by the way: maelstrom kind of reminds me of malstroem (graintable synth in reason).. any connection?)

Had the "noobs" not "taken over their game" there wouldn't be ANYONE playing 1.6 or Source...

I for one don't really see problems in the gameplay area. Once everyone upgrades, the gameplay will get even better, because it will be a standard type of game, and people won't be bothered by the "lag issues" or "graphics issues"...
WhiteZero said:
Not showing off... just saying that it dosent feel like it plays the same at all.
Personal opinion.

no offence intended.. i guess you know what people i am talking about.. and you obviously aren't among them :D
it's ok to think, that something might be worse in a newer version.. it's just the people who ALWAYS whine about updates.. you get my point *g*

TST_Devgru Seal said:
Had the "noobs" not "taken over their game" there wouldn't be ANYONE playing 1.6 or Source...

I for one don't really see problems in the gameplay area. Once everyone upgrades, the gameplay will get even better, because it will be a standard type of game, and people won't be bothered by the "lag issues" or "graphics issues"...

very very true, mate! :)
Since when? I don't know where YOU play, but I haven't seen ONE hacker
Wow, I'm sorry, but if you think just because you havent seen a hacker that they arent there, then you sir are sorley misstaken.

Try using Google sometime...I just did, it took me all of 2minutes to find hacks for CS:S (or any other FPS for that matter). It's kind of sad really that their so accessable.

Anyway, it's cool that your usualy server dosent usual have hackers in it. :cheers:
Is it true that there is only one model for CS:S because if so thats pretty wierd that they would only put in one.