counterstrike 2

No. There's been many, many, patches, and they didn't fix one thing! Not one thing at all!! They just released all those patches to piss people off and waste bandwith. I mean really... What else could they possibly use those patches for other than to waste bandwith?

[/sarcasm] asking if any of the faults ive mentioned have been fixed?

from what ive heard off people with CS:S the answer is no.
read the patch fixes at and you can see all that's been done with patches that have been released... other then that we won't know until it comes out.

as for me, i'm out, time to go eat some awsome food. ^_^;
You mean you don't actually know?

Basing your arguments on an assumption puts you on fairly weak ground.
Pi please you were the guy peddling shite about an HL2 themed mutliplayer with zero evidence.

as i said i speak to people who play it and yes i follow what updates they make to it via the steam website.
No, you said
have they fixed anything?
And actually, as far as I remember, there was a patch that fixed (amongst other things) crashes related to physics objects. But it's not as if I can remember what every patch fixed, so I can't tell you if any of the other problems you have with the game have been fixed. But for me, it works perfectly, and adds more depth and realism to CS while still feeling familiar. Can't wait 'till the full versions' release!

Edit:It's not a good idea to swear at the mods mate... lol. Also have valve actually stated there will be no HL2 themed multiplayer? For all we know, they could be planning to put it out over steam, post-release. I find it hard to believe that with all this time valve have had working on HL2, that CS:S is the only multiplayer they could come up with.
ukfluke said:
Pi please you were the guy peddling shite about an HL2 themed mutliplayer with zero evidence.

as i said i speak to people who play it and yes i follow what updates they make to it via the steam website.

Oh? What "shite" was I peddling exactly?

Also, I actually play CS:S, and have seen none of the things you mentioned. I'll take my first-hand experience over your second-hand anecdotal evidence anyday.
They said they will work on Cs:2 after hl2 ships. Its going to be a far project. Cs:S is NOT Cs:2. If thats what your thinking.
Ive play it all the time and have never experianced any crashes due to bugs or glitches, i have never seen any ice skating, and shoot in short bursts in order to kill people, which works quite nicely i might add.

*EDIT*: The only thing i have noticed so far is the double nade glitch, which im quite positive will be patched very soon.
yes i see i thought it would be obvious i would be talking about the faults i picked out. I forgot where i was for a second.
ukfluke said:
cs:s a major improvement? can i have some of the shit ur smoking plz?

I only pld the V2 version (cyber cafe) but there were some glaring faults e.g the way the models ice skate along the ground on an imaginary peice of ice- especially bad when strafing. 1.6 models look better when moving.

Hey if you don't like the new CS:S then just don't play it, no one is forcing you to like it, even less play it.

ukfluke said:
but i have zero faith in valve

Drama queen :rolleyes:
para thats exactly what i intend to do. Ill stick to 1.6 until cs:s is pld competitivly ie never
ukfluke said:
para thats exactly what i intend to do. Ill stick to 1.6 until cs:s is pld competitivly ie never

And why not? What's so fundamentally different about CS:S?
its even more random than 1.6 (and thats saying something)
ukfluke said:
its even more random than 1.6 (and thats saying something)

Do you have the beta on your account? What I want to know is do you play CS:S regularly? It's the exact same thing as CS just on a different engine. And that random argument is bollocks, bullets hit wherever you're aiming. If you can't control your recoil and fire like an epileptic during a seizure then yeah the spread is going to be random but that's how guns work in real life.

Besides I don't see how you can speak for the whole pro-gamers community; everyone is going to upgrade to CS:S, you can stay behind if you want to with the rest of the "1.3 rulez" crowd.

Toodles! ;)
How is it more random? You look (point) at an enemy, then click the mouse at a moderate pace, releasing bursts of gunfire at him/her, often killing him/her. If there was some sort of rule that 50% of shots would deflect off of a living body, then yes, it would be too random. But as it is now, it's fine. I don't see how you can have such a problem with it. It's just CS with better models, physics, graphics, sounds, bots... nearly everything really. CS:S>CS
What are you crying about ukfluke? I really enjoy playing css. I went to play cs.1.6 with my brother the other day and it was horride. Css is SO pretty. The atmosphere, the dust floating in the air, the ragdolls are brilliant and I still catch myself shooting dead bodies so that they would fall of a ledge or just to see some blood shoot out. Call me sadistic but whatever. The game is a brilliant conversion. Due remember this isnt a demo it is actually a beta. And as far a beta goes, this is a close to a demo as I have ever seen a beta be.

What do you mean have they fixed anything? They changed the hitboxes, stopped skywalking, fixed the wallhack exploit. C4 bugs, earthquake bug, o wait here's a small list of the last patch Improved DX7 graphics code path performance by up to 225%.

Fixed key bindings for non-US layouts causing the scoreboard to be stuck on.

Fixed barrel nudging player forever if you crouched near it.

Made correct names appear in "attacked teammate" message.

Made changelevel due to map timelimit happen at round end.

Added intermission scoreboard at end of round.

Disabled hiding viewmodel with "impulse 200" if sv_cheats is off.

Fixed reload exploit.

Fixed C4 sound not playing while planting.

Stopped money icon being red on level change.

Added C4 icon in first person spectator mode if spectated player has the bomb.

Fixed a problem where the game would crash when run on Win98 with a NVidia 5900, 5950, or 6800.

Fixed crash due to stacking large numbers of weapons.

Fixed muzzle flashes showing incorrectly when switching players in spectator mode.

Fixed voice_banmgr.dt growing exponentially.

You think these things take 2 minutes to code? What have you done to improve the game? Just cause you can't aim and hit people the game sux. The whole reason is that you dont spray. You can't just run around and spray and hope to hit something you need to stop and do controlled shots to hit something. You to a shooting range and round around with a 20 pound gun with uncontrollable recoil trying to hit a target. Your one of those people that have a terrible score and start saying stuff like lagg, my mouse got stuck, my cat jumped in my lap, I pressed fire but nothing happened? Why do you have zero faith in valve? What did they stand you up for dinner? You are the minority and maybe should take your whining to the my g0t website or the site.

How about you get off your lazy ass and play cs.s and report bugs using the in game bug reporter so that some of those things get fixed instead of crying on a forum not really moderated by valve.
para lol :)

vodka the main reasons i have zero faith in valve

a. the sheild (gg they learned an have ditched it for cs:s not b4 time)
b. the crossahair debacle which incidently is still not how it was in 1.5 .
c when it switched to steam & 1.6 it feels like your playing on a wc3 mod server all the time even when ur not .

oh and they wrecked my precious usp when it went from 1.5 to 1.6 :( personal preference i know but i will NEVER forgive them until they fix it.
You can't please all the people, all the time. Welcome to the wonderful world of game development.
a. the sheild (gg they learned an have ditched it for cs:s not b4 time)
b. the crossahair debacle which incidently is still not how it was in 1.5 .
c when it switched to steam & 1.6 it feels like your playing on a wc3 mod server all the time even when ur not .

a.The shield was an experiment, it didn't work, who cares, most servers don't allow it, and most ppl don't use it.

b.The crosshairs are fine, suck it up princess.

c.Wth does that mean??? i play 1.6 and its smooth as a babies bottom, no glitches whatsoever, all i hate about it is ppl like you that are in servers crying about every little thing that doesn't even matter.

Source is laggy for me and i'm hoping that the full version is a little smoother, but on the whole the changes in the physics engine make the play more realistic. Thanks for coming out, I have yet to see any one of your posts in this thread make any sense other then to drive home the point that your like to whine and complain.
ukfluke said:
para lol :)

vodka the main reasons i have zero faith in valve

a. the sheild (gg they learned an have ditched it for cs:s not b4 time)
b. the crossahair debacle which incidently is still not how it was in 1.5 .
c when it switched to steam & 1.6 it feels like your playing on a wc3 mod server all the time even when ur not .

oh and they wrecked my precious usp when it went from 1.5 to 1.6 :( personal preference i know but i will NEVER forgive them until they fix it.

Ok analogy for you Fluke. If an exgirlfriend of mine cheated on me then lets say 3 years down the road I saw her again and she looked hoter than before, I would still fork her brains out like nothing ever happned.
I think your putting too much thought into it. I stopped playing right when 1.6 came out since I didn't have time but now im back from the first day the beta came out. It is the same gameplay as before with pretty graphics. What I am saying with my analogy and all is that your setting yourself up to miss out on a fun game. You can still go play 1.5 if you want, there are servers still hosting it. Valve doesn't call you before they make changes to games and they don't need your permission. If you don't like the game why come to a forum to bash it. Go play halo with the little halo fan boys on the seXBOX and stop complaining. Valve doesnt care if they lost you as a fanboy because they know that you will still buy the game. Your basically picking apart a game that you once loved over little tiny things that most people don't even notice.