counterstrike hackers


Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
i thought the idea of source was to improve the gameplay and to get rid of cheaters once and for all on counterstrike?!

since playing the beta it is far too obvious that there are still cheaters.. even on the new "source"!

am i the only person who is annoyed with this? i stopped playin counterstrike for a while after it was just too hard to find a game where some one wasnt using wall hacks.. or some kind of trainer.

please please if anyone who is in the know.. or who has anything to do with the game, please explain to me why you cant stop these hackers from ruining the game for genuine game lovers like me?!

there are people cheating on the beta version allready! im sick of it! or am i just being paranoid lol

In case you haven't noticed VAC2 hasn't been activated yet.
whats that then? is it another crap anti cheat like punkbuster that will work for about 2 hours? hehe
Cheating is a part of online gaming, either you like it or not (people usually don't), and it's damn hard to shut out all exploits. I have no idea what needs to be done to make cheating impossible, but I think it takes a huge ammount of work. Maybe it's even impossible. If you are a VALVe programmer and know that it takes about 5 minutes to stop the cheating, then I'm with you. If you're not, then deal with it.
To be honest, I don't know why they just don't hire a hacker to hack the game, tell them how it can be hacked, and tell them how to fix it. Dell do that - Actually, a lot of computer-related companies do.
im no programmer, in fact i have the upmost respect for those guys who spend their working hours developing these games, and i know cheating is part of online games, but there must be a way to stop them.
i love playying cs and cs:s , but like i said before, i gave up because its just no fun playing against some guy who has 64 kills to 1 death and headshot's you as soon as you see him.

cs:s has restored my gaming bug for now, just pisses me off when i see hackers on there allready, kinda defeats the whole thing.

i have no idea if this vac2 thing will work, i suspect it wont as there are allready ways to get onto steam with a "hacked" version. kinda defeats the point of steam doesnt it??
dekstar said:
To be honest, I don't know why they just don't hire a hacker to hack the game, tell them how it can be hacked, and tell them how to fix it. Dell do that - Actually, a lot of computer-related companies do.

Joolz actually works with VAC or CD now if I'm not mistaken.

And Scully VAC is the current anti-cheating system Valve has implemented into Steam, it is up to each server to have it on or off. It detects most commonly used cheats and blacklists you, and you get either an instant-ban or a "delayed" ban after a week or two. I read somewhere on the that VAC now bans all accounts associated to one IP.

VAC2 is an improvement over VAC, it will probably be activated once CS:S is fully released.
scully said:
i love playying cs and cs:s , but like i said before, i gave up because its just no fun playing against some guy who has 64 kills to 1 death and headshot's you as soon as you see him.

The best thing to do is find a server with good admins and plenty of them. If they watch first person after dying and see evidence of hacks, they ban the cheater.

The servers I play on regularly all do a good job of keeping the cheaters out.
I've been an admin on a server for the last year or so. I always ban cheaters, and I'm always available by phone if someone spots a cheater on the server. Recently some friends of mine have started up a new anti-cheat system called Radar. The point of this system is: When a player gets banned on one of the servers in the Radar-list, that player gets banned on ALL the radar-servers.

Since most of the popular norwegian servers are members of this service, my cs1.6 experience is almost cheater-free. Similar systems should be added around the world, and not just in Norway (where I come from), this way we help Valve with keeping the cheaters out of online gaming.
Ecthe|ioN said:
I've been an admin on a server for the last year or so. I always ban cheaters, and I'm always available by phone if someone spots a cheater on the server. Recently some friends of mine have started up a new anti-cheat system called Radar. The point of this system is: When a player gets banned on one of the servers in the Radar-list, that player gets banned on ALL the radar-servers.

Kinda like the United Admins Black List. I wonder if that's still available :)
The only "Hacking" I have seen has been the speed hack and the built in wallhack. The wall hack was taken care of in the first patch. The speed hack is actually an exploit of windows xp and really adds no skill to the person using it just makes them run faster and should be fixed soon. As far as aimbot or wallhacks, there are none. The first place those hacks pop up are the my g0t websites and there are non there only the ones I just explained. It's a good website to visit to know if the game is hacked or not. So far we are lucky. Can you explain what hacks your seeing? I think maybe that your just having a bad day gaming because there are no hacks for source yet......Your probably seeing people die in spectator mode where it looks like the guy shooting is no where near the target but thats just lagg. So stop complainging, take video or screenshots of what your talking about and be more specific than crying wolf......You are being paranoid. Haha you cant type ***** or it becomes stars. if you type m y g 0 t it turns into this ***** must be a dirty word. ***** ***** *****
I've actually yet to see any cheaters on CS:Source, so I consider myself quite lucky. :)
Ya you paranoid android............Maybe cs s is unhackable. That would be saaawweeeeet. But everything is hackable just give it time. So far so good in the beta......Myg 0t just got hacked and there getting tons of server attacks I bet thay are pissed. But we will wait and see if hacks start flooding for cs. source.......Cross those fingers for clean gaming.....It's great playing cs. source right now seeing how there are no hacks and not one person is complaining and calling others hacks. The only thing we have to put up with are the little kids calling each other names and what not....
I've hacked in cs:s :-D... all I have to say is dx7 and poolday source = unintentional clear walls
dekstar said:
To be honest, I don't know why they just don't hire a hacker to hack the game, tell them how it can be hacked, and tell them how to fix it. Dell do that - Actually, a lot of computer-related companies do.

they dont even have to hire someone, they can just go to google and type in counter strike source hacks and find everything they need to know... lol

I've hacked in cs:s :-D... all I have to say is dx7 and poolday source = unintentional clear walls
Theres plenty of games where your setup, meaning your mobo, your vid card, your drivers will cause that form of wallhack.......But those types of things arent made by someone for the purpose of cheating and those types of things are easily patched. It's just a hardware software issue. Wall hacks don't phase me. You still have to be able to shoot. It's the flashnades, smoke nades and aimbot hacks which ruin the game.....
Oh yeah , I forgot to mention that once the SDK comes out for hl2 to make map mods. Then we are all screwed. Thats why there aren't any cheats and hacks for source yet so play while the gaming is still fair.
VodkA-HLC- said:
Oh yeah , I forgot to mention that once the SDK comes out for hl2 to make map mods. Then we are all screwed. Thats why there aren't any cheats and hacks for source yet so play while the gaming is still fair.
/me slaps VodkA-HLC- around with a large trout.
scully said:
whats that then? is it another crap anti cheat like punkbuster that will work for about 2 hours? hehe

Punk Buster is the best anti-cheat around, its only not good with CS because Valve didn't want to let Punk Buster look at the source code.
maybe that is my problem then, i dont stick to any one server, i dont belong to any clan, i just play for fun. can anyone give me an i.p number of a good english server that is protected, then that way i cant blame any hackers for a day of misses and head shots to my head lol

and thanks for that info on punkbuster.. its stuff like that which i dont know. that makes sense. :naughty:
Scully, I think as someone mentioned before, I too would like to know how you define hacking. I haven't seen a score like 64-1 yet thankfully, but what kind of k/d ratio would you consider to be a hacker? (And this is of course assuming you saw their score since 0-0, and they weren't just killing afks constantly)
sublidieminal said:
I've hacked in cs:s :-D... all I have to say is dx7 and poolday source = unintentional clear walls
lol funny
Ecthe|ioN said:
I've been an admin on a server for the last year or so. I always ban cheaters, and I'm always available by phone if someone spots a cheater on the server. Recently some friends of mine have started up a new anti-cheat system called Radar. The point of this system is: When a player gets banned on one of the servers in the Radar-list, that player gets banned on ALL the radar-servers.

Since most of the popular norwegian servers are members of this service, my cs1.6 experience is almost cheater-free. Similar systems should be added around the world, and not just in Norway (where I come from), this way we help Valve with keeping the cheaters out of online gaming.
That sounds good in theory, but are you relying on the judgement of the admins to determine if someone is cheating? Because many admins, no matter how smart and experienced they may claim themselved to be, cannot tell the difference between cheaters and skilled players.

I get banned from servers a lot because people think I cheat. I'd hate to get banned from a huge group of servers just because one server admin has a large ego.
I'd hate to get banned from a huge group of servers just because one server admin has a large ego.
I definitely agree with you there, the server admin might just be having a bad day/mood as well.
There is ALWAYS a way to exploit programs, no way to stop hacking....NO way. Someone can always find a portion of code vulnerable, and always will.
hhmmm.. Actualy Punkbuster is one hell of a good anti-cheat! When i play cod:uo, I see like 10 guys banned from the server a day. And what i know is that Punkbuster bans in hardware level. So if you buy a new game, you still can't play, you have to buy a new comp :p

This is what i would like in cs too. You get busted from cheating ones and BANG! No more cs, hl2 or anything with that comp.

In my opinion Valve is being a pussy with these cheaters, isn't it like you get busted ones, you get a warning, you get busted second time you get banned for 6 months? It should be: get busted ones no playing with that comp!

Then another thing that has been on my mind! With the source engine wouldn't it be possible to stop the cheaters with the physics engine? I mean mostly the Speed hack whores. Like this: there is a maxinium speed that has been set to something (let's say 50 here), the physics engine calculates this all the time. But when it notices that the speed has got over that limit it sends a message to the server.

Must be my longest post full of shit ever? :D
well, that was what my whole veiw on this thing is. these guys write the game, so there are values to all the parts of the game, so surley all it need to do is chech that everyone is running the same values?

if not the ban them for life! sounds good to me!.. whats this about banning hardware? thats a new one to me? one of my friends got banned for using some kind of hack (har har got what he deserved) on CS. his wonid got banned, so he just went out and bought another copy of the game for £15 and got back on?!

how can they ban a pc? i.p numbers change.. so thats no good?
scully said:
if not the ban them for life! sounds good to me!.. whats this about banning hardware? thats a new one to me? one of my friends got banned for using some kind of hack (har har got what he deserved) on CS. his wonid got banned, so he just went out and bought another copy of the game for £15 and got back on?!

how can they ban a pc? i.p numbers change.. so thats no good?

I think most people have a static IP address, at least I do :p

And if someone is dumb enough to continue cheating after buying a new copy well then he'll never learn.
VAC2 is built into the game, VAC isnt its just plugged into steam making VAC2 500000000000% more secure, joolz doesnt help anyone (he said on a hlradio or sumthing, I'll find it later if u want), wallhacks are very easy to make, but we'll see if VAC2 sorts them out, every opengl game can get wallhacked very easily unless it has a proper anticheat btw.
well i get called a hacker almost every day :rolleyes:

all i say is thank you, it funny to see them :p, i was playing (cant say the map) and got called a wall hackerz when i jumped around the corner and owned some guy. I heard him and Saw him before i ever pressed the triger AND he wasnt evan looking at me...

i would say about 90% of reported "cheats" are just lucky people or smart people who shoot throu boxes and actualy look around corners ....
if anyone of you see a hacker while playing, please record a demo of him where you can obviously see his hacks (such as speedhack, wallhack or aimbot), include the "status" command while recording, finish the demo and go to where you can submit the demo and get that hacker banned.
I think the banning with hardware is done by looking the unique numbers of the components in the hardware. I'll try looking more info on this and then let you know.
There are no hacks for source out yet. The only thing that is even close to a hack is a speed glitch and it works with any game. It's a tool in windows that is used to speed up programs or something. If you want to know the latest check the active cheat sites. Regardless of if you support them or not its the best way to know what is out there and what is just bullshit.

btw unreal fixed the speed hack in ut2k4 in the first patch. :p
Snakebyte said:
That sounds good in theory, but are you relying on the judgement of the admins to determine if someone is cheating? Because many admins, no matter how smart and experienced they may claim themselved to be, cannot tell the difference between cheaters and skilled players.

I get banned from servers a lot because people think I cheat. I'd hate to get banned from a huge group of servers just because one server admin has a large ego.

If someone suspect a player for cheating, a demo is recorded & the steam_id is written down. A "jury" use hacks and other methods to determine if the player has been cheating. If a player is suspected of wallhacking, wallhack is installed on the "jury's" computers, and the demo is played with wallhack on. Makes it easy to see if the player is cheating. Aimbots and Speedhacks are easy to see as well. If we aren't sure, and haven't got hard evidence against the player, nothing happens. Otherwise we ban him/her/it. Banning without evidence is not an option.
Hey a lot of people saying that you need to go to active cheat sites to see what kind of hacks there are, but could somebody post a couple of links, or is that forbidden on this site, in nay case it shouldn't be cause alot of peopel can use them jus tto know when soembody is cheating.
I just hope VAC2 isnt as buggy as VAC is. Maybe its jsut me, but VAC banned me for no reason, and forced me to buy another copy of the game (was only 8$, so its not all that bad), VAC now has no problem with me, but the point is, if i had cheats on my system (which I 100% i dont) then it would have jsut banned the new CDkey as well, but it didnt.

Im gonna be hella pissed if VAC2 bans me after i pay 50$ for this game.