Coursework Art help (Read: Urgent)


Companion Cube
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, so I know this fits into about... I don't know, 20 different categories. So I'll try and explain as calmy and... punctually as possible.

Right, I am not an experienced modeller of any sort. I can create basic spheres and shapes in Maya: Unlimited (The program I wish assistance for. More on that later). Now onto the complicated bit, so stay with me:
I am currently doing Art at GCSE. If you did Art at GCSE, then you should know the exams are coming up (the final ones), and I wanted to do something special. My chosen subject was to create a logo (Or something) around a sportswear company called "Red Hot". Now, I want to create a few 3D modelled adverts in the 10 hours I have, including sounds, and to make them seem at least near photo-realistic. Now here's my Question:

Can someone create for me, a specialised tutorial on how to create a basketball (Skinned), that is inside a white box room (Shiny floors/walls), that (Appears to) bounce up and down a little, then stop, set on fire (Using Mayas realistic fire brush), and then display a logo that at least looks half decent, and the basketball is spinning (the reason it sets on fire). I have already made pictures of what I want the final design to be like:
(Fire and ball behind basketball created in maya. Basketball is not a skin, but overlapped in PSP)

Also, I would like another tutorial on this:
A Football being kicked into a football goal (Player not seen, the ball just bounces into view from the camera), glows white hot, then blows up the surrounding area (Goal posts), leaving black scorchmarks on the ground. Then, after fading to black, reveals the logo in white lettering.

I know this sounds like a weird request, but I just can't find any tutorials online that achieve this, and I'm getting a bit... nervous, that I won't be able to pull it off. So I'm appealing to the people I know best - the Half life community. If you want to discuss terms, then you can email me or chat to me on MSN ([email protected]). But I really need help with this, even if it's links to all the tutorials that will help me.

Thank you in advance.
Shouldn't you make sure you know how to do something before deciding to do it 10 hours before an exam ?
Fluffy Kitten said:
Shouldn't you make sure you know how to do something before deciding to do it 10 hours before an exam ?
The exam isn't 10 hours away. the exam is like... a week away.

And yeah I know, but I thought I could do it. I decided I would do it ages ago, but I just.. can't...

If I don't find out how to do it, I can just change my idea. But doing this will pretty much guarantee me an A* (It's done over a course of two days, the exam). And it would be really cool. No one else has ever done it.
Can someone create for me, a specialised tutorial on how to create a basketball (Skinned), that is inside a white box room (Shiny floors/walls), that (Appears to) bounce up and down a little, then stop, set on fire (Using Mayas realistic fire brush), and then display a logo that at least looks half decent, and the basketball is spinning (the reason it sets on fire). I have already made pictures of what I want the final design to be like:

So basically you want a tutorial that shows you how to do everything for you in your exam.

And you think you deserve the A for just following someone elses work?
GCSE Art is a 10 hour exam (when I took it, those years ago!!!). I took it over two days of five hours each. I assume dekstar is the same.
The Dark Elf said:
So basically you want a tutorial that shows you how to do everything for you in your exam.

And you think you deserve the A for just following someone elses work?
Actually the work will be my own, I just need a little help on how to do what I want to do in my exam. I don't care if it's just a list of links to everything I want to learn, which is the same as learning anyway, so don't get your nickers in a twist, Fen. I can use this later on for my mod, but I want to learn it now.

And yeah pilo, exactly the same :)
dekstar said:
Actually the work will be my own, I just need a little help on how to do what I want to do in my exam.

but you just asked for
Can someone create for me, a specialised tutorial on how to create a basketball (Skinned), that is inside a white box room (Shiny floors/walls), that (Appears to) bounce up and down a little, then stop, set on fire (Using Mayas realistic fire brush), and then display a logo that at least looks half decent, and the basketball is spinning (the reason it sets on fire). I have already made pictures of what I want the final design to be like:

so yeah, the work will be your own, following the work of someone else, effectively not being your own. Like tracing someone elses drawing, or basically copy/pasting. Sorry I just think its wrong the way your going about it. What happens when you get out into the real world, your not gonna get people to write you specialised tutorials for your day to day jobs are you? :(
The Dark Elf said:
but you just asked for

so yeah, the work will be your own, following the work of someone else, effectively not being your own. Like tracing someone elses drawing, or basically copy/pasting. Sorry I just think its wrong the way your going about it. What happens when you get out into the real world, your not gonna get people to write you specialised tutorials for your day to day jobs are you? :(
That's what I love about you Fen; the way you always miss entire sections of what I post ^_^:

Dekstar said:
I know this sounds like a weird request, but I just can't find any tutorials online that achieve this, and I'm getting a bit... nervous, that I won't be able to pull it off. So I'm appealing to the people I know best - the Half life community. If you want to discuss terms, then you can email me or chat to me on MSN ([email protected]). But I really need help with this, even if it's links to all the tutorials that will help me.


And also, I know I stated that wrong, but it's like... 01:35, and not to mention that I'm a bit... weird by the amount of sugar I've just inhaled. So sorry if it's stated wrong.
The Dark Elf said:
so yeah, the work will be your own, following the work of someone else, effectively not being your own. Like tracing someone elses drawing, or basically copy/pasting. Sorry I just think its wrong the way your going about it. What happens when you get out into the real world, your not gonna get people to write you specialised tutorials for your day to day jobs are you? :(
You really like telling people that they will never make it in the "real world," don't you? :thumbs:
Erestheux said:
You really like telling people that they will never make it in the "real world," don't you? :thumbs:
It's his hobby to shoot people down in their prime... I've seen it done before. Lots of Tears... Lots and lots of tears...
How about, I do what I did with that render I posted above, but instead of leaving it in Photoshop, import it into Flash (I'm downloading the whole collection now), and then do it that way? I can use flash (Just about - Can't seem to get sound timing right). Do you think they'll buy it?