CR0M's Artwork (week long paintings)

The Dark Elf said:
and why is there always one person in these threads who have to bring Zbrush up.. it plagued mine for a few pages IIRC :p

Haha yeah... That would be me... :o

we've all come unstuck. Does this mean a separate forum is imminent or was the glue just not that good?
CR0M said:
we've all come unstuck. Does this mean a separate forum is imminent or was the glue just not that good?
one is coming, just not yet.. The stickies were only temporary anyway until a subforum was on its way
Whoo, Amazing stuff :O

Really love the Marianne painting. Looks so real and I like the pose :)
Well, my paintings can takes ages,just because I dont know what Im doing. :P
I just continually change the image because its too easy to do it when its digital.
I should maby try also to plan beforehand too before I do anything, lol
thanks :D

Editing and refining is really the strength of digital art - that and the convenience. If it wasn't so easy to correct mistakes or add extra stuff, people would just stick to conventional methods.
Hey TDE I laugh at you when you say you cant work on anything for more than a week. You know what amazes me is how the Masters like Michelangelo during the Renaissance period worked on the Sistine Chapel for years I just find that so amazing and how much he must have liked art.

Cr0m you have loads of talent im just curious how long have you been painting digitally and such and do you goto school for this? Anddddddddddd do you have any no digital stuff (traditional) you can share :D it looks really nice man
nofx - Got my first PC mid 90's - been using photoshop since version 2.5, then painter, then 3D max, then all the web design stuff I use for work. Before that I was a freelance illustrator using pen 'n ink mostly, and alkyd oils - before that - 3 years at art college which taught me absolutely nothing. Some of my skill is self taught. The rest I was born with; my dad has been an illustrator all his life and has published stacks of books.
BaNDiT - Digitally, I don't use any special brushes, just the default PS ones - I paint like I do with oils, light colours onto darker ones from the background forward. the blending is all done with the smudge tool, edges sharpened with the eraser or marquee/delete. Why bother emulating conventional paint techniques when you don't have it's limitations? as long as the piccy looks good there's no point trying to make it look like it's been done on canvas. :)
they all look good man ... keep up the good work ...

so how many layers in PS did you use ?
around 15-20 in the end is about average for me. Individual layers can contain anything from the main focus (usually the face) down to tiny details like earrings or buttons. Once it's finished they all get merged down - except for the background, which can be messed with afterwards - and exported as a bitmap.
holy cow. How did I miss this? CROM that is incredible. Definitely one of the best digital art I've seen... The shading, on the face and the coat in particular, is awesome. :D

nice work mate! :cheers:

I tried painter a couple times. It seemed very diffeicult to use. Anybody else have that problem? How long did you use it before you got good with it.

Obviously you have more art background than I and probably got used to it faster because...
I never really got along with painter as much as I did with photoshop, but it's a great package nevertheless. Took me a year on 'n off using photoshop and Max to be competent - But only cos I was unemployed and had nothing to distract me :)
I just sat and played around and got a decent portfolio together. That was such a great year, sometimes I think about quitting my job and doing it again just to get some cool artwork done, but rent and bills slap me back into the real world.
Ok... uhm, may I be the first to say this in the year 2005. Very nice :).
What is you current job?
Now that would make sense.

Have you got any websites I could gain inspiration from? :D
CR0M said:
Not that I have done, but my favourite designers by far are If you want to be ahead of the rest, follow them.
For other cutting edge sites go to (I'm one of the interviews and award winners but I'm not telling you which one :P )
teeheehee your as bad as me with the identity secrecy :p

I'll find out one day we probably worked together years ago lol
That's just ... How did you ...
wooooooow thats really cool. :E
I wish I had your hands
hmm sorry. But I've got a kidney going spare if you want, low mileage
oh, well in that case, can i have one of your eyeballs, and maybe a rib. if you're, like, up for grabs. :cheese:
Thatss amazing! :P

keep it up ( also likes the drawings / paintings at start of thread