*CRASH* The memory could not be 'read' error, for HL2 and CS:S

  • Thread starter Thread starter MetalSonic53
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agreed, am not playing this until its sorted and working the way it was meant to be.

:sniper:memory bug
MetalSonic53 said:
Half-Life 2 and CS:S both give me a "'The Instruction at 0x####### referenced memory at 0x#######. The memory could not be 'read'" error when I try to change graphics options from the default "medium" settings and apply the changes. For CS:S, that's the only time it would happen.

For Half-Life 2, however, it happens in that instance, AND when I try to quicksave a game, AND when loading a new part of a level, AND at completely random points.

Specifically, the game's sound will start speed looping, and that's when I know it has crashed for sure. The Windows XP "error" sound plays, and a few seconds later that 'The Instruction at 0x####### referenced memory at 0x#######. The memory could not be 'read' error pops up.

I looked up a solution on Steam's support site but it only gave me a solution possibility for HL1, and said it didn't apply to HL2. It's as if NO OTHER HUMAN BEING on this planet has had that error with HL2 like I have.

I've gotten this same error before when trying to play CS:Source. I can live without toning my graphics options on this laptop, but I want to be able to play Half-Life 2, which runs very decently UNTIL it crashes.

Same here But can run game in the window not full screen

AMD XP 3000+ (333FSB)
GF4 T14200 8X/128mb
2 x PC2700 DDR (333Mhz)
Service Pack 2
Download game from steam

I too am having issues. Except everytime I start hl2 my entire computer reboots. Question. Even though I bought the retail version with cds, is there a way to download the game from steam and just put in my cd key from the retail version?
alanford said:
Same here But can run game in the window not full screen

hey so if you run it windowed it doesnt crash for you, have you tried this with CS:S aswell?
Guys, I had the same memory error. I couldn't get passed the blurry city loading screen before I would here 2 Windows error beeps and then the memory error. I tried many of the different suggestions posted here and elsewhere to fix and nothing worked. Yesterday afternoon, I said "Screw it" and deleted the local game files from the Steam menu and redownloaded HL2 from Steam. Got home last night and fired it up and everything now works flawlessly. I played for about 4 hours straight last night without any crashing or problems. Maybe a file in the original download was corrupted? I don't know, but it works now. Since nothing else is working, you guys don't have anytihing to lose by trying to download it again. I know it's a pain in the ass but I it fixed the memory problem for me. FINALLY I can play HL2 after 3 days!!!
Chicken Boy said:
Guys, I had the same memory error. I couldn't get passed the blurry city loading screen before I would here 2 Windows error beeps and then the memory error. I tried many of the different suggestions posted here and elsewhere to fix and nothing worked. Yesterday afternoon, I said "Screw it" and deleted the local game files from the Steam menu and redownloaded HL2 from Steam. Got home last night and fired it up and everything now works flawlessly. I played for about 4 hours straight last night without any crashing or problems. Maybe a file in the original download was corrupted? I don't know, but it works now. Since nothing else is working, you guys don't have anytihing to lose by trying to download it again. I know it's a pain in the ass but I it fixed the memory problem for me. FINALLY I can play HL2 after 3 days!!!

hopefully this will work for all - i'm in process of doing it. Also, i got a response from Erik in valve saying they are investigating, wants me to let him know how it goes after re-download.
It sounds like the people that are having the problem when HL2 is loading the plaza start screen, have a corrupted file that can be fixed with a download. Those of us that have a crash in a specific spot in the game, are having a different issue, with the same memory read error.
psalm said:
It sounds like the people that are having the problem when HL2 is loading the plaza start screen, have a corrupted file that can be fixed with a download. Those of us that have a crash in a specific spot in the game, are having a different issue, with the same memory read error.

mine seems to be at different stages each time, all within the first level however, or sometimes the main screen.
mine are seemingly randon, when i first started playing (after getting it of steam) it was fine for an entire day. That evening however it started to give memory errors and now i can play from anywhere between 5 mins to half an hour, but it will always crash
I have had the game running now for 2 hours without a crash.
I set my launch options to "-w 1024 -h 768 -refresh 75 -developer 1"
and then set all my video settings to "low", simple reflections and trilinear filtering.

I'm going to try and find which setting is causing the memory on my PC by turning them back on one by one.

SlimJim - Thanks for the tip. I set mine up just like yours and it still crashes though. I'll keep attempting whatever is thrown my way. :)
same problem for me...

AMD 3000+
1 gig ddr400
Chaintech geForce 6800 GT
Creative Audigy 2 ZS platnum Pro
DFI Infinity NFII Ultra
XP Home

This problem is filling HL2 forums all over the web -


my friends, let our problems be heard any where where u can post... fill the forums with discontent, DID any of u spend £35 for a hunk of junk cd /beer mat... or did u pay ££££35 for THE BEST GAME IN THE EVER CREATED

we will get this error into valves heads, and they will do sumthing about it... we wont give up on hl2 so i hope valve wont give up on us.....

:sniper: corrupted files
Dunno if i found a solution, but I started a NEW GAME and just at 'rise and shine' hit escape - went to menu and loaded from there my last save - no crash, and have been playing for a good hour without one...

A temporary solution for me anyway... Not to say I won't get hit again for a crash - and VALVE - comeon obviously code needs reworking...
a format did the job for me guys, unfortunately to format a toshiba laptop brings other probs afterwards, for example power management doesnt work properly and doesnt seem to wanna get fixed so the laptop overheats after 1.5 hours of hl2 so it needs to cool down an hour, anyways, that dont stop me ofcourse, usb cooler works great too :)
Change your resolution to the same as your desktop resolution. Fixed all my problems. Never crashed since.
considering I cant go to 1600x1200 in the game, i'll try it the reverse way changing my desktop to my playing size :D

I have heard of people doing this - havent tried it yet though. Gotta wait for it to redownload... grrr.
sholnay said:
considering I cant go to 1600x1200 in the game, i'll try it the reverse way changing my desktop to my playing size :D

I have heard of people doing this - havent tried it yet though. Gotta wait for it to redownload... grrr.

I hope this works for you. I of course having an LCD screen am trying to play in my native resolution 1680x1050.. it is the same as my desktop. No dice.
Not sure if the problem my computer is having is the same as everyone else's, but right after the loading bar finishes to get into the game, i get the "blue screen" for a second, then the computer restarts itself.
every 1 has the same problem but it comes in differant styles.... mine has changed so many times, first the crash to the desktop... then the sound loop, now the blue screen of death... all related to the so called MEMORY ERROR
I've just tried running this game with my CPU underclocked.

It's an Athlon 64 3000+ (2000MHz)

Normally clocked at 20x10 - I reduced the multiplyer to 9 to get 20x9 = 1800MHz

Loaded up HL2, immediatly heard the double critical stop error and kicked back out to desktop with memory could not be "read". error
ive been following this thread for some time now, also i have this same crappy ass problem. i have tried every possible thing to fix this memory problem.. why, WHY IS THIS HAPPENING!!? my god i have never been as pissed off as ive been these last couple of days. i want to play this game like everyone else.........
I am curious to know, everyone who has posted a solution to their problem, did you download the game completely or do you have the 5 cd set. I have the 5 cd set and none of the solutions I have tried have worked at all. They have not even improved the situation...it either stays the same or gets worse.
hmmm is this strange or what... my hl2 or cs crashes like u guys but when my pc reboots it logs and error saying its amemory corruption of sum sort or a device Driver..... is this xp confused or sumthing ???

as all of my computer is fine... it runs doom3, farcry etc
I think we're all getting a similar error in response to different problems.

The address of the memory that couldn't be read seems important. On my system the address is 0x01bff5c0.

In my situation I think the issue is related to dx9/nvidia/hl2 interactions .. I've been experimenting with different driver versions and while none work correctly they do seems to crash in slightly different ways.

But I've always been able to get the game running by using -dxlevel 70.
I'm convinced that my specific gettings of the error comes from the fact that my laptop uses Intel Extreme Graphics 2.
ok I redownloaded last night ... Im still getting the memory error however I can play for a short while not before it bombs out :/

I am running the command line -console -w 1600 -h 1200 -refresh 60 and have forced my refresh rate to 60hz in dxdiag to... the reason I run 60hz is because I have a flat panel 20.1" montor running native 1600 X 1200 which runs at 60hz ... they dont work like a CRT monitor does .. just incase any of you were wondering :)

Maybe worth a try for some people with flat panels or CRTs make sure you change the refresh to whatever your monitor is running at... 75,80, 100hz whatever .. also make sure your desktop res is same as the game res.. this is the only way so far I have managed to get any time spent in the game... managing about 20mins per crash now :( still dissapointing but not as fed up as not being able to play at all.

Best of luck everyone :)


Have any of you got past the boat sequence part of the game, near the beginning?

I was getting lots of the crashes when saving at it was a complete nightmare. The only thing I did was to stop the overclocking and run normally, and set HL2 settings to what the game recommends - with the asterisk. Also defragged.

The crashing stopped but still had some jittery sound and graphics when saving/loading, then after the boat sequence I had no problems. It's running smooth now.

Is it a problem with the beggining of the game? Or are others having these issues after the boat sequence?


HL2 bought through Steam.

GF 6800 GT Golden Sample (HL2 settings maxed)
Abit AV8 3rd-eye
1GB RAM (Corsair XMS-PRO 2,2,2,2)
SATA drive
1280x1024 res on LCD monitor - desktop running same res.
Have Norton plus emule and others running at the same time.
iv'e changed the pci slot my sound card was in and that seems to have made the game a bit more stable. It still crashes but not as often.
ive gotten past the boat, but everytime i get to a certain spot the game crashes on me, it happens when i load an area
who has the 5 CD or DVD?

I wonder if its just from the CD version? I have the 5 CD maybe the DVD is error free?

just to tell you guys, i download ATI omega drivers, uninstalled my ati drivers and it seems to be running alot better. not as many hickups int he game as well. dont know what it is. didnt crash yet but only played for bout 20 mins. ill play more a little later but have to go somewhere before 9pm. sorry, ill keep you updated.
Profusion - i and lots of others have the Dvd Version. The error seemingly does not have a configuration pattern to it at all.
this error seems to be a memory leak, i dont think were gonna be able to permentaly fix it until valve comes out with a patch.

think about it, everything ive seen so far that temporarily fixes the crashes involves freeing up some memory on your comp
i have the dvd collecters version and it happens too and it also happens in part 1
I think we should all post the memory address shown in the error and our basic hw config so we can sort ourselves out better. It's pretty clear that we're NOT all having the same problem.
anyone else with an ati card try what i said? i still have not crashed. its kinda nice. and everything runs smoother.
Nothing...absoutly nothing works. I have tried every solution listed on this site and a few others and none of it makes any difference. Same errors at the same time...I don't even get a little extended play. Every auto-save and every manual save locks the game and gives me a memory error. God I hate this...can't they at least acknowledge the memory error and say they are working on it.
preech brother!!!! Even though i have this problem i have played kinda far because this game is so bittersweet. sweet cause this game rocks
and im very bitter cause it alway screws up at the loading screen and the autosaves but it did load succesfully once huh sometimes life is good!
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