*CRASH* The memory could not be 'read' error, for HL2 and CS:S

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bah... Im waiting. I just cant be bothered reinstalling all the time.
redownload all the files, different sizes from those in an earlier post of mine, md5 matches noone else's md5's so who knows. i had a b0rked texture before on a certain model, works now tho so maybe the game will work. if it is the activation process then redownloading doesnt help, because it doesnt reactivate the new files. so who knows...

i'll post about the memory error after trying it later, got to go for lectures now :(
I have the retail version and have the same problem.
I get the read error during play; I can get passed the train yard but it crashes around every 5 – 10 minutes after that.
I was wondering if it’s Direct X, I’m running 9.0c not b, is anybody else running c?


AMD XP 3200+
ATI 9800pro
1 GB Memory
Asus A7N8X-E
DVD-Ram Drive
CD Writer
Norton AV
Norton IS
Direct X 9.0c
200 GB Free Hard disk space

kkevin666 said:
Yes retail is borked as well.
Just to throw a real downer in ive played vampire bloodlines-------------------------

Exactly the same problem - all the sound files are mp3s and unencrypted.
Below is an error report:

vampire caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module engine.dll at 001b:200e3fc8.

Read from location 28a17d96 caused an access violation.

It would seem there is a Major problem with the source engine
that valve at this moment in time refuse to acknowledge.

Doesnt it seem a tad strange that no reviews whatsoever have mentioned this? Or is it because all review sites have the straight code that doesnt need validation?
Then again this wouldnt explain why vampire bloodlines seems as borked as HL2.

Strange thing is I get the memory bug in HL2 BUT Vampires runs fine not a problem what so ever :/
I have no more problems

I just put this in the launch options:
-heapsize 384000 -zone 16000 -dxlevel 80
and then I set the windows xp paging file to as high as it can go.
I have been playing for 3 hours straight and no crashes.
It's not a good fix since the page file takes up your HD space but it's good enough until a patch comes out to fix it.
thx to everyone helping out on these issues it really is appreaciated and great to see 1st time posters contributing aswell.

Cheers all

Just gotta find time to try them all out now :P
Steam / HL2 Complete Reinstall Fixed Memory Read Error

Like many of you I had a persistent memory read error. In my case it was always at the same place and I was unable to continue beyond that point in spite of lots of testing with various resolutions and other settings. I was finally able to get it working today, though.

I'm almost sure this won't work for everyone, but this is what fixed it for me:

I first copied the SAVE directory from the hl2 directory to my desktop so I could restore my HL2 saved games. Then I deleted the local content of ALL the Steam games (choosing Delete Local Game Content from the Properties menu of each game in Steam) and uninstalled Steam completely using the Add/Remove Control Panel.

I then downloaded and installed Steam fresh, logged into my account, and re-downloaded all of HL2. This took several hours even on a fast connection -- and keep in mind that Steam will say HL2 is ready to run even though most of the data hasn't yet downloaded. Wait until the Monitor in Steam indicates that HL2 is 100% complete before you try to run HL2. Once it's all done you can also dump the contents of your backed up SAVE directory into the new one that gets created and your saved games will work fine.

I hope this is helpful.

MajorPayne said:
Yeah, it sounds counter intuitive, BUT... I think the problem lies partly in the unlocking process, which DOES involve steam, even on retail. So since you were lucky enough to have it on CD (or DVD), I would at least try it to see if it helps, since unlike me, you won't have to download from 6:00am to 6:58pm just to reinstall ;(

I don't think its todo with the unlocking as I had this problem with CS:S before HL2 was unlocked. If you could check on Steam Powered theres plenty of threads about this before HL2 came out. One from June even. :flame:
SlyDog said:
Like many of you I had a persistent memory read error. In my case it was always at the same place and I was unable to continue beyond that point in spite of lots of testing with various resolutions and other settings. I was finally able to get it working today, though.

I'm almost sure this won't work for everyone, but this is what fixed it for me:

I first copied the SAVE directory from the hl2 directory to my desktop so I could restore my HL2 saved games. Then I deleted the local content of ALL the Steam games (choosing Delete Local Game Content from the Properties menu of each game in Steam) and uninstalled Steam completely using the Add/Remove Control Panel.

I then downloaded and installed Steam fresh, logged into my account, and re-downloaded all of HL2. This took several hours even on a fast connection -- and keep in mind that Steam will say HL2 is ready to run even though most of the data hasn't yet downloaded. Wait until the Monitor in Steam indicates that HL2 is 100% complete before you try to run HL2. Once it's all done you can also dump the contents of your backed up SAVE directory into the new one that gets created and your saved games will work fine.

I hope this is helpful.


Yeah, i saw this solution work for another guy on another forum. He also deleted all entries for valve and steam in his registry before re-installing Steam. I've done that. in work now, while Steam downloads all the HL2 content. Hopefully this will work for me too, but i'm not 100% optimistic!
just an update,

added "-developer 1" to my shortcut so the game loads up a lot faster (to the menu) at the start. (less annoying starting the game again after its just crashed!)

added "-w 1024 -h 768 -refresh 75" to my shortcut but this didn't stop the crashes.

crashed again after 20mins of playing but then i ran it again for about an hour with no crash.

Had a bit of a shock last night when i tryed to run the game, it told me my cd key was verified but wouldn't let me play because valve hadn't got round to processing something?? luckily closing steam and opening it again fixed the problem....bit scary though!

any updates on running this game offline? whenever i try to it says half life 2 is unavailable
Got mine working now with no memory errors, (played on HL2 and CS for about 20 hours now with no problems).

What did I do? Nothing. Just seems to have sorted itself out, strangely.

Edit - Only thing I did do besides a driver update is to set the resolution in the game to the same as my desktop and change it to fullscreen, (as it would only run in a window for me most of the time) and I now get no errors. Strange isn't it.
"The instruction at 0x241f8977" referenced memory at "0x01def5c0" The memory could not be read:

Well Guys.....I do NOT get this error ! I have The Retail Standard DVD, But i can se its a problem for many people.
I wanted to se if i could Duplicate that errror with the "-heapsize" (just to see what memoryError i could get)

With the Default setting it worked fine for me...someone suggested 600000 in heapsize for 1gb Ram and THAT GAVE ME THE MEM ERROR !

Changing the heapsize to EXACT Half my Ram 512000 did the trick. Im not shure what the size is for a default Install(cos it probably loads a default through a config) (also when the game loads i´ll se in the console that the game gets 500mb)

As The MD5 Checksum...im not shure i understand it: Doesnt The Files in the Source get´s MODIFIED every time you Run the game ?
(but again the MD5 (OomahLoompah) IS the same as mine)

Any way here is my MD5:

33410019bcde486a875be8e5195f0a ff source materials.gcf
62fede646929f7708581d203123b35 0b source models.gcf
371bf86d35cd4be6aaa67ba6ce057d ff source sounds.gcf
15a5df83528b60ebd1dd352275089b 7f source engine.gcf
d5f647e430681d9369da15b3935182 27 half-life 2 content.gcf

Anyway...My game runs fine except some very short lag when autosaving...and some graficGlitches...but i just dont care im Busy playing so... :)

Btw: For people that gets the Computer Restarts : DISABLE RESTART !
You might get a BSOD with some good info.
Run With The -dev command and se what comes up just before crashes.
oh well..I´ll be reading all the HL2 forums to hopefully see a solution to this rather Unstable release.

Win XP pro UK . (Clean Slip-Streamed SP2)
P4 2.6ghz
MoBo Asus P4G8X Deluxe
1gb 3200 ddr
G4 Ti4600 128mb (Nvidia
Onboard Sound AC´97 (manufactorDrivers)
Maxtor HD 120gb
EZtrust Armor(Antivirus&firewall)Running.
Cisco Soho77 Router.
Am as frustrated as everyone else with this problem. I have preloaded thru steam and was able to play about 4-5 hours of the game up to "water hazards" before getting the memory error on the loading screen after the dam. I know 10 others from my clan playing this and none others have so far had any probs with HL2 (and none of us with CSS)

Anyway just as an fyi, Myself and my flatmate were playing the game at the same time and he didnt experience the memory error. So he let me copy his saved file, just after the dam (and i thought cool i wont miss any of the game and can continue on) Unfortunatly after copying all of his save files over to my PC and starting his autosave, my pc produced the same memory error as it was before and just will not load the map.

I have used the console to look at other parts (type map * into console to get map list) of the game and can load other sections of the game just ahead of where i am, but obviously missing a chunk of this game is not acceptable.

I really know nothing about software and a little on hardware and just wondered if the problem lied with corrupt map files. seeing as people are crashing just about anywhere in this game.

If so is it possible to delete any map files (not sure what they are called or where they are situated as am at work right now) and have steam re-download them possibly uncorrupted. I will try this later, but any of you with time on your hands might like to explore this avenue now (if indeed it is one)

I have a second pc that i am going to use tonight to try and get this working.

I do realise i could be talking absolute rubbish, but thought another avenue to explore at this time might be of value to someone.

Also i noticed from my and my flatemates pc was that he has no MDMP (memory dump) files in the HL2 directory, and i had about 15. Removing them made no difference.

I wish us all good luck with this and hope we can find a fix that works for all soon

my systems are

First (Memeory error)
AMD Athlon 2400xp
Gigabyte 7
1.25gig 333mhz RAM
60 gig Maxtor HD
Radeon 9800pro 1288mb

Second(and untested with hl2)
P4 2.8
1gig dual channel
40gig Maxtor HD
Radeon 9800pro
Nice not to feel alone!

At the risk of clogging up this thread with unnecessary (sp?) comments just wanted to say how nice it is to find that I am not the only one having this problem! Not that I'm glad you're all having this problem.. but.. well... you know...

Just to add misery to heartache I used System Restore to go back a couple of weeks to see if recent changes were to blame (I bought a brand new custom built PC for this bloody game) only to discover that when Micro$oft says 'system restore is completely reversible' what they actually mean is 'oh dear, you didn't actually BELIEVE us did you?'

Spent the last 24 hours reinstalling everything from scratch and am halfway through re-downloading HL2 to see if I can fix problem.

Ok guys, finally I managed it.
The problem for me (and for my computer) was always at the same point (the first teleport scene): the game always crashes when the girl start to scream.
I also experienced audio stuttering problem during the game.
I noticed that HD was loading when game crashes and I tried all the suggestions wrote down in this thread (disabled directx hw accelleration, etc, etc.)
The "solution" for me was to set all video option to minimum.
I switch from all maximum set and 4x AA and 8xANI to all minimum and no AA, ANI.
The game not crashes anymore :dozey:
My system is:
AMD BArton XP 2500+@3200+,
Asus a7n8x deluxe rev. 2,
2x512MB twinmos.
Seagate 120Gb sata,
Gainward 6800LE 128Mb @12x1,6v
Win XP pro SP2,
NForce 5.10 and forceware 69.93

I think playing with low details with this system is not an option,
but this is the only way to run the game at the moment. :angry:

I'll make some try with different video setting to figure out where the problem really is.

I wonder if nvdia nforce 5.10 driver could be the problem...

I hope this could work for you too.

Sorry for my poor english :cheese:
reducing gfx details to a minimum didnt work when i tried last night. but i am glad it has helped you to get the game working.

good luck guys
WTF? I have resetted to highest level all settings, one at time, trying each time... Now is working: no more crash... :rolling:

Is it a game or a virus?

Anyway, I noticed that audio stuttering problems is more present with texture details setted to high (and the hd works longer) ...

I have no idea of what is happening... :|
Reinstall no good


Epox 8KDA+ (Nforce3 250GB)
A64 3000+
1GB memory
Onboard Realtek Sound
Keyboard mouse and bloody monitor

To try and fix this problem I put a brand new SATA drive in, slipstreamed SP2 into my XP install disc, installed XP Pro onto a new 10GB parition on the SATA drive.

After OS installation finished I booted up then installed:

Forceware 5.10
Nvidia 66.93 video drivers

I did no other configuration other than this from a freshly booted copy of XP Pro SP2

After that I put the HL2 DVD and just ran through the setup clicking next the whole way for the defaults, accept EULA etc, it installed steam, detected dx9.0b or above was installed and then copied on and unlocked the gamefiles.

All good so far.

Ran the game, within 10 seconds of the in-game menu loading, I heard the sound start looping and the screen locked, followed by two critical error beeps in short succession and then the pop up of the "memory can not be read" error (The instruction at "0x241f8977" referenced memory at "0x013af5c0". The memory could not be "read".)

This is beginning to tip me towards insanity

i,m having the same problem,sound goes weird and game freezes up,something about memory flashes up, then game shuts down.takes an age to restart.
windows xp sp2
dell dimension. 2.8 pentium
80 gig hard drive
2x256 mem
could some-one PLEASE help
how I fixed it on my machine

I fixed the changing to full screen causes the "read" error by doing the following:


Go to the MORE HELP tab


Then I set it to DEFAULT. It used to be set at 85hz (i think i did this was for bf1942)

I can now run in full-screen mode with no error.

hope this helps someone.

As The MD5 Checksum...im not shure i understand it: Doesnt The Files in the Source get´s MODIFIED every time you Run the game ?

If this indeed the case then we'd have no way of knowing (from MD5s) if the files were indeed correct. Quite why the game would want to modify what are essentially static game assets is beyond me, but if it is indeed doing this, then it kind of blows my idea out of the water :(

Even so, it doesn't mean that the problem isn't corrupt GCF data-related; for all we know the process of these files being modified is causing the corruption.
Well, I figured out my "Read" error. It was because of my overclocking. Never had a problem with any other game until now.

Anyone whos oc'ing, try to drop it back a notch (i'm sure most have already) and hopefully it will help.
Same problem here - Grrrrr. I first read this thread on Tuesday. Getting long isn't it - a common problem it seems. There doesn't seem to be any common factors. All different set ups.

Valve get on it!!
Fix this lame duck now
Bignobby said:
Same problem here - Grrrrr. I first read this thread on Tuesday. Getting long isn't it - a common problem it seems. There doesn't seem to be any common factors. All different set ups.

Valve get on it!!
Fix this lame duck now
We don't even know if Valve are working on a fix. We assume they all would be but there is only one way to be sure. Email them and receive a statement that they acknowledge the problem.

I've emailed Gabe and some other Valve employee yesterday but have recieved no reply yet.

Everyone would is experiencing the problem should email Valve so they know a few things: a) how pissed off we are, b) how common and frequent it is and c) they should pull the finger out and have a patch within the week.

So everyone get cracking and send them emails about your technical problems with this "Game of the Year" :dozey:
Here is a description of my problem. I think it's the same one you all are experiencing. But I can barely get into the games at all before it crashes. I just made it off the train once.

Here is a rundown on what happens. I start the game and it takes a few seconds for steam to start it up and running. Then I get the little valve logo but it kind of flickers a couple of times while the game loads. What I mean by flicker is that the left and top sides kind of extend for a second, then the right and bottom do the same thing. Both sides do this once or twice. Then I get the loading screen with load in the bottom right in a black box while it shows a very blurry picture in the background. After about thirty seconds or so the screen comes into focus and I have the menu options. Usually this is about when it crashes but it has happend during blurry screen and once i actually got a little into the game. The time I got into the game I had audio stuttering. Also sometimes when it crashes it will have the audio stutter but sometimes there is no audio, I think. After the crash my computer resets but it actually gets stuck in the boot up while it's checking NVRAM. I have to power it off to get the computer to boot up. This is pissing me off soo much. I have never had this much trouble with any game on any platform.

One thing I noticed was that I didn't have windows SP2 installed. I did this yesterday. Before I did it, the game would crash and I wouldn't see the error message and sometimes the system would reboot. But after installing sp2, i saw the error box and the system didn't crash.
My "memory could not be 'read' error" disappeared after I cut my resolution from 1280x1024 down to 1024x768, and I haven't had any other crashing problems since then *cross fingers*

P4 2.8, 1GB Mushkin, Abit IC7-G, Geforce 6800
garth said:
My "memory could not be 'read' error" disappeared after I cut my resolution from 1280x1024 down to 1024x768, and I haven't had any other crashing problems since then *cross fingers*

I recall something about Photoshop a couple of years ago... it used a special way of accessing RAM memory (possibly bypassing CRC checks or something at a low level) which made it run faster, but also made it unusable on anything but an Intel CPU.

They eventually made a patch for it, and puters got so fast so quickly that they stopped using the technique altogether for the sake of compatability.

Maybe this is a similar issue? A low-level speedup for accessing RAM which is causing probs on some systems.

Doing something to ease the load on the system might help - lowing detail levels & resolution, turning off filtering & special rendering effects, etc. Just a thought.
By the way, does anyone know the legal issues here? I'm no expert on US Law or International Trade Rules but there must be something wrong with releasing a faulty product. Right? No problem if they can fix it but so far we have heard no word on what action Valve is taking to rememdy the situation.

If this happened in any other industry lawsuits would be filed left, right and centre. It would be outrageous if General Motors released a car worldwide that didn't work in certain climates or whatever.

So what I want to know is do we have a leg to stand when it comes to legal issues?
Redownloaded everything again last night. Same problem, same place. What the hell is going on?
Ok everyone. Try changing your Resolution.

I just set mine at 640x480 and immedietly went through the location that I was stuck at. I changed it BACK to my native widescreen resolution (LCD, 1680x1050) and the game IMMEDIETLY crashed with this memory error. My video card is not overclocked, using the latest drivers. I don't get what is going on...
Been running at 1280x1024, I tried lowering texture detail earlier but that didn't help...here's to doing it more drastically!

Anyways, lowering the detail probably only solves the problem by not using the RAM as agressively as it would be at higher detail / res...of course, even if this lowering of detail makes the system not crash, it is still a coding problem...*sigh
psalm - I went from 1152 x 864 down to 640 x 480. Still get the memory error in that darned boat. Can't load to next section.
Dropped from 1280x1024 at "high" everything to 800*600 at "medium" everything, still getting the error at random times...only able to play for about 2 minutes. This sucks. :(
Strange that didn't work for anyone else. Not that it makes much difference to me.. I refuse to play a game that is this beautiful in 640x480 when I have a kick ass widescreen display to play it on :(
I think that the problem is a result of a sum of factors: HDD accessing, sound bug issue and large scene management plus nforce platform and driver mixture.
In fact, most of us solved reducing screen res or texture details level, so less hdd usage is requiered.
My only hope is a fix by Valve...
Better uninstall/reinstall again psalm. That's what Sowmya at http://support2.vugames.com/vug/search.aspx?pdt=HL2 says anyway:

The session has been accepted.

{Vivendi.Agent1} Welcome to our live chat service. Hello, this is Sowmya.

{Vivendi.Agent1} As I understand, you are experiencing an issue with memory when you reach certain level in the game.

{Visitor 0} Hello?

{Vivendi.Agent1} We have come across many customers who are experiencing this issue. The only resolution is to uninstalland reinstall the game completely.

{Vivendi.Agent1} Are you receiving my messages?

{Visitor 0} i am now

{Visitor 0} I had to refresh.

{Vivendi.Agent1} Alright

{Visitor 0} So I need to uninstall/reinstall?

{Visitor 0} Many people are reinstalling only to experience the crashes once again.

{Vivendi.Agent1} Yes, the only solution id to uninstall and reinstall the game. This has helped many customers resolve the issue.

{Vivendi.Agent1} We have come across many customer with this similar issue.

{Visitor 0} Is this not a problem with the actual game code that should be fixed with a patch?

{Vivendi.Agent1} We have forwarded this issue to the concerned department and they are working on it and trying their best to resolve the issue. It could be in the form of patches or updates.

{Visitor 0} Okay, thank you for your time. I suppose I will wait for a fix since the reinstallation seems to work very rarely.

{Vivendi.Agent1} Is there anything else I can assist you with?

{Visitor 0} No, thank you.

{Vivendi.Agent1} It was my pleasure assisting you. Thank you for using the service. Have a great day!
jeeze, i h8 this bug.... for me i get the bsod in hl2, very rarely, but in cs:s i get it 5 secs after the game loads. omg ffs BS.......sumtimes though i can play cs for 2 hours on the trot and hl2 will suck and crash. good god valve help us
I've uninstalled and reinstalled HL2 three times now, and it's not fixed the error. They can take that theory and shove it! Give me a damn patch!
netwanker said:
Better uninstall/reinstall again psalm. That's what Sowmya at http://support2.vugames.com/vug/search.aspx?pdt=HL2 says anyway:
Grrrrr... VU

Not that I didn't try that... twice now. I'm just glad I have a 5mb connection unlike some people :(

I'm done with this game until they patch it.
me ****ing 2, i aint playing till the patch is out

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