*CRASH* The memory could not be 'read' error, for HL2 and CS:S

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I for one would be really pissed if this was an issue with routers. It's idiotic to have to have an internet connection to play a single player game in my opinion.
budgie....i too have a linksys befsr41......lemme know if anything pans out.....as i have no idea what u r talkin about and would need some extensive help ( i assume ) doing what you have described.
People seriously if you have this problem TRY THE FIX!

Go into the steamapps/*your account*/half-life 2/bin directory.
Copy the files from the bin folder to the /half-life 2/ directory.
Copy HL2.exe and the HL2 folder from /half-life 2/ and paste them in /half-life 2/bin/

It just might solve your problem.
I was crashing every single time and now I'm in Chapter 6 and haven't crashed a single time.
BlazeKun said:
People seriously if you have this problem TRY THE FIX!

Go into the steamapps/*your account*/half-life 2/bin directory.
Copy the files from the bin folder to the /half-life 2/ directory.
Copy HL2.exe and the HL2 folder from /half-life 2/ and paste them in /half-life 2/bin/

It just might solve your problem.
I was crashing every single time and now I'm in Chapter 6 and haven't crashed a single time.

I did....didnt help me....might for others.....
OK, I've finally figured out why the console wouldn't open when I hit the "~" button...it wasn't turned on. When I finally got it working I noticed a bunch of errors telling me that something is wrong with all the files in my decals and some other folder. I'm trying to figure out how to delete them so I can redownload them but I can't find them. They show up in the Model Viewer in the "root" folder but I can't find them when I search for them in Windows find utility (crap, I know, but it gets the job done).
Christos said:
I for one would be really pissed if this was an issue with routers. It's idiotic to have to have an internet connection to play a single player game in my opinion.

Wait a sec, I'm on a router too. :flame: It would be beyond retarded if that was the problem. I'm gonna unhook and try it now...
3rd Ranger Batt said:
I did....didnt help me....might for others.....

Ok then it's time for some detective work. Can you post a screenshot of the error? Or exactly what it says? My best guess here is that there are multiple read errors and this fix fixes just one of them.
Does anyone know how to read the contents of the 'Steam__103734__2004_11_17T17_11_35C7868078.mdmp' files? Maybe this would shed some light upon the problem..
Well I unplugged my router from my computer and ran HL2 in offline mode. Still crashes when it loads the next section of the game.

Anyway, I've attached a screenshot of my error.
Well like most everyone else here I have the same problem (memory crash). Managed to play as far as teh teleporter and now cannot get any further. since it crashes at this stage everytime. Before this it crashed randomly.

I have installed the latest Bios\Graphics drivers...have used my onboard sound card and an old SB Live! Value...all to no avail.

I have removed the model,gfc file and redownloaded it. No go there...

So I am now trying to redownload the whole thing again....Not holding much hope to be honest!

Funny thing is that this happened to me with CS:S and updating my Bios seemed to have fixed it..it stills work fine (or at least did till I removed Steam!!)

MB : MSI - 6590 (KT6 Delta)
CPU : AMD XP3000+
RAM : 512DDR (3200)
GFX : Radeon 9800 Pro
Sound : Sound Blaster Live (and C-Media AC'97 on Board Sound)
3rd Ranger Batt said:
budgie....i too have a linksys befsr41......lemme know if anything pans out.....as i have no idea what u r talkin about and would need some extensive help ( i assume ) doing what you have described.

Will do m8 just have to wait fore the HL2 redownload to finish 1st :/ @ 55% at the moment :/ hehe

On the subject of the copying of files I am glad it worked for some people but I really dont understand how it fixes the problem as you are just copying them from one directory to another then back again.... can anyone who found this fix and realises what it does explain it to me please :) cheers

Adjusting the RAM also made no difference - mine was already on 2.5 so I shut it down to 2 and still got the same error - only this time after a short period of laggy play.

Application Error - The instruction at "0x241f8977" referenced memory at "0x00e8f5c0". The memory could not be "read". Click ok to terminat the program
Got as far as the very end.
I even
killed breen.
I went just far enough to hear the Gman say "time, freeman?"
and BAM!!

And now I am PISSED.
IE_Armand said:
Well like most everyone else here I have the same problem (memory crash). Managed to play as far as teh teleporter and now cannot get any further. since it crashes at this stage everytime. Before this it crashed randomly.

I have installed the latest Bios\Graphics drivers...have used my onboard sound card and an old SB Live! Value...all to no avail.

I have removed the model,gfc file and redownloaded it. No go there...

So I am now trying to redownload the whole thing again....Not holding much hope to be honest!

Funny thing is that this happened to me with CS:S and updating my Bios seemed to have fixed it..it stills work fine (or at least did till I removed Steam!!)

MB : MSI - 6590 (KT6 Delta)
CPU : AMD XP3000+
RAM : 512DDR (3200)
GFX : Radeon 9800 Pro
Sound : Sound Blaster Live (and C-Media AC'97 on Board Sound)

As I mentioned earlier, I am also crashing at the teleporter. I can play CS Source fine, HL Source as well. I have an Athlon 64 on an MSI 7030 w/a geforce. This is definitely a software problem. No way this many people would be experiencing it if it was hardware.
BlazeKun said:
People seriously if you have this problem TRY THE FIX!

Go into the steamapps/*your account*/half-life 2/bin directory.
Copy the files from the bin folder to the /half-life 2/ directory.
Copy HL2.exe and the HL2 folder from /half-life 2/ and paste them in /half-life 2/bin/

It just might solve your problem.
I was crashing every single time and now I'm in Chapter 6 and haven't crashed a single time.
Ok so I copy the files from half-life 2/bin back one directory to /half-life 2

And then move that entire folder back into /bin?

Why not just copy /half-life 2/ forward into /bin?
MajorPayne said:
Richard, this is definitely NOT the error we are getting. We are getting an error regarding the game being unable to access a specific memory register, while your error indicates to me (especially since both steam and retail install give the SAME error) that either you do not have enough "free ram" to run the game, or your video card does not have enough ram. I am not certain of the requirements, but laptop videocards in general are subpar to regular videocards, and 32MB is bottom of the barrel for most games nowadays. If this meets the min requirements, then I would start looking at how much RAM is being used by your system when Steam and HL2 is not running, and is there enough unused ram to run steam+HL2. you can try using MSCONFIG (if you have any OS except win2K) to drop all other running programs temporarily. To do this, hit start, run, and type msconfig, then press OK. then choose selective startup, and UNCHECK Load Startup Items (the wording is from my XP screen, and may differ a little for 98/ME), then press OK, and reboot. When it comes back up, check Do Not Display this again, and press OK, then try the game again... If this works, then you have too many running programs (and possibly spyware, etc) to run HL2. When you are done testing, run MSCONFIG again, select Normal Startup, and press OK -- all your background programs are back. You can use MSCONFIG to stop some of them loading (via the startup tab, just uncheck the unwwanted ones, and recheck the wanted ones), but uninstalling some via add/remove programs is a better long term solution.

Good Luck.

this is the route that I have already been down hehe, i am running bare minimum programs, although you need steam running to play hl2 dont you? I have also increased my virtual memory and that helped abit, but it is the autosaves that require that extra bit of memory and i cant find a way to disable them and my thread asking how has already slipped onto the nest page, lol.

Thanx for your responce though, looks like ill just have to be careful around save points.
My laptop is a month old with a 64 MB video card and I still set this problem. Plus, it runs the game decently. It's a software problem that needs to be fixed, not a problem on my end.
taku said:
Well I unplugged my router from my computer and ran HL2 in offline mode. Still crashes when it loads the next section of the game.

Anyway, I've attached a screenshot of my error.

I think he actually meant that the file was corrupted during the download of the game. Don't start the redownloading yet, I want someone to clarify this.

Personally, I'm running on a D-Link Wireless router with an Atheros chipset.

Also, I'm currently redownloading because of some other errors I had as well as this. I'm at 23% with 81 minutes left to go. I would post some screens of everything or even just give my error but becasue it's redownloading that would be impossible. Sorry.
Now I can't even download the file, it gives me a Steam error when I go to download the file, it gives this error at 25%.. i'm about to re-install Steam itself and re-download everything... sigh :(
i dont even get this warning anymore now its just crashes straight to desktop and after a few times of doing that ina row my pc will just restart itself....i know its not my pc because i have pretty much top of the range but for a while i thought it may be my powersupply or overheating cause it happens with cs:s and very rarely CS so i opened up my case and stuck a massive fan in but it still ****ing restarts i have to go and play the pc at my mates everyday :(
why dont valve atleast confirm with us that they are working on the problem, to put our minds at ease (unless they have already said that i dont know) cause it seems to me that there are alot of unhappy chappys out there unable to play a game we have put our hearts and souls into waiting for, valve should fix this bollocks pronto
Valve has finally confirmed that they're doing something. Gamespot just posted something. Check it out here: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/11/16/news_6113373.html

EDIT: I take it back. This is just about the retail version.
Of note, no users who downloaded the copy directly from Valve's download service, Steam, have reported problems.
That just pisses me off. We're waiting for a bugfix and they've said that we haven't even said anything. I'm sick of this. Going to go preorder a game to come with my Nintendo DS. Maybe that will work.
Yeah, it seems like enough people are encountering trouble with it so far.

At least metal gear solid 3 came out today. Guess i'll have something to play while I re-download HL 2.
We've received a number of reports from people experiencing delays with Half-Life 2 authentication. We are investigating the issue and will update everyone as soon as possible.

That Gamespot thing is only about authentication issues, not our memory read error plight.
neone else having this problem using a linksys router? Budgie....it is not allowing me to update....i cant extract (wrong terminology) the bin.code file.....i hope you have better luck than i did
I know, that's why I edited my post. My re-download is almost done, I'll keep you guys up to date (even thought I've heard from many it doesn't work).
i have the same problem
i have a gateway pc
window xp
1024 mb ddr
200 gb
7200 rpm
intel 4
Its even worse over here, it crashes, shows a blue screen of death and immediately reboots the pc

i can get as far in the game till ur running in the houses from the combine and this guy says "hey, over here" and then it always crashes (a scripted sequence)

i work with a laptop
Mobile Pentium 1.3
Geforce Go 32Mb
onboard sound

It ran decently everything on medium, no shaders, 800*600
My friend has the exact same laptop with nothing different installed
(Windows XP, Service Pack2, same standard drivers) and he has no problem whatsoever with the game, apart from choppy performance on loading parts but hey its not like we have a supersystem.

I waited for this game so long, a reinstall didnt work, and im formatting as we speak, everything for hl, but a sad story if i say it myself :/

GL to the rest of you, godspeed
download has finished again still same problem cant even get past the gman intro AGAIN!!! ffs ready to send the game back soon... next step is try the router firmware update gonna be tommorow now getting late here.... I emailed Rick Ellis at VALVe with the memory error problem also posted him my dxdiag.txt and the thread here etc etc lets hope he comes back to us at least :(
Possible solution

I had the exact same problem as you guys, my halflife crashed during load of the first level. I tried switching ram, reinstalling half life from a backup I made with steam on another disk. None of that helped.

I erased all steam and half life files from my computer and downloaded everything again in one swoop. Took all night but it was worth it! Now half life runs as it should, haven't had a single error yet and I'm more than halfway through the game.

I guess the old file got corrupted somewhere in the download process.

I hope this solves your problems! :)
I have the same problem, hl2 crashed on various places, mostly when loading a new part, it either crashes to the desktop with the error windows sound, (no msg as i have sp1) or it freezes my pc totaly (not ofter) or it just reboots my pc...

I dont think its a hardware prob as almost everyone uses different hardware. And its not in the retail or downloaded version only.

So i think due the huge load/auth probs whatever, the unlocking process does not go 100% perfect and files get corrupted (both download and retail have to do this process), resulting in the errors, so redownloading/reinstalling can work and then have the luck that the process of unlocking goes 100% perfect. So it can be that u have to try this more then once ?!?
I'm gonna reinstall my retail copy tomorrow.
budgie55 said:
download has finished again still same problem cant even get past the gman intro AGAIN!!! ffs ready to send the game back soon... next step is try the router firmware update gonna be tommorow now getting late here.... I emailed Rick Ellis at VALVe with the memory error problem also posted him my dxdiag.txt and the thread here etc etc lets hope he comes back to us at least :(

I e-mailed Gabe Newell aswell with a screenshot of the error, and a description of exactly what happens. Pointed them towards many threads that are discussing this. I have no doubt that Valve is fully aware of the bug.
cool well nn all Im off to bed gonna have another crack at it tommorow after work :(

Just wanted to play the game not prat about for 2-3 days trying to get the bugger running :( hehe
well still no news then,

a couple of points to note though;

1. reading over the posts that have been made since i made mine on page 10 it seems as though there are a few different (althought perhaps related) things happening here.

The overwhelming majority of you are lucky enough to get an error message of some kind as evident by the many screenshots. For some of you the game is very consistent with where it is crashing (G-Man, Teleporting, Loading, Quick Save/Load) yet with others this is not the case.

For me (and i can see that i am not alone), i have crashes at completely random points, sometimes when it is all busy and other times when i am standing still in an empty room - there is no consistancy. As mentioned - many of you are getting an error message with a memory reference, however some of us (myself included) are getting no such error.

What happens to me is that the sound will loop/stutter, the cursor arrow will display, there will be one OS beep and then the game quits to the desktop. This brings me to my second point.

2. Now this isn't very scientific but you never know - it may shed some light on proceedings. Last night once i had had enough of the crashes i shut my system down, went to bed, then to work and came back to it all this evening. When i got home i turned my system on and fired up Half Life 2 and began to play ...... i waited for the crash ....... and waited, i got 3 hours of perfect (no stuttering) gameplay, then the stuttering began, a little to begin with but over an hour it got worse, progressivly longer stutters but they would recover, then finally ...... beep ...... and desktop.

Once it had done that once it began to do it often, like last night.

Now is there something in this? Maybe a temp file of some kind that over time becomes corrupt/too large? Although that does not sit right with me, why would an overnight shutdown do the job but a restart (or even a reinstall) not?

I dont really have any suggestions, im just relaying my experience. This is all very strange though, we all have different systems and there is a healthy mix of old and new, high and low spec aswell as steam downloads and retail. What is even stranger is some people claiming that the listed fixes work, yet for many of us they have no effect.

Thats all for now. I will keep reading.

My system;
winxp pro inc. SP1 only (beause SP2 is a bunch of old arse!)
AMD 3000+ Barton (OC'd to 3200+ Barton)
1GB DDR 400 Ram
ASUS A7N8X-Deluxe MB (nvidia w/ onboard sound)
GeForce FX 5900
1x120GB Western Digital SATA
2x80GB Maxtor IDE
H2O Cooled (CPU & VGA - overheat not an issue)

and once again - yes! my drivers are up to date!!
Lt_Goldman said:
... however some of us (myself included) are getting no such error....
...winxp pro inc. SP1 only (beause SP2 is a bunch of old arse!)

I believe you get no error message because you don't have SP2 installed. Try installing SP2 and you will see the same error message if what I've been reading is correct.
Well I completely uninstalled Steam and HL2, and then reinstalled them all at the same time as previously suggested. No effect, the problem remains.
MajorPayne said:
Here is my 2 cents worth on this problem... The fix that Valve posted sometimes works for texture corruption, which does sometimes go with the "memory could not be read" error, BUT the fix they list will not work for the memory error. The cause is a problem in some of the filed downloaded from steam, and I spent 17+ hours troubleshooting this error yesterday before finding a fix for it (although it is not a very pleasant alternative) Everyone else that had the memory error that tried this got thier HL2 working, and I do not know of another fix for it. The thing to do is uninstall Steam (this will uninstall ALL of your games, so back up the Valve folder in program files first -- and write down your password/username!!). Then delete (or rename) the Valve folder in program files. next, run Regedit, and delete the Valve folder from the registry (it is in either HKLM\Software, or HKCU\Software). Then reboot, and reinstall steam, then download HL2 from scratch! -- One thing to be aware of when doing this is that Steam does NOT tell you when HL2 is ready to play well. If you double click to install it, it will count down the time until it is ready to play -- DO NOT check the box for launch this game when it is ready to play, because the countdown is WRONG! When the countdown is gone, and it says ready to play, go to Play Games in steam, and right click on halflife2. It will give a percentage downloaded -- this MUST be at 100% to play, or it will lockup/crash, which seems to have been the cause of some of the corrupted steam files on peoples systems. Make sure that automatically update this game is selected, and wait for it to reach 100% -- you should then be able to play HL2 without problems (or at least without the SAME problems).

This is not a very attractive fix, since you have to redownload the whole game, but it is better than being unable to play at all (and believe me, the game is well worth it), or getting kicked out by the memory bug.

Tried this with the retail version and had no success...still same errors at same places! He is correct though, the countdown is wrong...after mine said it was "ready to play" went to play games on steam and right clicked on HL2 and then properties and it said it was not ready and was only at 99% downloaded!
gday guys... first post here.

I am getting the exact same memory problem. Its so frustrating. I took a screenshot of mine;


I am running:

Athlon 1800+
128MB FX5200
No Router
Retail "Collectors Editions" Half Life 2

It has to be a software problem.. it has to be.

I am still getting stuck on that teleport part.
kocho said:
gday guys... first post here.

I am getting the exact same memory problem. Its so frustrating. I took a screenshot of mine;


I am running:

Athlon 1800+
128MB FX5200
No Router
Retail "Collectors Editions" Half Life 2

It has to be a software problem.. it has to be.

I am still getting stuck on that teleport part.

Teleport here too
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