*CRASH* The memory could not be 'read' error, for HL2 and CS:S

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when i had this problem(different game) it was the heat.. i opened my computer case for air flow and it worked..
polypod said:
when i had this problem(different game) it was the heat.. i opened my computer case for air flow and it worked..
This is definitely -not- a heat issue in my machine. If it was it wouldn't happen at the exact same spot, every time. Plus I know my machine runs very cold.
psalm said:
That is just an acknowldgement of the problems with steam authentication :(

Dammit, you're right. Sorry for the misinformation.
Hello Ppl i Know how to fix it, the memory thing

it worked for me n ive been playin for bout n hour now,


do it , it fixed it for mua:D:D:D
dell said:
Hello Ppl i Know how to fix it, the memory thing

it worked for me n ive been playin for bout n hour now,


do it , it fixed it for mua:D:D:D
Glad that worked for you!.:imu:

Not my problem :(
psalm said:
Is anyone at home and able to try this? I didn't look here at first because he was getting no error message, but I don't believe SP1 gives the message.


Seems he fixed his problem.. I just am not able to test it until I go home in about 8 hours.

i've tried it just now, and it didn't work. Got the error on loading screen, before main menu appears.
chewchewtrain64 said:
Not much in the way of a solution...but at least Valve has acknowledged the problem...

That's a completely different problem. And quote this from the site "Of note, no users who downloaded the copy directly from Valve's download service, Steam, have reported problems" - I downloaded through Steam and i know this error affects as many people who did, as who didn't.
I too am having this same problem. Thanks for the tips so far in this thread, i will try them when I have the time and see if they help fix my problem.

I keep getting booted to the start screen once I hit this certain area myself. My drivers, and everything are current. In case valve is checking this thread, system specs:


Windows XP pro (SP2)
Pentium 3.4 Ghz
Intel® 915G Chipset
NVIDIA GeForce2 8600 ULTRA
Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS

I downloaded the game via Steam, if that matters.

Hopefully Valve can get a fix out soon.
Here is my 2 cents worth on this problem... The fix that Valve posted sometimes works for texture corruption, which does sometimes go with the "memory could not be read" error, BUT the fix they list will not work for the memory error. The cause is a problem in some of the filed downloaded from steam, and I spent 17+ hours troubleshooting this error yesterday before finding a fix for it (although it is not a very pleasant alternative) Everyone else that had the memory error that tried this got thier HL2 working, and I do not know of another fix for it. The thing to do is uninstall Steam (this will uninstall ALL of your games, so back up the Valve folder in program files first -- and write down your password/username!!). Then delete (or rename) the Valve folder in program files. next, run Regedit, and delete the Valve folder from the registry (it is in either HKLM\Software, or HKCU\Software). Then reboot, and reinstall steam, then download HL2 from scratch! -- One thing to be aware of when doing this is that Steam does NOT tell you when HL2 is ready to play well. If you double click to install it, it will count down the time until it is ready to play -- DO NOT check the box for launch this game when it is ready to play, because the countdown is WRONG! When the countdown is gone, and it says ready to play, go to Play Games in steam, and right click on halflife2. It will give a percentage downloaded -- this MUST be at 100% to play, or it will lockup/crash, which seems to have been the cause of some of the corrupted steam files on peoples systems. Make sure that automatically update this game is selected, and wait for it to reach 100% -- you should then be able to play HL2 without problems (or at least without the SAME problems).

This is not a very attractive fix, since you have to redownload the whole game, but it is better than being unable to play at all (and believe me, the game is well worth it), or getting kicked out by the memory bug.
MajorPayne said:
Here is my 2 cents worth on this problem... The fix that Valve posted sometimes works for texture corruption, which does sometimes go with the "memory could not be read" error, BUT the fix they list will not work for the memory error. The cause is a problem in some of the filed downloaded from steam, and I spent 17+ hours troubleshooting this error yesterday before finding a fix for it (although it is not a very pleasant alternative) Everyone else that had the memory error that tried this got thier HL2 working, and I do not know of another fix for it. The thing to do is uninstall Steam (this will uninstall ALL of your games, so back up the Valve folder in program files first -- and write down your password/username!!). Then delete (or rename) the Valve folder in program files. next, run Regedit, and delete the Valve folder from the registry (it is in either HKLM\Software, or HKCU\Software). Then reboot, and reinstall steam, then download HL2 from scratch! -- One thing to be aware of when doing this is that Steam does NOT tell you when HL2 is ready to play well. If you double click to install it, it will count down the time until it is ready to play -- DO NOT check the box for launch this game when it is ready to play, because the countdown is WRONG! When the countdown is gone, and it says ready to play, go to Play Games in steam, and right click on halflife2. It will give a percentage downloaded -- this MUST be at 100% to play, or it will lockup/crash, which seems to have been the cause of some of the corrupted steam files on peoples systems. Make sure that automatically update this game is selected, and wait for it to reach 100% -- you should then be able to play HL2 without problems (or at least without the SAME problems).

This is not a very attractive fix, since you have to redownload the whole game, but it is better than being unable to play at all (and believe me, the game is well worth it), or getting kicked out by the memory bug.

Thanks for the tip, I am trying this right now. 1% downloaded. :(
Why if we have retail and we get the memory bug? Same thing only reinstall HL2? For us saps with the retail version I can't understand how reinstalling Steam and HL2 is going to do any good.
Hi - just to let you know that I've resolved this issue. What I did was:

1) Uninstall HL2 (it wouldnt uninstall tho..something about corrupt files)
2) Uninstall Steam (it wouldnt uninstall tho..something about corrupt files)
3) Completely delete the Steam folder
4) Reinstall

Yea, can finally play it now. GL to you guys.
well as I am also at my wits end and pending anything at all coming from VALVe (shame on you VALVe with the silence on such a big problem!). I to am deleting my whole steam install 7gigs and will be wiping anything valve from the registry.... fingers crossed it will sort this farce out.... if not I will be emailing valve for a full refund.

The fact that a 3rd party dev licensed the engine from valve and managed to get out a game which works flawlessly (Bloodlines) I just dont get what the hell valve have done wrong.

Either way with all this must be costing VALVe a packet in bandwidth costs with everyone redownloading :D
This sounds just like my problem, my game crashes due to 'lack of memory'

My comp is
gforce 4 440 go 32mb ram
256 mbddr(233 i think :s lol) ram

this is a dell laptop

I initially downloaded half life 2 via steam and got this bug, so I re installed hl2 via the retail dvd and still have the error, I would apreciate to know if this deledting steam and then starting from scratch works before I go through the install process yet again

What is most surprising is that this system runs hl2 at prty decent graphics 1400x1050 res and textures at high, although since my card is onyl directx7 compatible I miss out on all the fancy water effects lol

The game tends to crash on autosave points if too much is happeneing, ie if I run through too quickly or am in the middle of a firefight. Hope this can be sorted out as half life 2 is a great game.

Space Cowboy said:
Why if we have retail and we get the memory bug? Same thing only reinstall HL2? For us saps with the retail version I can't understand how reinstalling Steam and HL2 is going to do any good.

Yeah, it sounds counter intuitive, BUT... I think the problem lies partly in the unlocking process, which DOES involve steam, even on retail. So since you were lucky enough to have it on CD (or DVD), I would at least try it to see if it helps, since unlike me, you won't have to download from 6:00am to 6:58pm just to reinstall ;(
Valve seriously needs to release a program that will run a MD5 check on the files through steam.
Same issue here only I have no random occurrences. It happens only when I try to adjust settings and when game saves are made, whether they be quick saves or auto saves when a new area load occurs. Glad its not just my system.
Rbentley100 said:
This sounds just like my problem, my game crashes due to 'lack of memory'

Richard, this is definitely NOT the error we are getting. We are getting an error regarding the game being unable to access a specific memory register, while your error indicates to me (especially since both steam and retail install give the SAME error) that either you do not have enough "free ram" to run the game, or your video card does not have enough ram. I am not certain of the requirements, but laptop videocards in general are subpar to regular videocards, and 32MB is bottom of the barrel for most games nowadays. If this meets the min requirements, then I would start looking at how much RAM is being used by your system when Steam and HL2 is not running, and is there enough unused ram to run steam+HL2. you can try using MSCONFIG (if you have any OS except win2K) to drop all other running programs temporarily. To do this, hit start, run, and type msconfig, then press OK. then choose selective startup, and UNCHECK Load Startup Items (the wording is from my XP screen, and may differ a little for 98/ME), then press OK, and reboot. When it comes back up, check Do Not Display this again, and press OK, then try the game again... If this works, then you have too many running programs (and possibly spyware, etc) to run HL2. When you are done testing, run MSCONFIG again, select Normal Startup, and press OK -- all your background programs are back. You can use MSCONFIG to stop some of them loading (via the startup tab, just uncheck the unwwanted ones, and recheck the wanted ones), but uninstalling some via add/remove programs is a better long term solution.

Good Luck.
BlazeKun said:

I did this and it kind of worked....I was able to play for approximately 15 minutes before it crashed with the same message(unable to read memory blah blah blah)

I posted earlier about changing your cards refresh rate....helped in the same manner as this suggestion.....dunno if it helped anyone else.

I think I am going to try and uninstall steam/hl2 yet again(this will be #4) along with the blazekun's suggestion.

I will let you know what happens....or hopefully....doesnt happen.
well I found this thread on hlfallout interesting http://www.hlfallout.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=19857

The main reason being that a lot of people have posted pics of there memory errors.. now hear me out here :D ... firstly its strange that a lot of people are getting exactly the same memory error which is

"The instruction at "0x241f8977" referenced memory at "0x00e7f5c0". The memory could not be "read".


I get this error either at the main menu (not often), at the intro with the gman (very often) and also on the train at the beggining of the game... as of yet I have not managed to get passed getting off the train and through the gates :/

Now this is exactly the same error I get... so your thinking well so what?

Well as I understand it the hex points to a specific memory area ... now I aint no memory expert but given the fact that numerous people have the exact same register address in hex I would conclude that it is highly likely to be a program problem rather than peoples specific hardware, Im guessing if it was hardware it would more than likely be completely random or at least a lot different from machine to machine. Please if any experts are in the house let me know if I am barking up the wrong tree.

Also could people getting the memory error please post a pic of the EXACT error they are getting please or maybe upload it to some webspace. We could then maybe see if we can get any further with VALVe or at the very least it may point them in the right direction .... sorry for the long post hope it helps someone!!
Same prob !

I ve got the same prob, happens when games is loading, doesnt happen all the time but it can be annoying !

P4 3.0
Windows Xp SP2
1 GB ram corsair
Onboard sound card XFX 6800 Ultra
160 hdd

Now that i think about it... I only started getting this prob when i changed my options from 6 speakers to 5.1. Dunno but i got to traptown without any probs then after changing to 5.1 I started getting this error ! mighth just be coincidence dunno but im gonna try 6 speakers again :(, and ill tell u guys if the problem persists !
budgie55 said:
"The instruction at "0x241f8977" referenced memory at "0x00e7f5c0". The memory could not be "read".

Yep, I took a screencap, and that is the exact same error I get, same address.

Curious, this happens for me on the speedboat, right after the two pillars drop. Go through a tunnel, turn left, game crashes. Is this happening at the same spot for everyone?
My CPU was overclocked before 2.52 -> 2,8 Ghz. Now that i clocked it to 2,65 Ghz i am playing HL2 for 2 hours without any crashes. I don't know if you are overclocking too? If yes, try setting your speed to normal. By overclocking you speed up the RAM, too. Perhaps that was the problem?! I keep on gaming till the next crash.
Christos said:
Yep, I took a screencap, and that is the exact same error I get, same address.

Curious, this happens for me on the speedboat, right after the two pillars drop. Go through a tunnel, turn left, game crashes. Is this happening at the same spot for everyone?
Happens to me at a different part of the game (when alex is mid teleport when the screen flashes white).
Christos said:
Yep, I took a screencap, and that is the exact same error I get, same address.

Curious, this happens for me on the speedboat, right after the two pillars drop. Go through a tunnel, turn left, game crashes. Is this happening at the same spot for everyone?


I get this error either at the main menu (not often), at the intro with the gman (very often) and also on the train at the beggining of the game... as of yet I have not managed to get passed getting off the train and through the gates :/

edited my post above to include where I get the crash... hehe if only I could get far enough in the game to see past the train in the intro :( :x
Same prob !

I ve got the same prob, happens when games is loading, doesnt happen all the time but it can be annoying !

P4 3.0
Windows Xp SP2
1 GB ram corsair
Onboard sound card XFX 6800 Ultra
160 hdd

Now that i think about it... I only started getting this prob when i changed my options from 4 speakers to 5.1. Dunno but i got to traptown without any probs then after changing to 5.1 I started getting this error ! mighth just be coincidence dunno but im gonna try 4 speakers again :(, and ill tell u guys if the problem persists !
Christos - My error happens at almost the same place as yours. It's after I go through a pipe on the boat and hang a right. I hit a 'loading' screen and then get...

"The instruction at "0x241f8977" referenced memory at "0x00e9f5c0". The memory could not be "read".

You'll notice that my error is almost identical to the one posted above except that I have a 9f5 in place of everyone else's 7f5.

I posted what I've done back on, I think page 11 of this post.
Well we have enough systems here, with enough of a hardware variable I think it's safe to say it is a game bug.

I wonder whats causing it, since it seems to randomly crash for some, and other (like me) it worked fine until I hit that part of the game. I've screwed with settings, even hopped off the boat and walked to the loadscreen, hoping maybe that was the problem. No go.

I'm going to try a reinstallation, copy my saved games over, and see if that helps. If not, I guess we all just sit tight and hope valve can figure this problem out.
I also get this error. I dont get it at fixed places like some, I dont get it when I quick save, and I dont always get it when the game quick saves. It is more random. The error is:

Application Error : The instruction at "0x241f8977" referenced memory at "0x00e8f5c0". The memory could not be "read".

So I have '8f5' rather than 7f5 or 9f5. It does look more software caused, I thought it was due to too much information in the sound buffer, so I changed the quality down in game. I get about 2 hours out of it before any crashes, but when it does crash it sure is annoying. I hope Valve come up with a patch soon :/
A potential fix to this problem has been posted here:


Delete the "source models.gcf" file in the C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps folder and then restart HL2. It will then take about an hour to re-download the file.

I'll repost if it's not successful.

I have to say that Valve have been disappointingly quite on this - You may have made the game but we paid the money - what happened to customer support!
ok more interesting info turned up on a search for memory error on steam forums..

I had this problem too and I really shouldn't have considering my specs and over 1 gig DDR pc3200. I went into bios and changed my SDRAM CAS# latency (or cl) value from 3 to 2.5 so that the memory timing would keep up with the memory demands of the game. The option is under advanced and chipset. Change a couple of variables to "userdefined" if it won't let you change it. This fixes the problem, I haven't had it since.

Also make sure that your linksys befsr routers have the correct firmware. The newest ones are bad and so are some of the old ones. These can cause the server to ask for the incorrect memory reference because the router will switch letters and packets around. Here's more on this issue...

"Linksys BEFSR11, 41 and 81 routers seem to be causing this a great deal with the latest firmware version available from their website. If you have the BEFSR11 or 41 router, you need to run the 1.45.7 firmware to solve this problem. The current firmware version that Linksys has on their website: (1.45.11) and some older versions (before 1.45.7) of the firmware can cause these same problems. You can download the known good Linksys 1.45.7 firmware for both the BEFSR11 and BEFSR41 V2 routers at:

ftp://ftp.linksys.com/pub/befsr41/befsr_fw_1457.zip "

Last edited by =AF= DZ on 11-09-2004 at 03:29 AM

This was picked from http://steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=96483&perpage=15&pagenumber=62

Just so happens I have that router with an older firmware going to upgrade shortly the firmware after my HL2 has redownloaded through steam :( will let you know if I get a result..... in the mean time anyone else have the linksys router whos getting the memory problem??
I dont think this will work. I had the 'Map version 44, expecting 19' error (i think thats it, cant remember it exactly) and the fix for that was to redownload the "source models.gcf" file. That error has gone so but the memory one still prevails. Lets cross reference the file sizes anyway, here they all are in bytes, (not size on disk):

· half-life 2 content.gcf - 879,344,636 bytes
· source engine.gcf - 68,958,144 bytes
· source materials.gcf - 1,083,559,104 bytes
· source models.gcf - 471,094,324 bytes
· source sounds.gcf - 1,022,935,072 bytes

I think thats all the files :)
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