*CRASH* The memory could not be 'read' error, for HL2 and CS:S

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aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i want to play it so bad
falyfal said:
aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i want to play it so bad

your not the only one i try and start boom crash this is so crap please :sniper: valve do something there are heaps of people already playing why the hell should we miss out when we have paid for it and we exceed the sys recs :flame:
can anyone help the weapons in part 1 are not showing up freeman can shoot them and wack stuff but there is no image of anything in his hands
the validating did not work for me gosh darnit why me huh why me
assasin123 said:

Yes, yes I did. And it made no difference whatsoever.

I clicked on "Validate Half-Life 2" link, and a small window with a progress bar (signifying the file validation) appeared. Once the validaiton was complete, the progress bar window closed, and nothing else appeared.

Nothing in the gameplay has changed. I still suffer from audio stutter as well as game freeze and crash at every save and autosave.

For 2 days I tried everything even the latest "cache fix" -

THEN I just rolled back my video driver and VOILA

Why they tell you on install to update your driver is beyond me.

Hope this helps
This is stupid talk about BS i downloaded that fixer pffft did nothing i still get the crashes :sniper: valve really needs to get off there ass and fix this problem because it's pissing me off. I can't even play a 10/10 game because of this crash BS :angry:
SlimJimE17 said:
No really this time.
I have had the game running for 4 hours with no errors and with all the video settings set to high.
I have not over clocked my PC in any way but setting my “CPU External Freq” from 200 to 195 has stopped the error.
My brother, who has the same MB, Memory and CPU as me is also running error free.

This might help people who get random crashes; I don’t think it will help with the game crashing at the same point or at the load screen.


MB Asus A7N8X-E
CPU AMD XP 3200+
Mem Crosair 3200C2 x 2


OK, this is all well and good but I and others like me who have no technical finesse when it comes to computer hardware have a tough time understanding that without some kind of idiot proof guide to changing settings. Any help?
i get this error when i overclock from 2500+ to 3200+

it sucks, i hate slow speeds, but it's very playable.

i'm going to try catalyst 4.7's.
hey slimjim how do i do what worked for you or can anyone else tell me how
So. Howdy. I've been told to come here and help whine about our favorite error!

I've now pretty much tried nearly everything there is out there including the lovely Steam update and file validation, all the cfg stuff, turning off audio, installing newest drivers, installing stable drivers, changing memory timings, etc etc etc. Nothing's worked.

So I'm in the same boat as you folks waiting - maybe less than patiently - for a real patch. Is there any way I can do more than whine? Maybe send off dxdiag output or something else to the folks at Valve? Something's better than just sitting around.
CSharkbytes said:
Fire Flaie posted this in another Thread.

Here is the translation of a solution to have the game working !!

Part 1 :
Go in the directory :
E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\STEAM _ACCOUNT_NAME\half-life 2
there is a directory named "bin" that contains many .dll etc

Part 2 :
Enter the "bin" directory and copy all the files (ctrl+A, ctrl+C)

go back at E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\STEAM _ACCOUNT_NAME\half-life 2
then paste the files here (Ctrl+V)

Part 3 :
Select all the files and directorys (EXCEPT THE "BIN" DIRECTORY) in

E:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\STEAM _ACCOUNT_NAME\half-life 2

Copy it !!!

Part 4 :
No Go back in the "bin" directory then Paste the files and dir you've just copy
if windows tell you that there is files that have the same name so just overwrite it, as you want that's not seams to be a problem if you don't

Part 5 :
Quit Steam
=> Reload Steam, right click : Games, right click on Half-Life 2 and Launch the game
Enjoy if that works , sorry if that don't

It worked for me. It fixed my problems with Crashing. It also fixed sound. Try it, it may help you. As far as I can tell it refreshes files, like a kick in the pants. Wakes them up so to speak. I was crashing ever 10 minutes or so and had done all the other fixes to no avail. I tried this last night at 2 a.m. and I was up and running for 2 hours with no stuttering or crashing. I don't get why it works but it did for me. It can't hurt anything just places extra files in another folder, you can always remove them if it doesn't work.

Asus A7n8X Rev 2.0
2500 Barton oc'd to 3200
1GB Corsair TwinX 3200
3 Maxtor 160 GB HD
Plextor Premium
Asus 522452 CDRW
Sony DVDRW Double Layer
EVGA 6800 GT oc'd to 425/115
Onboard NForce 2 Soundstorm (Love it so much, hate creative with a passion, never put one in my system)

It also worked for me. So far been playing about 2hrs. with no problems. before it would crash several seconds after the intro.Although I strayed from the instructions abit but the jist is the same.
First I opened up "My Computer", duoble clicked the HD,went to program files,dbl clicked the sierra folder and from there I did instruction 2 to 5.
Csharkbytes you are the man.
i dont have the folder "sierra" im totally screwed why me why me blast you memory read error. blast you!!!!
hey mr. wonderful call the skat man to come fix this area.....

sorry im going crazy valve if you dont help who knows whats gonna happen to my brain fix this error
Please valve or steam or whoever please fix this bug i can't even play this game crikey. Someone help me i'm going crazy with the waiting for them to at least acknowledge it. I just can't wait to play it without crashing but the waiting is so long please fix it i know heaps of people who have finished the game and i haven't even ****en started it crikey i'm sorry :frown:
Hey everyone i was playing HL2 and guess what happenned
it actually loaded once and autosaved once and i got happy and excited and then it crashed at the next loading screen... just thought i should let you all know
i downloaded the steam update and did the validation bit... didnt do shit for me
fantasiser said:
i downloaded the steam update and did the validation bit... didnt do shit for me

Didn't do anything for me either. To Hell with this game, I'm going back to WarCraft III and Halo 2.
dont you love it when you get a burst of long play?

Just got done with about an hour and a half of play before it crashed... I'm making progress, slowly but surely.

Its running better for me now that I am past the damn boat stuff.

Still no user "fixes" have worked for me solidly though - and i have done it all under the sun =)
i want my revenge on valve.....stop making us wait :afro: :sniper: :flame: :x :devil:
Well, since we're classified as only "[a] small number of Half-Life 2 customers...", don't expect miracles.

Thanks, VALVe :angry:

Seems like more than only "[a] small number of Half-Life 2 customers..."
falyfal said:
hey slimjim how do i do what worked for you or can anyone else tell me how

It's normally in your bios.
Your Bios is normally entered during boot up.
My motherboard has a phoenix bios, so I have to press “Del” during the memory check.

In the bios I have to goto: -

Advanced –
Advanced chipset features –

In the advanced chipset features there is a setting for “CPU External Freq”.
It was originally 200; I changed it to 195 and alls well.

Please remember what your setting was before you change it!!!!!!

What every your setting is (200,133,100, etc) just drop the value by 5 and see if it works.

Save and exit.

I have found out that the game crashes on my PC when it’s set to 200, but works at 199.

humm.... the game was running at maxed happily for several hours the first time i loaded it up, then about 2 hours it keps crashing, i couldent see what the error was. just the repeating sound.

I had it with Source aswell, turning down the graphics dosent seem to effect it.

again the update from steam didnt fix nothing, infact i think it made it worse....

it might be somthing to do with steam, if too many people are playing over steam it might crash, leading to hl2 games to not function....

dunno feel realy ill atm, and hl2 is pissing me off
Hi guys i'm also having this shit ass problem as i have stated but i have found something interesting said on the steam forums:

Addressing Memory Problems
I realize that there is a lot of frustration here in this thread regarding people having memory problems. I want to apologize that this is happening and assure you that the entire support team and dev teams are working on finding a solution to the problem (or problems).

Please help us. If you have not done so already, please (please!) go to the Support section of the website and create an incident. It is our only way of quantifying and qualifying the problems. People are having a number of different problems and we want to make sure we have captured all the information.

Thanks for your patience with regards to this matter and please don't for a minute think that we don't care about getting these problems resolved for everyone.



I think Doug must work for value or something here is a link to the website. I'm just glad there working on it so one day i will be able to play it ;( http://www.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=176441&perpage=15&pagenumber=16

just scroll down a bit and you can read it there thought i'd try and help seeya later
A friend of mine had problems with the game freezing up. Sometimes he would get the memory error, but most of the time his entire computer froze up in hl2. Only option would be to do a hard restart/shutdown. In the beginning of hl2 things werent that bad, he managed to come all the way to highway 17, there it freezes withing a minute of playing (most of the time it takes like 10-15 sec). In cs:s he would get the memory error most of the time. Sometime he could play it for maybe 30min, sometimes less.

We tried everything basically... new bios for mb, new drivers, beta drivers, reinstall of steam/hl2, complete reformat and installation of xp with newest drivers. Nothing worked.

The last thing we tried was setting the game to run in directx 8.1 mode. This helped out A LOT. Yes the graphics isn't as good, but it's a lot more playable now.

To do this type in the console before you start playing:
mat_dxlevel 81

Other options are
mat_dxlevel 90 - directx 9.0
mat_dxlevel 80 - directx 8.0
mat_dxlevel 70 - directx 7.0

Worth a try at least! If someone has already posted this I must apologize, didn't have time to read the entire thread.
Trp Werewolf said:
Well, since we're classified as only "[a] small number of Half-Life 2 customers...", don't expect miracles.
That is your cynical assumption.
RISEN1 said:
It also worked for me. So far been playing about 2hrs. with no problems. before it would crash several seconds after the intro.Although I strayed from the instructions abit but the jist is the same.
First I opened up "My Computer", duoble clicked the HD,went to program files,dbl clicked the sierra folder and from there I did instruction 2 to 5.
Csharkbytes you are the man.

yep.. he is :P

btw, did you also got a strange mss dll error?
I got that first...the dll was in the bin dir but after copying it in the half life 2 folder it worked and my game was only crashing a few seconds after the intro of chapter 1.
Like alot of people in here I also had the memory error at the loading screen. The game would try to start twice in full screen mode then it would start in windowed mode.

I've found that running at whatever screen resolution you choose (1024 x 768 in my case) the game will run if refresh is set to 75Hz. If I set the screen refresh to 85Hz for example the game will not play at all, at least now I can play it for approx 2 hrs before it crashes with looping sound.

Try it, not exactly a fix but enough to get you 2 hrs play while this shambles is sorted out.

My system :-

AMD XP2800+
MSI K7N2G ILSR Nforce 2 chipset M/B
512Mb DDR 333
GForce 5900XT
Audigy 2
2 x Maxtor H80Gb HD's
Liteone DVD Drive
Liteone DVDRW Drive
Realtec NIC
Your system crashed because the random access memory containing Windows program code was corrupted. Microsoft is unable to determine if this corruption was caused by a hardware or software issue. The nature of the corruption suggests that a hardware issue is more likely. To determine if this is the case, Microsoft developed a Windows memory diagnostic that tests your PC memory.

omg thats what i get from windows when it hl2 crashes
Hi guys thought I would post comething that a VALVe employee posted over on the steam forums....


Registered: Jul 2004
Addressing Memory Problems
I realize that there is a lot of frustration here in this thread regarding people having memory problems. I want to apologize that this is happening and assure you that the entire support team and dev teams are working on finding a solution to the problem (or problems).

Please help us. If you have not done so already, please (please!) go to the Support section of the website and create an incident. It is our only way of quantifying and qualifying the problems. People are having a number of different problems and we want to make sure we have captured all the information.

Thanks for your patience with regards to this matter and please don't for a minute think that we don't care about getting these problems resolved for everyone.



SO make sure you register a support ticket on the steam forums.. may also be good to enclose the EXACT memory error message you are getting or other error ... also goto start >> run and type msinfo32.exe in the run box this will give you the MS system tool ... goto file save and save the file as msinfo32.nfo somewhere... attach this file to the Steam support ticket as it will give VALVe all your system info so they can maybe find and fix this memory bug quicker...

Sorry if any of this has already been posted.

Allan (Budgie55)
I encounter the same problem too when a new worldfile loads. It's especially prevelent when there are lots of lights in a given area. Somtimes, my computer 'soft' crashes into windows. While other times it completely reboots whenever a a new world loads. I've had the same problem as well when setting the advanced properties of the video display

Here are my computer's specs:

Windows XP Home Ed.
SP 1

mobile AMD Athlon XP-M
1.53 GHz processer

480 MB of RAM

Below, is the code I received in the error log after HL2 caused my computer to reboot.

BCCode : 7f BCP1 : 00000000 BCP2 : 00000000 BCP3 : 00000000
BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 1_0 Product : 768_1
Ok. Added a support ticket earlier today and just now added msinfo file. (O noes! Nows VLAVe knoes abt muh pron!!!)

Here's hoping it does some kinda good. Please if you've added a ticket without, update it with your msinfo output.
Hey guys, how many of you experiencing the memory could not be read error have tested your memory? I think I've only seen one post mentioning testing memory.

I had this problem and tried every fix posted in this thread...defragging, removing Steam & HL2, redownloading & installing, formatting and reinstalling windows, etc, etc.

It turned out to be some bad memory...I had NOT had any problems in other games or apps previous to HL2, but my memory did have errors upon testing. Replacing the stick that had errors solved the memory could not be read crashing.

So, even if you aren't experiencing problems with other games, test your memory! Go to http://www.memtest86.com/ and download the software to test it out.
yugioh said:
This is stupid talk about BS i downloaded that fixer pffft did nothing i still get the crashes :sniper: valve really needs to get off there ass and fix this problem because it's pissing me off. I can't even play a 10/10 game because of this crash BS :angry:

falyfal said:
i dont have the folder "sierra" im totally screwed why me why me blast you memory read error. blast you!!!!

I refer you both here.
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