*CRASH* The memory could not be 'read' error, for HL2 and CS:S

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WTF !! I'm so mad right now... I have never had a game cause problems like this.. I have tried just about everything..

Athalon 64 3000+
Nvidia GeForce FX 5800 (chinatech)
1 G DDR matched ram
Maxtor 40g hd and a WD 250g hd

I have tried installing and re-installing about 4 times with 2 different copies of the game, updated all drivers, deleted and reinstalled drivers, disabled sound, ram testing,used on board sound, used pci sound card, installed the game on diff HD's, dissabling anti-virus.....

this is getting really old... NO game should be this hard to get working.. I've had some heated conversations with tech support... They told me that its my background apps that are causing it (anti virus). I read somewhere that it might be the source model's and to download them..
I was told that the referenced mem error is related to the video card...

I have an idea.. Lets make a list of all (as many as possible) comps that are ABLE to run the game and see what they are doing right..

Also could it be a bad batch of cd's that were released ??

All I wanna do is play HL2.. Is that asking too much ?!?!
Yo GOF I did add that onto my question...I copied that post into it and sent it to them so dont worry man
mine seems to be working fine now...what i did was the readonly autosave and i also made it out of the canals and off that god dam water land craft delie and now the game seems to be working....lets hope it keeps workin......but wenever i save the message error still pops up just not when i load
I downloaded todays patch and now it is happening again.

I got Half Life 2 working without an error for 4 days (before that I previously had this bug)

Stupid bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok Peeps I think I may have figured this out!

I have played for hours now with NO lockus or freezes or the dreaded Memory cannot be read error.

What in your PC can 'act' as memory??? A PAGING FILE!!!

Right click My computer
Virtual memory
Set it to: No Paging file

I set mine to No Paging file and have played for hours!! :cheers:

Lemme know your findings
Nice try Darth Flan but to no avail for me :(

Well it did do something, instead of the memory error being displayed it just crashed straight to desktop.

Diff crash i hear you say, well no, it crashed at the same point (round about) as it has done 12 times already tonite!
I've got it too.

And it sucks ass. the game crash in totaly random situations in the game. never happend to me at the loading screen. i'm hoping that they will fix this soon. that game incredible!

My beast:

AMD 64 FX-53
Gigabyte K8NSNXP-939
PQI Turbo Memory 1024MB
Power color Radeon X800XT PE (Catalyst 4.11)
WD Raptor x2 on RAID0
Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro
Windows XP Pro SP2 (DirectX 9c)
Antic2 said:
I accidentally saw this on the Steam forum... an update from Doug about the bugs they're currently working on. Why it wasn't posted in the HL2 forum I have no idea.


Anyway, at least it's something! Don't know why the stutter bug is first on the list.. What software company prioritises an annoying bug over a fatal bug?!

Ah brilliant, well at least they are takling the problem. Valve are definitly good for tech support. They have a person dedicated to relaying information to the forum.
I'm going to put them a count down : before December or I will chargeback and return my damn Steam account, whatever they are allowed or not!!!
After extensive reading and thinking over everyone's problems in this thread, I've figured out what is wrong.
Half-Life 2 doesn't work with PC's.
The End :)
and another update to our lovely problem..

We're working on it. The stuttering is actually three different bugs. Two of them are fixed and should (hopefully) be out tomorrow. Still working on the third one which only happens on NVidia cards/drivers.

Gary McTaggart (Valve)

misterbelgic said:
and another update to our lovely problem..

We're working on it. The stuttering is actually three different bugs. Two of them are fixed and should (hopefully) be out tomorrow. Still working on the third one which only happens on NVidia cards/drivers.

Gary McTaggart (Valve)


:cheers: :cheers: woooh00000 may get to play the game yet :) although I fear my wet patches on the sheets in the morning are getting less and less :eek: :eek: ;)
I hope valve works on holidays.......if not.....well be waiting for that patch even longer than expected
New Computer with monitor and ect. $1200.00

Half Life 2 DVD collecters edition with shirt $80.00

Cant play the game because of bugs -26 hours of sleep

Bitching at valve to make a patch and making
a 42 page thread bitching about the prob $$$Priceless$$$$
hell yes although theres nothing better than stuffing your face with turkey and pie f**k thanksgiving give me a patch
Yes, Patch, patch, patch. This waiting makes me want to put HL2 away and break out the Far Cry and eat it again for th umpteenth time. Atleast it plays.

Come on valve. Well with the small Steam update, no more password needed for offline. Maybe they are doing this in pieces. Like Oh, they want to play offline without validating, do they...GIve 'em the no password update, see if they like it. Maybe after several years we can play it as a single player game should be played.
I only have one stick of RAM,so cant run in duel channel anyways(eventhough my mobo supports it).....and still cant play the game AT ALL!!!!!!!!!! due too those damned error messages.
ok hes talking crap (the past link), i had already tested this (12 hours of testing) and it didnt worked, i tried the ram on its own - no luck, tried differnt slot no luck. I had the same problem with one slot of 512DDR and 2 slots with 512DDR, just in case both ram sticks were nackerd i even tried 2 new ones. the game dosent crash every 10 miniuts and only seems to be a problem through the first 50-75% of the game...mabye i was just lucky with the rest. after reading this toipic, it has seemed to re-appeared, no luck. just thought i say swapping the ram slots over, you are more likely to blow the ram up with static electricity than get th ruddy thing working....

if your really desprate try it, it didnt work for me though. seem to be experiencing the ruddy problem once more in source. The problem left me but now its back. I even reformatted my computer to see if it would make a diff, the answer to that was a no...

Lets just hope for a patch. I have been experiencing this problem throught Counter-Strike Source and i just assumed that a patch would be released at golden day, Half-Life 2 release.

I assume valve have picked up this problem. a response from them would be re-assuring. any more news please reply. We need to keep this Topic from vanishing into the deep end.

Sorry if there is tones of spelling mistakes, i couldent be arsed to type 'safely' i have already wasted enough time on the game. I have completed it mind you, but again thats besides the point.

Keep up the posting guys, we need Valve to understand the problem.
Thats the best advice i can offer :(

Good luck Freeman, we're going to need it.....;)
how can i be talking crap if it worked for me? i too had tried everything else that has already been suggested until this. i still think this may cure it for some people. i'm not saying it will work for everyone. i will still wait for the fix from valve because i would rather not have my system running without dual channel ram.
I got it to work, what I did is simple, I just restarted my PC shut off my norton firewall and virus scanner and just started the game only nothing else and now it works perfectly nothing wrong with my hardware, simple fix I should have just restarted my PC earlier, oh well.
Yo -h20-.....

Valve have acknowledged this problem(at last)....its number 2 on their hit list(after stutter bug).....though why a critical bug like full system crash has been deemed less important than ingame stuttering is anyones buissness.(i mean i havent even seen the game yet!!!!!! cant get past the options menu).
admins why hasnt this post and the audio problems post been stickied yet atleast until there is an official fix!
cause these threads are massive and contain more information to help people in different ways to solve their problems then any other faqs or news frmo valve
how many people have asked a question about the memory read error in the support?
i followed this thread ,i turned off my antivirus ,my firewall ,i did everything ,and still get the memory message ,what a shame !
How do i do that memory stick thing can someone explain it. do i have to open up my computer and mess with stuff cause if i do......why i outta
dude if you are not into that stuff don't open up your comp.
wait for patch or something.
im am an idiot and there is no way i will open my comp and start messin with stuff
Just adding my details:

I get this error loads.
The recommended* video options are all pretty high as my spec is:

amd athlon xp 2800
768 DDR ram
Hightech Radeon 9800 pro ice q

I get this error even when i set everything to "low"
I have checked page file, defragged hard disk, updated video drivers, run memtest, disabled firewall, antivirus EVEYTHING!!! but i still get this error.

It happens totally randomly it seems. the sounds starts looping and i think "uh oh" then the BOINK windows dialog noise and sure enough "MEMORY COULD NOT BE READ"

sometimes i can play for aobut 40mins before it happens, other times only 2 or 3.

has VALVE got an official stance on this problem... one that obviously is affecting A LOT of people?
Hi all,

I downloaded the patch and it's stopped the vast majority of stuttering (although I still get it when the level loads). I don't know if it completely down to the patch, as I also did the following over the past couple of days, and this was the first time I had tried HL2 since doing them:

- Installed and then reinstalled XP SP2

- Removed the Omega nVidia drivers, rebooted, installed official 67.02 betas and rebooted.

- Deleted the config and autoexec files from the hl2 directory

- I had 1.5 gigs of RAM. This was with 2 x 512 Corsair XMS sticks in Dual DDR config, and 1 x 512 TwinMOS stick. I removed the TwinMOS RAM stick, leaving just the 1 gig of Dual DDR Corsair XMS memory

- Changed the RAM timing from 'optimal' to 'Aggressive' in BIOS

Hope this helps to pinpoint the error and helps some people. I also didn't get any crashes......
this is bullshit, i dont understand how to tweak all my settings in the bios! I just want to play my game!
Same Here...

Same problem here, I get a memory error when I try to play CS: Source but only started after I upgraded as follows:

ASUS A7N8X-X Motherboard
Athlon XP 2600+
PC 2700+
PC 2700 DDR (2x 512MB Unbranded modules)
Sounblaster Live 4.1

ASUS A7N8X-E Deluxe Motherboard
Athlon XP 3200+
PC 3200+
PC 3200 DDR (2x 512MB Kingston value RAM modules)
Sounblaster Live 5.1

everything else, both hardware and software is the same as it was pre-upgrade. I have a Saphire Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB video card and I am running Windows XP

(SP2). I was able to run Half-Life 2 and Counterstrike: Source without any problems before I upgraded.
Hey guys,

Im assuming you guys read my post "I think I got it working" just wanted to know if this helped anyone out ? I've been thinking about this for a while now; when the "mem cant be read" it gives a location.. im assuming this is realted to a specific ram slot. Like I said in the post, try switching your ram out of slot 1 and put it in #3 (assuming you are using only 2/3 slots) also i am unable to use all 3 slots (really annoying)

Now for people who arent too familiar with computers.. switching ram is actually really easy. Now before you say "thats too complicated" at least take off the side and look in.. If you can see 1,2,or 3 (depends on computer) thin, vertical parts you are already halfway there..
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