CRAZINESS! Possible that Half-Life 2 has shipped?



"I dont know if Valve wanted us to know this, but here it goes anyways. Suppose Valve wanted this game to go gold without us knowing it? This is my assumption. I will tell you why. As you can tell by my icon, I work for UPS in Minnesota. Every now and then a box gets caught inside the belts and becomes opened. These boxes usually go to an area to get taped up. Well, As i was brining some "opens" down to the re-wrap area, I saw a EB Games box that was open. So, me being a hardcore gamer decided to take a peak at what was inside. My heart nearly jumped out of my throat at what I saw...a nerely 20 copies of Half Life 2, sealed in the box. I dont know if these are the full versions, or Betas...but I can confirm that there were sealed copies of the game in the box."

- taken from an IGN post


Uh, yeah.... I want it to come out damn it. :(
IGN is a hella lot more reliable than *dare I say the evil word* Gamespot! I'd trust them over Gamespot, but even they make mistakes. I doubt this is true.
That's BS. As Valve said, they'll announce when the game goes gold.

So the guy was delievering promotional boxes to EB. Great. Go him.
Yeah, if this really did occur, I'd bet they were promo boxes...
I think the guy should know a promo box when he sees one.

Especially the EB ones which have half of the box in yellow saying that you can preorder the game for 5 bucks and that it will get released in the future...
this is completely wrong. look at the sticky 'a trip to valve'. gabe specifically says that they will NOT release/ship the game without an announcement to the public that it is ready.
Maybe trying to fool some of us into really thinking it is not possible for something like this to happen.


we really don't positivley know unless I see a picture of the game being played, something i never saw before.
nevertheless, we probably won't see it on 9/30. The way Gabe worded it, sounds like a possible delay.
I agree, it's a Promo Box. I used to work at UPS cool :)

anyway That's awesome news and prolly not valve reporting worthy... every game gets promos out and no need to tell the public that :p

Good post though that's cool to know.
Also promo boxes are not sealed and all "boxy" when they come in fresh. They are more like flat peices of carton that the EB guyz have to fold into shape.

I was the first on the forum to point out the promo boxes way back when and I know what i'm talking about.

EDIT: then again when I reread the statement made in the first post I'm thinking the guy just saw a bunch of unused promo boxes bunched together and they looked thin and could potentially (to him) hold a CD inside.

Also because they were not full boxes that's where he got the idea of them maybe being Beta.

Just maybe...
Originally posted by BWMASTER
Also promo boxes are not sealed and all "boxy" when they come in fresh. They are more like flat peices of carton that the EB guyz have to fold into shape.

I was the first on the forum to point out the promo boxes way back when and I know what i'm talking about.

So what are you saying? You think that they were authentic game copies?
ive seen boxes full of promo boxes at the local EB, i dont think they could be mistaken for a real box (cuz the way they are flattened and packed)

i think this guy is just lying
IGN Is reliable.

People that post on the boards can't always be trusted though.

I post on IGN as Rusty664, watch out for me.
Why exactly would they send beta copies to EB anyway? That doesn't really make sense
It is essential to note that IGN did not post this little bit of 'shocking news' but a user(not unlike any of us) posted this on their message board. This is not official news. That doesnt mean its not true, but it doesnt help it.
Valve would have done a great stunt if its true :)

Note to Goombatommy: shorten your sig, its a 4 lines max policy
This really would be the most amazing thing ever. I'm extraordinarily skeptical though.
I say release th ****ing game already !

The game will HAVE bugs. It's a good thing Valve is dedicated and is trying to make the best game they can, but no game is perfect...

Damn, patience is no one of my virtue at that time...
I'd rather have HL2 bugs and all than a bug free copy at a later date.
Besides consumers are the ones that find the bugs and help the developers fix them in the first place, usually the devs don't even know that the bugs exist.

Givf HL2.
lol I think ign is reliable and the boxes i saw at EB before didint even look like the HL2 box! I think its very possible that its all true...:eek:
Anyone here that could actually resist and NOT take a copy if they saw one...?
I'd at least run to the store and buy a disposable camera and get some guys would never believe me :cheese:
Originally posted by Magicpants
Anyone here that could actually resist and NOT take a copy if they saw one...?

I would take the whole crate and sell them for $150 each :D
I would probably take one. lol.

But no is it worth loosing your job over it?
I don't know if this story is true or not, but given Spitcodfry's info about how relaxed and casual the boys are at Valve HQ, I'd say it's certainly possible.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
I don't know if this story is true or not, but given Spitcodfry's info about how relaxed and casual the boys are at Valve HQ, I'd say it's certainly possible.

Good point, but I'd think they'd rather be giddy like school girls laughing right when spitcod got out of sight.
Originally posted by worldspawn
gabe said they will announce it when it goes gold.

this is true....they were probably promo boxes. gabe even told spitcodfry during his tour that vivendi is wrong and that they will announce gold before shipping :p
I don't know if this story is true or not, but given Spitcodfry's info about how relaxed and casual the boys are at Valve HQ, I'd say it's certainly possible.

Gabe also said that there would be an announcement for it going gold
The thing to ask, though, will they announce it the day it goes gold, or will there be an announcement sometime next week from Valve saying, "The game has gone gold and is currently being shipped to stores."
Hmm....I reckon that any gamer worth his salt would know the difference between a promo box and a retail box so I believe it's likely that what he saw was indeed retail copies of the game. Spitcodfry's thread desceibes VALVe as pretty laid back (assuming all the coding is done at that one site) and the two programmers could have just been "making work", looking for things they might tweak in a patch, not neccessarily fixinf last minute bugs.

We'll all have to just and see! :eek:
I'm very skeptical. Possibly this guy lied just to enjoy the satisfaction of creating a lie amongst the HL2 community.