critics about HL2


Apr 19, 2009
Reaction score
I know some people think half-life 2 is the best game in the world, but still there needs to be some critism...

I haven't finished Half-Life 2 yet but still there are some things bugging me. Why is there no new invention since the old game except the gravity gun and the other machine gun (don't remember what it's called)? I mean, in half-life 1 you would have the laser gun and the beam gun but why don't they have it in HL2? and the sniper ... why not use the old one instead of a homemade sniper that you heat a iron pole and then shoot it, and how can it be so accurate? I know some things in Half-life aren't realistic, but still, shooting an iron pole with a flat end would make it completely unaccurate, but not if it had a sharp end. It makes a difference. And why can you only carry 4 magazines of the other machine gun? They are so small that you would be able to carry at least 20 of them...

And why are all the zombies in the same clothes? you only see some people wearing white shirts and blue pants but most of the people wear only blue suits, and i haven't seen any blue suited zombies or combine zombies. In the old game the zombies only wore white clothes, but that made sense, because it was in a laboratory or something.

If i'm wrong about something, or i haven't seen something yet because i haven't finsished the game, then please tell me...
Well there aren't that many new inventions seeing as after Half-Life the Combine invaded and enslaved earth, so technological advances were slowed way down. The resistance are working underground using materials they can salvage, so creating new powerful weapons are next to impossible. As for the 4 magazines for the Combine Pulse Rifle, i believe that has to do with balancing. The rifle is a powerful weapon and as such Valve wanted to limit it's use by not allowing you to keep much ammo for it.

The Zombies are all wearing the same clothes due to performance budgets, back when HL2 was released it was able to run on very low end machines, and having multiple different types of Zombies would have cost to much. You could justify it in that all the civilians get Combine issued clothing and dress the same, so as such all the Zombies are dress alike.
Yes, it is not realistic because IT IS A COMPUTER GAME. Don't be so picky about the small details.
and the sniper ... why not use the old one instead of a homemade sniper that you heat a iron pole and then shoot it, and how can it be so accurate? I know some things in Half-life aren't realistic, but still, shooting an iron pole with a flat end would make it completely unaccurate, but not if it had a sharp end.

It is called a crossbow. and it is not homemade. and the ammo is like the for all crossbows. it is pointed at one end. they are called bolts.

And why are all the zombies in the same clothes?

there are many different types of zombies that are all completely different. Why change the model of one type?

all the things you listed are very minor, and after all it is a computer game.
It is called a crossbow. and it is not homemade. and the ammo is like the for all crossbows. it is pointed at one end. they are called bolts.
Doesn't the crossbow just fire piece of rebar?
Yes - it's electrically heated rebar - that would very easily kill someone (especially if it's shot at them at high speeds).

Why is this crossbow homemade, you ask Essy? Think about it this way - the Combine are in control and it's not like there will be gun shops in City 17 for folks to go get a crossbow easily. In desperate times people take whatever they can and make it into something useful - it would be very difficult for a citizen to get ahold of a normal crossbow (or find any bolts for that matter).

As for the amount of magazines you carry, any smart soldier would not carry any more than four or so clips - any more would add an unnecessary (and dangerous) amount of weight. If it's a choice between carrying twenty clips and being slow as a mofo or carrying four clips and being able to haul ass out of a nasty situation, I'd pick the latter - that way I'd survive (I'd rather survive that have extra ammo, but that's just me :))
by KineticAesthetic, Ph. D​

  1. Not enough new guns.
  2. No laser guns.
  3. Crossbow might be inaccurate, but isn't.
  4. Can't carry massive amounts of ammunition.
  5. All the zombies look the same.

Brutal. Just brutal.
Yes - it's electrically heated rebar - that would very easily kill someone (especially if it's shot at them at high speeds).
What's funny about it is that it doesn't need to be hot to kill someone when it nails them to a wall. In fact, the heat might cauterize an otherwise non-lethal wound, and not get the kill you're after. Because it's red hot, its just nasty.

Seriously though, I liked the crossbow because I figured it was the result of thrifty craftsmanship by the reistance in a time of limited resources. The other weapons are all "Combine" weapons, in that, they're used by the Combine and therefore maintained by them as well (crowbar, gravity gun, and ant lion gland excepted).
I'd say wait till you finish the game before you write your review I can tell there are lots of things you havent seen yet
Haha don't worry you arent the first to come on here and try to critisise Half-Life 2, I remember we had one persistant arsehole trying his very best to convince us that Crysis was a better game.

The game does have flaws, but not those retarded ones you came up with. Its more towards the sometimes average AI, the lack of a leaning function and the biggest flaw imo would be the lack of a proper hard difficulty level. Some people would argue that the gun sounds arent fully up to scratch either. All very minor though.
You get "Zombines" in Episode 1.

The most Annoying thing about the game is that lack of ammo I can carry for the pulse rifle, I love that weapon. But yeah, its a minor thing.
Yeah, the game has no proper Hard difficulty.
Half-Life 2 is not the Hell. The AI is too stupid for the devils jumping at you from the walls.
P.S. Critics gave Half-Life 2 the Metascore of 90+. You're not a critic, you're caviller.
No new guns? All the old ones got real models and were rebalanced.
And you can't find a laser gun outside a secret weapon laboratory - I think that makes sense.
Crossbow is inaccurate. It's just the game with no wind. Your bolt has mass and velocity.
And - You're Gordon Freeman! All the weapons in the world are nothing compared to the CROWBAR!!!
You only need 2 weapons to finish the game: the crowbar and the gravity gun. All the rest is useless. Gun that needs ammo is lame.
And yeah - all the zombies are the same. They are DEAD. Did you notice the paint buckets? Every man needs one to become a zombie. When a man is attacked by headcrab, he grabs a bucket and paints himself white. It's that simple.
Haha don't worry you arent the first to come on here and try to critisise Half-Life 2, I remember we had one persistant arsehole trying his very best to convince us that Crysis was a better game.

The game does have flaws, but not those retarded ones you came up with. Its more towards the sometimes average AI, the lack of a leaning function and the biggest flaw imo would be the lack of a proper hard difficulty level. Some people would argue that the gun sounds arent fully up to scratch either. All very minor though.

Some dude said Crysis is a better game??

Damn It'll be interesting to see those debates, I wished I was in this forum earlier.

It's funny about the A.I concerns. Some people say it's very smart, some people say it's not.

I for one think the A.I is pretty good for a game made in 2004. Valve don't force the A.I to show off their intelligence, but instead have it come around when the player tries to create impossible situations for A.Is.

For example, I'm pretty sure some of you have tried to close off doors when you hear a fast zombie running. When you do so, the fast zombie will go around, from the roof or from another doorway. Also, if you block off a door with an object, preventing combines from entering. They'll tend to split their task, such as one still trying to get the door open whiles the other shooting at you through a window or something.

Overall, the A.I is not bad, especially for a game 5 years old. Valve intended the A.I to do too many external stuffs, such as teamworks, getting around blockages, but by doing so, the A.I then focuses too much on these external stuff and not on the battle itself.

F.E.A.R suffers a similar flaw. Even though FEAR was released quote a while after Half Life 2, they attempted to show off their A.I too much, that the A.I becomes stupid. They deliberately make maps with tons of rooms, so that soldier will jump out from a window of a room. However, because they did that, soldiers will randomly run into a room and jump out the window again, which is stupid and useless. (Half Life 2 still dwarfs F.E.A.R, HL2 graphics were unmatchable for quite a long while)
Humans might be diverse, but head crabs have a standard sense of fashion. Getting everyone to dress alike might be their ultimate goal in this world.
In Half-Life 2, none of these things are really problems with the game. No one who played the game when it was new would have thanked you for the extra year they would have had to wait for Valve to get their arse in gear to implement this stuff either.

By the time you get to Episode Two though, you're starting to have a case.
They really do need a gun melee feature like L4D. So many times ive tryed to break a window with a shotgun and forgot secondary is not a melee attack XD
ok ... don't suppose there's anything I can do about that ...

So now if you'll excuse me, I'll go into the kitchen and kill myself...
Lol critic, u didnt see the same rebel every 5mins did you? must of been my imagination!
Legitimate criticisms OP.........just joking, they're retarded. I mean while your at it how the hell does Gordon carry a small army's worth of weapons and ammo?

It's a takes liberties with reality.
Legitimate criticisms OP.........just joking, they're retarded. I mean while your at it how the hell does Gordon carry a small army's worth of weapons and ammo?

It's a takes liberties with reality.

little known fact. HEV suit has many pockets ;-)
little known fact. HEV suit has many pockets ;-)

Actually there is a theory that the HEV suit may have a mass changing device that alters the mass of the weapons being carried and revert them back to the original mass when it is being taken out and held.

Makes sense considering in half life 1 HEV members are required to conduct experiments and retrieve samples from Xen, so they obviously require a large arsenal of weapon. Also, we often see a large case of weapons (almost like a nuclear bomb container) beside HEV scientists, and these large cases of weapons often contain craploads of weapons and ammos of all sorts inside. I doubt HEV scientists would carry that around without it being extremely handy and light considering they're entering a borderworld filled with unknown species. It is possible that Gordon may have a similar package.
Gordon may have a similar package.


Anyway... if this sort of technology was available to the HEV makers, don't you think they'd make better use of it for combat? Like some kinda megapowerful disintegration weapon? Rather than just using it to make a black hole box to keep pistols and crowbars safe?
lol. I just now got that the OP meant "critiques" instead of "critics." I read this thread more than a week ago and thought it odd that the post didn't talk about critics at all, other than himself.

Anyway... if this sort of technology was available to the HEV makers, don't you think they'd make better use of it for combat? Like some kinda megapowerful disintegration weapon? Rather than just using it to make a black hole box to keep pistols and crowbars safe?

Well let's just say that all technology created in Black Mesa were most likely from the help of Xen materials.

The suit could have a program that carries the bulk of weight, so the user feels none, but the super weapon question? Well let's just say knowing how to make one thing doesn't mean you know how to make the other. I may know how to make ice-cream, but that doesn't mean I know how to make cake, even though they're still desserts.
knowing how to make one thing doesn't mean you know how to make the other. I may know how to make ice-cream, but that doesn't mean I know how to make cake, even though they're still desserts.

hahaha metaphail!
I totally didn't read this thread at all, but in my fast skimmings, I saw "HEV" and "Combat" put together.

Which reminds me.

Why the **** is the HEV suited for combat to begin with?
I totally didn't read this thread at all, but in my fast skimmings, I saw "HEV" and "Combat" put together.

Which reminds me.

Why the **** is the HEV suited for combat to begin with?

It's not, it's suited for hazardous material handling and exposure. Just so happens it's features also make it perfect for ballistics protection.
It also tells you how much ammo of your gun you are carrying, and has the balls to say "Ammo Depleted"

It also apparently holds guns, according to old school speculations.
I totally didn't read this thread at all, but in my fast skimmings, I saw "HEV" and "Combat" put together.

Which reminds me.

Why the **** is the HEV suited for combat to begin with?

Black Mesa was a military research base. So i believe the HEV suit is really designed for soldiers, it protects them in combat and in hazardous areas.
I guess I could see that as being plausible.

I just figured since it was stuff only the researchers were wearing out in Xen and whatnot, I assumed it was more of a hazmat suit than anything else.


Marc Laidlaw says he dropped it somewhere for better visibility, but that's getting into gameplay details more than story.

If he didn't have a (retractable) helmet, how would the suit be any protection from radiation, allow you to zoom, have HUD warnings, or provide oxygen underwater.