Critique my site?


Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
Just wondering what you guys thought of the site I made for my CS team.
I'm probably not going to change much of this version, but I could always use suggestions for what to do differently in the future... I enjoy playing with design, so it probably won't be too long before I start working on a new one.

Thanks a lot! :)
Haha, that's a unique design. Pretty good actually. Did you do the graphics and web editing yourself? I like it, small, clean, easy to load and visually appealing. I give it an 8.5 out of 10.
It's awesome, one suggestion I would make besides getting the content up (LOL) is adding a CS related image on the front page, so the impatient people know what kind of site it is.
i like it, im a fan of a crisp, clean, efficient design as well. looks great :D. i second the "add as cs image" to it. maybe the cs logo in one of the corners of your banner blended in.
I appreciate the suggestions. I was playing around with a screenshot I had taken a few months back, and I made a few different variations of a new title. Please let me know what you think of these; if you like one better than the others, if you hate them all, if you think I need a new pic, etc...

Thanks! :)
Snakebyte said:
I appreciate the suggestions. I was playing around with a screenshot I had taken a few months back, and I made a few different variations of a new title. Please let me know what you think of these; if you like one better than the others, if you hate them all, if you think I need a new pic, etc...

Thanks! :)

if i had to choose, top left.
Overall it looks nice, but on 1280x1024 your site looks like an icon on my desktop ;). I'd definately say scale it up a little bit at least. And I pick the top left picture also.
Yeah, I know it is kinda small (I use 1600x1200 btw :p) but it would be too much trouble to change the size at this point. I'll keep that in mind for my next design though. :)
Very unique, very clean, very simple, and very nice. I love it. Nice design man.