Croatia :D

HAH! Serves you right, teabaggers. You won over Sweden last year.

This is another reason to get drunk on weekdays (usually) so this is awesome. Bring it on!
Apparently this defeat will cost the economy approximately ?2bn.

Not our fault they had 16 men on thier team now is it?

Evo - When we say disowned, we really mean it. Some men will be along shortly to dismantle the severn bridge.

Aha, there it is, was wondering when the excuses were gonna come in
Good times, eh.

The news might actually show news during the tournament now.
Tributes are being paid to Scotland this morning after the entire country laughed itself to death.
The alarm was first raised at around 10pm last night as thousands of phone calls and text messages went unanswered.

Small groups of volunteers from Berwick-Upon-Tweed and Carlisle ventured north just after midnight only to find houses full of dead people gathered around still blaring television sets.
By dawn, as RAF helicopters flew over deserted city streets, it was clear that the whole country had suffered a catastrophic abdominal rupture.

Wayne Hayes, a special constable from Northumberland, said: "We went into one house in Dunbarand found three men sitting on the sofa with huge smiles on their faces, still holding cans of 70 shilling. They seemed to be at peace."
He added: "In a house near Edinburgh we found a man face down on the living room floor with his trousers and pants round his knees.
"It seems he may have been showing his bare buttocks to the television when he keeled over."
Roy Hobbs, a civil engineer from Northampton, said: "I got a call from my friend Ian in Stirling at about 9.50pm.
"He was already laughing when I answered the phone, but after about 25 minutes of the most vigorous and uncontrollable hilarity, everything suddenly went very quiet."

Moving tributes are already being placed along the Scotland-England border with many mourners opting to leave a simple bag of chips or a deep fried bunch of flowers.
Was about to say that myself, but it appears I was beaten to it by almost an hour :P.
if you have ever watched ice hockey world champs, England national team in football is just like Team Finland in hockey. always high hopes with incredibly talented teams, but rarely live up to expectations. They seem to lack the drive or the self confidence to win under pressure.

I was disappoitned that England didn't qualify. Brazil and England my favourites and since Brazil's not a part of europe, I guess I'll have to cheer for some other team in the finals.
Portugal Qualified! All you who oppose Portugal can just keep watching and weeping as they dominate Euro '08. I know it would normally be a arrogant statement, but not when it's true. :)
I was kind of hoping England would qualify, I wasn't watching their matches, but they have a pretty good squad no doubt.
Just out of curiosity, any other Portugal supporters?

Yep, Portuguese dude right here! GO PORTUGAL!

I still kind of hate Scolari, even though he's been taking us pretty far in every competition..