Cross-bine or... Com-bow.


Dec 8, 2004
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Am I the only one who reckons that this game does indeed have a new weapon?

The crossbow appears to have been upgraded by the Combine with it being made from a new material and a better firing speed. It somehow feels a bit more powerful and whatnot.

The fact it is found in a Combine outpost adds to the storyline behind it.
My little version of the crossbow story:
The Combine find a Resistance crossbow and think "OMFG! H4X! we r campin wiv our blu laZrs and dey hav super crosbos!!111" so they take it to some place and make a prototype which is sent out to various outposts throughout City 17. But alas, they never get to use it because Gordon sends the Citadel core into meltdown. Then, on his way out the Citadel, Gordon finds it and proceeds to kick ass. Thus, the birth of the Combow or possibly the Crossbine. I can't decide which sound better :LOL:

  • New super-shiny texture
  • A new firing arc - (I'm super-used to the original crossbow and having to compensate for the arc and with this new one I found myself over-compensating)
  • A new firing noise... if I'm not very much mistaken
  • It was found in a Combine room, on a shelf; not next to a dead Resistance member a la HL2

I don't know if anyone else noticed all. But I was kinda nervous about making a new thread about it for fear of people attacking me and calling me names without telling me what they mean.
Odd that the Combine would have a Crossbow? Perhaps they have changed their fighting style
Odd that the Combine would have a Crossbow? Perhaps they have changed their fighting style

To me it just seemed they borrowed the Resistance one and modified it to be more efficient.

Maybe I am just over-analysing the new model. :hmph:
Can someone post the crossbow from HL2 and the one from ep1 so we can compare?
Here we have it. Top is from HL2, bottom is from Episode 1.

Geogaddi said:
Reminds me of the CS:S shiny hands/guns glitch.

Now you mention it, I'm sure it wasn't THAT shiny when I picked it up the first time. But it did still look different.
HDR? Although that wouldn't account for the changed arc. I do remember thinking it was odd that it was 'stored' on a shelf there.
D: One of my friends said his crossbow didn't look like that. Someone go and get a picture of what yours looks like. I are worried. D:
What the jockstraps? Too shiny. Mine had a non reflective lens...although I thought that might have been the only major difference aesthetically. The weapon did sound different, as well the SMG (which sounded...much...much meatier) and the pulse rifle (once again, more punch).
My crossbow was all shiney and reflective. I also noticed it didn't really arc. Now that we're talking about weapons they also added this cool sound for the sniper rifle for reloading.
Doesn't seem as powerful as the new crowbar though.

It echos 3 times when you swing ;P
I can't say I noticed this at all, but if that's the case, kudos to Valve. The Crossbow is a makeshift weapon, so though undoubtably the Resistance put around schematics for making it, the actual materials put into it may differ. Different scope, block of wood etc. A retexturing makes sense because no two crossbows would likely look the same.
The visual difference I think we can accredit to HDR and the new lighting additions.

The rest are simply tweaks based on community feedback imo.
Hey, I never noticed that the lens reflects what's on the screen. Nifty.
My computer, I think, has gayed up...


I'm going to put on HDR to full, see if it indeed goes "shiny".

EDIT: Nothing, exactly the same...but my PC runs HDR better than just bloom on it's own D:
That was HDR modified, not Combine modified.
I don't have HDR (but I do have a Bloom option) and the Crossbow looks like it did in HL2.
BeaverMon said:
That was HDR modified, not Combine modified.
I don't have HDR and the Crossbow looks like it did in HL2.

But that's the thing, I turned on HDR and there was no difference what so ever. If it was caused by HDR, then the crossbow in Lost Coast would be different as well.
Its just a simple bug some people get, I got it in CS:S when i changed the settings too much in the console.
Reginald said:


The 'new' Crossbow reminds me of the Silver Weapon cheat from Goldeneye.
eh, i think the combine just had it confiscated. Why would they even bother tweaking it?
Flyingdebris said:
eh, i think the combine just had it confiscated. Why would they even bother tweaking it?

Why would they bother using it? They have god damn "high-tech" sniper rifles :D
Maybe they changed the way the crossbow reflects light in Ep1. I see no physical changes to it though.
Or maybe the resistance doesn't produce crossbows according to factory standards? I would assume the raw matrials used would be different each time.
The Combine probably just confiscated it, what I want to know is why they put the rebar in supply crates? There's rebar supply crates in HL2 aswell, at least in one part.
I've seen this kind of thing on lower end graphic cards. All of my settings are on max, and I don't get what I see in that screenshot.
It's no longer shiny, but I can still feel a genuine difference when firing it and the model is most certainly different. I'm not running HDR or Bloom so it's not that.
I think it's more of a case of Valve implementing a lot of new technology into the Source Engine and not really looking back at what effect it had on previous models so on. Since everything new they have created has been for new things, they wouldn't of thought that it would effect old models since they probably haven't been coded to take notice of the new stuff, but due to the fact of them not testing it enough this has happend.
Well that's just my opinion.
Yea, i had to get used to the Com-Bow (Cross-bine?)
It shot a bit more straight and less curved
I really noticed a difference in the sound - and with the smg too, it seemed so much louder!

Maybe i just haven't played in a while...