Crowbar swing (nitpick thread)

I rather like the crowbar animation.
Crowbars are pretty heavy for their size so they use momentum for breaking their targets.
Plus a huge swing like a baseball bat is not needed and if not controlled could come back and hit you. lol
I think it is just dandy how it is currently in the E3 vids.

I think most people would swing like that if they had to repeatedly swing at boards or objects. Swinging with a big wide swing, my arms would get very tired and I might just miss...
If you had to break up wooden planks from a doorway, you wouldn't try slashing them off - you would probably try to put force on them. Same with zombies. I wouldn;t swing at a zombie - I would hit it away from me.
volume said:
If you had to break up wooden planks from a doorway, you wouldn't try slashing them off - you would probably try to put force on them. Same with zombies. I wouldn;t swing at a zombie - I would hit it away from me.

If I were confronted with planks across a doorway I would pry them off, less noise :)
Six Three said:
If I were confronted with planks across a doorway I would pry them off, less noise :)

Hmm... I'd probably just step through between them. But if I were a waste-of-space pc game character I guess I'd kick throught them.
Since the crowbar is now more advanced in the way that it is physically stimulated, I think you should have more control over it - I'm thinking an alternate fire which swings it more, allowing you to wacky cans and whatnot at things :).
These threads are getting irritating.

Being a nit-picky person myself, I can understand how you may protest the new gameplay elements of HL2. This, however, is absurd. There is a point when you will need to learn to *accept* the game or you are going to have an absolutely abysmal gaming experience. In my opinion, that time for you is now.
if you disapprove of something, you will be able to have the SDK. make use of it :)
Lol, guys, the swing is the way it is because the crowbar is physically simulated. I'm sure they could change the animation, but then it wouldn't match the physical impacts. When Gordon stricks, the crowbar juts straight out, and hits a point. If he were to swing, then the crowbar would be phyically stuck on certain objects. That's why the animation is as it is.

(I'm willing to bet. :) )
I think its cooler looking.. Its not just a mindless horizontal swing anymore...
Looks fine to me.

Point: Gordon can use it one-handed because he's wearing the HEV, which appears to be powered armour.
looks really gay to me, as if he is going "ewwww get away from me" while he swings. like a 13 year old girl.
It isn't a particular heavy crowbar ....
Gordon must be getting weaker, probably the statis turned him into a old man .... how sad.
I like the old crowbar swing because it looke dso damn malelovent - like he was completely freaking out and just whacking with the crowbar over and over. And that lovely meaty sound when you strike... I'm sure I remember someone saying the current crowbar was a placeholder. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. I'm sure the crowbar will be wonderful...
First thing I noticed in the 'docks' video was how weak Gordon's crowbar swing was. To me it detracts from the immersion factor because there's just no way he's hurting anybody with those pansy swings. To solve the windup problem just have it so the longer you hold down the action button before releasing it, the more powerful the swing(just like with lobbing grenades).
Why would you need a powerful crowbar? IT'S A CROWBAR!

Good luck whacking those Striders or them heavily armored badass freak combine soldiers on their head.The only thing the crowbar is good at, is pounding headcrabs and zombies, and I do think it does that well.
Perhaps the movement of the mouse (left or right) will effect the way the crowbar is swung. That would be cool, and might explain the variations on the swing in some of the vids.
what I wonder is your momentum of walking would increase the damage of the blow. Standing still and wacking an enemy, the enemy would take less damage. But what if your run into the enemy, would be nice to see that with the extra speed of your self would fling the enemy backwards. Or hear some bones snap :D
-=Nemesis=- said:
what I wonder is your momentum of walking would increase the damage of the blow. Standing still and wacking an enemy, the enemy would take less damage. But what if your run into the enemy, would be nice to see that with the extra speed of your self would fling the enemy backwards. Or hear some bones snap :D

Since it's a physically simulated object, that could very well apply. If so, that's damn cool.
yeah gd idea. Doesn't have to be physically simulated to work - Marathon did it 10 years ago
riTuaL said:
LOL are you trying to sound like the scientist from the Simpsons? If so I got a good laugh out of that one lol.

Yeah pretty much, i tried to keep it a little light-hearted. Seems like the sarcastic comic book store guy with the pony tail is here also (read first reply) :D

Anyways, doesn't seem like such a boring topic after all, judging by the 5 page replies. Hell even i'm starting to think "someone close this boring topic allready". But since i'm the starter and all, that would be a little hypocrit :)

I bet there'll be little to nitpick about when it finally comes out tough, we'll be too busy killing combine with matressess to notice things like crowbar animations.
jonnyapps said:
yeah gd idea. Doesn't have to be physically simulated to work - Marathon did it 10 years ago

I remember a Valve member talking about marathon talking about how it was ahead of its time but was a disaster
hype.db said:
These threads are getting irritating.

Being a nit-picky person myself, I can understand how you may protest the new gameplay elements of HL2. This, however, is absurd. There is a point when you will need to learn to *accept* the game or you are going to have an absolutely abysmal gaming experience. In my opinion, that time for you is now.

dude, we are just having fun, relaaaaaaaaaax.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I remember a Valve member talking about marathon talking about how it was ahead of its time but was a disaster

nah that was trespasser he was on about ;)

Trespasser was one of the first games to use physics on just about everything (came out around 1998-9) but was just a bit to buggy for some people. Not to mention slow paced! :dozey:
Trespasser is awesome. You can move your arm around and pick things up. It's ahead of recent games still.
Someone Tell Gabe To Include A Left And A Right Swinging Animation.
Eternity said:
Someone Tell Gabe To Include A Left And A Right Swinging Animation.

You never played Sven-Coop?

"Donate for the electric crowbar"
watch the ravenholm part. There is a left and right swing and when he follows his swing through all the way it looks okay. The other animations look like he's hitting the object so the crowbar doesn't follow all the way through and looks like the crowbar just stopped short; which it should.
The other thing is that either it was the wide screen or that HL2's viewpoint is a little further out to see more, but the crowbar looks more like he's always holding it in front of him instead of to his side (where it would look like a stronger swing instead of attacking from his chest).