Crysis has been conquered

Alot of people dont want to play the game on medium. As good as this game looks, its utter shit on medium...I bought this game for what they advertised...unreal graphics..little did i know it wouldnt run great on anything less than a super computer

All-medium looks like shit, but medium with a few things on High looks okay. Particularly the post-processing effects, on High you get the nice HDR effect with the sunlight and stuff. On Medium it doesn't do that. :(
have the developers states what specs will run on max everything?
I just beat it. Played with everything at low and had no slow-downs, only the sound hiccuped.
I love it, but how are people having so much trouble with this game?
My specs in sig.
The main problem I have is with the shader option. If I put it on anything other than high, things don't show up properly ~ low = nothing but raw map (no trees, people, guns), medium = shadows of everything, high = everything but shit framerate. The demo worked fine on any setting. Hell, trying both the demo and full game on various settings its that GODDAMN shader option that gives me the biggest performance hit in the first place. What the **** were they thinking going from the demo to the full version?
I was playing online and tried lowering shapers to medium (everything else on high) and dear GOD did that make it look TOTALLY different. I get great FPS either way, but occasionally I get some odd hitching on both SP and MP, and I didn't during the demo.
I never had bad frame-rate slowdowns in the Beta or Demo, but in the actual SP game I seemed to get noticeably worse framerates. I'm curious if something was disabled until the actual release. Although I have to admit, everything does look noticeably higher quality and more detailed.
My specs in sig.
The main problem I have is with the shader option. If I put it on anything other than high, things don't show up properly ~ low = nothing but raw map (no trees, people, guns), medium = shadows of everything, high = everything but shit framerate. The demo worked fine on any setting. Hell, trying both the demo and full game on various settings its that GODDAMN shader option that gives me the biggest performance hit in the first place. What the **** were they thinking going from the demo to the full version?

I heard Nvidia Beta Drivers really help the performance if you wanna try it out.
does playing in dx9 increase fps significantly?

I believe you do get a performance boost when running in DX9 over DX10. I run in DX9 with everything on high (shadows on med) with these custom effects on:


About 35 fps avg with almost the same rig setup as yours.
Major spoilers

The single player was great in the beginning but really went to hell at the end. The alien cave level absolutely sucked, I couldn't tell where I was going half the time and got sick of the aliens swarming all over the place when I had like no ammo. Then as soon as you get out of the caves you have to fight these aliens throughout the rest of the game. No more encounters with the Koreans or anything. All of the gameplay tactics you learned throughout the first half just disappears, the rest of the game just becomes a shooting gallery with the aliens. The whole second half of the single player is very disappointing, except for getting to fly the VTOL IMO. And the last level was just tactics at all, just your guy spitting out ammunition non stop. And to top it all of, one of the worst endings ever in a game.
Just finished Crysis myself, and well it was OK I guess. However there were a few things that pissed me off while playing:


- sometimes the sound of gunfire freezes in one spot.
- the game crashes and you get an instant kick to desktop
- pysics objects getting stuck in the floor of buildings
- AI bugs. Example: the marines, one by one stepped on mines:|

The Weapons

They are to damn weak, and no I wasn't using the freaking silencer!
One time I had to shoot a guy 3 times with the shotgun from pointblank range.
Another time I shot a guy from a distance with the gauss gun 5-6 times and he still refused to die:|

Stupid boss fight with the north Korean general. It consisted of: cloak, sneak up to him, strength mode punch, he runs away, speed mode, rinse and repeat...
Not to mention that he probably had 10 times the armor I had:rolleyes:

And to top all of this off, the final and most frustrating boss fight I've seen in a game lately. How it played out:

So, the big bad alien ship thing shows up and I have to take out the side turrets it has so the VTOL could somehow disable it's shield. OK no problem, but wait not so fast, you have to do this while there are 4 damn flying squiddies shooting at you and to top it off the ship shoots a freez ray that magicaly goes through all the objects I hide behind...:|. The only way to avoid being frozen is to go prone(which makes alot of sense:rolleyes:). However, that can be a problem when the only gun that still has ammo(the chaingun) doesn't let you go prone while using it!!!
So you have to dodge turret fire, flying squid fire, avoid freez ray all while those 2 idiots keep pestering you to take out the gun turrets!!11 *throus chair at computer screen*
Most of the problems people posted here could have been solved very easily.
Just play it on regular like all the cool kids like me.
Most of the problems people posted here could have been solved very easily.
Just play it on regular like all the cool kids like me.

Ahem... Unlike the bragging guys that say: "Oooh I finished Crysis on delta!! lolololol!!111" I was playing on GOD DAMN NORMAL!!! OK!
If the game is this frustrating on normal what the **** is on delta?!
Delta's not that frustrating. I only did it for enemies that spoke Korean.

As for the part where I got stuck, I ended up getting someone elses save game that starts me right after the grave yard fight. Apparently I missed a cutscene -- what happens right after the VTOL comes and gets you?
Ahem... Unlike the bragging guys that say: "Oooh I finished Crysis on delta!! lolololol!!111" I was playing on GOD DAMN NORMAL!!! OK!
If the game is this frustrating on normal what the **** is on delta?!

High Five
Im still pissed off about the whole damn thing. Its amazing what fanboys will sacrifice to continue their ass kissing. The fact of the matter is every video they have released for this game is a ****ing lie. Ive been reading the InCrysis forums periodically and I'm shocked by the number of people defending crytek with the reasoning that "You shouldnt expect to be able to run the game with all the settings on high!".

**** that, I paid 60 bucks so I could play the game advertised, not a retarded stepchild. "the game is still the best at medium graphics!!!!" Oh ya? Fist yourself, it looks like shit. Id rather play TFC.

I like ranting, someone disagree quick
Can anyone spoil the ending for me.

Is there even an ending to be spoiled?
i can predict the ending....10 frames of junk per second
The NK general was easy. I just kept strafing around him while punching him with Strength mode. He couldn't turn fast enough to get a shot off. :D

Also, had a scripting bug at the part where the black dude's (can't remember his name) suit malfunctions and he's slowly freezing to death. You're supposed to lead him to safety, but the rock wall blocking my path was not cleared for some reason. So I spent a few minutes wandering around, wondering wtf to do, while the guy froze to death. He dies, I reload the save and try again, same thing happens. Finally had to start from the beginning of the damn level to sort it out.

Also at the part where the scientist chick gets on the VTOL, she got blocked by me standing in front of her, the VTOL took off without her actually getting on, then a few seconds later she disappeared.
Is there a screenshot key for Crysis? Ive been having no luck as of yet...
That just gave me black...but it turns out that Fraps works! :)

Also, can someone please tell me how to defeat the pair of tanks while you and Psycho are rescueing the female research member?
I punched some cars until they were damaged enough then drove them into the tanks so they would explode (or at least with a few more shots). Also I think it takes like 8-10 grenades but that's not a luxury you have for 2.
That just gave me black...but it turns out that Fraps works! :)

Also, can someone please tell me how to defeat the pair of tanks while you and Psycho are rescueing the female research member?

Use the rocket launchers lying in the house.
God knows I looked everywhere for those but I apparently did it the hard/fun way.
Im still pissed off about the whole damn thing. Its amazing what fanboys will sacrifice to continue their ass kissing. The fact of the matter is every video they have released for this game is a ****ing lie. Ive been reading the InCrysis forums periodically and I'm shocked by the number of people defending crytek with the reasoning that "You shouldnt expect to be able to run the game with all the settings on high!".

**** that, I paid 60 bucks so I could play the game advertised, not a retarded stepchild. "the game is still the best at medium graphics!!!!" Oh ya? Fist yourself, it looks like shit. Id rather play TFC.

I like ranting, someone disagree quick

/round of applause. Seriously - sums up my opinions of the demo perfectly. Exactly why I didn't pickup retail.

BTW, does anyone actually play the Multiplayer?
Not their fault / problem your PC sucks.
It's their fault they didn't design their engine better. I really don't agree with the whole "we're designing a game for hardware that doesn't exist yet" bullshit.
It's their fault they didn't design their engine better. I really don't agree with the whole "we're designing a game for hardware that doesn't exist yet" bullshit.

As I said earlier, the game runs on 9800 pros... those definitely don't exist yet. :|
Yet you'll be on the same boat of complaining about how the graphics suck if they did support your crappy DX7 card...
Well I'm having fun with it, even if I do die in Delta in stupid ways sometimes. I'm having issues escorting the guy out of the freezing zone -- that fight is a pain in the balls. Bitch died right after the cutscene out of the vally finished too.