Crysis Talk(Everything Crysis here)


Dec 15, 2006
Reaction score
I came across this site yesterday and spent like 5 hours watching these videos alot i have not seen before. I thought you guys might want to check them out.

When will Crysis be released?
Crysis is planned to be released EA's fiscal year 2007, which means April 2007 - March 2008. Most likely we'll see Crysis in stores in Q2 2007, though. (April - June 2007) Don't believe any release date on any site other than the official one.

Will there be a demo and when?Yes, there will be a demo or two. However, no one knows when exactly yet. It's supposed to be before the release of the retail version. Also, it could be single player, multiplayer or both.

Will Crysis run on my computer?
It is estimated that Crysis will run on a computer of the specifications:
3.0Ghz or equavalent processor
1 gig of RAM
DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card (high end).
(All values are estimates, and are subject to change closer to the release date. It is unknown whether Crysis will run well on such a computer.)

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If anyone here is wondering if Crysis is coming out on the 360 read this.

Finally Electronic Arts and Crytek have confirmed that Crysis will arrive at Xbox 360. The articles are many that we have read on the difficulties to program CryEngine 2, and that this are compatible as well in consoles, but EA has announced that will put the infrastructure necessary to make profitable the costs of development of this version. They have not specified a date of launching, but the producer does not want that it goes away beyond the first quarter of 2008, because it would not have sense to send it so behind schedule with respect to the market of the PC and would harm the global sales. Of the arrival to PlayStation 3 they have not meant nothing, adding that, they continue studying the different possibilities that the console of Sony offers.

I cant wait for this game its going;(
I still see it as an interactive benchmark. But I'll probably play it all the way through anyway (like farcry).
I cant wait for this game its going;(

You just want it so bad because you want something to showcase your pc with, you spent the african continent's gdp on your pc so you want something to justify it. :imu:
I've seen nor heard anything about this game to justify it being on any sort of "Games I'm Looking Forward To" lists.
You just want it so bad because you want something to showcase your pc with, you spent the african continent's gdp on your pc so you want something to justify it. :imu:

Thats not true
EDIT: Who am i kidding. yes
i never got through far cry; and instincts on the 360 got about 30 minutes game play from me...

i doubt this'll entertain me for more than 10 tbh. ;(
ive seen some footage of this game and it looks badass.
glad i got my new pc so i can run this bitch!
I'll save many a people's time.


Far Cry Instincts Predator was shit. Crysis looks like the same thing with better graphics and aliens.

Of course, we won't know until we play it will we?
Oooo I haven't seen these gameplay videos yet, downloading :)

Edit: :sleep: bleh @ the multiplayer...
I don't have high hopes. I mean, I'm sure it will be fun, I didn't find Far Cry terrible (but far from great), it's just I really don't like the direction. It seems far too cumbersome, and the approach is graphics, graphics, graphics, whereas I'd rather see story and gameplay.

Upgradeable weapons, nano-suit, punch down doesn't appeal to me at all. I’m with Lucid.
It should be a very good game, but i'll be very very very surprised if it plays as well as it looks.

Very surprised.

Multiplayer sounds like it should be entertaining if it is balanced at all. It also sounds alot like Conkers Bad Fur Days (Xbox Live) Multiplayer. Which ain't a bad thing as Conkers kicked ass.
I'm updating my system to nv8850 or r600 plus 4 core intel cpu two weeks before crysis release date. This game is the real next gen for PC just like GOW for x360.
I dunno Samon, Upgradeable weapons and nano-tech seems like a good gameplay addition. for instance upgrades like that worked well in the Deus Ex series (I prefered the second one to the first). but then again both of those had a good story, so I'm not sure if Farcry will be good. I foudn the first moderately bearable, but I had a crap system so I cba with it.
I'm updating my system to nv8850 or r600 plus 4 core intel cpu two weeks before crysis release date. This game is the real next gen for PC just like GOW for x360.
Besides, Alan Wake seems more next-gen than Crysis tbh, and it's coming out for both the 360 and PC :)
The thing with upgradeable weapons is if by doing it you expand the arsenal or limit it. I don't how much is known about in Crysis , but for example in Stalker it limits the aresenal via the fact that you can add a scope , scilencer , grenade launcher and so on to the same weapon , rendering all the others quite usless.

I prefer un-upgradeable weapons , at least in the common use of it. It's better to have unique weapons , each with its relevant advantages. That way you won't stick to only one gun and use or even have to use the others as well.

The nano suit powers addition is something I don't like. From what we know , there is no system of using it , limitations of when , how and how much. You just press a button and that's it. Having no strings attached to it just seems to be simillar to cheats , you press one button and you are stronger\faster\so on.. sorta like a way for Crytek to ease the game for us rather than deepening the gameplay.
The nano suit powers addition is something I don't like. From what we know , there is no system of using it , limitations of when , how and how much. You just press a button and that's it. Having no strings attached to it just seems to be simillar to cheats , you press one button and you are stronger\faster\so on.. sorta like a way for Crytek to ease the game for us rather than deepening the gameplay.

um, your suit energy actually limits excessive use of an aspect. Like armour uses your suit energy up to deflect bullets, so it will only drain quickly when your being shot, so there is a definite limitation.

It's the same with the weapons, as crytek claim the AI actually has a sensitivity to sound and direction of sound so you won't want to really go into an enemy infested forest all guns blazing giving your position away constantly. You have to decide if you want to be clever about it and be stealthy with the silencer attached, or a better scope.

Or you just equip the nade launcher and an iron sight, use incindiary bullets and rip everything to shreds. I actually prefer to have the choice rather than a static prefix as a weapon that is best suited for one situation. That and it just makes you feel like more of a badass.
Yea , but if all the upgrades you mentioned are avilable all on one or two guns , it makes all the others useless.

The nano suit powers just don't sound exciting to me.
I still see it as an interactive benchmark. But I'll probably play it all the way through anyway (like farcry).

Apparently the game is shorter in length to complete than Farcry.....

Thank f*ck for that!

Oops my finger slipped and clicked Spore ;)
That and it just makes you feel like more of a badass.

Suit yourself man, i always thought badass was breaking people's necks and killing people with my bare hands in Chronicles Of Riddick. Which was fairly badass.

I really need to buy that game.
It is estimated that Crysis will run on a computer of the specifications:
blah... blah...

If anyone here is wondering if Crysis is coming out on the 360 read this.
Since the game is still a few months off from release Crytek has spoken very little about the system requirements. Here's a good link for reliable info on system specs etc.:

The "Crysis for 360" quote is from a Spanish April fools joke, which was published in December 28th 2006 (Day of the Innocents in Spain). So, it's just a prank.
Since the game is still a few months off from release Crytek has spoken very little about the system requirements. Here's a good link for reliable info on system specs etc.:

The "Crysis for 360" quote is from a Spanish April fools joke, which was published in December 28th 2006 (Day of the Innocents in Spain). So, it's just a prank.

Thanks for the link, I'm still pondering whether or not to upgrade to vista when it comes out. Ugh... gotta backup and reinstall everything... arf.