Crytek better than source?

Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil

Sorry, try again, CryTek, as well as Source, as well as any engine can be used for mods. I just dont think you fully understand what the argument is about.
EDIT: for some reason your quote didnt show up
some other games use source as well, like vampire masquerade.

LOL! No. Not some other games use it. Vampire masquerade is the ONLY game that uses it, and that game doesnt look next generation to me at all. It looks average compared to games that have been out for a year or so. I hope thats not representative of the quality of visuals that source is capable of.

From the looks of things so far there will be more CS clone mods than third party games developed by profesionals using Source.
Originally posted by farva_man
LOL! No. Not some other games use it. Vampire masquerade is the ONLY game that uses it, and that game doesnt look next generation to me at all. It looks average compared to games that have been out for a year or so. I hope thats not representtive of the quality of visuals that source is capable of.

From the looks of things so far there will be more CS clone mods than third party games developed by profesionals using Source.

Welcome back Doom3>HL2
ok ok easy easy, theorignalevil master, that's not need to insult people with words like moronic or stuff alike.

vampire masquerade is not a mod, it's rpg game using source engine, u agree with that? i guess it's yes, ok therefore source is not only built for hl2. they will have tf2 with source engine as a standalone product and valve will maybe produce other standalone titles with source engine. so source engine is not solely for hl2.

When i said: "i'm sure u have some points there", i'm honest, i just want to find out something that i may miss.
Ok, gamevoodoo, I know what your saying. Maybe I just can't explain this correctly. Sure a game can license the Source engine... but HL2 is the original base game for source. I doubt the ID was thinking of Call of Duty, when they were making Quake3. Sure Call of Duty can use the Quake3 engine, but its just that... Quake3 engine.
no problem, i cant help it, his "points" dont make any sense. Hes saying Source is better becasue it was made specially for HL2. Big deal. CryTek was made for FarCry. Doom3 engine was made for Doom3, etc. His other point was that mods can be made from the Source engine. Again, not a valid point, mods can be created using any engine. He hasnt made a single argument that actually refers to the engines capabilities.

anyways, this was an A-B conversation so Ill C my way out ;) good luck
The stalker engine is better than source.

Stalker engine can do EVERYTHING source can but looks 100x better. Stalker engine can even have entire apartment complexes with windows actually modeled, and you can enter every room. Source cant even have a city block with windows modeled, they have to make the windows a texture and it looks silly. Stalker engine just looks better and doesnt lack any functionality over source.
NO lmfao... Never did I say source is better because it was made specifically for HL2. I'm just going to stop posting on this topic, because it looks like its getting out of hand.

I made the comment that Source is better then Cry... That was an opinion after the fact, because there is NOWAY any of us could prove that source or cry are better. OK, I'm done with that topic.

This is a different topic:

sry hl2 has far greater capabilities, and I'm not just saying that.

it is impossible to confirm that at this point... but from what I have gathered, yes that is my opinion I guess. Sry. Until then noone can confirm that Cry engine capabilities are better then Source or viceversa.

Voodoo made this comment:
first of all, i'm talking about engine, why do u even mention hl2?!!

All I wanted to say is Source is built for HL2... so whether you use HL2 or Source, its the same thing.

Voodoo Made this:

source is not just built for hl2, it's also for mods. some other games use source as well, like vampire masquerade

Source was developed for HL2, HL2 wasn't developed because of Source. What more can I say?

Voodoo just thinks that Source wasn't created for HL2 specifically and I am trying to tell him it is.
LAFF @ lonederanger!! ROOFLES!

Surly your just baiting me and dont really belive that.
Originally posted by farva_man
LAFF @ lonederanger!! ROOFLES!

Surly your just baiting me and dont really belive that.

Smart one eh? All too many trolls have fallen for that one. All right, we'll continue this game at another place and time.
ok ok easy, let's end this topic, let's just enjoy the upcoming videogaming life. Good luck all!!