Crytek better than source?

Originally posted by M374llic4
I think i remember seeing a dinosaur in one of the videos ; )
This game has dinosaurs? Suddenly I'm more interested.
But I have to say - I can't quite get past the cartoonish brightness of the textures... Also, I don't like the models so much, but then I haven't taken quite as in-depth a look at it as I perhaps should.
Which is why I'm d/l'ing the 75mb vid right now.
The lo polygon count system they have, "polybump" they call it is impressive. And the draw distance outstrips anything seen in any other game, including hl2. I know the hl2 wall thing with normal maps looks impressive and it will be interesting how the two compare in terms of performance.

If any of you havn't watched the cryEngine tech demo movie I'd urge you to watch it now. Looks very impressive although I do admit some of the physics looks like it needs tweaking, keep an eye out for the car that appears to fly sideways at 300mph out of an explosion at one point.

All in all I think a range of developable engines with fantastic dev tools like source and cryengine appear to have can only bode well for pc games releases over the next few years. With stalker, cryEngine, Source and possibly doom3 (i say possibly because the details of the physics engine have not been released) things are definitely looking up. It does look like the days of the quake3 engine are at an end and the resource hungry unreal2 engine never really got going. The ut2k3 engine may have the floor swiped from under it aswell, a lot of ut2k3 mods are moving over to source and if the multiplayer capabilities of source are as impressive as the singleplayer then I think the bf1942 engine modders will probably move over pretty quickly as well if they can get similar features for vehicles etc with improved netcode.
Originally posted by MoJo|Night
The lo polygon count system they have, "polybump" they call it is impressive. And the draw distance outstrips anything seen in any other game, including hl2. I know the hl2 wall thing with normal maps looks impressive and it will be interesting how the two compare in terms of performance.
The normal mapping IS polybump, in a sense :)
Doom III use it too, and I beleive they said HL2 will use it on some characters too (for example we see it on Alyx chest (not those two, the upper part ;))).
Polybump is just a step further from just normal mapping, they LOD in between.
so many idiots here.

I know for a fact that if someone said stalker or farcry were actually HL2 mods 99.999% of the people in here would worship them.
I would much rather have 500 kick ass games that I cant stop having fun with then one game that I play because...

well I don’t own stock in valve...

I don’t make money if it sells better then every other game...

I even need to pay for it...

But there are many people that cant take their heads out of valves ass in this forum and its just sick.

Some people have their head buried so deep they can’t admit when another company has done a good thing.
What’s even more amazing is the number of experts on the games story line.

They know so much more then the rest of us… they know what HL2 will have for a story… even though NOTHING has been released about it. Nothing is known about stalker, farcry, doom, or any other of these games stories. But we have the HL2 nerds with their heads so far up valves ass that they just know for a fact that only HL2 can have a good story. I'm sorry for getting rude but you people are down right pathetic fanboys and the stupid vs. threads need to go.
To sum up what you just said in a word would be : fanboys. Their bound to run rampant on a HL2-specific board. While HL2 IS my most looked forward too, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is close behind as is Max Payne 2. I agree though, if people dont get their heads out of Valves ass they will miss so many great games in the next year, this is going to be one of the better 6-12 month game periods in a looooooong time.

Edit: However, be prepared for some nasty feedback from the people that worship the ground Valve walks on
Originally posted by Anwar
I know for a fact that if someone said stalker or farcry were actually HL2 mods 99.999% of the people in here would worship them.
Good call.
Just out of interest, does anyone know of any kind of estimated min specs for STALKER or Far Cry?

Or Deus Ex2, for that matter...
Originally posted by Bass
To sum up what you just said in a word would be : fanboys. Their bound to run rampant on a HL2-specific board. While HL2 IS my most looked forward too, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is close behind as is Max Payne 2. I agree though, if people dont get their heads out of Valves ass they will miss so many great games in the next year, this is going to be one of the better 6-12 month game periods in a looooooong time.

Edit: However, be prepared for some nasty feedback from the people that worship the ground Valve walks on
Everything gets hyped, cant avoid it :)
For my own part, I cant see why Max Payne 2 seems to win so many fans. It looks just like Max Payne to me, with a little bump in the polycounts.
I think Stalker/Far Cry/Doom III (well that ones obvious) will all exceed HL2s requirements.
Probably P4 2.4 and above, 512-1024 Ram at least, 128 MB DX9 compatible card, but I dont know

As for DX2, I think its requirements will be equal to or less than HL2s
Originally posted by dawdler
Everything gets hyped, cant avoid it :)
For my own part, I cant see why Max Payne 2 seems to win so many fans. It looks just like Max Payne to me, with a little bump in the polycounts.

Maybe it is, doesnt bother me, why tamper with a great game? I could live with a continuation of the story/gamplay with improved visuals. MP1 is in my top 5 all time.
These threads always end bitterly. Argument is unneccissary - everyone's entitled to their oppinion, and nobody should take offense from anyone's point of view. Of course there are going to be people who will disagree with each other, but surely we've had enough threads like these to know that not one person is ever going to change anyone else's mind. I don't know about you guys, but to me these engine "vs" threads are getting old. It's all been said a hundred times before.
Probably P4 2.4 and above, 512-1024 Ram at least, 128 MB DX9 compatible card, but I dont know -Bass
Nah, I read that D3's min was about 1Ghz, which is still a bastard and a half, but not quite as bad as your speculation. But with the other two, you mightn't be too far off considering the size of the game-worlds.
I wasnt talking minimums though. I mean the minimum specs on the box mean you can pretty much install the game and run it at the lowest setting. hell, even most recommended specs on the box will only allow you to play the game at med. details at best
There's some min specs for stalker on their site I think. I've not looked for a while but from what i remember the processor specs are similar to hl2. I don't think the engine scales down as far as source does in terms of old gfx card as far as dx6 though. CryTek said a long time back that they were working to reduce the specs on these things. And bare in mind all of the games above have not reached beta yet, and in some cases not even alpha. The tweaking and optimising should bring their specs down.
That is why I cannot argue against the argument for consoles and against computers (this is the only argument I take the console side on) that at least with consoles you know every game coming out will run and run the way it is supposed to, and you dont have to worry about upgrading or buying a new rig every 6 months.
Well I am not really worried what FarCry and Deus Ex 2 will require as these are both games I feel I will pass over.
I've noticed a lot of talk about Deus Ex 2, but it's Thief III I'm really looking forward to, out of the next gen of games after HL2.
The reason I dont look forward to DX2 is that apparently the whole interface has undergone a major dumbing down as the console version is to be indentical. I also read on one of the gamesites that the visuals already look dated and the game isnt even out yet.
I think DX2 should be quite a bit of fun - the visuals should be pretty good by today's standards, but more importantly, there's always the havoc physics to keep us tinkering around :)
In fairness to DX2 some of the people who have tried it recently at dev shows have come away praising the new interface so I'll reserve judgment until I've played it i think.

As for the gfx looking dated there's only splinter cell and postal 2 that use shadows properly on the markeet at the moment so quite how dx2 can look dated is beyond me. Plus dx2 isn't really just an fps shooter it's more of an rpg at times aswell and hisotrically they've not been as graphically intense as fps games.

Games are just starting to use DX8 properly it's about time games caught up with hardware and with all these new engines coming out it looks like it might finally happen.
Im not trying to cut down DX2 at all, I just feel it may (key word may) get lost somewhat in the shuffle what with HL2, and Doom 3 primed for release in the next few months.
Originally posted by Bass
I also read on one of the gamesites that the visuals already look dated and the game isnt even out yet.
Perhaps, but then DX1 looked a bit rubbish when it was released and that didn't hamper it from being one of the best games of all time (IMHO, at the very least). Eye-candy isn't where DX's appeal lies.
If all goes well, it'll be absolutely great. And I see nothing wrong with simplifying the interface somewhat - the old one was always a little cumbersome and very RPG.
Who cares how good it looks? It's the story/gameplay that makes the game. Not the graphics

btw, Far Cry doesn't have the largest view limit of any game. WW2OL has a view distance of about 4km, and models 1/2 of Europe.
The lo polygon count system they have, "polybump" they call it is impressive. And the draw distance outstrips anything seen in any other game, including hl2. I know the hl2 wall thing with normal maps looks impressive and it will be interesting how the two compare in terms of performance.
The Crytek polybump system and the system they use on the rock walls in HL2 is identical. It's a native feature in DX8 hardware.
Yeah ww2ol has a large draw distance but it's not a very detailed landscape from what i seem to remember but that being said I haven't seen it since a very early build and I know how the ww2ol community hates people commenting on it without seeing later builds so I'll keep bow to your knowledge good sir.
"The Crytek polybump system and the system they use on the rock walls in HL2 is identical. It's a native feature in DX8 hardware."

Crytek ship out kits for their polybump stuff so if it's native then I can only assume they are selling tools for making the stuff or maybe prebuilt texture and normal map sets or something.
I'm with you Anwar. Stalker looks great, far cry looks good, doom3 should be a good game, dx2 should be good. I am probbly looking forward to hl2 and stalker the most but people need open minds when it comes to games, just because they think hl2 will be good doesn't mean they have to insult other games and/or the people who show an interest in them.
yeah I want HL2 bad :)

guys you just got to see that stalker vid though. If you have not seen it you are missing out I promise you that!

they are increasing the standards for PC games and thats great news for all of us.
Originally posted by Anwar
I dare you to watch this video

Then say that stalker is crap without telling a tall one.

BTW I did not see it before my other posts I just wanted to do more stalker research because of the people here bashing it... that’s a high quality in game video clip. It looks incredible to say the least. Quality work and impressive physics can be seen in that preview.

Bashing? Ive been singing the praises of this game wherever I can and to whoever will listen, more so than anyone else on this board. Watch the Chernobyl video to game transition :eek:
Originally posted by Adam
When both shots are as low quality and small as that, even Half-Life 1 could replicate a scene like that and fool you...

^^ an example of a guy that just said something with no research.

you do know that Chernobyl had a nuclear meltdown and they had to cover it with tons concrete so you won’t be getting too many current accurate pictures of what it looked like back when it was running…. If you watch the vid I posted above you will see a much bigger picture of it. And that is a pre-alpha version wow. I am definatly getting a new dx9 vid card for all the pretty bumpmaps they use.
Then say that stalker is crap without telling a tall one
There is no way of making an effective guess at the quality of gameplay in Stalker, as no-one has played it and because they are an unproven company. I'm not impressed by empty (pretty) worlds and demos of standard physics features like ragdoll.
yo anwar, I didnt watch the vid, but as I posted above, is it the one that goes seamlessly from a video of Chernobyl into the game? if it is that is the most impressive reality to game transition I have ever seen. I nearly crapped myself when I first watched that a month or two ago
Crytek ship out kits for their polybump stuff so if it's native then I can only assume they are selling tools for making the stuff or maybe prebuilt texture and normal map sets or something.
The method you use to generate your normal maps is different, and that is what they ship out. But the actual implementation of the shader on the hardware is a standard DX8 function.
"I'm not impressed by empty (pretty) worlds and demos of standard physics features like ragdoll."

Fair enough until we see the game in action and get chance to play it. However there are some trailers on their site from a while back of combat and action and they do look impressive, also someone did a hands on combat with the AI a while back and they were very impressed with the team AI. I can't remember where it was but try and search if you are interested.

Plus the whole evolving gameworld and rpg aspect of stalker has really interested me. The fact that a rival npc stalker might finish the game instead of you is interesting, you can even help them to do it.
Yeah Im anxious to see how the trading aspect of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. plays out