Crytek better than source?

I'm gonna get me a pentium 6 cubic optical processor (no hs/fan required!) and play Doom7 and HL6 head-socket matrix style!
Its not the engine its the game design that matter. Just because i use source to make a game and it looks good doesn't mean people will play it for 5 min and not get bored if it sux.

ultimately source will beat these other engines because their engine is made with moding in mind. What i mean by this is that the diversity and expansion of concepts will be greater in my opinion then these other engines.
Originally posted by droper
Its not the engine its the game design that matter. Just because i use source to make a game and it looks good doesn't mean people will play it for 5 min and not get bored if it sux.

ultimately source will beat these other engines because their engine is made with moding in mind. What i mean by this is that the diversity and expansion of concepts will be greater in my opinion then these other engines.

yeah that's right, so when we are comparing engines, we shouldn't talk about the games that are produced by them.

i'm 100% positive that hl2 doesn't use source to max and that source can still be modified or improved. but so are other engines, we usually heard that "such game is built on such heavilly modified engine".
Yes, so in theory we could mod Source to create the kind of lighting effects Doom III has and it would be ironic, since Half-Life 2 would have a client side addon that makes its lighting as good or better than Doom III, and yet Doom III won't even be out yet.

Seriously people, you know your all going to buy HL2, Far Cry, and Stalker. Doom 3, eh idk, depends if you like pretty stuff. So stop the stupid debate. HL2 and STALKER currently have the best engines, followed by Far Cry and Doom3. They're all good FOR THE GAMES THEY'RE MAKING. For instance, Far Cry's engine would suck for HL2. HL2's engine would suck for STALKER. STALKERS engine would suck for DOOM 3, etc etc. They're all good so stop the stupid pointless debating. End of story.
Originally posted by guinny
They're all good so stop the stupid pointless debating. End of story.

Theres nothing wrong with constructive debates. I see no reason why this seems to offend you. Its a part of life to have discussions with people. Please do not enter the converstation with the only intent of showing how much you want the nice discussion to end. Thank you.
Originally posted by Adam
Theres nothing wrong with constructive debates. I see no reason why this seems to offend you. Its a part of life to have discussions with people. Please do not enter the converstation with the only intent of showing how much you want the nice discussion to end. Thank you.
Well said.
Originally posted by Lifthz
Crytek > Source engine.

Crytek > Source engine.
X-Ray > Source engine.
Doom3 > Source engine.
Halo > Source engine.
Secret Agent Barbie > Source engine.
Originally posted by Adam
Theres nothing wrong with constructive debates. I see no reason why this seems to offend you. Its a part of life to have discussions with people. Please do not enter the converstation with the only intent of showing how much you want the nice discussion to end. Thank you.

Are you ever going to cut the acting smart and mature bullshit? Your probably a 13 year old kid who sits on the forums all day long.

Don't take offense to that, I'm cranky. All I I'm saying is, the debates dead, it's old, and pointless. It's been discussed to death, and the outcome has been neutral, nothing gained, nothing lost.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Crytek > Source engine.
X-Ray > Source engine.
Doom3 > Source engine.
Halo > Source engine.
Secret Agent Barbie > Source engine.

Source> Halo 1 engine

Don't try to push words, I just know that the Source engine isn't the best engine coming out soon, that's all. Doesn't mean the game won't necessarily be the best.
unless you're a game designer this debate of which is better shouldnt really matter
they both look like killer engines(by killer i mean your cpu dying)
Originally posted by Lifthz
Source> Halo 1 engine

Don't try to push words, I just know that the Source engine isn't the best engine coming out soon, that's all. Doesn't mean the game won't necessarily be the best.

Different engines are better for different purposes. There is no single best engine in all categories.
Yes, it is possible for an engine to be considered overally better. That's how we can decide that Source > Halo 1 engine.
Originally posted by Lifthz
Yes, it is possible for an engine to be considered overally better. That's how we can decide that Source > Halo 1 engine.

Well Halo 1 is a much older engine. Obviously Source is better then any engine released within the past 2 years.

However with the new crop of engines comming out, it's hard to decide which one is best overall.
No. There's been a rumor going around that they might cancel it due to the devs. running out of funds. Actually the rumor is true, so they need some company to either help them out or buy them, I think it will happen...
Maybe Valve, could make some extra money *wink*:D
Originally posted by guinny
Are you ever going to cut the acting smart and mature bullshit? Your probably a 13 year old kid who sits on the forums all day long.

Don't take offense to that, I'm cranky. All I I'm saying is, the debates dead, it's old, and pointless. It's been discussed to death, and the outcome has been neutral, nothing gained, nothing lost.

Actualy I'm 21 years old. I'm also a graduate with a degree in business programming. The debate can't really be dead if we are still talking about it. It doesn't matter how long a subject has been discussed. For instance, the question about the meaning of life has been discussed since the begining of our time and yet not a single person complains about people overly debating the subject. Theres more outcome to a discussion than seeing who is correct, theres the obvious 'Something to do, just to pass the time' reason, including the simple fun it is in learning new things people might talk about, and seeing the differences of opinions and their meaning. I play no act, I believe in being yourself, and not having to pretend to be something your not just to be on everyones good side. If they don't like who I am, too bad, it won't bother me much unless they believe what they see is some kind of act like you did.
I have been aware of this game far longer then HL2. Before i knew about HL2 this was the game i had to have. It is quite amazing, but i think HL2 ownes the **** out it. Everything looks so plastic in farcry. But i still cant wait to have it : D . I think i remember seeing a dinosaur in one of the videos ; )
No one engine has everything thus one can't be totally superior. I'd say Far Cry(crytek) is amazing with its huge environments/draw distance, but no way is its physics or lighting better than other engines (let alone all the other stuff that makes an engine good).

-Physics is mediocre (the ropes hanging from the helicopter don't sway realistically- even when the helicopter flies away). Physics also doesn't apply to people (clipping, people don't react to being shot)
-Lighting is not Doom3 quality- none of the stencil shadows fall onto the characters, only on the world. Also, if you watch the video at the part where the lamp is shot and the shadows move around, you'll see it is casting the shadow of the lamp's grate- not supposed to happen because the grate is so close to the bulb= not real stencil shadowing (and no diffusion but no game can do that yet).
Originally posted by Styloid
No one engine has everything thus one can't be totally superior. I'd say Far Cry(crytek) is amazing with its huge environments/draw distance, but no way is its physics or lighting better than other engines (let alone all the other stuff that makes an engine good).

-Physics is mediocre (the ropes hanging from the helicopter don't sway realistically- even when the helicopter flies away). Physics also doesn't apply to people (clipping, people don't react to being shot)
-Lighting is not Doom3 quality- none of the stencil shadows fall onto the characters, only on the world. Also, if you watch the video at the part where the lamp is shot and the shadows move around, you'll see it is casting the shadow of the lamp's grate- not supposed to happen because the grate is so close to the bulb= not real stencil shadowing (and no diffusion but no game can do that yet).

The shadows fall on characters in FarCry26.jpg at (it's the middle one in the bottom row), not sure if that's a 'stencil' shadow, but if they can do that I imagine they can do other shadows as well, but I just thought I'd point that out to you, it sounds like you know more about graphics than I, so is your opinion of Far Cry's lighting the same after seeing that shot?

Another question, this time for anyone, FarCry146.jpg at (3rd one in top row), That's pre-rendered/concept art, right?? Cuz that looks AWESOME for an in-game shot.
Well out of the current crop of next-gen games around the corner here is my breakdown:

Doom3: Looks cartoony rather than real but is amazing in its own style.

FarCry: Like the look of everything other than the gun models. They look cheap and straight outta HL1 on something that old.

STALKER: Looks cool despite looking alittle too faded. The player and gun models are ugly as hell. Physics look promising (ie. suspension on the car.)

Max Payne 2: Great player, npc and world models. Very realistic, and perfect as far as 3rd person perspective.

HL2: *Overall* the most realistic looking out of the lot. As someone said before, they just got the look and feel of it perfect. Very realistic all around (plus I like the pistol model the best out of all of them.)

I am looking forward to all of these titles... This truly is a grand time for pc gamers. The bar has been raised, for the next 3 to 4 years atleast.
Farcry looks like the most powerful engin out there at the moment, the ability to do out door enviroments with that big a view distance and detail is incredible and to be able to merge that with indoor areas and decent lighting has never even been aproached before. HL may well be a better game and the artists may make better use of the engin but to me source doesnt look as incredable as crytek.
Originally posted by Adam
Actualy I'm 21 years old. I'm also a graduate with a degree in business programming. The debate can't really be dead if we are still talking about it. It doesn't matter how long a subject has been discussed. For instance, the question about the meaning of life has been discussed since the begining of our time and yet not a single person complains about people overly debating the subject. Theres more outcome to a discussion than seeing who is correct, theres the obvious 'Something to do, just to pass the time' reason, including the simple fun it is in learning new things people might talk about, and seeing the differences of opinions and their meaning. I play no act, I believe in being yourself, and not having to pretend to be something your not just to be on everyones good side. If they don't like who I am, too bad, it won't bother me much unless they believe what they see is some kind of act like you did.

well said
Supangr that looks retouched It's too... I dunno Im lacking the words here but whatever it is it's too much! :)
Has it occured to anyone that what might be better in Crytek, can actually be done in HL2 with a REALLY good coding team? I dont know how open Source is though... But my guess is that its very open :)

I like how Far Cry looks... But somehow I have doubts about it. NO game I have ever seen has done anything like it, because computers are to slow for it... What makes Far Cry so fast it can be done for a majority of players?

Also, the physics in the techdemo just stinks compared the rest of the games. Soldiers fall like they weigh 300kg, and instantly stops all movement. Cars do the same, they fly like birds (for example when blown up), but once they hit ground, they stop very fast.
dawdler, it works the same the otherway around. HL2 may be done in crytek engine with a good coding team.

edit: fixed my stupid sentence.
dawdler's right about the physics, on one of the videos he snipes a man on a rope bridge which causes the man to do a 300mph backflip which looks no where near as good, compared to HL2's ragdoll physics.
What I don't like with Farcry:
The fire looks really bad compared to HL2, and so does some of the textures. The characters move in a weird way, and they look a bit plastic. Some of the trees are 2D (like in OP: Flashpoint). The shadows looks good, but not realistic. The physics are strange, sometimes like UT2003. The "LOD" system is really noticeable (is that a word?)

I have to say that Farcry probably is a good game, but not compared to HL2.
I saw FarCry running at ECTS on Friday. Wasn't that impressive.

BTW - You guys do know the difference between stuff that's engine dependant, and stuff that's caused by artwork??
Personally, I dont find either the engine or art design of FC to be really breathtaking.