CS: A weapons breakdown with balance suggestions



hey folks, figured I'd make my first post here a big one. For some reason I enjoy putting my thoughts and opinions in writing, regardless if anyone takes the time to read it.
My intention here is to examine the popularity of all weapons and whether or not they are balanced among their own categories. I'm basing this on my own experience as a CS player (played from beta 5.5 through version 1.6 with a year of hardly playing in between somewhere), and that of a friend who has played as long as I have. I might of course be wrong, I haven't played 1.6 in a long time on-line, only on many LAN parties. Feel free to reply to correct mistakes I might make.
I'll stick to the Average Player's capabilities in this thread.

Right then, here goes. When I say balanced, I don't mean make a pistol as good as an SMG, but the pistols among themselves cost virtually the same, yet are very different in efficiency.

The order of popularity I mostly see for our trusty sidearms:
1. IMI Desert Eagle: it's very powerful, it's completely accurate when crouched, it's not expensive. what more do you need?
2. USP: it's pretty powerful, it retains accuracy while moving, it's free for CTs, and it's stealthy if you want it to be. what more do you need?
3. Glock: cheap, accurate, weak as hell, you need to be trained to kill with this thing. You never see a CT with this baby, because it ain't worth spending your money on. Regular T players can however manage to put a burst into a CTs head for a quick kill.
4. Dual Beretta's: weak as hell, slow reload, very inaccurate, expensive. The only things going for it are the fact that they're really cool and I can empty a full two clips within 3 seconds, because I can click like a maniac. (no scripts of course, that's cheating IMHO). Still, logically speaking, why would you want to buy these in a serious game?
5. FN Five-Seven: I don't know why no one ever chooses this gun, I do all the time. Still, I see more people with beretta's then this one. I suppose it's weak, but pretty accurate and with a large clip of 20 rounds so you can afford to miss and not be forced to reload.
6. Sig Sauer P228: ever see anyone use one of these? Me neither. It's not particularly powerful, it's not very accurate while moving, why would you want to buy this over a deagle or even a glock, aside from the fact that buying it and two extra clips costs exactly your starting 800. Hey, some people like getting their money's worth.

In my opinion, most pistols are too weak to have any impact in gameplay aside from the first 2 rounds. The average player with a pistol will always lose out to the average player with a rifle or SMG, unless they get lucky. The exceptions are the Desert Eagle, which is powerful enough to kill players with automatic weapons. And the USP, which is quick and accurate enough for a few successive headshots in the hands of a player capable of quick aiming.
The result of this, is that after 2 rounds, these are the only two sidearms worth spending your money on. Other pistols will simply get you killed.
Therefor I would suggest the power of the 4 never-used pistols be slightly increased, so that their own advantages aren't so far outclassed by their disadvantages.

Then we proceed to the shotguns:
Benelli M3 Super 90: great weapon for old-skool people. Very powerful, accuracy not really relevant, and it allows you to fire while you reload your shells. It is pretty slow firing against rifles and SMGs though, and especially against it's brother, the XM1013. If you're holding an M3, you can be a killing machine at close range, but you can simply never ever afford to miss.

XM1013: me and my friends (and prolly many others) call this one 'the n00b stick'. It's not as powerful as the M3, but fires so quick that hardly matters. Favoured often by new players who think they're pro players because they killed 3 people with this one at point blank. Not as useful at longer ranges as the M3 though.

Rebalance: Pit an M3 against an XM1013 and the M3 guy needs to get the first shot in for the kill right away or he's toast. The XM can afford to miss a round, the M3 can't. However, suggestions for rebalancing are difficult because of the many differences. A slight increase in speed for the M3 might put it back on the map of weapons used.

On to the SMGs:
1. Mp5, accurate, quick, weapon of choice for rushing players who can aim very fast and go for the headshots. Cheap alternative to a rifle for players who just died.
2-3: TMP and Mac10: essentially the same weapon but for the silencer. Inaccurate, weak, but somehow incredibly magnetic towards the head for people like me, regardless of using short bursts or going full-auto, headshots guaranteed.
4. P90: almost as popular, sometimes more, then 2 and 3. Mostly with new players because of it's 50-round clip and reasonable accuracy. I however hardly ever used it, can't say much about it.
5. UMP: No one uses it except new players who wonder if it's like an improved version of the MP5. It's slow, not very accurate and that alone makes it's slightly more powerful damage irrelevant. Not to mention the smaller clip.

Rebalance: not much to rebalance in this case. 4 out of 5 are used not equally, but all pretty popular. Diversity is plentiful already.

The most used weapons, rifles:
1. Colt m4a1: very accurate, powerful, silent, quick, there's simply no bad side to this weapon if you're smart enough to know it sticks out further then your average weapon. Don't try to hide behind a small crate and pretend your silencer isn't there :)
2. Ak-47: dirt-cheap, very powerful, very accurate in single shots and bursts. One can see why everyone uses it. The silencer and accuracy while going full-auto makes Ts pick up Colts when they get a chance though.
3-4. Steyr Aug and Sig 552 Commando: accurate, zoomable, powerful, pretty much both the same gun and perfect for longer range assaults.
5. IMI Defender: an AK with accuracy traded for even more power. Difficult to use effectively, therefor never used.
6. FAMAS: weak, not too accurate, burst-fire takes has forever as it's refire rate, and the small clip makes it even worse. It sort of feels more like an SMG than a rifle.

Rebalancing: not applicable really. Everyone uses these weapons already. the zoomed weapons are lesser used because they're more expensive and the ranges usually aren't that long. The defender is there for people who desire still more power, and rebalancing it would remove that option. the FAMAS is a laughable excuse for a rifle, and simply has no advantages to it whatsoever. Rebalancing it would require turning it's stats and specs into a colt, and we already have one of those.

Sniper rifles:
1. AWP: extreme power, total accuracy, double zoom. All other aspects of this gun are irrelevant to a sniper except for sound, which none of the CS sniper rifles can muffle.
2. Scout: the lesser power is made up for by the maneuverability. Requires more aim because it takes a headshot for a one-shot-one-kill. If you put the first slug into their chest, they have a chance to run around a corner and tell all their friends where the shot came from.
3-4: G3/SG-1 and Sig 550-P1 Sniper: I use these weapons effectively ALL the time, and seem to be the only one. They are quick-firing enough to make up for the lack of power (compared to the other snipers), doing equal damage over time. The refire rate makes them great for multiple targets. Aim at one, go full auto, switch your aim when the first enemy goes down. All shots missed usually end up in another enemy next to the first guy.
The thing that makes them unpopular isn't the expense, it's what's best described as random accuracy. Crouch, zoom twice, fire. One time you'll be pin-point accurate for 10 shots straight. Another time, the first shot you fire will be 2m from where you were pointing your crosshairs at the time. This makes them unreliable and gets people killed.

Rebalance: the semi-automatic rifles deserve a better place in this world. I've learned to deal with their accuracy problems, but it's hard to do. Make them more accurate, at least more reliably accurate instead of random. I'd be happy to trade in a little power for some accuracy. The Scout vs. AWP fight is one that can't be won by either side. It's easier to use the AWP, because one shot that hits will always kill except for a foot-shot. A shot with a Scout will only kill when it's a headshot. The lack of power is made up for generously by maneuverability and refire rate, but these aspects are only useful to a player that uses them in their style of play. They're balanced, it's just that less people are making use of the Scout's advantages.

Machine guns:
Realisticly, machine guns should be used to pin people down from a static firing position. But that style of play isn't really doable in CS, so I say leave it be as the joker of guns :)

The Shield:
For sake of balance, allow rifles to penetrate the shield (with reduced damage and no penalty in walking speed or it's useless). Removing it alltogether would be a waste, but it could be needed to preserve the CS gameplay that we knew and loved.

Smoke Grenade: virtually useless. It allows you to go through an area without the enemy seeing you, but all it does is tell the enemy exactly which area you'll be running through in about 2 seconds, allowing them to hud_center_id your ass and shoot you.

Rebalance: make it a gas grenade perhaps. Or disable the showing of ID tags when aiming at a player through smoke, so that they can be used for what they're meant to do, like traverse a position that is covered by an enemy sniper.

Alright folks, I'm done typing. Why I wrote all this down? beats me, but I wasn't bored for half an hour, so it's good news in my book. I hope someone reads it and leaves their comments, and I hope you'll consider my rebalance suggestions relevant for CS: Source. Thanks.
First off, welcome to the forums.
great read, I agree with a lot of what you said, although I have to admit I end up using the M3 shotty and Silenced USP a lot more (and find them effective)

in fact in CS:S I was surprised by how many headshots I could pull off with my silenced USP now that hitboxes are fixed.

the game has become a game of skill now.. rather than Luck in the old CS.
it allows for consistency in gaming (not one day you get owned, next day you own) now its based on your aim and your knowledge of how the weapons function at different ranges.

as the g-man would say " I am impresssed"
great first post. I agree with your analysis of the pistols in that they are a little too weak for this game. however you should try to get ahold of some time with CS:S.

the smoke grenade is very effective now, as is the frag grenade
Nice post, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

It is strange that some weapons are basically never used, you can play a hundred games and never see someone buy a p228 or a mac10. I was taken aback the last time I saw someone actually buy and use the pathetic "nightvision" goggles in CS 1.6 :LOL:
the defender isnt stronger then the AK
and the famas has really high fire rate

i think the should give regular shotgun a little more power because if u stand next to a guy and he has armor and u shoot right at his body(not head :angel: ) u dont even kill him :/

the autosnipers are overpowered crap guns everybody cry's about awp but the autosnipers are much worse, awp takes a hell lot more skill then the autosnipers
Milo 7 said:
the autosnipers are overpowered crap guns everybody cry's about awp but the autosnipers are much worse, awp takes a hell lot more skill then the autosnipers

I think both are cheeeeeeeeep, thats just my opinion.
Great Post! I agree with almost everything you said. I think the sniper rifles should stay as is. If anybody here has ever hunted, they know what a high velocity rifle round will do to something.......and most body armor manufacturers claim that their body armor is NOT designed to protect against those types of rounds.
smoke grenades can be used for distraction.
do player names show through smoke in CS:S.. I dont think so... I didnt really check.
Yes....they do....as a matter of fact, I managed to get a few kills only because I saw their names.
I often use the smoke grenade in Dust to "block off" one of the entrances to the central area. It gives you a few seconds' grace to get out the other side.

Not sure about your shield comments though - there is no shield in CS:Source
if you watch the videos etc.. that are floating about it looks like u cant see the names through the smoke any how.
also im an avid mac10 user ;) like to get up close and personal when its time to take some one out.
smoke grens are really only good for 2 things, distractions like Glo said, and cover for gettin past an awper in the right situation. Not a fan of the awp myself, just pisses u off when u can get killed from 1 shot instatly, but im not gonna start bitching about it. I can see why ppl like it so much. I do like the delay they added in tho ;)
AWP is fun because you can't afford to miss a lot with it and you have to have really quick reactions and good aim to be able to use it well...Unless of course you are camping in some extremely lame spot like the roof on Miltia.
Great post.
Only two disagreements.
1:Sig Sauer P228. Dident use it alot in CS, mostly becuse of the weak looking/sounding model/sound.But, in CZ, with the new model/alittle beefd up sound, I use it most of the time. Even over a deagle sometimes.Sadly i dont see many other people using it.

2:IMI Defender. Depends on the style i'll play(long/close range). Its more accurate when going full auto, and on midrange to. Personaly, i think this gun is easyer to use than the AK-47. And its not never used, mostly people buy it bacouse they cant aford the ak, but there are people who use it instead sometimes. so, not never, instead, not often.

Other wise, good post. :thumbs:
wow, thanks a lot guys, I never expected to get this many responses already!

The errors in my post are probably caused by my not playing for a while. I never really used the defender myself, I just took the word of other people on that one.

One comment I can't agree with:
"the autosnipers are overpowered crap guns everybody cry's about awp but the autosnipers are much worse, awp takes a hell lot more skill then the autosnipers"

With the horrible accuracy they tend to display at the most inopportune times, these guns tend to get the user killed while they're behind their screen frantically screaming 'HIT SOMETHING DAMNIT'. The autosnipers I believe take more skill.
You're covering a long hall, and an enemy turns the corner. Now say you're reasonably skilled and manage to place the crosshairs on the guy's chest right away for the safest shot.
AWP result: one enemy down
Sig 550 result: one enemy reduced by 40hitpoints about half the time, the other times it simply misses the shot you lined up.
Conclusion, if you're skilled enough to get the first shot in quickly, the AWP is easier to use.

For those who can't manage to place the crosshairs on the target for the first shot, the Sig550 is of course more forgiving. You don't lose your zoomed view and you can just keep firing. However, going full auto doesn't exactly help the already dodgy accuracy. Not to mention if you're firing at a moving target. The G3/SG-1's scope has massive recoil at each shot, and while the crosshair returns the its original position just as you can fire the next shot, it's a bitch to aim in the mean time, because you don't know where you're aiming exactly until you wait for the recoil to end.
This goes especially for vertical movement, since if you aim up after the first shot, the crosshair will still be going down to recover from the recoil. There's no exact telling how far up you're aiming while it does so.
The AWP takes a bit longer to fire again, but when it does, you can simply put the crosshair on their chest and KNOW it will hit there.
conclusion: missing the first shot allows you to make a lucky shot with the Sig550 if the accuracy isn't down the drain. However, the scope's recoil makes it much harder to aim at a moving target then the AWP, with which you know where you're aiming and know it will hit there.

Again, the AWP IMHO is easier to use better.

The difference comes when a group of enemies turns the corner.
The Sig 550 excells here (I've made many a monster kill like you see people do with colts and AK's. The first guy doesn't know what hit him, the second guy almost has me in his crosshairs, the third and fourth can't get their aim straight because they keep getting hit by stray bullets)
Going full auto reduces the chances of hitting where you're aiming exactly by a lot, but when your whole scope is practically filled with a group of enemies, it doesn't really matter where you're hitting who, as long as you're hitting someone.
Also the fact that people hear the typical sound of the Sig or G3 and will think you're a newbie for using it. They turn the corner a little overconfident, allowing you to kill em easily.
The AWP is at a disadvantage here, you kill the first guy, the second, third and fourth know exactly where you are and you can only hit one at a time. Use of cover is advised, but the enemy will know exactly where you'll emerge from it again.
Conclusion: autosnipers are much better then the AWP against a group of enemies, BECAUSE of their lack of accuracy.

total conclusion: autosnipers are harder to use, you can't aim as easily as you can with the AWP, and you can't rely on hitting where you're aiming. They're best use is against groups of players, where you rely on not being able to rely on it :)

Aside from that, I believe no sniper rifle in CS is cheap. A sniper at long range is easily avoided, a sniper at short range is at a great disadvantage to you.
oh, and someone mentioned I should get some CS Source time. I'm afraid that's not possible for me. I don't own CS CZ or an ATI coupon to get me into beta, and I live in the Netherlands, so I doubt there's any internet cafe's here with the game.
Personally I prefer the Galil(sp) over the AK. It's more stable under burst fire. The AK is good on maps where you have to fight over longer ranges.

As for the 'n00b stick', I totallt agree. It has it's uses but you rarely see it in the hands of an experianced player, unless you're on a fy_ map, in which case it's one of the choice weapons becuase of the close range fighting.

I'm looking forward to Wednesday when I get to see what CS:S is like. What I've heared so far is encouraging though! :thumbs:
great 1st post. i agree with almost everything you said... gas grenade will be so cool, but then, we will need some gas mask to buy! :)
"2. Ak-47: dirt-cheap, very powerful, very accurate in single shots and bursts. One can see why everyone uses it. The silencer and accuracy while going full-auto makes Ts pick up Colts when they get a chance though."

i think he meant that Ts pick up a colt because the colt has a silencer and less recoil at full auto.

btw im too noob at these forums to quote single lines properly ;)
Yeah I consider the galil as a less accurate (and much cheaper) M4. Its dammage is comparable as is burst control. While the m4 is superior in both respects, for $2000 the Galil is just an awsome weapon. If I have good reg I can accuractly pop heads with a burst from the galil at medium range.

The Famas needs more ammo to be truely useful.