CS:S Beta for CZ Owners Only? Lame.



I bought Half-Life the day it was released. I've played it through several times, bought and played OpFor, and have been playing various mods ever since. I recommended Half-Life to my friends and family, many of whom went out and bought it. I decided to pass on CZ because it seemed to offer little more than the CS that I've been playing for years.

Ever since the HL2 announcement was made I've kept close track of it's progress, downloading every movie and screenshot available, cursing the hackers who stole the code, and enduring the "September 30" announcement and subsequent delays and disappointment. I've been an enthusiastic fan of Valve since day one.

Now that Valve has an opportunity to reward me and countless others like me, what do they do? They pull this stunt to try to wring out a few more $$$ from us. Lame. I'll not be buying CZ just to play the CS:S beta.

Flame away.
I feel exactly the same. Granted, I haven't been as loyal a fan to Valve and the HL series since day one, but I have been a CS fan for more than 3 years and a DoD fan for about the same time. I gave HL a shot and loved it so I began to closely watch HL2. I think Valve's move here is blatantly profit motivated and is one of the dirtiest stunts pulled in a long time. After all of the delays and push-backs they can't even make an open-beta that everyone could enjoy? I'll save my $40 and wait till HL2 and CS:S come out.. Well put kill-9.
Yes, curse Valv'es money making marketing ploys. It demeans the gaming community by virtually forcing people to buy a second rate videogame. I'll be buying CZ for the beta, the crap thing is the beta only lasts for a certain time, so I'm gonna spend $40 ona crap game to play CS:S for a month. If you out there reading this Valve, why do you make us do this??
I think it's great. The CZ community as a whole is a bit less horrible than the "regular" CS community, so it's nice to know the whole CS Source beta experience won't be totally ruined.
I am a loyal Counter-Strike fan, and exactly because of that i didn't buy CSZ a.k.a. counterstrike done WRONG :p
But like I said in the other thread

I still have my HL2 coupon, maybe that'll count for something.

I did by a Radeon XT to get it, i hope that valve doesn't forget that.
The thing that I do not like is how money hungry VALVe is, the whole reason for making steam was in order to make games cheaper for the customer by taking the cd manufacturing companies out of the picture.

In the beginning VALVe said and was quoted in several interviews that they would be selling games for $20 instead of the $45-50 like you would find in stores because that publishing companies would take about 40% of the profits.

But now they are charging $39.95 for Counter-Strike:CZ which is one of the most worthless games made to date. Almost every mod for HL I have played has more depth & gameplay then CZ.

I can get a cheaper CD version of CS:CZ at my local Frys Electronic store.

And like VALVe does all the time, They lie to the consumers... Time and time again.
Well, I get how you guys feels but think of it this way...

They cant have the whole commmunity playing the beta, that just doesnt make sense, its probably more people than they want to handle. This is the easiest way to narrow down the audience of the beta. Would you rather them randomly select the people who get to beta test, becuase that would piss people off alot quicker, and then you would have no chance to test it. This is an easy way to do it. It will also make them a quick buck, but ya know what, they are in buisness to make money, not dish out free betas of games that they dont even have to put a beta out for.
slicktick said:
They cant have the whole commmunity playing the beta, that just doesnt make sense, its probably more people than they want to handle. This is the easiest way to narrow down the audience of the beta. Would you rather them randomly select the people who get to beta test, becuase that would piss people off alot quicker, and then you would have no chance to test it. This is an easy way to do it. It will also make them a quick buck, but ya know what, they are in buisness to make money, not dish out free betas of games that they dont even have to put a beta out for.

Everyone here knows that CS:CZ has had bad sale because of a crappy product and delays. So VALVe sees that and attaches CS:S BETA on to it in order to boost sales. Then once VALVe finishes testing CS:S beta they will make you pay for the non-beta.

And according to VALVe CS:S (non-beta) is going to be released with Hl2 (that according to Valve) is going to be released this summer/fall...

So everyone knows this beta of CS:S will be out for atleast 3-4 months so I would expect hl2 not until atleast late november - december.. and knowing valve, they are going to wait till early december so that can boost sales on the holiday shopping season.

Everyone here thinks that VALVe has made steam in order to better the consumer. I would say 20-30% is that reason. The other 70-80% is to make money any way they can.
I'm gonna say what I said in the news post comments.

Looks like I'll finally have to go pick up CZ

I personally think its worth it get new models, maps, and hostage AI, plus I get to beta test CS:S, not bad for 39.99, not great, but not bad.
:hmph: Would if you have CS:CZ but do not have it in STEAM? Will they still release the beta to you?
ailevation said:
:hmph: Would if you have CS:CZ but do not have it in STEAM? Will they still release the beta to you?
Probably not :(
Cause they have no way of knowing own CZ, but you'd have to have Steam in order to download and play the beta anyways.
:x Poo, I downloaded CZ and it came with no cd key, to make things suck even worse is that my CZ wont install into Steam! What a bummer.

Yes I know pirating is bad, but I am poor bastard.
ailevation said:
:hmph: Would if you have CS:CZ but do not have it in STEAM? Will they still release the beta to you?

I would say no, because it is an online game, you would have to play it thru steam. But if you mean you havent registered it to your account, then you wont be able to get it, because I assume it will automatically become available for download if you have CZ in your games list.
ailevation said:
:x Poo, I downloaded CZ and it came with no cd key, to make things suck even worse is that my CZ wont install into Steam! What a bummer.

Yes I know pirating is bad, but I am poor bastard.
Hahahaha me points and laughs
* then runs like a little girl* :burp:
Lol, I'll buy it to play the CS:S beta, I don't really care.
nw909 said:
Lol, I'll buy it to play the CS:S beta, I don't really care.
I second that, besides since cz was updated to 1.2 it looked like it would be worth buying.
:naughty: Yeah, I guess it'll be worth buying. Even though CS:CZ is sooo identical to CS, ugh.
ailevation said:
:naughty: Yeah, I guess it'll be worth buying. Even though CS:CZ is sooo identical to CS, ugh.

Except for improved visuals, new hostage ai and exclusive maps. Oh and official bots. But aside from that, yeah, completely identical.
Obviously the CZ community is interested in furthering CS. SO its only logical to give the beta to those who would be most interested in another update.
It just disgusts me to think that people are willing to pay $40 for the same stuff that the community has been making for years (better maps, better models, bots, etc). There is no reason to pay $40 for the crap that is Counter-Strike: Condition Zero... unless you want to play CS:S a month or so before most people. If so, I'd look for a place to get it as cheap as possible. I've seen it for less than $12 (new).

Basically, the only thing that CZ adds to CS multiplayer is slightly more intelligent hostages. Maps, models, bots, etc are already available for free to anyone that wants to download them. Is better hostage pathfinding worth $40?

Unless you reeeeeally like those deleted scene things there is no reason to buy CZ... or, at least, there wasn't until Valve said they would let CZ users play CS:S earlier than the CS fans that knew CZ was a load of useless crap.
well in defense of CZ, its quite fun!!!
i'd say even more so than CS.. and ya know what? i find myself playing CS less and CZ more.

its too bad some of u are harping on how CS was/is free so the CS:S beta should be too.. because the reality is, Valve are in business and now with them in control of CS.. they can do as they wish.

besides i remember quite a pple laughing at those of us who went out and bought CZ.. do i need to ask who should be laughing now? :p
What's wrong with "harping" on the fact that people are paying for a product that they already own (minus the hostage AI)? Normally, when you pay for something you want to get something good in return. CZ somehow defies that logic and yet it still sells. Also, now that people are just buying CZ to get CS:S, Valve is essentially selling the right to play an unfinished game for a short period before it is available to everyone else. Didn't several places say that CS:S was going to be free to people that buy HL2 (ie: everyone here)? Was something misinterpreted?

CZ was a pointless stopgap between CS and CS:S. It's not like the CS community was getting restless and starting to leave in droves. They would have kept playing much more than long enough to last until CS:S was ready. CZ just played on their fans' impatience to milk money out of them. Perhaps it wouldn't have been so bad if the first of, what, four (?) developers had finished the game and released it on time. With all the delays, CZ will have gotten a whopping half year of play time when the vastly improved CS:S is released. Was it worth the wait and the money? Be honest.

do i need to ask who should be laughing now?
The people that paid full price for a slightly updated version of a 4-year-old game as soon as they could get their hands on it... or the ones that wait and get it for about $10 by the time Valve actually starts this CS:S beta deal? You tell me.

BTW, it's 2AM here. So, good night.
kill-9 said:
I bought Half-Life the day it was released. I've played it through several times, bought and played OpFor, and have been playing various mods ever since. I recommended Half-Life to my friends and family, many of whom went out and bought it. I decided to pass on CZ because it seemed to offer little more than the CS that I've been playing for years.

Ever since the HL2 announcement was made I've kept close track of it's progress, downloading every movie and screenshot available, cursing the hackers who stole the code, and enduring the "September 30" announcement and subsequent delays and disappointment. I've been an enthusiastic fan of Valve since day one.

Now that Valve has an opportunity to reward me and countless others like me, what do they do? They pull this stunt to try to wring out a few more $$$ from us. Lame. I'll not be buying CZ just to play the CS:S beta.

Flame away.
You got 2 games 5 years ago.What do you think Valve owes you?. CZ is far better than cs.16 and now showing "real support" to valve has given CZ owners a nice little treat.Not only does this give the chance for non belivers to grab cz at a low price and be envolved with the CS-S beta, it also shows CS-S Beta to CZ owners what i think in Valves eyes are the important"paying" community and gives them a chance play new games early and also try to convince them to get cs-s as well as the very possible CZ-S
I'll pay the $20-ish to play the CS:S beta. It's so worth it after all of this waiting.
VALVe's attempt to squeeze as much money out of us before HL2 arrives gotta love it.
OCybrManO said:
The people that paid full price for a slightly updated version of a 4-year-old game as soon as they could get their hands on it... or the ones that wait and get it for about $10 by the time Valve actually starts this CS:S beta deal? You tell me.

but most pple here didn't even pay full price including myself.
check ebay.. u can probably find CZ for a bargin price.

look.. we have been playing CS for free since it released.. so what if it costs a bargin price to own CZ? i think the cost owning HL and having the right to play CS for free at some point has been repaid.. no?

oh well...i know its an arguement i won't win just because of the whole CS vs CZ thing.. i guess we will agree to disagree.
GhostBoi said:
I'm gonna say what I said in the news post comments.

I personally think its worth it get new models, maps, and hostage AI, plus I get to beta test CS:S, not bad for 39.99, not great, but not bad.
yes CZ is worth the money i bought it the day it released
its a good version of CS
And its a great idea to rise CZ sells.
As I said before :
Here's a three good reasons for buying CZ :
1. You'll get to play CZ1.2 with the new special features like the new skins,models and hostages!! :naughty:
2. You'll get to play CS:S BETA!!!!!!!!!11 (probably the best reason ^^)
3. If u want to DL CZ:S in the future I think u'll need to have a CZ copy... well, thats only my thought :rolleyes:
Play4Fun said:
As I said before :
Here's a three good reasons for buying CZ :
1. You'll get to play CZ1.2 with the new special features like the new skins,models and hostages!! :naughty:
2. You'll get to play CS:S BETA!!!!!!!!!11 (probably the best reason ^^)
3. If u want to DL CZ:S in the future I think u'll need to have a CZ copy... well, thats only my thought :rolleyes:
10 characters
Everyone seems to forget the Deleted Scenes though.

Most single-player fun I've had in a long while.
LOL, Venmoch are you joking? Deleted Scenes are complete utter shite. We are talking about a game that game out less than 6 months ago, Compare that with Farcry...

Right back to the issue. How can a CS:S Beta come out BEFORE HalfLife2 ?? Considering it is basically a port of CS:CZ or 1.6 (hope its more 1.6) onto the HalfLife2 engine how do they expect it to run without HalfLife2. Unless they are making the CS:S contain the HalfLife2 engine, which would be stupidly large, for it. Also maybe it is because CS:S requires CZ stuff.

anyway off to bed in a mo
I have to agree, the deleted scenes were fun and showed what the HL engine is capable of in its final, dying years. I don't care if so many people hated them, I originally looked forward to CZ simply BECAUSE they were the deleted scenes. I used to hang out (lurk, anyway) at the ritualistic.com forums where the devs posted alot. They weren't too happy when they found out VALVe decided to redo CZ for the umpteenth time either

I mean LOL. You guys think valve want's money lol. valve wants only do make costumer happy i mean like they think like this all who have buyed cz = supported valve white money they think that they will make the costumer happy for buying the game and they give it to cz owner. And what if all who owned cs whould beta test then the whole world whould have "BETA TESTED!!!!!!" it and "BETA TEST ISENT FOR 180000 PPL??? IT IS JUST FOR FEW NOT SHOULD 1249250105 PLL BETA TEST?. Haha.
Ghoetic said:
I mean LOL. You guys think valve want's money lol. valve wants only do make costumer happy i mean like they think like this all who have buyed cz = supported valve white money they think that they will make the costumer happy for buying the game and they give it to cz owner. And what if all who owned cs whould beta test then the whole world whould have "BETA TESTED!!!!!!" it and "BETA TEST ISENT FOR 180000 PPL??? IT IS JUST FOR FEW NOT SHOULD 1249250105 PLL BETA TEST?. Haha.
What about the people that paid for CS retail when they already had Half-Life because they didn't have a fast internet connection... or the ones that bought multiple copies of HL to be able to play on public servers with their brother/sister/cousin/etc... or the ones that bought all of the HL expansions? I'm not in any of those categories (I only bought HL and OF), but they all support Valve just as much as the "dedicated" fans that bought Condition Zero. Buying CZ doesn't show anything other than the fact that you have money to waste. This is just a ploy to boost the poor sales of CZ... and it's going to work very well. I'll probably get my own copy of it when Valve announces a solid date, but I won't like doing it. :E
arial said:
VALVe's attempt to squeeze as much money out of us before HL2 arrives gotta love it.

Holy shazbot! A company that wants to make profits! call the cops!

Seriously you guys need to think before you post this crap, you don't want CZ fine don't get it no one is forcing you to. Oh what's that you think you're entitled to the CS:S beta? well you're not! so get over yourselves and go buy the god damn game.