CS:S bug or is it me



Hi folks,

I'm new to CS - never played before CS:S and reported a bug when we first had it - first beta. However, this bug hasn't been fixed (I'm not demanding it should be - they are very busy sortign everything out), but I started to wonder whether it was a bug or me.

Basically when you try and setup the controls for CS:S, I like to use the arrow keys for forward, backward, strafe left and strafe right. I've found that within CS:S, you cannot use the arrow keys as they are linked to one thing called Shift. So if I set forward as the up arrow key, shift is displayed. This then means for all the arrow keys you can only use one as it is showing shift - hopefully this explains it well enough.

Is this a default procedure, bug or just life. I don't want to report it again unless Valve have missed something.

Thanks for your help
Its you I think.

I had this exact same problem a little while ago in a different mod. I dotn remmeber what caused it or what I did to fix it. :(

Do you use a logitech cordless keyboard and mouse?
Thanks for the reply. No, I don't have a logitec mouse. I've got a very standard PS2 keyboard (unbranded) and a Microsoft Intellimouse Optical. I haven't experienced this problem in any other game which is why I found it so perculiar.

I'll see if I can spot anything hidden away within CS:S.
I have this problem in doom3 also i cannot use the arrow keys to move forward, back or left & right. I have also read that this is happening to quite alot of ppl playing CS:S.
If you are using the arrow keys in half life or a mod, try copying the part of the config file from that mod that has the arrow keys in to the counter strike config file.

To simplify, if you were using the arrow keys in half life, you would go to your steam/steamapps/account name/half life/ folder (i think) and open the config.cfg file in notepad. You look for a group of keys which would say [bind "uparrow" "+foreward"] without the brackets. (im not sure if its actually uparrow or up or what because im not at my computer) copy the 4 binds with the arrow keys in to your counter strike config.cfg file and delete the old binds and see if that works. It sounds like its just steam messing up.

By the way, are you using an international keyboard layout?

I hope this helps.
That's interesting that you should mention Doom 3 as that works fine for me. I just hope Half Life 2 is okay as I couldn't stand using the w,s,a,d keys. :LOL:
I remember that when it was happening to me, it was happening to em not only in steam games, but also other games like BF1942. Its killing me now I cant remember what was doing it.

For some reason I want to say it was zone alarm that was causing it.
Thanks for the info - I've found the keys:

UPARROW +forward
LEFTARROW +moveleft
RIGHTARROW +moveright

These aren't present in my config.cfg for CS:S at all. I've using a UK keyboard layout, so I guess kind of international for Valve.

Thanks and hopefully this will fix it.
try turning off numlock :)

in rtcw i had it on and i would sprint automaticly it was soo annoying i thought my shift key was broken, but then somebody told me i had to turn off numlock :dozey:

maybe theres something like that in cs to
It's because Valve is punishing you for playing with the arrow keys... unless you're right handed, it's not good. Even then, num keys are better.
wasd all the way. default half life key layout = best combination ever. shits on everything else.