CS:S complaints

Theres no new game modes, no new weapons, no new models(over the beta), persistent bugs, no inferno, no siege, no docks, no estate, about a dozen other maps that should be there arent, and no new content at all when it all comes down to it.

Thats my big gripes. course, I didnt buy it yet(give me a few damn maps first)
Neutrino, I agree with everything you said, cus you rule. Also down to the comment of this is hl2's multiplayer "Woo and yay". This is nothing more then a hyped up CS, I KNOW thats all it was ment to be, but for something thats ment to be hl2s mutliplayer, It should of done better. What a shame.
Homer said:
Theres no new game modes, no new weapons, no new models(over the beta), persistent bugs, no inferno, no siege, no docks, no estate, about a dozen other maps that should be there arent, and no new content at all when it all comes down to it.

That's because it's just CS 1.6 PORTED TO THE SOURCE ENGINE.

Do you understand now?

By the way hostages are not tall, the mappers just screwed up and placed 'em a bit higher than the ground level, as someone previously said, they're hovering above the ground.

And Guinny, have fun waiting we'll enjoy the "beta" in the meantime.
CB | Para said:
That's because it's just CS 1.6 PORTED TO THE SOURCE ENGINE.

Thats my point, the game is nothing new. If you will notice when they release a new ut game they usually ADD stuff. Thats why cs:s is a rip.
thats not true... for me anyway

sure - new guns etc would have been nice... but they can always patch stuff in.. like shields in 1.6

On a whole i love cs on an updated engine. The new granades are awsome - more americas army style. Guns seem a bit less accurate - also good (and annoying at times hehe). And you seem to have less hp without it being one shot kill

I dunno - when i first loaded it i thought - gee, nothing new... Pretty, but nothing new. After going through some of the more detailed levels like office - its really good. The engine seems to run nice with high details and such....

My basic recommendation, as was recommended to me, if you love classic cs.. this is for you. Very cool on the new engine. If you are looking for a totally new game, new maps, new everything.. Go buy a new game
Illegal Amigo said:
Also, there are patches of ground in the water. If you jump off the bridge at the wrong spot you'll be injured.

dude....your JUMPING OFF A BRIDGE...into like 2 foot of water....of course your gona get hurt dumbass
dont like the lack of skins and maps. will probably be fixed in an update soon.
Homer said:
Thats my point, the game is nothing new. If you will notice when they release a new ut game they usually ADD stuff. Thats why cs:s is a rip.

if u were expecting a whole new game ur just dumb.

but i do think they could add more maps etc. because see how old normal cs is and it really doesnt have that much maps.
look at ut2004 it has 100 offical maps or something and from ut2003 to 04 it added 50 or something!

i do think its stupid they didnt add all the models and the hitboxes still lagg behind the player?? i dont get it why they released it already they should have fixed atleast those hitboxes!!! why the hell was the beta test otherwise?
The Good - CSS is fun, looks and runs great.
The Bad - "Bounceing" off things like file cabnets gets annoying
The Ugly - Its no replacement for hl2 multiplayer. Lack of maps, lack of player models.

Rawr, my sum up
Homer said:
Thats my point, the game is nothing new. If you will notice when they release a new ut game they usually ADD stuff. Thats why cs:s is a rip.

Well yeah but you have to see this like more of a patch than a new game, because that's essientially what this is. Besides they didn't promise us any new features or weapons or anything, we all knew what to expect ;)
I only have a few minor problems to complain about here. Not enough maps, the shadow glitch, and NO CHICKENS!!!
Anyone else notice that the water in Aztec does not reflect like it shows in the CSS Bink? I've got my water reflections set on all, and it works 100% in Chateau, but not Aztec.
Can someone post pic of reflective water please? My video card isn't good enough for it I guess, so I'd like to just stare at some pics of it for a while.

Also, is there a way I can force my video card to show the damn reflections?
Illegal Amigo said:
It's not a beta, smacktard.

try to add bots, and see what cs:s "says" about itself. it's still a beta. but basically i paid for hl2, not for cs, so i won't complain.
Steam = The magic of automatic updates..

Let's not start flaming CS:S like all the other people flaming CS1.6 after each update. You know "OMgZ ValVE! TIS UPdaTE IZ TeH SUX0rZ!" and then 2 weeks later everybody's happy again..

My guess is: 2 weeks from now, everybody's happy. I'm already happy though.
I just hope people make lots of good funmaps as soon as the map editor is out otherwise I'm just gonna get bored of CS again.

After playing Doom3 the graphics don't wow me at all which is a bummer. I even made better water in D3. Hopefully HL2 won't hold back on the maps as much so the engine is really shown off.
My biggest complaint about CS:S is how bad I suck at it!

Granted, I only played two or three games of CS on the old engine and I have had only a couple hours of practice on the new engine, but man! I figured I should get a kill every once in a while.

I guess I am going to actually have to work to get better. (sigh)

The players seem to be ok for the most part. I have already played with people that seemed way too good, and ones that spammed the chat with racial slurs, and then I even had one guy offer to buy me a weapon since I was broke.

All in all it was pretty damn fun.

Dang, I think I'm hooked.
CB | Para said:
Well yeah but you have to see this like more of a patch than a new game, because that's essientially what this is. Besides they didn't promise us any new features or weapons or anything, we all knew what to expect ;)

well its a damn nice patch then :p

i wish more games had patches like this ;)
dude....your JUMPING OFF A BRIDGE...into like 2 foot of water....of course your gona get hurt dumbass -- Bodhi

The level design of Aztec was made with the idea that you could jump off and get to the where you watned to go quickly. That wasn't realistic, but it was part of the level design.

Not to mention arguing realism in a game where you can not only survive gunshots to the face, but be able to instantly run away and continue fighting unhindered doesn't make much sense.
I'm not liking the fact that most of the maps seem to have been made a lot darker

This isnt just "a patch" or "cs 1.6 ported to the source engine". This is supposed to be HL2s MP component, and it just doesnt live up to it. I sure hope HL2s grafics will be better than those in CS:S - Low res face textures (hostages, theyve covered up the players models! :p), bad water reflection (flawed - use spectator mode and play around in some map with water). "Sloppily" made maps (alot of small cracks and glitches and "getting-stuck-at" points) where you cant really interact with the "oh so holy" havoc engine. A barrel? A bottle? Pffft... I guess they trashed the E3 concept in the year.... 200x... When the nice man in the background said "sounds like wood, breaks like wood, scrapes like wood"... Or something like that.
To me this looks as if valve is trying to ride the "community wave" and wait for modders to make all the good stuff. Show us some good stuff valve!

Again, IMO, so I should be immune from 1-3-year-olds (and 4 if Im lucky).
Well HL2 isnt even released yet so I 99% sure that this isnt the complete full version, im sure there will be many updates but i think they are just trying to get it out of the way for now to make room for the release of hl2
Neutrino said:
(Disclaimer: Yes I realize I purposefully took screenshots of bad areas and this doesn't represent the entire game. The reason I did this is to demonstrate that it was rushed and needs a lot more polish in many areas.)

Could stand to use the smooth tool a bit more:



CS1 brush geometry:

CS1 brush geometry:

Could of atleast used a different stump than the one in the original:

CS1 brush geometry:

Slightly better than CS1 brush geometry, but not by much:

Nice rock:

Looks worse than the original:

For some reason this is a physics object and thus players can not walk over it:

Why is their a car muffler in the middle of a chateu that appears to be inaccessable by cars?:

Here's some more issues I have with it:

- Why is practically every surface as shiny as a mirror? Last time I checked old wood, weathered stone, dirt, and grass aren't exactly highly reflective surfaces.

- The fact that they used cubemaps for the reflections often leads to really strange effects. For example, I walked into a room with a tile floor. In a dark hallway I somehow see a bright reflection of these arches that are not even visible from this hallway whatsoever. Does not look good.

- The shadows of physics objects just clash with everything else in the map. I hate seeing a barrel that is sitting right next to a dark wall casting a strong black shadow directly away from the wall. Again, does not look good.

- The physics just suck. Valve, please take note of the fact that barrels do not hit back. Atleast not when you're sober.

- Let's see what else....10 foot high hostages, a 60 year old hostage sounding like a 15 year old kid, random and often inappropriate models strewn all through the maps, and....well I guess I'll stop there for now.

(Note: Not saying it is horrible. I'm just saying it was rushed out the door without nearly enough time spent on it.)

And there we have it folks, the official muliplayer to Half-Life 2. Woo and yay. :hmph:

*please commence flaming* :)

^ That was a good post, Neutrino. Yeah, there are a ton of stuff like that in CSS, but VALVe will most likely be getting it better. Think about it. They are trying to screw up Vivendi by releasing a game prior to half-life 2 being released. It's a big game of chess, and the games are the pieces. If VALVe can release a game (In this case CSS) this early, it shows the engine (And, respectively, Half-life 2) are complete - Forcing Vivendi into a tight spot about the Gold date. Now, onto the thingumy-bob:

- The physics just suck. Valve, please take note of the fact that barrels do not hit back. Atleast not when you're sober.

Hehe, I laughed at that. Anyway, that's a physics decision by VALVe, purposfully, because players could effectively get stuck in one (Due to a physics bug, perhaps?), and VALVe could add this in another release when they get the server-side/Client-side physics nailed. But if barrels are indeed (To my knowledge, correct if wrong) client-side. If somehow the maths get screwed on someones client, then a person could be standing in mid-air. And there are a lot of packets to be sent for making every moving thing server-side.

- Why is practically every surface as shiny as a mirror? Last time I checked old wood, weathered stone, dirt, and grass aren't exactly highly reflective surfaces.

Yeah, this "could" be that VALVe were showing you what capabilities their engine had. After-all, it could be removed in a later patch - When potential 'Source' customers have viewed it. Just a thought.

- Let's see what else....10 foot high hostages, a 60 year old hostage sounding like a 15 year old kid, random and often inappropriate models strewn all through the maps, and....well I guess I'll stop there for now.

Yeah, that's because they are about 2 foot off the ground. the map was most likely rushed, and.. Hostages spawn like that. Still, could be fixed in a patch.

- The fact that they used cubemaps for the reflections often leads to really strange effects. For example, I walked into a room with a tile floor. In a dark hallway I somehow see a bright reflection of these arches that are not even visible from this hallway whatsoever. Does not look good.

Yep, happens to me to. Will, again, probably be fixed.

Ok, now to all the people who want "more gamplay modes" put in. And like poeple say, it's 1.6 (Condition Zero, Too) ported over. Counter-strike 2 will probably have more modes.

Besides, why would there be 30 Terrorists running to a flag which a lot of CT's are contolling? huh?

hope that answers a lot of questions...
dekstar said:

Whoa, thank you for actually understanding what I wrote and responding to it in an intelligent manner. Much appreciated as most people just seem to go off on wild tangents complaining about me complaining or something.

Anyway, yes I do agree with you that most of this stuff can be fixed and probably will be. It's just my personal view that I don't like the policy of releasing a rushed game and then fixing it later with updates. I don't know, it just doesn't seem right to me when they want my money for it now. Not to say I don't enjoy the game, just don't agree with Valve's methods.

I am, however, really looking forward to the custom maps that will surely be made for it. Ever heard of guy called 3D mike? He made de_survivor, de_predator, and cs_bikini among others. Truly amazing what he managed to do with the HL1 engine and I can't wait to see what him and others like him can accomplish with the HL2 engine.

To respond to one of your points specifically, I'm rather curious about the reasons for the current state of the physics. I haven't tried another multiplayer game with physics in it yet. Does Farcry have the same problem I wonder?
Just looking at the pictures...I like the atmosphere of Office and Italy a lot more now. Maybe my personality is just a little dark...but I like the shade of the dark blue skies instead of the bright baby blue ones from vanilla CS.
FYI Farcry has almost no physics in MP. No barrels, nothing. The players ragdoll when they die and thats about it. The vehicles have some too, but nothing like CS: S.
seinfeldrules said:
FYI Farcry has almost no physics in MP. No barrels, nothing. The players ragdoll when they die and thats about it. The vehicles have some too, but nothing like CS: S.

Hmm, that's surpirsing. Thanks for the info.
How can you get the console up I keep tapping ~ and nothing ;(
"LOOKING", it's not the "~" key (Not for me anyway), it's the "`" - the one under "esc" in the top left of your keyboard (QWERTY only i'm afraid).

Yeah, Neutrino, as far as I know the physics are all client-side, which does indeed present problems when everyone has to view them the same. If, say, barrels were indeed mountable (Sorry, that seems like an inuendo, doesn't it... Ok, now it does), and one mathmatical error on someones computer occured, then he could be viewing someone floating in mid air. And making everything server-side only creates the problem of major latency increase when some stupid fool throws a grenade at a pile of crates and barrels.

I kind of went into too much detail there, didn't I. Sorry.

Anyway, I do agree with you that VALVe didn't have to release an unfinished Counter-strike: Source just to get back at the company they are sueing/is being sued by. they should handle it in court, where we, the dedicated customers, aren't caught in the crossfire. But that's corporations for you.

I'm not going to complain for now, hoping that VALVe bring it up to our standards very soon indeed.

Oh, one last thing:
You said earlier that the floors had the wrong lightmap thingumies (e.g. The light was shining into walls, away from light, etc.), well, that could be, "could" be because when VALVe made level lightmaps, they, or their engine, couldn't support the amount of lighting the is created in the level (e.g. The main sun light source, then the seperate indoor lights), and so they had to dumb it down to very few light sources at all. If you look at the level Havana, and you go around all the incredibly shiny floors (Very shiny for a ruined, dust ridden house, by the way - Wonder what floor varnish they use), and you stay looking the exact same way, then look outside the way you were looking inside, I bet you would see the sun out there. could be because VALVe decided to only use the outdoor light source for their indoor lightmaps. Just a thought I had.

And thank you for calling me mature enough not to flame you. I'm only 15 :D.

And you are cool for not flaming the game altogether, or going off on some rant about everything and how VALVe suxzorz.

Edit: Blimey! I wrote a lot! If only my English Essays were as interesting as this!
I admit, The game is fun.. Sure i suck, but its still fun! The only real problem I've had is the damn physics with tables.. What the hell is with the table in Italy (The one thats in the room right after the window the CT can jump into from there spawn) I ran into that thing expecting to atleast be able to move it, maybe knock it into the little pathway.. The thing moved ME. Its stuck on a spring or something I tell ya!

And I agree with the game being over shiny.. They could make the ghetto look like all they did was wax and buff it all day :/

i was messing with some friends and i realized that the ragdolls are different on every comp... when the body is dead and someone shoots it sometimes it will stay on your comp but on theirs it will still move and itll look like theyre shooting at nothing.
they should just take the server side physics out of cs:s. who needs barrels anyway?
I think that the way objects like buckets manage to push you backwards is kinda strange.
Has anyone noticed that all or most of the weapons are backwards??? The rifles have the bolt on the LEFT side of the gun. And the ejection ports on the assult rifle and smgs are on the left as well. The brass ejects to your left - infront of you! Real guns don't do that. I know it definately looks cooler, but its anything but realistic. And with the dual pistols, they are mirror images of each other. I suppose it took too much effort to make a different model for the left one.
To xrikazen:
VALVe ahve released an unifnished game. Are you part of the official "Steam powered" forums? In which case, you can join in the discussion there to change those things (There are about 10 threads on the inaccurate weapon subject). VALVe is more likely to listen on their official forums, then on this site. And anyone who says VALVe don't listen to their suggestions, are basically stupid, because if VALVe didn't, it would be another generic Unreal Tournament. I hear what you're saying and agree, and think you should take it to the official forums.

That goes for everyone else.



damN you !!!!

-bad physics
-double shadows when objects are off ledges
-shadows plain suck
-Most most ARE DARK ececpt dust and dust_2 office is. OK
-10 foot tall hosties...AND YES THEY ARE TALL!!
-the trashcan in office is not working properly ( you can push it in any object no physics)
-no shadows on projection screen in office (source ..PPFFT ..we could get shadows on that screen back in the 90's)
-SAME nade buy picture from 1.6 (new nade = old pic) weird
-Players die with EYES OPEN.. hosties die with eyes closed ..

Iam going to stop there here are three pics....2 of them are bugs the other one is our pesident :p
Bad physics - Right. You mean the fact that you get pushed by barrels and whatnot. Ok, when the SDK comes out, you go and edit all the barrels, boxes, crates - Anything that reacts to the physics in Source - Server-side. Yes, then make a dedicated server. You throw a grenade into a pile of barrels and :O a lag spike! amazing, who would have thought that would happen!
Everything about the physics is client-side, which means YOU can play better on your connection. Who cares if you can't stand on that barrel, all it does is make you more open to attack anyway.

Shadows plain suck - Ok, how do they suck? Not one instance in Counter-strike: Source have I seen the shadows "Sucking".

Most levels are dark except dust, and Dust_2. Office is o.k. -
Ok, but what if that's VALVe compensating for the fact that nightvision doesn't work well in the levels. Or that there is no use for them. It could have been from people like you saying the levels are too bright in the first place! Or, gosh, it could have even been something like realism. Sometimes places are dark, you know.

Blah blah:
Players die with eyes open... Hostages die with their eyes closed... -
Ok, but have you thought that if you got shot in the head in real life when you had your eyes open, they would stay open. That could happen you know. Hostages don't die first time either (Even when shot in the face), so they have time to shut their eyes. Maybe.

- More sense than a rich americans wallet -